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2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) 2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes)

10-12-2016 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Im curoius about this joeychicago. So this guy is one of the best plo players online in the world? I saw that podcast where he mentioned to some player i forgot who i think it was galfond and another player that he plays only on bovada and the 10/20 plo games and mentioned to galfond how that is small stakes to someone like him. I think he mentioned he was slumming around 10/20plo on bovada.

First off, 10/20 plo is considered high stakes so why does joeychicago mention its like playing low or midstakes? I also believe he mentioned he held the record for most hands played in plo in one day or something like that many years ago. I dont know much about him but would he be considered a very good player if he played plo on stars say now?
It is all relative. 10/20 PLO is highstakes to people like you or me. 10/20 PLO is probably considered low/mid stakes to people who play 100/200 regularly. I'm also curious about joeys PLO skills, not doubting, just curious.

One things for sure, this is the best poker podcast ANYWHERE. KEEP IT UP PAPI!!!
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-12-2016 , 07:18 PM
"i would collude" -jmo 2016

just thought that was pretty ****ing funny
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-12-2016 , 10:05 PM
"Durrr probably wouldn't beat 1/2 HUNL" bang bang.

Joey, intense sauna followed by cold shower followed by intense sauna followed by cold shower etc. Got to make the cold showers cold though, do it gradually over about 60 seconds until you can stand under the cold stuff for a few minutes...then back to the sauna until you can't bear it. The trick is not to leave the saunas too early and not to leave the showers too early. Tough it out every time. Keep it intense. After about an hour of all this I am bomb proof for the rest of the day to the -20 of Canadian winters. Also feel so refreshed. Really really good stuff.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-13-2016 , 03:24 AM
JMO is definitely your best reg guest. Fires SHATS, drops knowledge, and doesn't give a ****. Hope he comes back. Great podcast, guys.

Last edited by COG; 10-13-2016 at 03:33 AM.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-13-2016 , 08:49 AM
Went back and watched the last hour of the sunday sweat, was well worth it. Pittsburgh dude handled it great as well, i was impressed. Good stuff as always.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-13-2016 , 01:28 PM
Hey Joey. Time to have some swedes on. Thuritz or wilhasha. Wilhasha did an interview with a Swedish site this week and was awesome. Not that you do interviews but think it would be a great talk.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-13-2016 , 03:50 PM
Going to be live with BBV/2p2 legend Grimstarr in about 40 mins

Honestly not sure what we will be discussing but I'm pretty sure it should be interesting

2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-13-2016 , 04:23 PM
When you get a chance please get Viffer or Deeb on again
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-13-2016 , 05:38 PM
lol, Grimstarr is actually kinda awesome, loved how he called grimming "gto"
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-13-2016 , 06:31 PM
+1 to h@££inggol
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-13-2016 , 09:23 PM
Keep it up Joey the pods are awesome. Love all of your content, both the old school guys and the current top players like Sauce and WCG are really cool to see in person and hear what they have to say.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-13-2016 , 09:58 PM

Love the pods man, any way you can get the newer ones up on iTunes sooner? Been grinding old ones on my commute and iTunes is by far the easiest way for me to listen. Really enjoying the content after disconnecting a bit from the poker world the last couple years.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-13-2016 , 10:18 PM
very happy to hear about grimstar, bring me memories of my railing days

thank you for the podcast
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-13-2016 , 11:00 PM
Best Jmo pod to date, plz don't let him stop coming on
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-13-2016 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by COG
JMO is definitely your best reg guest. Fires SHATS, drops knowledge, and doesn't give a ****. Hope he comes back. Great podcast, guys.
Word. He's kind of teh asian donald trump. Says it like it is and isnt holding back even when Joseph tries to lead discussion in a moar politically correct context
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-13-2016 , 11:39 PM
and you need to get back on, bro.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-14-2016 , 12:46 AM
Joey the Stapler looked up to you before but you've talked crap/mocked him lots ever since he copied that haircut of yours from a year ago lol and Doug denies telling either you or JMO that Staples talked smack about you 2
care to elaborate on what your beef with Stapler is? and have you ever asked him to be on your podcast?
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-14-2016 , 05:58 AM
The Grimstarr pod was fantastic, Grim is a very good speaker and story teller. GG to both you guys.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-14-2016 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by YaBoyINthe604
Joey the Stapler looked up to you before but you've talked crap/mocked him lots ever since he copied that haircut of yours from a year ago lol and Doug denies telling either you or JMO that Staples talked smack about you 2
care to elaborate on what your beef with Stapler is? and have you ever asked him to be on your podcast?
It is kind of odd that Joey will continuously call someone by a silly name on purpose and then defend them when someone says something negative about them. I understand it isn't mean spirited, but it comes off poorly especially if he isn't cool with it. Joey should have Olivier Busquet on a live, in room podcast and keep calling him Oliver Biscuit to his face, that would be a good podcast.

In all seriousness keep up the hard work, these podcasts are much appreciated.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-14-2016 , 10:36 AM
AltiFC might be a good guest. I think him and Joey would hit it off.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-14-2016 , 11:46 AM
JMO for sure is one of the real G's on the podcast. Laughed several times during the podcast but at the same time I think he's a good spokesperson for what's right and (more so) wrong with today's poker.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-14-2016 , 01:08 PM
Always enjoy the jmo pods. But I'm not down with the Jamie Stapler hate. He's just a kid streaming poker. He's a net positive for the game, why **** on him? He never claimed to be an elite player. Jmo comes off as insecure when he goes off on his "None of the twitch streamers are elite players". Yea no **** thats why they're not streaming high stakes. If they've got an audience good for them. No need to call Stapler fat.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-14-2016 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by MiRee446
Always enjoy the jmo pods. But I'm not down with the Jamie Stapler hate. He's just a kid streaming poker. He's a net positive for the game, why **** on him? He never claimed to be an elite player. Jmo comes off as insecure when he goes off on his "None of the twitch streamers are elite players". Yea no **** thats why they're not streaming high stakes. If they've got an audience good for them. No need to call Stapler fat.
I agree. Honestly he isn't my preference when it comes to entertainment but Jaime always comes off as a super nice guy. My guess is that a lot of the hate (not from Jmo but from other people) comes from envy, they don't think he's deserving of his audience or stars sponsorship (even though he seemed to have earned it himself through acting on opportunity and hard work) or straight up just because he's fat.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-14-2016 , 05:08 PM
I feel it's complete butthurt fuelled hate too. I was randomly watching some HSP streaming on the Twitch channel the other day, made one comment about a hand that was just shown and some guy out of the blue just asks me do I watch Jaime and did I know dude was down this year and was saying how he sucks etc. etc. etc. Like wtf dude obsessed much? Get off the guys d**k. Jaime himself will probably be the first to admit he isn't a GTO poker wizard, but that's not his aim nor his message. He's a super refreshing presence in the poker community and his very happy go lucky demeanour is rather alien in the poker world, something which is what makes Joey a very naturally appealing guy to watch from a content POV too.

My grandfather once told me that if someone is hating on what you're doing or always trying to put you down, then you must be doing something right and I think that's the case here. If the guys giving Jaime s**t were legit and believed what they said then why aren't they exploiting the situation and taking what Jaime has if it appears to be so easy?
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
10-14-2016 , 05:16 PM
I think JMO is right in that losing or bad poker players eventually are going to lose viewer shares to better poker players. Unless you can provide other EV with a unique niche so people aren't really there for the poker. The market has already favored real poker pros like Doug and Tonka before some of the old MTT streams.

With the overlap between Esports and poker I think that new players with a gaming background will look up to the streamers that are considered top players in the game.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
