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Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration

02-05-2014 , 01:27 PM
I decline to participate in your version of reality.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by attentionnoone

I have the data available but I won't be around today, this will continue tomorrowish maybe the next day

I'd like to know how RJ got the 900 though. Where did she come up with the number? Did she get it from me? Did she get it on her own. Was she taking my word for it or was she keeping track too?
I assume this means you are now unwilling to let any third party, especially those who have offered, audit the data independently. No one is going to care or give any weight to an "audit" you do in your own, without third party review of the raw data.

Josem, would a Stars representative be allowed to confirm whether or not the data request was even made, if Jeff posted his permission here?
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by citanul
Josem, would a Stars representative be allowed to confirm whether or not the data request was even made, if Jeff posted his permission here?
I don't understand what you're asking here.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Josem
I don't understand what you're asking here.
If Jeff gave his permission for Stars to tell us, would Stars say whether or not Jeff made a data request?

Last edited by Doc T River; 02-05-2014 at 02:37 PM. Reason: I'm guessing that's what's being said. Oops, they dragged me back in.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Josem
I don't understand what you're asking here.
He doesn't think Jeff ever even requested the audit, and wants to know if Stars is allowed to come into this thread and confirm that "Yes, he requested an audit and we sent it to him." or "No, he never requested an audit."

Last edited by McG_STL; 02-05-2014 at 02:37 PM. Reason: slowpony
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
I decline to participate in your version of reality.
post of the thread, obv.

I'm stealing this RJ. dunno when or where, but when I do it's gonna be worth it.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
The number is correct, I don't miss ****.

Originally Posted by attentionnoone
wow I'm sorry because I think you are totally right, I was using my emails to do the analysis and last night I did get the feeling that you sent me more than I thought. I knew there was a 200 that I should have had but I don't have it.
Originally Posted by attentionnoone

OK. I believe you. I am missing transaction records. Had a feeling I was last night when I didn't see the 200.
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
OK I'm going to pay nicole the 900 ASAP

She's right and I"m wrong. I'm missing transaction records. I used emails and some of them have to be missing.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 03:24 PM
i read enough obv. this person claims he went thru all data.

which means it can be posted

post or ghost whats it gnna be

also why are all the scammers named jeff

for now I contribute to google

Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 03:33 PM
PokerStars won't email one player's audit to another player. Instead, the audit is hosted on the PokerStars server, and the login/access details are sent to the owner of the relevant account.

The owner of the relevant account can then share the login/access details to the underlying file on the PokerStars server - by hosting the file on the PokerStars server, it prevents anyone from editing/manipulating the file and confirms the authenticity of the fil

I'm going to be sending the link to SA

Would anyone else like to volunteer to do the audit?

It'd be good if there were two people to independently verify
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 03:36 PM
I"m going to send the link to two people, SA, and another volunteer who's done player audits before, and then I'm going to post all correspondence between RJ and I.

Also want to know if anyone but me ITT has been infracted for using real names.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by McG_STL
He doesn't think Jeff ever even requested the audit, and wants to know if Stars is allowed to come into this thread and confirm that "Yes, he requested an audit and we sent it to him." or "No, he never requested an audit."
Basically, yes. I wanted to know if Stars would confirm that an audit was requested *if Jeff explicitly stated here that he gives Stars permission to confirm.*

Obviously if SA actually receives a link and DLs the audit, this would confirm that the audit was requested.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 04:02 PM
I did request the audit

Feb 1


Where can I get a player audit for the player Unreal_Zeal from the period 12/10/10 - 4/15/11?

Jeff Bennett
Thank you for your email.

We have reviewed your audits for the period of time requested and it seems that you did not play any tournaments or ring tables. Therefore there is no audit for that period of time.

Let us know if there is something else we can help you with.

Thank you for choosing us.


Fabian B
PokerStars Support Team
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 04:02 PM

Dear Pokerstars

I would like to request a full audit of my play from 10-4-10 to 4-15-11

Sincerely Jeff Bennett
I thought that the first reply was the data but hadn't opened it yet. Just got home and sent the above. Need one more volunteer.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 04:03 PM
Jeff -

What? That is super mysterious. Can you explain? Did you play during that time period? Did you play on one of your other accounts? Is Stars mistaken? Please clarify why that response from Fabian doesn't confuse you.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 04:11 PM
Hello Jeffrey,

Thank you for contacting PokerStars.

It is a pleasure to help you.

Please find attached your playing audit for the period requested. Please allow a few minutes in order to open the file.

If you have any other question or request, feel free to email us back at any time. We will be happy to help you.

Thank you for choosing PokerStars.


Gabriel D.
PokerStars Support Team
We are poker!
I just forwarded this to SA, need one more voluteer
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 04:14 PM
I grinded it back up to -80 from -500 after the bubble debacle, no payout this week but i will get out of makeup this week and hopefuly show a profit...we have to do another week coz i'm in makeup


From: Nicole
To: Jeff Bennett <>
Sent: Thu, February 3, 2011 2:46:36 PM
Subject: Re: First review

What is the MU BTW?

On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 2:45 PM, Nicole wrote:


I would like that too, especially given the bull**** it's going to take for me to reload on stars now.

Goddam echecks being down.

On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 2:30 PM, Jeff Bennett <> wrote:

thanks nicole...i'm going to be doing 6max's and some plo tourneys, and only the profit on mtt's, really want to get us back in the black

From: Nicole
To: Jeff Bennett <>
Sent: Thu, February 3, 2011 11:06:42 AM
Subject: Re: First review

Well you know I'd be lying if I said I was thrilled and you're right, you should have asked before you played cash. No cash from now on.

I'm in DC for a medical appt so will ship when I get home.

Be advised that Maryland is one of the states where PS shut down checks so me getting money on is hampered right now. I'm going to try to find someone on 2p2 I can send money on paypal and they can ship me on Stars.

Stick to the plan, man. Maybe you should wear a rubber band and snap your wrist every time you want to spew off.
On Feb 3, 2011 10:06 AM, "Jeff Bennett" <> wrote:
> Oh forgot to mention that I'm at 85% of my $50 bonus so we have that to work
> with too, only takes about 3 days to clear i said i'm going to do
> 6maxes exclusively and use FPP's and bonuses to make T$ for mtt's
> ________________________________
> From: Nicole
> To: Jeff Bennett <>
> Sent: Mon, December 20, 2010 5:12:45 PM
> Subject: First review
> I didn't see much here I would do different. A few minor things....
> Hand 8 (J8s in the BB) - I'd just fold there. Early tight is right, at least in
> STT theory. Pot odds are sexy, though.
> Hand 10 (KQo OTB) - I'd consider betting the turn to get value from worse kings
> or second/third pair hands, but I like the turn check for balance.
> Don't have hand numbers on the next few...
> 10-15 from the end, 87s in the SB, big stack raises. Probably at least consider
> jamming this here.
> 6-7 hands from the end, K3o in the SB. No idea what you were thinking pre here.
> I would never complete here. Jam or fold, baby. Jam or fold. Or complete to
> jam any flop.
> That's really all I saw, everything else looked pretty standard to me. Too card
> dead or weak to call a lot of the other short stack jams, and running your AJ
> into AK is just a cooler there, I'd jam AJ in that situation every day and twice
> on Sundays.
> I think you consider pot odds as an overriding factor, and there are certainly
> times it is, but I think I tend to play a little more stack preservation, at
> least early, which is why the J8s is a fold for me unless it's a deep stack
> tourney. I don't think you really get enough chips to play around much in STTs,
> and since each chip in your stack is worth more than each chip gained at this
> stage, I play very standard ABC poker early in STTs. I could have called there
> with any small to medium PP (set mine ldo), and probably flat called with AK or
> AQs, and reraised QQ+. I'm a tighter player overall than you, though.

Last edited by JL514; 02-05-2014 at 04:36 PM.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 04:15 PM
eah, STTs sound like the way to go then, and I have any belief you are telling the truth. It tends to go this way sometimes, you just can't win no matter what you hold.

By my calculations (based on amount transfered from me to you - amount transfered from you to me - the $500 of the new stake that you just got) this puts on you 113.76 into MU. Let me know if your figures come out any different.

Technically this is the last week of the stake as well, right? We should probably talk about that too.

GL today and the rest of the week. STTs and SGNs, man. MTTs are just too high variance for a small roll.

On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 8:19 AM, Jeff Bennett <> wrote:

hey nicole...sorry but i went bust...i lost every race, i'm not speaking figuratively, i mean i did not win a single race...not one...i lost 3 in one game and it was a turbo!, i made some sick reads and hero calls early and had a huge stack and it all evaporatd before the bubble on lost races...i think it wass somewhere around races 14 in a row that i lost, but i stopped counting after awhile

i played a set of 6max and in one i had a huge chip lead but had to race a couple of times and lost them both, then unfortunately ran AKs into A5o...i'm convinced stars either rigs it or it's just a flaw but the bigger ace almost always loses for soon as i saw his 5 i had a gut feeling it would hit the flop and it did

anyway, i think we are down now because my account is bust except if i cash in the 11 i'm playing now...if you want to re-up i'm going to concentrate on 6max stt's the tourneys have too much variance in them...they are exasperating

I had the chip lead today in the $8 turbo, the big one that pays about 4K with 60 guy shoves 8bbs, call by CO, I shove TT, CO folds, lose to QJo, then I shoved AQo and ran into KQs to my chagrin...that's the only one i was able to cash in....except for a min cash in the 4c, and i only min cashed coz i stopped paying attention to it and timebanked late

I had a really rough go of it this week i think i made a mistake in a couple places, but for the most part i just either got no cards, or lost to a worse hand

I think i'm going to only play one set per day of tourneys and go back to playing stt's full time, I feel very comfortable and in control in those and right now i'm feeling lost in mtt's...they are treaturous...i made about 250 in stt's this week but lost all of that and more in mtt's
From: Nicole
To: Jeff Bennett <>
Sent: Sun, December 12, 2010 10:19:04 AM
Subject: Re: Staking

Jesus dude. Horrible beat but congrats on the FT. And yeah I haven't seen so many horrible ****ing river cards in a single span in a long time.

I'll talk to you online later today.
On Dec 12, 2010 2:34 AM, "Jeff Bennett" <> wrote:
> Mother ****ing poker stars...all week I've been having to deal with the damn
> ring dealing out a bad ****ing river card this one cost us 1K
> the setup: villain is a huge fish got stuck with cards...he is the most ridic
> calling station you've ever seen, when he peels the flop i put him on the exact
> hand he i have to jam the fricking turn so we can win
> PokerStars Game #54125305804: Tournament #337839669, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No
> Limit - Level XXXVIII (20000/40000) - 2010/12/12 2:24:52 ET
> Table '337839669 25' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
> Seat 2: strandler (1750663 in chips)
> Seat 3: YNPT (371245 in chips)
> Seat 4: xjmeylan (538454 in chips)
> Seat 5: Unreal_Zeal (1077638 in chips)
> strandler: posts the ante 5000
> YNPT: posts the ante 5000
> xjmeylan: posts the ante 5000
> Unreal_Zeal: posts the ante 5000
> YNPT: posts small blind 20000
> xjmeylan: posts big blind 40000
> *** HOLE CARDS ***
> Dealt to Unreal_Zeal [Ac 8d]
> Unreal_Zeal: raises 80000 to 120000
> strandler: calls 120000
> YNPT: folds
> xjmeylan: folds
> *** FLOP *** [8h 2h 6c]
> Unreal_Zeal: bets 200000
> strandler: calls 200000
> *** TURN *** [8h 2h 6c] [3h]
> Unreal_Zeal: bets 752638 and is all-in
> strandler: calls 752638
> *** RIVER *** [8h 2h 6c 3h] [Kh]
> *** SHOW DOWN ***
> Unreal_Zeal: shows [Ac 8d] (a pair of Eights)
> strandler: shows [Qh Kd] (a flush, King high)
> strandler collected 2225276 from pot
> Unreal_Zeal finished the tournament in 4th place and received $647.92.
> *** SUMMARY ***
> Total pot 2225276 | Rake 0
> Board [8h 2h 6c 3h Kh]
> Seat 2: strandler (button) showed [Qh Kd] and won (2225276) with a flush, King
> high
> Seat 3: YNPT (small blind) folded before Flop
> Seat 4: xjmeylan (big blind) folded before Flop
> Seat 5: Unreal_Zeal showed [Ac 8d] and lost with a pair of Eights
> anyway, fourth for 600, so roll is at 700 pfft
> ________________________________
> From: Nicole
> To: Jeff Bennett <>
> Sent: Fri, December 3, 2010 10:47:13 PM
> Subject: Re: Staking
> Ok we'll talk tomorrow. Sorry about all this.
> On Dec 3, 2010 10:43 PM, "Jeff Bennett" <> wrote:
>> damn, wtf, i've never heard of that before but then again, i've never deposited
>> in PS...lolz...didn't realize they only let you transfer won money, how
>> will talk to you tomorrow going to bed right now had a really busy day
>> ________________________________
>> From: Nicole
>> To: Jeff Bennett <>
>> Sent: Fri, December 3, 2010 10:31:44 PM
>> Subject: Re: Staking
>> Limit increase just got approved so once I have the necessary funds won or
>> cleared we can start.
>> I apologize for the delay, I had drained my account recently and just reloaded
>> when we talked yesterday. The only other way I can see to start immediately
>> would be for me to hit a decent score like now or give you cash to deposit in
>> your bank account for you to upload to PS.
>> On Dec 3, 2010 10:24 PM, "Nicole wrote:
>>> Yeah man they have these new transfer rules and limits its pretty
>>> ridiculous. I have a request in to increase my transfer limit (its limited
>>> right now to $300 every seven days and $215 max single transfer) but I'm
>>> also pending fund clearance which takes ten ****ing days now.
>>> I still want to do this if you do but it might take longer to start than we
>>> wanted.
>>> Any thoughts?
>>> Nicole
>>> On Dec 3, 2010 10:19 PM, "Jeff Bennett" <> wrote:
>>>> hey...didn't get your stake money...wasn't sure what happened there...lmk
>>>> Jeff
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: Nicole
>>>> To:
>>>> Sent: Fri, December 3, 2010 10:31:19 AM
>>>> Subject: Staking
>>>> Just as an FYI, I've emailed support at PokerStars since I still couldn't
>>>> transfer this morning. I also requested an increase in my limits so
>>> hopefully
>>>> this will run smoothly. I'm leaving for a couple of hours and hopefully
>>> all
>>>> will be straightened out and I'll get you the stake when I get back this
>>>> afternoon.
>>>> Nicole

Last edited by JL514; 02-05-2014 at 04:38 PM.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 04:16 PM
We should check the histories then, I had you at $1500. The original $400, but you withheld $100 in my profits from the first week so that was a full $500, then two full $500 reloaded. I had you a full 1k in MU.

Per my PS transfer history, I have:
12/14 400 to you.
12/13 150.50 to me. Obviously the date is off there for some reason.
12/20 & 12/29 $500 to you.

If this doesn't tally with your figures let me know.
On Jan 10, 2011 4:26 PM, "Jeff Bennett" <> wrote:
> No I made $ calculations have me at $750 in MU which was paid back, and
> the stake is in profit $667.48 for a chop of $333.74 apiece...that leaves me
> with the original $500 stake...please confirm...thanks....I'm pretty sure you
> were in for $1250 before the week started, but I can check my transfer history
> to confirm
> jeff
> Got your transfer - you made over 1160 this week? Pretty sweet.
> ________________________________
> From: Nicole
> To: Jeff Bennett <>
> Sent: Mon, January 10, 2011 10:07:10 AM
> Subject: Re: Stake
> By my calculations that puts you back to even with 3 weeks to go.
> On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 10:16 AM, Nicole wrote:
> $500 shipped.
>>I believe you are running as bad as you are saying - God knows I've run that bad
>>before - but given the variance in MTTs, which is absurdly high, and the fact
>>that by my recollection you are now 1K into make up (correct, yes?), sticking
>>with an STT grind seems to be the smart play. I'm not overly concerned that you
>>are in makeup, but it's really, REALLY easy to burn $500 in MTTs like it's
>>nothing with no significant cashes to show for it. It's back to STTs for you.
>>On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 11:10 PM, Jeff Bennett <> wrote:
>>sorry nicole i went bust...i made one crucial mistake got to 12th in a
>>tournament with 900K in chips which was 3rd or second in stack and punted most
>>of it away on one hand which i posted in the forum
>>>i'm not really sure it would have mattered tho because i was still left with 64K
>>>in chips and doubled up with 34o when i had to call my next bb, then doubled up
>>>again, then ran KK into AA...
>>>I'm not sure if I've played well or not but I'm starting to see why ppl don't
>>>like staking mtt's...the variance is ridic...I've been losing race after race
>>>after race, including a race on the direct bubble of a SM satty, which cost us
>>>$215 directly...and another one on the direct bubble of an SM satty that cost us
>>>$180 (9th paid $33, 8th $215)...also i continue to lose as the heavy favorite
>>>against the worst ace...i lost to it 3 times in one game today, i've only beat
>>>it about 30% of the time overall, which I believe is a flaw in the PS RNG. Today
>>>I shoved AKs pre flop to a guy who min reraise OOP, he insta called with Q3
>>>suited and won, then i got it in with KJ vs KT and lost...i'm really shocked at
>>>how many times my better hand has lost...yesterday in the 3c, I flat called a
>>>raise with KK OTB vs a limp/raise...the three-way flops was TT3 two clubs and I
>>>have the K of clubs, the limper checked, the OR bet, I call, limper shoves, OR
>>>folds, I call and he has Q2cc and hits the's very rare for them to
>>>miss against me right now
>>>I've also been caught against the better pair time and time again...I am 1-7
>>>with AA vs KK confrontations, including one in the 10c...this one pissed me off
>>>so much...there are only a couple hundred runners in that, and I doubled early
>>>by flopping a straight flush and stacking the donkeys overpair, then bullied the
>>>table to a pretty nice stack...with 30K in chips blinds at 125/250 and
>>>ep raiser who is the only person in the tournament who has me covered makes it
>>>625, another guy shoves for 6K...I shove to isolate with KK, and the OR insta
>>>calls with AA!
>>>so i've been having absolutely horrible luck i also remember a game where I
>>>doubled up early, then raised the button over a limper with 56 suited, flop is
>>>66J two hearts, i bet when checked to...BB shoves, ep limper calls, I call, and
>>>am 60% vs KhJs and 9Thh to become the chip leader but the heart hits...then I
>>>lose AKs to QQ to bust
>>>it's been really tough right now if you refill me i'm going to do what i usually
>>>do with my own roll...i'm going to go back to 6max stt's to make the money to
>>>play tourneys...i've been doing very well in those lately, they are unbelievably
>>>soft imo, but losing all the money in tourneys
>>>also if forgot to mention....hi/lo...haven't won a single hand in that game in
>>>Oh i forgot to mention that i'm at 94.6% of my bonus which i have to get in the
>>>volume by the 31st to's $100 which i'll roll back into the stake
> ________________________________
> From: Nicole
>>>To: Jeff Bennett <>
>>>Sent: Mon, December 20, 2010 10:27:22 AM
>>>Subject: Stake
>>>Since I didn't get a transfer last night/this morning, I assume you finished
>>>down on the roll. Let me know how much you need to get back to $500.

Last edited by JL514; 02-05-2014 at 04:39 PM.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 04:18 PM
Pretty good news, I think. Through a combination of factors, including a couple of short winning SNG sessions myself yesterday, I'm now showing $400 clear to transfer (and with my new transfer limits I can do that all at once, as opposed to over a goddamn month). By the end of next week I'll have another 1K in funds clear, and as soon as those clear I should get approval for a deposit increase so I can put in another 1-2K so that, since you will hopefully be WINNING most of the time, we shouldn't have any more problems.

Do you want to do the $400 right now? Otherwise I could hopefully clear another hundred today or tomorrow by playing SNGs and winning, but then variance potentially kicks in and I could have less than $400 available to transfer.

If I transfer the $400 today we can start immediately but do a prorate for the first week if you think that's best.

Let me know. I'm obviously up already. The damn cat wouldn't let me sleep.


On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 10:47 PM, Nicole wrote:

Ok we'll talk tomorrow. Sorry about all this.
On Dec 3, 2010 10:43 PM, "Jeff Bennett" <> wrote:
> damn, wtf, i've never heard of that before but then again, i've never deposited
> in PS...lolz...didn't realize they only let you transfer won money, how ghey...i
> will talk to you tomorrow going to bed right now had a really busy day
> ________________________________
> From: Nicole
> To: Jeff Bennett <>
> Sent: Fri, December 3, 2010 10:31:44 PM
> Subject: Re: Staking
> Limit increase just got approved so once I have the necessary funds won or
> cleared we can start.
> I apologize for the delay, I had drained my account recently and just reloaded
> when we talked yesterday. The only other way I can see to start immediately
> would be for me to hit a decent score like now or give you cash to deposit in
> your bank account for you to upload to PS.
> On Dec 3, 2010 10:24 PM, "Nicole wrote:
>> Yeah man they have these new transfer rules and limits its pretty
>> ridiculous. I have a request in to increase my transfer limit (its limited
>> right now to $300 every seven days and $215 max single transfer) but I'm
>> also pending fund clearance which takes ten ****ing days now.
>> I still want to do this if you do but it might take longer to start than we
>> wanted.
>> Any thoughts?
>> Nicole
>> On Dec 3, 2010 10:19 PM, "Jeff Bennett" <> wrote:
>>> hey...didn't get your stake money...wasn't sure what happened there...lmk
>>> Jeff
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Nicole
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Fri, December 3, 2010 10:31:19 AM
>>> Subject: Staking
>>> Just as an FYI, I've emailed support at PokerStars since I still couldn't
>>> transfer this morning. I also requested an increase in my limits so
>> hopefully
>>> this will run smoothly. I'm leaving for a couple of hours and hopefully
>> all
>>> will be straightened out and I'll get you the stake when I get back this
>>> afternoon.
>>> Nicole

Last edited by JL514; 02-05-2014 at 04:39 PM.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 04:22 PM
notice that some of these conversations have no starting points, that's because we talked on the phone constantly. In some cases she's responding to voice mail messages I left her. I notified her daily of the progress. We were in constant contact.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 04:30 PM
On the issue of account audit dates, it is possible that the CSR is misunderstanding the dates concerned: only the USA uses MM-DD-YY to refer to dates, the rest of the world uses DD-MM-YY. Obviously, PokerStars doesn't do much business in the USA any more, and hence the possible confusion.

Thus, perhaps referring to dates by writing out the month in full (eg, 5 February, 2014) will avoid confusion.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 04:36 PM
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 10:16 AM, Nicole Rejiester <> wrote:

$500 shipped.

I believe you are running as bad as you are saying - God knows I've run that bad before - but given the variance in MTTs, which is absurdly high, and the fact that by my recollection you are now 1K into make up (correct, yes?),
sticking with an STT grind seems to be the smart play.
I'm not overly concerned that you are in makeup, but it's really, REALLY easy to burn $500 in MTTs like it's nothing with no significant cashes to show for it. It's back to STTs for you.
This is the key point I think. She wanted me to go off MTTs. This is dated Dec 29th, I probably convinced her to stick with some MTTs at this point because you have to stick with them imo. I believe the 1/10 bink for 1200 in the 6max tourney is the one she's trying to free roll me for. I know she actually had action on 1 of the 3 I binked from Jan 9 to march 23. I have no record of me notifying her of any tho, which seems wierd coz I remember that she was in on one of the binks, just not which one but maybe it will come back. I'm starting to think she got back on the MTT after the 1200 bink and got a piece of the 933.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 04:39 PM
One more volunteer to ship the audit to?
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 04:41 PM
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-05-2014 , 04:44 PM
almost every conversation started with the amount of MU I was in. She knew the number the whole time until BF, where somehow it became 0
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
