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Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th

08-22-2008 , 12:03 PM
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Gary Stevenson
so brutal that it took me so long to get into that game, that was one of the softest games i've seen in years. that 44 vs jj on 994 flop was so gay against the new table donk after the 89o guy left, ughh. then of course lifetilt after that guy in the mets shirt leaves when we get down to 4 handed and the game breaks with that moron with the HUGE stack still playing
i just cant win anymore
Yeah I rem that hand, I folded A9 preflop too which was also pretty sick (but obv I would have lost much less). It was just a sick, massively deep stacked game with action almost the whole night. And the kid to your right played like ridic tight, and just decided to start making plays in the most random of spots at awful times which let him donate a ton.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 02:24 PM
The $1K final 15 is going on right now, outside of the tourney room (upstairs) there's a LAN connection for internet so I'm hooked up to that...ship it! I'll try to post updates imo.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 02:30 PM
Wait, where is the final table going on?
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 02:32 PM
Final table of the $1K? I'm assuming upstairs, that's where all the poker tournies are going on today because there's some weird presentation or banquet in both downstairs tourney rooms.

There's no wireless but there's 3 LAN hookups where I'm sitting (very comfy chairs iyam).
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 02:34 PM
Hey everyone,

I told KalenSC last night I'd buy his seat (if he won today's sat) at 5.1k. Well, I'm leaving at 5pm for a bit and by the time I'm back pre-reg will be closed, so I bought in, disregarding the verbal agreement I made with Kalen.


Anyways, it shouldn't be too hard to find someone else to buy it off him (assuming he wins the sat). I'm gonna make a few calls, but post here if you're interested in buying the $5.2k seat at 5.1k.

Edit: Just was notified gobbo took it.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by CompleteDonk
Final table of the $1K? I'm assuming upstairs, that's where all the poker tournies are going on today because there's some weird presentation or banquet in both downstairs tourney rooms.

There's no wireless but there's 3 LAN hookups where I'm sitting (very comfy chairs iyam).
keep us posted please

would like updates on loonbat / eppy

loon is the guy who is really tall with a FTP hat on backwards
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 02:40 PM
I just saw Loonbat walk by me out of the room, knew it was him as soon as I saw'm lol.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 02:44 PM
Dan and I are trying to get a group together to play wiffle ball.

IM me asap.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 02:44 PM
Loonbat and eppy are out
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 03:02 PM
Final table starting in 10 mins.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 03:03 PM
Randal, Charder, Goggles, Dan, Tufat, Chewy, Jp and myself are all going to play wiffleball.

Look how fast I organized THAT.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 03:06 PM
lol wiffleball FTW!
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 04:56 PM
7 left, shaundeeb chip leader. ftb_1988 is top 3, broberts is still in as well. I think it's 1. Shaundeeb 2. BRoberts, 3. ftb_1988
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 05:21 PM
Still 7 left, apparently g0lfa is still in and is I quote "spewing off chips". I haven't been watching so this is just what I hear. Somebody just told me brian hastings is here? lol
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 05:27 PM
Pretty sure it's been confirmed Brian Hastings is on the rail. Helped he was wearing a white cardrunners shirt imo.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 05:28 PM
gl shaun
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 05:31 PM
Funny hand (I wasn't watching the hand but was told about it, so some details could be off.) Someone opens to ~5500 (1k/2k I believe) and shaundeeb makes it ~15k. ftb_1988 cold 4-bets to 42k. It folds around to shaundeeb who asks ftb how much he had left. ftb said 110k, shaun replies "just enough to fold", tanks for a bit and mucks.

ftb tables 89cc
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 05:36 PM
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 05:36 PM
Just got back from a rousing game of whiffleball, where our team (Me, Junglen, GrinderMJ, Charder, SlicknastyAK, and Wally) managed to beat the other guys (Kingdan, Goggles, Tufat, Randallin, Gobbo, Luckychewy, and Joel) despite them having one more person... The game featured me busting my ass twice for some terribly skinned knees...

Also they made a valiant last inning comeback to tie the game, but we won it in the bottom half. Only one bet was made on the game, Kingdan V. Junglen for $100...
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 06:18 PM
Anyone know how many people they are expecting for the 5k? Or how tough/weak the field is gonna be?
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 06:18 PM
gogogogo Craig
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 06:24 PM
6 left, shaundeeb doubled up g0lfa and then g0lfa gave shaun's chips back to him with 66 v 88 standard BB v button. Not exactly sure of chip counts at the moment.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 06:25 PM
shaun mf deeb
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-22-2008 , 06:29 PM
WHo is Lucky Chewy
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
