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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

08-23-2014 , 12:04 AM
Lots of people do the ice bucket challenge.
08-23-2014 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
I watched with the sound down. Did she curse? Cause otherwise I don't see why it was nsfw?
No cursing. I guess because her top was a little see through?
08-23-2014 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
Arya did the ice bucket challenge, nsfw
Originally Posted by rugby
I'm not clicking on something which labels a picture of an underage girl "NSFW" seems creepy.
I don't consider the video NSFW.

For the record, Maisie Williams is 17 years old (b. April 15, 1997).
08-23-2014 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Hopslam
No cursing. I guess because her top was a little see through?
I guess. Pretty thin to label it nsfw. Only thing people should be upset about in that video is that there was no ice in the bucket, cause I'm getting tired of people doing and ICE Bucket Challenge with no ice.
08-23-2014 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by rugby
The actresses for sanza and Arya shouldn't open their mouths in interviews. It's not that they are really bad or stupid, but it's clear they just aren't very interesting and don't have anything original to say so they are kind of annoying in contrast to the adult actors.

08-24-2014 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
damn girl don't fall
I know. Why the hell were they standing on a ledge? That ice-bucket jump could've had the whole show jacked up
08-24-2014 , 09:31 AM
Ice and water on a ledge of a building. Maybe they should have thrown some banana peels and marbles on the ledge for good measure.
08-27-2014 , 10:13 AM
Anyone seen this Game of Thrones box set Negreanu has?

Around the 0:35s mark
08-29-2014 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Dynasty
I don't consider the video NSFW.

For the record, Maisie Williams is 17 years old (b. April 15, 1997).
Do we know how old she's supposed to be in the show? Is GOT going to fall into the Lost/Walt trap of having an 18 year old play a 12 year old next season?
09-01-2014 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by NotRiggedPoker CEO
Do we know how old she's supposed to be in the show? Is GOT going to fall into the Lost/Walt trap of having an 18 year old play a 12 year old next season?
Lots of characters have been aged-up from the books. So, I think we can say the characters, including Arya, are approximately the same age as the actor,
09-01-2014 , 02:51 PM
Show Arya is 11 years old in the first season
09-01-2014 , 03:03 PM
Sansa is 14 when shes marries Tyrion, so she is under 14 at that point.

Bran is 10 at the start of season 1, I'm assuming she is meant to be older than him?
09-02-2014 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by jwax13
Welp.... It's obvious from these two pictures....

7 crystals

6 crystals
I just watched all 4 seasons (will have more commentary soon) but this post really pissed me off (I removed the spoiler tags that were there, I'm thinking this was is a bookreader?

You cannnot tell there are only 6 crystals in the second photo. You can see 5 crystals, and then you can see two more crystal holders, with where the crystals would be as under her dress. You can't tell a crystal is missing at all, all you can confirm is that none of the middle 5 crystals are missing.
09-02-2014 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by Shoe
You cannnot tell there are only 6 crystals in the second photo.
Yes you can.

Pretty sure the guy who posted got those screens found them somewhere else on the internet. Obviously not an appropriate post to make in a no spoiler thread. We've already been over that though and now all posts have to be approved so no more spoilers.
09-02-2014 , 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
Show Arya is 11 years old in the first season
Originally Posted by Mrtrebus
Sansa is 14 when shes marries Tyrion, so she is under 14 at that point.

Bran is 10 at the start of season 1, I'm assuming she is meant to be older than him?
This some bookish **** here. Where in the show did they ever specify ages of the girls?

It has been said that the ages within The Forbidden are not the same as the ages on the TV show, because underaged sex and all.
09-02-2014 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
This some bookish **** here. Where in the show did they ever specify ages of the girls?

It has been said that the ages within The Forbidden are not the same as the ages on the TV show, because underaged sex and all.
Sansa is asked if she had her first period yet, the answer was no. So, you can pretty much guess how old she is. Unless you think females don't have periods until they are legal age to bang
09-02-2014 , 03:24 PM
That's why I said show arya, she's younger than 11 in the books.
09-02-2014 , 03:25 PM
Also lol if you think daenerys isnt supposed to be underage in the show.
09-02-2014 , 04:51 PM
09-02-2014 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
This some bookish **** here. Where in the show did they ever specify ages of the girls?

It has been said that the ages within The Forbidden are not the same as the ages on the TV show, because underaged sex and all.
Your quoting this:

"Sansa is 14 when shes marries Tyrion"

And asking this:

"Where in the show did they ever specify ages of the girls?"

The answer is this:

"when shes marries Tyrion"

To be more specific, the wedding night, Tyrion asks her age.
09-02-2014 , 06:13 PM
I'm 100% certain daenerys is not underaged in the show because we got to see boobies. It's illegal to act out child porn even if the actress is of age.

You might be right on Arya's age. Do we know how much time has passed from S1 to now?
09-02-2014 , 06:42 PM
Every "Show only Wikis" put her at 15 on the show, at the start of it with Khal-Drogo, etc.
09-02-2014 , 06:45 PM
Shannon Elizabeth's character was 17 in American Pie, for example...

(sorry Im not used to be unable to edit, due to this thread's rules)
09-03-2014 , 08:46 AM
Also, the character Karen on Shameless was still in high school when the actress who played her got naked on the show.
