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Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW)

09-24-2009 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by Tourbound68
Ok Like many people have stated, this is epic and the first 25 page thread that i have read every page.... That being said here is my "Verdict"

Issue at hand 6.3k

OP, First, you stated in some of your original post that you felt that "Carter" was a scumbag etc. You then went on to call him names such as rapist, killer or what not, but you yourself said him being so didn't mean he would be a theif!?


I don't know if the guy is or isn't any of these things, but going off of what your assessment of him was, Even though there might not be a direct correlation between murderer and thief, Don't you think he would be much more likely to steal since he lacked so much character?

Further more OP, from the first couple of post you put up, to the middle, you left details out about the 6.3k. You made it sound at first that you dropped Carter and after doing so you asked him to cash the 6.3k out and give it back to you, do to him getting banned from FTP.. BUT later, you acknowledged that when this "transaction" happened he was still being backed by you, and that you did not request the money back until after you dropped him.. Hence "gray area"

In my court of law, you have not proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, clear and concise happenings regarding the 6.3k..

"Carter" it seems that you ethically made the wrong choice to spend your backers $$ on living expenses.. I think you know this, and i think that you are torn at times with, your obv reckless ways and doing the "right thing".. The right thing in that situation was to give the money back, but, you admitted that you lack judgement... The OP knew this from the get go.. (you lacking judgment/character at times)

Unfortunately though, we don't know if the OP considered this money "part of the make up" or what.. it just hasn't been proven. So i have to throw the claim out, due to lack of evidence..

Secondary topic Karma and Chains

First, SWD805.. I am blk and i take offense to the fact that you think any white person who wears a big chain is a scumbag or whatever you called them... You are insinuating that big chains are for minorities... (blk i presume) Therefore since said minorities would not be "scumbags" there is some difference between races.. This kind of mentality imo, perpetuates racism and stereotypes..

Second, Karma and weather or not "white" people can talk about karma or what not... Me being black i could go on for days about this, but to sum it up... Nobody who is alive today had anything to do with the transgressions of our past societies.. Those stories of the Indians, Jews, Africans etc. (i am sure i am missing more, just late and tired) are extremely sad, and i am touched deeply.... But I don't feel like anything is "owed" to me, nor do i feel like i will get anything because of it. Life evolves, people evolve and society evolves, those things were horrid.. I just hope and pray that we continue to move in the direction of equality and being judged for our character and how we treat people rather then the color of our skin or our heritage.. And to be honest, i never thought i would see a multi-racial president in my life time.... So we are obviously moving faster then i expected... which is a good thing.
Read 25 pages, while most people read 4.
Race education.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by Loretta8
wait Tourbound is black?

this surprises me a lot for some reason
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by ImaLuckSac
I lived with devinr12. For a long time I considered him a very good friend.

He was resposible for me getting arrested in Copenhagen. This summer in Vegas he told me in detail about how he fantasized about murdering me by sneaking up behind me in a bathroom stall and slitting my throat. I also saw a large red rash on his jock when we roomed together in Utrecht. He did help out a girl in Thailand, fall in love with another "girl" in Macau, and had raw-dog sex with a black prostitute in South Africa (but hey... you can't catch aids twice). In all of my time playing poker across the world I've never seen anybody tilt harder. Those are just a few of endless epic Carter Gill stories. However, the "rape" story NOT true. He is also a pacifist, a vegetarian, and an idealist (although many people may disagree with what those ideals are). In general he is a genuine person.

Although I don't really want to weigh in on this business situation, I can say that much what is said about him is untrue. That means what is true can quickly be lost in the fog with the constant drama that surrounds him.

He is probably one of the most entertaining and fun people to be around that I've ever met. He is instantly likable and endlessly infuriating. Although I don't speak with him anymore I still love the guy and wish nothing but the best for him.
I knew you had to be bat sht crazy IRL
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by swd805
just when u think itcant deliver more we get tourbounds post.
we agree on something.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 & badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 02:05 AM
Thread further reiterate my love for LML <3
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by Troy Gamble
as a completely mutual person who knows nothing about tournaments or has even heard of these two players and breifly skimmed almost every reply in this thread ; i'm leaning towards the side of devinr12 being the good guy if I was on the jury team.

i was giving the original poster the benifet of the doubt until the other guy came on and said that devinr12 instantly paid 30k to them after shipping the sunday warmup.

it sounds to me like the 6.5k that was used for life expenses was mutually agreed upon to go into makeup while still being staked (that whole 6.5k thing it seems like either party wasn't exactly sure what was going on). therefore, if devinr12 doesn't get dropped he would def. pay back the 6.5k (through makeup) is how i'm seeing it. but since he got dropped; it seems like a huge grey area as to what should be done.

i really can't see anyone wasting their time trying to lose tournaments on purpose either so they can get dropped and have another person can pick them up. why would they do that? that seems foolish considering that it would severely hurt their OPR stats and therefore nobody would want to pick them up in the first place after seeing their krappy results. and second of all, i can't imagine someone loading up a bunch of sunday majors knowing they were gonna lose on purpose in every single one of them at some point during the day. it just doesn't make sense.

again i think the kicker to this story was when the guy came on and said devinr12 instantly paid them back the 30k like they had agreed on after he won the sunday warmup. if he was a true scumbag, he woulda never paid back the 30k.

again i hope my post is takin lightly but i just thought i'd chime into something i don't even care about and possibly give an neutral point of view. sounds mostly like a big misconception of everything though. i've seen threads like this before. my suggestion to everyone is don't back or be backed and boom your problems are solved.
tl;dr times 1 million
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by CFalls
Still waiting for my 50k xfer from Jamie.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by Zooter
I knew you had to be bat sht crazy IRL
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by Loretta8
wait Tourbound is black?

this surprises me a lot for some reason
Funny you should say this because my friend, who is black, can read a few sentences on a forum and say "this guy's black" and be right.

I, being white, could read an autobiography and couldn't say if they are black, white, asian, anything.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 08:04 AM
o u both silly cats....i love both of you but soooo many stories about both of you but this thread proves that both of you guys are douches in your own ways.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by swd805
just when u think itcant deliver more we get tourbounds post.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by Loretta8
wait Tourbound is black?

this surprises me a lot for some reason
SURPRISE !!!!!!!!!!!! (18th = sick brag, not really though
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Tourbound68
Ok Like many people have stated, this is epic and the first 25 page thread that i have read every page.... That being said here is my "Verdict"

Issue at hand 6.3k

OP, First, you stated in some of your original post that you felt that "Carter" was a scumbag etc. You then went on to call him names such as rapist, killer or what not, but you yourself said him being so didn't mean he would be a theif!?


I don't know if the guy is or isn't any of these things, but going off of what your assessment of him was, Even though there might not be a direct correlation between murderer and thief, Don't you think he would be much more likely to steal since he lacked so much character?

Further more OP, from the first couple of post you put up, to the middle, you left details out about the 6.3k. You made it sound at first that you dropped Carter and after doing so you asked him to cash the 6.3k out and give it back to you, do to him getting banned from FTP.. BUT later, you acknowledged that when this "transaction" happened he was still being backed by you, and that you did not request the money back until after you dropped him.. Hence "gray area"

In my court of law, you have not proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, clear and concise happenings regarding the 6.3k..

"Carter" it seems that you ethically made the wrong choice to spend your backers $$ on living expenses.. I think you know this, and i think that you are torn at times with, your obv reckless ways and doing the "right thing".. The right thing in that situation was to give the money back, but, you admitted that you lack judgement... The OP knew this from the get go.. (you lacking judgment/character at times)

Unfortunately though, we don't know if the OP considered this money "part of the make up" or what.. it just hasn't been proven. So i have to throw the claim out, due to lack of evidence..

Secondary topic Karma and Chains

First, SWD805.. I am blk and i take offense to the fact that you think any white person who wears a big chain is a scumbag or whatever you called them... You are insinuating that big chains are for minorities... (blk i presume) Therefore since said minorities would not be "scumbags" there is some difference between races.. This kind of mentality imo, perpetuates racism and stereotypes..

Second, Karma and weather or not "white" people can talk about karma or what not... Me being black i could go on for days about this, but to sum it up... Nobody who is alive today had anything to do with the transgressions of our past societies.. Those stories of the Indians, Jews, Africans etc. (i am sure i am missing more, just late and tired) are extremely sad, and i am touched deeply.... But I don't feel like anything is "owed" to me, nor do i feel like i will get anything because of it. Life evolves, people evolve and society evolves, those things were horrid.. I just hope and pray that we continue to move in the direction of equality and being judged for our character and how we treat people rather then the color of our skin or our heritage.. And to be honest, i never thought i would see a multi-racial president in my life time.... So we are obviously moving faster then i expected... which is a good thing.
Just wanted to clarify that I never said he cashed out the money at the end of the stake and owed it to me. I also did not wait until the end of his stake to request the money. I asked him repeatedly during the stake, where is my money, what's going on with the check. He came up with all kinds of excuses for about a month while he was still under me. When cut, for another month, I continued to ask about this money. He then told me about a month after the stake ended and 2 months after he had cashed the check out, that he had spent the money on life expenses and knows he owes me the money but did not have it. He told me I would get the money as soon as he had it. He told me in his first message, which I posted, that he had every intention of paying me back, but owed a lot of people a lot of money and it wasn't looking good on being paid any time soon. After speaking with him some more, he then sent a message stating that he would put me at the top of the list since "I'm making a big deal out of his debts and nobody else is that he owes money to". Maybe I could screen shot the conversation or something, I don't know what I need to do to prove to everyone that I'm telling nothing but the truth here. I really don't understand how a few of you think I'm a complete douche based on my tirade about someone that I was taken advantage of. I don't actually speak down on people like this IRL. Pretty terrible thread to base someone's character on, obviously I'm pissed off at this moron..
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by clunged

I, being white, could read an autobiography and couldn't say if they are black, white, asian, anything.
yeah me too
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 12:23 PM
ImaLuckSac im gonna slowroll you so hard next time i get the chance
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by tylerg
keeping up with this thread is interfering with my schoolwork
same, i have a test in 2 hours and i can't start reading my book b/c i'm reading this
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 01:31 PM
After reading this thread I kind of like Carter
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 01:35 PM
my thoughts on this thread:

hookers = good
drugs = good
stds = not good
paragraphs = please
carter = bad ass
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by mcp11
tl;dr times 1 million
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
After reading this thread I kind of like Carter
in a weird way i do too, he seems like a **** up to me, i dont hate **** ups i hate people who know what they are doing is wrong and still do it anyway.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by SirLagsALot
in a weird way i do too, he seems like a **** up to me, i dont hate **** ups i hate people who know what they are doing is wrong and still do it anyway.
He did spend my money and lie to me for 2 months because he knew what he did was wrong and didn't know what to say to me
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by slicknastyAK
ImaLuckSac im gonna slowroll you so hard next time i get the chance
First of all, you might wind up doing it to the wrong "Imalucsac".

Secondly, why?
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by fergie12
It was interesting to see pokerstars doing applications for an online team pro. Looks to me like it would be a great oppurtunity, and something that is honestly, designed for me. Play tons of tables, outgoing and good looking
anyone know wtf he is talkin about? and umm, shaundeeb should apply?
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
09-24-2009 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Chesskid1
anyone know wtf he is talkin about? and umm, shaundeeb should apply?
Too late, I heard BandiChime got already picked up.
Scamming Stakee (Carter Gill) aka devinr12 &amp; badbeatmywife. PLZ READ! (NSFW) Quote
