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NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13

04-18-2008 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by badatmath
Durrrr has already played way more hands with PH than anyone who's posted in this thread.

Originally Posted by DayTripping
Durrr puts in about $19,000 to win the $4,600 that is in the pot. This is like rookie players at the micro-stakes levels shoving with any pair regardless of the chip stacks or blind levels. If anybody besides an online hero does this he would get ripped to shreds by the same people who are calling this play "standard."

Maybe I'm crazy but I tend to believe that poker is all about picking your spots. If you guys think that TT in the third hand of a tournament against a tight pre flop player who was limp-re-raised you is a good spot to risk your tournament life, I wish all of you the best of luck in your poker careers. You are going to need a large dose of it.
1. If you think Hellmuth is only doing this with JJ+ then you're playing right into his hands.

2. If Hellmuth is only doing this with JJ+ then it's ridiculously exploitable.

3. This is the heads-up portion of Hellmuth's 10th bracelet win in 2006. Does a tight pre-flop player limp almost every hand pre-flop?

Question for you and everyone else who thinks Durrr's play is so horrible: If you're in his spot, what do you call with?
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-18-2008 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by tailspin4540

1. If you think Hellmuth is only doing this with JJ+ then you're playing right into his hands.

2. If Hellmuth is only doing this with JJ+ then it's ridiculously exploitable.

3. This is the heads-up portion of Hellmuth's 10th bracelet win in 2006. Does a tight pre-flop player limp almost every hand pre-flop?

Question for you and everyone else who thinks Durrr's play is so horrible: If you're in his spot, what do you call with?
it doesn't matter if you guys think Phil played the hand bad. Everyone (including you) would have known he had AA even if they didn't show the damn cards.
Even if Phil played it bad, and even if it is "ridiculously exploitable", that doesn't justify Durrrr's horrendous all in reraise. Everyone knows Phil plays aces like that. If you think it's exploitable, then maybe Durrrr should have played accordingly.

Durrrr didn't call, he reraised all in. Maybe he could have just called. then he probably would have won anyways since Phil wouldn't have bet all in on the flop and Durr probably would have called or pushed and caught the 10 on the turn.

But the all in was still horrible. Stop trying to justify Durrrr's bad play by saying that Phil is "ridiculously exploitable" playing hands a certain way. In my eyes, all this does is take more credit away from Durrr as a player b/c he didn't adjust to a huge hole in Phil's game (in your opinion)
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-18-2008 , 10:17 AM
2. If Hellmuth is only doing this with JJ+ then it's ridiculously exploitable.
If by exploitable you mean that you can fold everything less than KK, then yeah, I guess its pretty damned "exploitable".
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-18-2008 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by PLO8FaceKilla
the nut-huggers are the ones i like to bash. Pathetic losers with no lives who juggle his balls in their mouthes on a daily basis.
"Not that there is anything wrong with that"

The kid actually said to Phil after the hand, nice hand or nice game so was at least trying to be civil, then PH started to berate, he whines like the school yard bully who has been getting away for king hitting little kids when one of them finally smahes his face in. He of course then goes and dobs the other kid in to the teacher !

I am so sick of the PH whiny little biatch, insecure "I am the greatest talk" and then in the same line "I need insurance in case the 20% variance I expect goes against me"...........seriously the dude has major issues

The kid came across poorly in the way he "fought back" but he is like 21 or so afterall and at least he gave PH some medicine..................better than sitting there and having the big fat ****** telling you "You can't spell poker".

If the kid is gay, so what !

Doubt if hand was gonna end any differently if Tom just smooth called cause I see a check bet call flop or check check flop, bet raise reraise all in type set match baby !
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-20-2008 , 05:35 PM
anyone else notice durr's eye's (ie; his pupils)....feel free to discuss.
im just sayin'
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-21-2008 , 07:35 AM
Durr's play was questionable at best, but in some nasty dark secret part of my soul I knew that 10 was coming........
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-21-2008 , 08:31 AM

NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-21-2008 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by CRUDEFINDER
Durr's play was questionable at best, but in some nasty dark secret part of my soul I knew that 10 was coming........
LOL at this whole post.
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-21-2008 , 06:00 PM
What's the name of the song playing just after Durrr bust Hellmuth?
The one with the violins.
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-23-2008 , 04:15 AM
Do you really think Phil's gonna limp-reraise with less on hand 3
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-23-2008 , 04:41 AM
Am i the only one cringing when Leann Tweeden announces a player's name with alot of "esses" Like Vanessa Rousso? Vanetha Routho.
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-24-2008 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by 80sSynthPop
Not only on national television, but at the "FEATURE TABLE"!!!

Seriously, Hellmuth is probably folding everything but AA & KK here! Dwan could 4bet all-in with 22, show it (were it allowed, LDO), and Hellmuth would probably still fold AK. Phil's not gonna take a chance at gambooling away his time in the spotlight. Before the match he even made some lame-ass comment about how he wants to win this championship to "prove himself to America". He's not taking a coinflip here, like ever.
I would tend to agree with this. That's the problem I have with the play by Durr. Nejad said Phil could very well be trying to push the youngster around, but he doesn't play like that. I don't think it was a horrible call, but slightly more likely to be wrong.
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-24-2008 , 07:41 PM
Face it Durrrrrrrr got lucky. If he does that 10 times he will lose 9 of those times I would much rather face a guy who I know will take that risk in order to satisfy some internet poker machismo then someone who might actually learn his lesson after the 5th time. Just because makes more money seven tabling on the internet than someone who plays 10 hours at the Bellagio doesn't mean that he is a better player. History will judge that.
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-25-2008 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by Kongsgaard
What's the name of the song playing just after Durrr bust Hellmuth?
The one with the violins.
The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony

Video here
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-27-2008 , 02:38 PM
I also noticed that after Dwan puts the Bellagio chips on the table, it looks like the dealer absent-mindedly reaches over and counts those as part of his stack.
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
