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NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13

04-15-2008 , 02:13 PM
can anyone link me to a vid of the hu match with durrr vs phil helmuth? cant find it on pokertube or youtube
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-15-2008 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Shizzle12345
can anyone link me to a vid of the hu match with durrr vs phil helmuth? cant find it on pokertube or youtube Segment 2 is the match.
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-15-2008 , 02:36 PM
HAHA, thnx for Hellmuth - Dwan link. Funny!
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-15-2008 , 03:01 PM
jesus christ phil is a cry baby, just say nice hand and move on. HEY I WOULD NEVER PUT IN MORE THEN 3k WITH TENS OMG I MADE QUICK RERAISE SO I LOOKED WEAK. how the hell did he ever get so far, that guy whines after every single beat. i could understand if he did after he takes 5 or 6 beats in a row, he can whine, but come on. he just sounds like my average 5/10 fish bitching i get it in with my 15 outer after i suck out.
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-15-2008 , 03:44 PM
is pushing allin with TT against a tight player who just reraised you, with a starting stack of over 60 bb standard in headsup play?

and if it is, live play offers you a read of the opponent here. if he thought Phil looked weak. wp.

if they agree to a (series of) live headsup match(es) Durr will get slaughtered imo.

no offense. just my opinion.
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-15-2008 , 03:52 PM
Posters who think this thread has gone > 2 pages are 255% more likely than other posters to believe that durrr played poorly. imo.
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-15-2008 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by john voight
pretty sure phil soul owned him on that 1 hand.
Really? I thought Phil got lucky, looked at his hole cards and found that he had been dealt AA in the third hand of their match!

Phil had already told Durrr that he limps alot and seldom folds. It makes sense that Phil would need to limp reraise Durrr when he got a respectable hand, or else Durrr would be raising every time Phil limps. I think that there are plenty of hands that Phil would limp-reraise Durrr with and most of them he would fold to a push. Obviously there are 4 hands that Durrr would not want to be against, though Phil might lay down JJ to a push (which would make Durrr look like an absolute genius). I kinda think that Durrr just had to expect some sort of move from Phil since Phil always says that online players are too aggressive and even on the first hand Phil automatically assumed that Durrr was just being aggressive and raising because Phil had limped (until Durrr gave him a free look). Could Phil really afford to limp-fold every time he had the button? Is Phil the sort of player that will happily let his opponent dictate the action and limp-call or limp-fold every button?
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-15-2008 , 04:21 PM
Phil Ivey flatcalling second nuts and not losing more vs nuts was awesome.
He misplayed that 34 2 pair hand though. Raise 2 pair on a drawy board phil!
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-15-2008 , 04:22 PM
Is it that it's Phil Hellmuth, or does this Dwan kid not make eye contact with anyone? Maybe they need to set up a mock computer LCD (and mouse) for him during the next round if he doesn't know where to look.
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-15-2008 , 04:25 PM
Matusow knocks out durrr anyway.....
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-15-2008 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Timmehhh
Phil Ivey flatcalling second nuts and not losing more vs nuts was awesome.
He misplayed that 34 2 pair hand though. Raise 2 pair on a drawy board phil!
Imagine how good Ivey will be once he reads your book!
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-15-2008 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
Pushing TT heads up in a tournament structure is 100% standard.

If you disagree, you are wrong.
Love to hae u heads up
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-15-2008 , 08:25 PM
i always thought it was kind of peculiar when every single durrr micro-stakes nuthugger on this board would say "standard" when this hand was brought up.

A few replies like that were fine, but then it seemed like something was a bit off.

Sure enough, we see the match and Durrrr said "standard" and it all becomes clear to me.

The nuthuggers were just juggling durrr's nuts in their mouths one more time. That's all.

If Durrrr would have said "taquitos" when Hellmuth asked him to admit it was a bad play, every nut hugger on here would have replied "taquitos" when the 1010 vs AA was discussed.

Phil set him up and had him destroyed, and Durrr snuck by, by the skin of his nutsack, which ironically enough, many of you are now sucking on.
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-15-2008 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by PLO8FaceKilla
i always thought it was kind of peculiar when every single durrr micro-stakes nuthugger on this board would say "standard" when this hand was brought up.

A few replies like that were fine, but then it seemed like something was a bit off.

Sure enough, we see the match and Durrrr said "standard" and it all becomes clear to me.

The nuthuggers were just juggling durrr's nuts in their mouths one more time. That's all.

If Durrrr would have said "taquitos" when Hellmuth asked him to admit it was a bad play, every nut hugger on here would have replied "taquitos" when the 1010 vs AA was discussed.

Phil set him up and had him destroyed, and Durrr snuck by, by the skin of his nutsack, which ironically enough, many of you are now sucking on.
u almost made it without putting nuthuggers, ball juggler or any variation on manipulating the scrotal area in general. 13 words in has to be some kind of endurance record for you.

also what is taquitos and when can we expect more of this crap?

jeez try to get over this hand
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-15-2008 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by jwc529
u almost made it without putting nuthuggers, ball juggler or any variation on manipulating the scrotal area in general. 13 words in has to be some kind of endurance record for you.

also what is taquitos and when can we expect more of this crap?

jeez try to get over this hand
well tell them to stop juggling his balls in their mouths just for one day, and maybe ill stop
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-15-2008 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by didonk
best play of the show imo: the 1700 river bet by that girl VS phil ivey.... when she missed everything and was reaching for chips to bluff, i looked at the potsize and said to my brother sitting next to me "if she bets too big like close to potsized phil is gonna probably snap this one off"... then she went and bet the ammount ivey thought she bluffed with a few hands earlier.... pretty impressive

That girl had some nice game.

She also bet quickly whether she had the nuts or was bluffing.

I think she just got rattled after that AA vs KK hand.

NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-15-2008 , 11:10 PM
The thing that started it (IMO) was Phil calling durr "son". durr knew that he sucked out on him, and he wasn't going to give him crap, but if you call someone "son" in that tone of voice you're lucky you don't get a mouthful of knuckles. Them's fightin' words. /redneck
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-16-2008 , 02:29 AM
that girl that played Phil Ivey has a nice rack, check when she gets up to shake Phil's hand at the end. I'm pretty sure she was hawt for Phil too :P
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-16-2008 , 03:38 AM
Nah, she's from Greensburg, Indiana. They don't have folks like Phil Ivy in Greensburg. Phil Hellmuth, maybe.
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-16-2008 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Lottery Larry
Are you saying that any hand that PH would reraise with here, on national television, could not be followed by the trademarked Pokerbrat genius fold?
Originally Posted by exec771
Yup, and even if we were to assume Hellmuth only does this limp/rr with AA-JJ/AK, he still makes hero folds probably folding JJ,QQ,AK to Durr's shove making the shove +EV...
Not only on national television, but at the "FEATURE TABLE"!!!

Seriously, Hellmuth is probably folding everything but AA & KK here! Dwan could 4bet all-in with 22, show it (were it allowed, LDO), and Hellmuth would probably still fold AK. Phil's not gonna take a chance at gambooling away his time in the spotlight. Before the match he even made some lame-ass comment about how he wants to win this championship to "prove himself to America". He's not taking a coinflip here, like ever.

Last edited by 80sSynthPop; 04-16-2008 at 10:36 AM. Reason: Say "FEATURE TABLE" in that booming "Voice of God", plz
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-16-2008 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by DN_has_to_be_gay
Matusow knocks out durrr anyway.....
and we all know the respect that the internet railbirds have for the mouth.

the excuses for durr are remarkable.

simply put the shove by durr was HORRIBLE.

the percentage of hands that hellmuth will fold after he re-raises is dramatically less than the amount of hands he folds after a raise.

how is it that every move that an internet "pro" makes gets 732 excuses on these boards yet when a live player does something similar it's as if thats their judgement day.

mike the mouth eliminates durr in the second round.

tv time for internet pros looks pretty bad .. imo.

keep practicing kids.
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-16-2008 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by JDesab
and we all know the respect that the internet railbirds have for the mouth.

the excuses for durr are remarkable.

simply put the shove by durr was HORRIBLE.

the percentage of hands that hellmuth will fold after he re-raises is dramatically less than the amount of hands he folds after a raise.

how is it that every move that an internet "pro" makes gets 732 excuses on these boards yet when a live player does something similar it's as if thats their judgement day.

mike the mouth eliminates durr in the second round.

tv time for internet pros looks pretty bad .. imo.

keep practicing kids.
I'm pretty sure people would be defending it just as hard if it had been Juanda or Cunningham or Kenny Tran or (...) in Durr's place.

Someone like Jamie Gold shoves tens because ZOMG PAIR!! Someone that knows Phil, has history with Phil, & understands Phil's calling ranges shoves for a lot of reasons, all of them valid imo.
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-16-2008 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by JDesab

tv time for internet pros looks pretty bad .. imo.

keep practicing kids.

To be fair....Matusow did suck out....his A5 Vs AT I believe....mike hit a straight.

all in pre.
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-16-2008 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by 80sSynthPop
I'm pretty sure people would be defending it just as hard if it had been Juanda or Cunningham or Kenny Tran or (...) in Durr's place.

Someone like Jamie Gold shoves tens because ZOMG PAIR!! Someone that knows Phil, has history with Phil, & understands Phil's calling ranges shoves for a lot of reasons, all of them valid imo.
Durrr lovers will always defend him no matter what kind of move he makes whether it is bad or good. This was just a horrible move this early in the match for all the reasons above that 80sSynthPop and JDesab mention. Let's be realistic here, Durrr made a bad play but it happens, are people that naive to think that there "god" can't make a mistake?

i think durrr needs to work on his trash talking though, PHil did act like a prick after but seriously is that a shock to anyone. I would have liked to heard a line like "but phil, i can't even spell poker" or if he was going for the full internet lingo something like "LOL phil, that was completely standard IMO"
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
04-16-2008 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by sneaks619
Durrr lovers will always defend him no matter what kind of move he makes whether it is bad or good. This was just a horrible move this early in the match for all the reasons above that 80sSynthPop and JDesab mention. Let's be realistic here, Durrr made a bad play but it happens, are people that naive to think that there "god" can't make a mistake?
Nice, I just leveled myself.

I was actually pro-shoving but didn't really get that across in my post. My point was that Hellmuth's limp-3betting range was way bigger than his all-in calling range; in that he's folding everything except AA & KK here and it's not a bad spot to try and push Hellmuth around.

But really, at the end of the day, the only person that can say whether it was a bad play or not IS DURRR. Maybe it was a mistake, maybe it was part of an overall strategy based on history w/ Phil. Point is, we're not going to be able to decide it on an internet discussion board. (But we can have fun trying, amirite??)

Last edited by 80sSynthPop; 04-16-2008 at 01:04 PM. Reason: Clarity
NBC's National Heads-Up Poker Championship - First Round - Clubs/Spades - 4/13 Quote
