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2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) 2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes)

08-24-2016 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by Sect7G
Joey I love the work you do and I fully expect a Fantasy Sports sponsorship coming soon to help out in the coming months.
50k fantasy sports patch?

Called it before pod run good converges
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-24-2016 , 01:41 PM
This show is the best poker Podcast out there. Thanks for the hours of Entertainment, Keep up the good work.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-24-2016 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by Senior Yacob
This show is the best poker Podcast out there. Thanks for the hours of Entertainment, Keep up the good work.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk


AINEC - Just thanks!
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-24-2016 , 11:08 PM
From Joey's Twitter: "New Poker Life podcast will be tomorrow at 5pm EST with @4viffer Congrats to him on the birth of his child this morning "

Pumped for viffer, def gonna be a great pod. This part of a spongebob episode I remembered watching when I was a kid was the first thing I thought of when I read this tweet.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-24-2016 , 11:26 PM
did joey say he wasnt playing poker anymore in the galfond podcast. or that he was trying not to?
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 01:56 AM
where do i access this viffer podcast
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by gingersnaps
where do i access this viffer podcast
on twitch or youtube tomorrow...
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by mcc3504
on twitch or youtube tomorrow...
i'm a little slow what do i search for on youtube?
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey
What did you guys think about the DN podcast??? I thought we had a good back/forth about it in the first part of podcast. He has a pretty "good" answer to everything I really think they inject it into his brain
Hi Joey:

So far I've only listened to the first part of the podcast. That was all I could take. But here are some comments.

First, when you say "inject it into his brain" I think this is correct. Specifically, it sounds to me that Negreanu is working off a set of talking points. But the question is how accurate are these talking points? My answer is that they're confused, but not necessarily wrong, but are a distance from being right.

Let me be specific. In my book Real Poker Psychology, which Negreanu has stated I'm not qualified to write, there is discussion on how probability theory, and games like poker which are based on probability theory, can be very counter-intuitive to many people, and I think that's what we have here. They, (and I'll also use DN/PokerStars for they) are correctly aware that something is wrong and we end up with a whole hodgepodge of things trying to fix it, and one of the results that Negreanu seems to imply is that pros just shouldn't make as much money as they did in the past, and you even ask the question as to whether all cash games might disappear in the future.

The correct way to address this is to understand several things:

1. Poker works best when there is a proper balance of luck and skill. This means that the expert players will do well enough in the long run that they'll have a decent long term win rate, but it also means that the recreational players will have enough winning sessions that they'll keep coming back.

2. Low stakes recreational players shouldn't be playing in games that are mostly populated by pros. This will allow them to have more winning sessions which in turn will allow a few of them to graduate to higher stakes.

3. Expert players should have the opportunity to have good win rates. But this should be done by outplaying their opponents at medium and high limits, not by playing a huge amount of hands where their main emphasis is to collect bonuses. And, it will also mean that they won't be playing in games where they win most every time. (Thus I do agree that ending heads-up no-limit games is probably correct.)

Let me give an example. When I first moved to Las Vegas 30 years ago, the most widely played game was $1-$4 seven-card stud. And while expert stud players could beat this game, it had a $4 rake while a game like $15-$30 stud (and $10-$20 limit hold 'em) had a $2 rake. Thus the pro type players were encouraged to move up.

Another idea is that the game of no-limit hold 'em itself is a difficult game to achieve the proper balance of luck and skill. One of the reasons for this is that pots that get played heads-up are much more easily solvable than pots that are played multiway. (That was for you Joey since this is a GTO idea.)

Anyway, it's my opinion that approaching the problem from this perspective should lead to finding solutions much quicker than the confusion that currently exists. And the solutions do not necessarily mean that the pro type player has to give up lots of EV to keep the games going (but he may have to learn games that are different from no-limit hold 'em and the amount of short-term luck that he has to deal with will also go up).

In some ways I can very much see where they (I will use they for DN/Pokerstars) are coming from with what DN is saying but I think it the truth is more on the side of WE WANT TO MAKE AS MUCH MONEY AS POSSIBLE AND ALLOW AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE TO WIN and they found a way to deliver that message to make it sound as if it is some economy stabilization. They have basically said that to us over the past year.
I'm not sure if this is what they are trying to do. But for the sake of argument, let's assume that it is. What will it lead to?

Well I think we would see an effort to create games which were 100 percent luck oriented. That is in the long run everyone would expect to break even except for the rake that the sites collect. Now the pros won't wipe out the recs.

But the problem with this is that the those players who are currently needed to start games and keep games going will be a thing of the past, and this should hurt the bottom line of the poker sites in the long run. Why doesn't anyone understand this?

So the best solution is to strive for that sweet spot which produces the proper balance of luck and skill. This will create an environment where the winning players and the poker site will have the same objective and everyone will work together to create good games. In addition, the recreational players should win often enough to keep coming back, and it also means that the pros will have their share of losing sessions.

By the way, the idea that the pros and the poker site can be on the same side is certainly one of those aspects produced by probability theory which will seem counter-intuitive to many people. It's a psychology of poker idea which is driven by a proper understanding of statistical theory.

I really don't think this can be the only way to achieve some of this economic stabilization and as a professional cash game poker player it does make me incredibly sad that they are killing off my game. I can't even feel good about recommending people play the great game of online PLO anymore most sites outside of MPN refuse to lower the rake in order to allow players to last longer in the games and get more into the games.
Let me give an example of the same sort of thing which I see in the live games at The Bellagio. On the limit side, they have a $4-$8 games with a half kill that goes all the time. They have a $10-$20 game that only goes sporadically. And they have a $20-$40 game that goes all the time.

Notice that this doesn't make sense. Usually in poker the higher limit games is less likely to go than the lower limit game. So what is happening here? In my opinion it's the fact that the rake in the $4-$8 game is $4, and this game is populated by almost all recreational players, so virtually no one who plays in this game is good enough to beat it (in the long run) and therefore no one moves up to play $10-$20. But if the rake was cut in half, the outcome would probably be different and a few players would move up to support the $10-$20 game.

Even worse, many poker rooms in Las Vegas are now moving to a $5 rake. So what you're seeing in your PLO game is happening in many other places as well, and again we have the counter-intuitive idea that if poker rooms would rake less they would have over time more games and thus rake more money in total. Notice again that this would be good for both the pros and the poker room / poker site.

I'm sure the new fun players are losing less at Spin N Gos/tournaments/variations of it compared to 1/2+ PLO/NL cash and with it this way the site will take more per/player and potentially have them playing longer because they will actually win SpinNGos sometimes. From an objective POV I can understand this but I find it incredibly hard to look at it objectively and I'm also not 100% sure that scenario is an accurate depiction of things right now.
The correct question to ask is what is the affect on the balance of luck and skill? I don't know the answer. But I do know that if the balance is tipped too far in favor of luck, the games will die out (because the game starters won't be there) just as if the balance of luck and skill is tipped too far in favor of skill (as it is now).

From this tunnel POV this would allow them to believe they have no incentive to get players to ever play cash games over SPNG+ and it might just be true but it seems pretty wild to think having high stakes games running and nosebleed games doesn't do a ton for motivating players to pay attention to poker and want to play way more poker.
Again, if the SPNG+ don't have the right balance of luck and skill they'll die out as well. As for super high stakes games creating interest in poker, while I agree they can be fun to watch, it has always been my opinion that the real attraction of poker is the game itself, not so much the stakes.

I never thought I would say this but it might be a good time to be a tournament player
This one I'll leave alone.

Best wishes,
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 05:55 AM
NFL hopeful loves the tanks
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 01:59 PM
did viffer podcast go down or get postponed?
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Wealth$
did viffer podcast go down or get postponed?
Joeys twitter says 5 est... so 2 hr 40 min
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 03:11 PM
2 hours!!

2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 04:54 PM
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 05:54 PM
We dont get to see him?
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 06:20 PM
Rägägägäääääggägägähhhhhh aaaaaaaaiii dont know. God my ears are bleeding. Still A+ stuff going on.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 06:29 PM
omg, the new year's eve story is the best degen story i've ever heard, and it's not even over yet
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 07:02 PM
only checked in for a few mins bc i have an exam (resit) in a few hours, but those minutes were **** amazing. def gonna watch asap.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 07:42 PM
"****ing all girls are hookers tho, I mean one way or another you're ****ing paying right?"

2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 07:57 PM
Best podcast ever, can´t imagine what it would have been with Viffer´s webcam
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 08:28 PM
Great pod with viffer. Cool guy
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 09:08 PM
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 09:35 PM
Waited for this one for such a long time and it absolutely delivered! So many great stories, thanks Joey & Viffer!
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
08-25-2016 , 09:37 PM
Complete degen but gr8 for a podcast, omg, they should do a movie off of his life.
2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes) Quote
