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LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights?

07-31-2008 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Jimbo

In no manner can the casino be sued for slander (libel is written) since all they did is relay information provided to them.
Actually, the slander would be whatever Browne said to the casino about the BIL that got them to toss him. I think the BIL suspects that she made something about him in order to get security to take her concerns seriously. If so, she might be liable for slander. If what she said is in a report, that would be useful information for BIL to have.
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
07-31-2008 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Nootka
Actually, the slander would be whatever Browne said to the casino about the BIL that got them to toss him. I think the BIL suspects that she made something about him in order to get security to take her concerns seriously. If so, she might be liable for slander. If what she said is in a report, that would be useful information for BIL to have.
Why edit my post when I also explained why the psychic couldn't be charged with slander either, well perhaps charged but surely never a conviction in a million years. I included that in my post so this very discussion could be avoided.

LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
07-31-2008 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Jimbo
Why edit my post when I also explained why the psychic couldn't be charged with slander either, well perhaps charged but surely never a conviction in a million years. I included that in my post so this very discussion could be avoided.


I didn't edit your post.

And I don't see anything in your post about whether Browne could be liable for slander.

Not that you would know whether she could, since you don't know what she said to the casino. But this wasn't really my point. I was just pointing out a possible motive for BIL to want a report re: the incident.
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
07-31-2008 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Nootka

I didn't edit your post.

And I don't see anything in your post about whether Browne could be liable for slander.

Not that you would know whether she could, since you don't know what she said to the casino. But this wasn't really my point. I was just pointing out a possible motive for BIL to want a report re: the incident.
Originally Posted by Jimbo
I posted the definition of disturbance earlier:

a. The act of disturbing.
b. The condition of being disturbed: "The forest . . . is in various stages of disturbance. Only the biggest trees . . . have been left standing" Alex Shoumatoff.
2. Something that disturbs, as a commotion, scuffle, or public tumult.
3. Mental or emotional unbalance or disorder.

Now for slander:

slan·der (slndr)
1. Law Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation.
2. A false and malicious statement or report about someone.

In no manner can the casino be sued for slander (libel is written) since all they did is relay information provided to them. To believe the psychic was not disturbed flies in the face of the evidence since she allegedly reported the incident to security, proving she was disturbed.

In short as I wrote earlier any private business can ask anyone, not in a protected class, to leave their premises for any reason, period.

The above is the full post from which you only quoted the bolded portion. If I must elaborate further only the psychic knows if she was "disturbed", if she reported a disturbance how can she be liable for slander. Additionally it must be proven that it harmed BIL's reputation as well as being false.

LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
07-31-2008 , 05:26 PM
Congrats to RS for mastering the multi-quote function his first time out.

"Forget it, Jake. It's the Excalibur.", was one of the most awesome lines ever posted on this forum.

Originally Posted by alydom
I hear what he's saying...but I would excpect a "clear thinker" to utilize his free time in more productive way than trying to stop Sylvia Browne.
How about the homeless? Or the Third World Countries with starving children? But you have chosen to set up shop to stop Browne? Clear thinking....debatable?
Heh, guy tries to help people, and is put down for not helping a different set of people--most likely by someone who's not helping anyone, anywhere.
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
07-31-2008 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
Congrats to RS for mastering the multi-quote function his first time out.
I wasn't even aware there was a multi-quote function until you said that!
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
07-31-2008 , 06:47 PM
Sylvia vs. OP, HU4rollz.

I'll stake the psychic.
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
08-01-2008 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by Jimbo
In no manner can the casino be sued for slander (libel is written) since all they did is relay information provided to them.
For the record, I am not interested in suing the casino, or Browne. I am just interested in what she said, because it more than likely is yet another lie, which I would write up for my site.

In short as I wrote earlier any private business can ask anyone, not in a protected class, to leave their premises for any reason, period.
Is "fat white guy" a protected class? Probably not. In Vegas, we're the majority...

Originally Posted by fishyak
Well, judging from his lengthy response, it certainly looks like by starting this thread, I unintentionally provided my BIL with an evening's entertainment!
I must admit, it's the first time I was ever accused of being one of Elton John's boyfriends...

But, better than entertainment, I got a lot of good info out of the thread.

Originally Posted by alydom
I hear what he's saying...but I would excpect a "clear thinker" to utilize his free time in more productive way than trying to stop Sylvia Browne. How about the homeless? Or the Third World Countries with starving children? But you have chosen to set up shop to stop Browne? Clear thinking....debatable?
I address this on the site's FAQ page:

Originally Posted by My FAQ Page
Q: Aren't there more important issues?

A: Certainly. World hunger, the environment, the economy, finding cures for cancer, AIDS and many other diseases... the list goes on and on.

But I think you'll find that there are already many web sites out there devoted to those issues. This was an issue which had not been aggressively addressed, and I decided to fill that void.

We all "pick our battles." If you wish to put together a web site on what you feel is a more important topic, I would encourage you to do so. But I think we fight best on behalf of causes for which we feel a passion. And making the evidence about Sylvia Browne available to those who need it is a cause for which I feel very passionately indeed.
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
Congrats to RS for mastering the multi-quote function his first time out.
Well, I use it a lot over on the aforementioned skeptical forum.

Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
Congrats to RS for mastering the multi-quote function his first time out.
Sometimes I abuse it.

Heh, guy tries to help people, and is put down for not helping a different set of people
Not the first time, won't be the last. But thanks.

Originally Posted by zerocarb
Sylvia vs. OP, HU4rollz.

I'll stake the psychic.
Actually, it's Sylvia vs. OP's BIL. Me.

I'm in.

I'm already in.

Again, thanks all. And, just so there is something vaguely related to poker in the thread, some of you might get a kick out of my first web site, where I displayed a few of the decks from my collection of unusual decks of cards:
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
08-01-2008 , 04:16 PM
The world needs people taking up for the edge causes. Y'all have seen Penn & Teller's BS program on Showtime, right? They've turned this sorta crusade against stupidity into a side career. P&T make no bones about what they're doing on stage... they're entertaining us. Folks like Sylvia are trying to prey on us.

And there are laws in place that actually attempt to protect the public from charlatans like Sylvia when they venture into certain fields. We're protected from people trying to peddle unregistered, unregulated shares of stock, and banking is regulated, we're protected from many forms of graft and rigged gambling, we don't see very many medicine shows anymore, etc. Sylvia just happens to work in a niche where she gets away with this crap.

The world needs radicals on both sides to show us where the middle is. I despise the Sylvia Browne types of the world, and do admire that RSL has taken up the cause, but I myself am generally content to be a couch potato and laugh at the moronic simpletons that let themselves be taken in. But then when I get taken I'm left to ponder how that happened and kinda wish somebody like RSL had been around to say "hey, wait."
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
08-01-2008 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Cry Me A River
Some people enjoy putting scammers out of business.

Yeah, I know, people are funny...
Thank god somebody said it. LOL at all of these posters who think OP's Brother-in-law is a bad guy. I wish all people were so evil.
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
08-01-2008 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Jimbo
Why edit my post when I also explained why the psychic couldn't be charged with slander either, well perhaps charged but surely never a conviction in a million years. I included that in my post so this very discussion could be avoided.

Chief Nit,

One is almost never "charged" with nor "convicted" of slander in America. Slander is largely a civil claim, at least in the good ol' U S of A.

Now please stop tarding up another good thread.
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
08-01-2008 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by niss
Thank god somebody said it. LOL at all of these posters who think OP's Brother-in-law is a bad guy.
I never said OP's BIL was a bad guy...I think he is a Kook. But as bav said, the world also needs Kooks (you did say that bav, didn't you?)
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
08-01-2008 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by niss
Chief Nit,

One is almost never "charged" with nor "convicted" of slander in America. Slander is largely a civil claim, at least in the good ol' U S of A.

Now please stop tarding up another good thread.
If you felt nitty you should get it correct, you are being charged with slander when a civil suit is brought against you. I suspect that you are also "almost never" incorrect.

LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
08-01-2008 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by alydom
But as bav said, the world also needs Kooks (you did say that bav, didn't you?)
Well, no, not in that post, though I certainly can find a way to apply it to this discussion. Neither Sylvia nor RSL are "kooks". Sylvia is just peddling snake oil to distraught, ill, hopeless, or uneducated people. She's more crook than kook 'cause I don't think she really believes what she's selling. RSL is apparently a person with time on his hands who has picked out a windmill, the destruction of which he thinks will make the world a tiny bit better place.

I have a certain soft spot for the folks with a missing child or facing other such events driving them nearly insane who give in and fall victim to the likes of Sylvia... that's not "kook". And if the Forrest Gumps of the world want to believe, that's again not "kook".

The kooks are the educated, otherwise intelligent people who have the capacity to know better, and who are without significant desperation pushing them to seek even highly implausible solutions to their troubles, who choose to believe Sylvia.
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
08-01-2008 , 07:03 PM
Boy do I love watching people call out that con artist, Sylvia Browne on what they are really doing. Great website Robert.
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
08-01-2008 , 07:20 PM
I don't think she really believes what she's selling
I dunno. People lie to themselves all the time about all manner of stuff. Many people believe their own bull**** totally and completely. Why would this be any different?
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
08-01-2008 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by fishyak
Edited by fishyak.

It went straight to ban. It wasn't a whale that wanted to get rid of my friend, it was a performer of whom my buddy has been publicly critical. They, buddy and performer, wound up meeting publicly in the casino, but without any confrontation or disturbance. My buddy is a nobody. The name is not.

Since my buddy was there, not gambling, not card counting, and was with his wife who witnessed this, everybodies read is wrong.

I want that report.
You will get nothing and like it. Casino says your friend is not welcome then he is not welcome. If he goes on property again he will be charged with trespassing. YOUR FRIEND HAS NO RIGHTS. NONE...NADA... ZILCH.
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
08-02-2008 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by alydom
I hear what he's saying...but I would excpect a "clear thinker" to utilize his free time in more productive way than trying to stop Sylvia Browne.
How about the homeless? Or the Third World Countries with starving children? But you have chosen to set up shop to stop Browne? Clear thinking....debatable?
For you and others, I'm going to suggest some high level reading, Steven Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Successful People. In that book Covey talks about working with your "circle of influence" versus working within your "circle of concern." While we are all concerned about the homeless and starving children in Darfor,etc., without a Bill Gates sized checkbook, how much real influence can we have on those problems? I suggest that small charitable efforts in these areas is the REAL jousting with windmills because your $10 check will not meaningfully change any outcomes on these mega-issues.

Instead, Covey suggests focusing your efforts on your "circle of influence" which is often your personal conduct, to have a meaningful impact on an issue, large or small. RSL started in this work when his mother's church was being affirmatively ripped off by a woman engaging in my aforementioned "affinity fraud." His internet detective and website skills coupled with a non-confrontational documentary style + admittedly bullheaded persistence brought facts to light about this person that sent this con artist packing to her home court, Austrailia and New Zealand. Both insiders and outsiders, including the FBI, lauded this earlier work by RSL. It is something he is good at.

Now for chapter 2, RSL is genuinely outraged at Sylvia Browne's behavior. Given that Slyvia Browne knew him on sight and reacted as she did, can there be any doubt that RSL is having a meaningful economic impact on the problem by working within what he does well, which is within his circle of influence and within the reach of his limited resources. Also, did you notice that Syvlia Browne is powering up her "Farewell Tour?"

I'm not good at the multi-quote function, so I'll just quote youtalkfunny: "Hey, guy tries to help people and is put down for not helping a different set of people, most likely by someone who isn't helping anyone, anywhere."

RSL is not, as some have suggested, just jousting with windmills here. He is working within his skill set and resources to have a positive impact on issues that are very meaningful to an admittedly limited set of people that probably doesn't include you. However, can you say that your personal efforts to solve a social problem big or small, has a positive, provable impact? I think RSL is getting a lot of impact BANG for his buck. No windmill there. Anyone wish to withdraw the stones they've thrown?
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
08-02-2008 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by zerocarb
Sylvia vs. OP, HU4rollz.

I'll stake the psychic.
Myself and many others used to play poker around Reno with this professional psychic. The guy even had a radio show and impressed lots of people with his psychic ability. I can't remember his name. He was an extremely loose and losing poker player. When asked how a psychic could lose in poker he said "for some reason it doesn't work in poker."
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
08-02-2008 , 04:44 PM
Random tangent:

Is BIL religious? Do you tithe?
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
08-02-2008 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by fishyak
I fold to Elbow's allin. He has the nutz.

I appreciated RR's response.

To many other reponders, read Elbow's references and then look at your own inaccurate speculations. You'll see why I found many to be less than helpful and clearly your desire was NOT to help and/or answer my original post.
Well, I was gone for a week. It's excellent to see Elbow's great detective work, especially after your gratuitous rudeness towards those who gave you completely accurate info. Anyway, I reread my posts - no speculation, just sound analysis and good advice. If you read them, then you learned quite a bit in a few areas where you were somewhat ignorant.

By the way, you're welcome.


Originally Posted by frommagio
Well, the truth behind the incident probably lies in the details that you can't offer yet, and probably some that you don't even know about. And one man's enjoyable evening in Vegas is another man's disturbance. But please be aware that casinos don't really like to toss out paying customers without good reason. You might want to direct a few pointed questions to your friend.

In general, the casino is a private establishment, and if they don't want your buddy's business, they don't need to take it. He's got no "license" to be there, and if they tell him not to be there, then he's trespassing if he goes anyway. If they're not excluding him for some illegal reason, e.g., a specifically protected status such as race, religion, or a physical handicap - then they're in the clear. If they're excluding him because he's annoying somebody important, perhaps another valued customer - well, that's just fine. In fact, that's just good business.

Queries from the news media, your friend's attorney, or anybody else aren't going to get anywhere unless the incident involved somebody's specially protected status. The "Freedom of Information" act applies to inquiries into the government.
Originally Posted by fishyak
Since my buddy was there, not gambling, not card counting, and was with his wife who witnessed this, everybodies read is wrong.
Originally Posted by frommagio
Well, it looks like my read was right, at least as far as it went. Seems like there was a good reason, but your buddy might not like it.

The name performer ran into a person who has been critical of him in pubic. That might interfere just a little bit with his enjoyment of the engagement at that casino. A major disturbance, from the perspective of casino management. Anyway, that's giving the best possible spin to your buddy's behavior.

Your buddy doesn't like the performer, and the performer doesn't like him. That means your buddy isn't welcome at that casino. And your buddy can tell all his friends not to invite that performer to their events, either. But if I was your buddy, I wouldn't be following him around to any more casino engagements - at least not to places where he might like to visit again.

Why does your buddy want to see this guy's performance anyway, given that he doesn't like him? Never mind, it's rather curious, but it doesn't really matter.

Anyway, now you don't need a report.
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
08-04-2008 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by bav
But then when I get taken I'm left to ponder how that happened and kinda wish somebody like RSL had been around to say "hey, wait."
"Hey, wait." Glad to help. (Thanks, bav)

Originally Posted by niss
Thank god somebody said it. LOL at all of these posters who think OP's Brother-in-law is a bad guy. I wish all people were so evil.
No, according to Browne, I'm Nasty. (thanks, niss)

Originally Posted by alydom
I never said OP's BIL was a bad guy...I think he is a Kook. But as bav said, the world also needs Kooks (you did say that bav, didn't you?)
Just curious: why is trying to help people, and to stop smoeone who is ripping people off, "kooky?" I'm not offended, I just don't understand the logic.

Originally Posted by obsidian
Boy do I love watching people call out that con artist, Sylvia Browne on what they are really doing. Great website Robert.
Thanks, obsidian.

Originally Posted by ReptileHouse
I dunno. People lie to themselves all the time about all manner of stuff. Many people believe their own bull**** totally and completely. Why would this be any different?
I see what you're saying, but even if Browne started out like that, I find it hard to believe that she is still fooling herself after decades. Possible, I suppose.

Originally Posted by mickeycrimm
Myself and many others used to play poker around Reno with this professional psychic. The guy even had a radio show and impressed lots of people with his psychic ability. I can't remember his name. He was an extremely loose and losing poker player. When asked how a psychic could lose in poker he said "for some reason it doesn't work in poker."

Yes, whenever someone asks Browne why she didn't foresee certain things in her life (such as her multiple failed marriages), she says "I can't be psychic about myself."

I agree with that statement, because she can't be psychic about anyone.

Originally Posted by supafrey
Random tangent:

Is BIL religious? Do you tithe?
As I say on the site in a few places, I am agnostic, meaning that I do not claim to know whether or not there is a god or gods, goddess or goddeses. So no, I do not tithe.

My wife is a Christian, and donates to her church, but nowhere near a tenth of her income.
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
08-04-2008 , 09:50 AM
This thread was stupid at better by the craziness of the facts that came out....and now is just hanging on. This has nothing to do with poker...

Mods...Lock it up!
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
08-04-2008 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by alydom
This thread was stupid at better by the craziness of the facts that came out....and now is just hanging on. This has nothing to do with poker...

Mods...Lock it up!

Alydom, first youtalkfunny slapped you around pretty hard with his "not helping anyone, anywhere comment." You offered no response. Now RSL asks you to explain your "kook" comment. Instead, you want to lock up this thread for everyone. Why? Is it because you can't figure out how to defend yourself against people questioning your position?

A better approach for you would be to exercise your first amendment rights. No one made you click, read, and write. And no one should give you the privilege of preventing others from click, read, and write. This thread will die its own death shortly. If it already has for you, just go away. Stop trying to spoil the fun of others just because you couldn't grab control of this thread with your non-witty remarks. Just because you found out that you suck at kick ball you shouldn't try to get even by asking the principal to lock up the playground.
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
08-04-2008 , 12:48 PM
You are aware this is a poker forum, correct? And this has zero to do with poker, correct?

Maybe your Skeptic's Forum would be a better place for this. Just My Opinion...

I won't be back...carry on.
LV Locals ?:  Buddy got bounced from LV Casino based on false info.  His rights? Quote
