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Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW)

09-23-2009 , 11:50 AM
All you dumb honkeys shut up

Last edited by kleath; 09-23-2009 at 11:50 AM. Reason: crackers itt
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Jurollo
isn't Karma a completely individual concept. i.e. if you belong to some subset of people, say Germans, Karma wouldn't take into account past transgressions of your countrymen if you weren't born or a part of it. Isn't Karma basically an Indian form of Santa Claus in a sense? Do good things and good things will happen to you (or you'll get better presents/lump of coal)
no not really...this is a very westernized concept of karma, which i believe is what celine was referring to as why suburban white ppl shouldn't talk about karma.

I read a book called 'reincarnation' by manley p. hall once. it did a pretty good job of explaining karma. manley p hall is the ****. also reading the tao before trying to understand karma would prob give you some a better understanding of eastern spirituality.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 12:09 PM
bunch of immature clowns itt
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Axis
bunch of galletas itt
u rite

Last edited by kleath; 09-23-2009 at 12:38 PM. Reason: fkn flowerbag sheep dip hoopie hick mother****ers
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by The Universe
This thread is why I hate the vast majority of poker players and why I can guarantee I will not be playing past my 22nd birthday
I'll bite, what does playing past the age of 22 have to do with the level of immaturity that's been on display in this thread?
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 12:37 PM
Devinr may be a scumm bag stealing ****....then again he may not be....either way I like someone who isn't scared to come into a thread like this and have a response to about everything said.....the kid def doesn't have anything to hide
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 12:40 PM
good entertainment. more plz.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by paz5050
no not really...this is a very westernized concept of karma, which i believe is what celine was referring to as why suburban white ppl shouldn't talk about karma.

I read a book called 'reincarnation' by manley p. hall once. it did a pretty good job of explaining karma. manley p hall is the ****. also reading the tao before trying to understand karma would prob give you some a better understanding of eastern spirituality.
interesting. i never knew much about it, still don't but its interesting.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by theprodigalson
First off Troy I would have you know that i do in fact have a life suprisingly enough. I would actually be well served by having less of one as funny as that sounds. Anyone that knows me would know that my problem comes from being a bit too social. I see the high quanity, and while i still do it a decent amount was in the past, but just because someone plays 30 sngs at once, doesnt really mean that he doesnt have a life persay.

Second Mike how can you bring up me sitting out in all the tourneys? The times i did i either lost connection and went in search of one asap and got it back, or had to run to the bahtroom really quick. Have you ever tried to pee while holding a laptop? Last time i did i dropped it in the toilet and ruined my laptop. So b4 sync breaks i would just leave and sit out in all the tourneys. I think thats more +EV then any other alternative.

Third, where did 6300 even come from? It was never that much, it was somewhere around 5k (slightly more) and it was money that you told me was make up. I got the money and I used it to pay bills at the time. You said all along that it doesnt matter if i send it to you since it is exactly the same thing as make up. But obv you change your mind when you drop me, and now all of a sudden i owe it to you. While i wasnt told to use it like that, you did tell me that it was makeup. I never intended to get dropped, or to lose you money so to me (maybe bad logic) it was of no consequence to use it for bills because i am a winning player and bound to make it back. While i do see the error in my ways, i do not feel that i owe you make up back. In the emails you posted you have to realize the context, you were threatening my family, making posts on facebook about me, getting all my friends aims and talking **** to them trying to alienate me. I didnt want to create drama between my friends that you were living with and you (apparently you did a pretty good job of that yourself) making things awkward so i just went along with it. When you are worried about the safety of the people you care the most about, lying is a forgiveable act. And while it may seem like i am making a mountain out of a molehill, you guys dont realize how stupid this Mike guy really is.

Thats why this is all so stupid and shouldnt be brought to a forum. Because guess who looks good when these things happen? Nobody. We both look like jackasses. And while i would like to pretend i dont care what people think, I do, and losing the tiny bit of respect I may have had from my peers sucks. I am not going to waste my time calling you out, or making you look bad further because you do a pretty damn good job of that yourself. GL with life, crazy punk spoiled kids with an undue sense of entitlement probably will need it.
1. Since when is it so hard to bring a laptop into a bathroom?
2. You confirm how ******ed you are by admitting to dropping a laptop into a toilet
3. You thought it was makeup, yet your message stated that you acknowledge owing me the money and that you would pay me if you ever had the money? That doesn't make sense.. How can you acknowledge your theft and then try justifying it down the road?
4. Who are you to call me spoiled? I was given nothing. I have what I have now purely based on my own drive to succeed. Thanks for thinking things were handed to me though, as if you actually know me.
5. It SHOULD be brought to a forum because you are a horror of a stakee and just about anyone in your past would vouch for you lude and criminal behavior. You are a terrible person and your word means nothing. Everyone should know about this to prevent you ever getting a future stake.
6. You say you ignored me because I was staying with 2 of your friends in Vegas and you say "When you are worried about the safety of the people you care the most about, lying is a forgiveable act." Is that a joke? Lying is OK because I'm a threat to their well being now?! You're out of your mind dude, get yourself checked out because something just isn't firing right up there.

Also, getting your friends AIMs had absolutely nothing to do with you. Julian was in charge of the housing situation and I needed to talk to him about that. FWIW we got along very well up until our problem. Us not liking eachother has absolutely nothing to do with you. I also never threatened your family, no idea where you would get that from.. my issue is with you, not your family. Also, anything I've ever posted on facebook, here, or anywhere, has been nothing but the truth.

Last edited by mobills; 09-23-2009 at 01:20 PM.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 01:46 PM
NSFW itt FFS!!!!
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 01:51 PM
Is this Mike posting as Mobills now? I thought Mobills = Chase but the writing style is definitely Mike/Bustable/JKidd's. Possibly you guys dropped out of the same elementary school. I thought you might have mutiple personalities since one of you clearly has mental issues, but I checked some IPs & that didn't seem likely.

Edit: If you look up posts for "Bustable" on 2p2 you'll see he was banned for wishing death on someone...seriously this looks like the same person writing as Mobills.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Troy Gamble
no i'm just really bored right now and if you look at my posting history you'll see that i've made a lot of random long posts and rants today about nothing really.
Troy why did you take your blog down?
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Steve Williams
Is this Mike posting as Mobills now? I thought Mobills = Chase but the writing style is definitely Mike/Bustable/JKidd's. Possibly you guys dropped out of the same elementary school. I thought you might have mutiple personalities since one of you clearly has mental issues, but I checked some IPs & that didn't seem likely.

Edit: If you look up posts for "Bustable" on 2p2 you'll see he was banned for wishing death on someone...seriously this looks like the same person writing as Mobills.
You, the 30 year old scamming failure, are calling me, a succesful 21 year old, an elementary school dropout..hahaha. Look at yourself. 30, coming to a 21 year old trying to get a stake because you're broke with no job, and then scams him!.. Words can't describe how pathetic you are.
Also, I (Bustable) was banned for posting about a cake prop account for sale. I didn't realize it was not allowed. When signed by CardRunners, one of their head guys is a mod here..he looked into it and saw that I was only warned 1 time, apologized to the mod, and was banned for unknown reasons. He is looking into fixing that for me. Get your facts straight please.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 02:08 PM
ok so is everything settled in here yet?
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by sheetsworld
My chain has a ball attached to it.

I'm married.
ba dum, CHING!
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 04:30 PM
I lived with devinr12. For a long time I considered him a very good friend.

He was resposible for me getting arrested in Copenhagen. This summer in Vegas he told me in detail about how he fantasized about murdering me by sneaking up behind me in a bathroom stall and slitting my throat. I also saw a large red rash on his jock when we roomed together in Utrecht. He did help out a girl in Thailand, fall in love with another "girl" in Macau, and had raw-dog sex with a black prostitute in South Africa (but hey... you can't catch aids twice). In all of my time playing poker across the world I've never seen anybody tilt harder. Those are just a few of endless epic Carter Gill stories. However, the "rape" story NOT true. He is also a pacifist, a vegetarian, and an idealist (although many people may disagree with what those ideals are). In general he is a genuine person.

Although I don't really want to weigh in on this business situation, I can say that much what is said about him is untrue. That means what is true can quickly be lost in the fog with the constant drama that surrounds him.

He is probably one of the most entertaining and fun people to be around that I've ever met. He is instantly likable and endlessly infuriating. Although I don't speak with him anymore I still love the guy and wish nothing but the best for him.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by sheetsworld
If Mobils and Carter will consent to binding arbitration, I will arbitrate the dispute for $500 and we will have an aim chat where everyone can state his case.

If anyone wants a copy of that chat transcript, I will be charging $50 per copy, and will split the proceeds with the the parties.

sheets (switzerland)
How did no one quote this yet? Awesome Sheets.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Billy Bibbit
I'll bite, what does playing past the age of 22 have to do with the level of immaturity that's been on display in this thread?
Nothing really, I just want to quit as soon as possible and yet want to reach my money goal first. But even if I don't reach that I will certainly not play past 22. In short, it's arbitrary; but poker is miserable.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 05:21 PM
Having STD's and continuing (if he is) to have unprotected sex with unknowing partners is extremely scummy.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by silkyjonson
Having STD's and continuing (if he is) to have unprotected sex with unknowing partners is extremely scummy.
And illegal
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by The Universe
Nothing really, I just want to quit as soon as possible and yet want to reach my money goal first. But even if I don't reach that I will certainly not play past 22. In short, it's arbitrary; but poker is miserable.
I always thought quitting poker was impossible?
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by ImaLuckSac
He was resposible for me getting arrested in Copenhagen.
Trip report?
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by mobills
You, the 30 year old scamming failure, are calling me, a succesful 21 year old, an elementary school dropout..hahaha. Look at yourself. 30, coming to a 21 year old trying to get a stake because you're broke with no job, and then scams him!.. Words can't describe how pathetic you are.
Also, I (Bustable) was banned for posting about a cake prop account for sale. I didn't realize it was not allowed. When signed by CardRunners, one of their head guys is a mod here..he looked into it and saw that I was only warned 1 time, apologized to the mod, and was banned for unknown reasons. He is looking into fixing that for me. Get your facts straight please.
Actually I’m 31. In the past 10 years, I’ve been to college & grad school. I’ve also worked all kinds of jobs from labor to IT to management. I skied five years on Mt Hood. I fell in love & got married. Apparently I had kids too! My adult life didn’t start with poker, I do this because I love it.

It’s obvious that you have little to no life experience outside of the poker world; consequentially you have no idea how to treat people and thus your woes with staking. From that narrow world view, its easy to see why you think a person like myself is pathetic. I would like to say I feel satisfied that someone as foolish as you looks down on me, but in reality it just makes me sad for you.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 06:01 PM
i would like to thank everyone in the thread for making this possible...

wish i had a stake...

Last edited by fraabru; 09-23-2009 at 06:02 PM. Reason: sigh... this was 300.. ninja edits itt...
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-23-2009 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by silkyjonson
Having STD's and continuing (if he is) to have unprotected sex with unknowing partners is extremely scummy.
Originally Posted by pohlr96
And illegal
Ask Robbie Alomar.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
