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Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th

08-23-2008 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by NoGimmicks
Ok Vic Ill spend 12 bucks and ill include target and kmart
BTW my Myspace is missing You
A- that's your own fault, you deleted everybody off your myspace (including me your only true friend in america).
B- i hate ts forever. i figured i'd go play one of the stupid sng's to tomorrows event, and there was seriously only enough "ladies" to run it once.. which by the way i missed by about 10 minutes. so i just wandered to the floor and made some bananas the old fashioned way. aka blackjack.
and C- i was about to go home and out of nowhere i see jared playing plo. he's here for a few days, sooo i sat there with him for awhile then we ate disgusting emerald and caught up on life.

that's about it. nice life i lead. i'm going to bed, find me tomorrow sir.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 06:59 AM
You Run Good
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 07:02 AM
whos playing the 5kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by AGame18

You're the cool kid on the block.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 08:30 AM
****ing ****ing ****ing ****ing **** **** ****ing **** ****er

Last edited by Clayton; 08-23-2008 at 08:37 AM.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 08:32 AM
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 08:43 AM
please explain clayton...
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 08:53 AM
Anyone still need cash ... ?
10% vig ...
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 10:18 AM
turning stone! go charder!
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 10:51 AM
decided not to play the 5k

only like 60 people everyone
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 11:35 AM
I'm out. So ****ing pissed at myself, I'm the worst.

Open pf HJ AKo at 50/100 (was opening a fair bit), agame 3-bet to 1.1, I'm the ****ing worst so I call OOP.

A55 check raise 1600 to 4k, get it in the the 6 turn.

54o wins, nh.

Gonna xanax blackout now, later
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 11:57 AM
OH BTW, plenty of fish in the $5k. GOD IT WAS SUCH A GOOD TOUTNES adjkdhkfxkl

GOD IM OUT FKL JKfklsdklfdkl khjld **** MY kjd ak SO BAD
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 12:03 PM
Via mlagoo advice, I'll stop being a little girl.

gl guys, it's a great tournament.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 12:45 PM
just left if anyone is leaving soon driving on the i90 west i would wait a few hrs bad accident pretty sure i was crawling at five mph for what felt like days...just passed it now i still have another two hrs back to buffalo...

planning on going to ts for the heartland my classes end at three on thursdays for the week this semester so hopefully ill play in at least the five hundred on that friday...
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by Clayton
unlike u rabid dogs, vic wont claim my heart unless she destroys the ladies tournament
nope sir no dogs here i call em like i see em two ends of the spectrum one side is tnips and the other is vic

beauty and the beast baby
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 01:34 PM
I would just like to extend my greetings to those of you I've played at TS this past week. It's been fun.

BTW, I'm the tall, backward FTP hat-wearing guy with the blue tinted glasses ... yah, know - the one who made a horrid play in the 1K to donk off his 45K stack and bust about 13th.

Truth be told, I found the field at these tournies to be more talented overall than the Foxwoods WPT prelims and certainly tougher % wise than the lower buyin WSOP events. When those who are not of age are able to play at these venues, you should definitely be able to kick ass.

Oh - and have 2K cash ... will take 2050 on stars if you need to convert.

Best of luck to the sick field playing the 5K.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 02:12 PM
Im pretty sure Im at a reallly tough 5k table. Theres like a mega donk at my table though and another person who may be bad but I dunno. 22k @ break
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 03:47 PM
how many runners did the 5k get?
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 03:53 PM
LOL, 62
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 05:13 PM
busto 5k.

I open in LP, mrbigqueso 3 bets, stealthmunk cold 4 bets on button, i 5 bet all in with AKhh, queso folds, stealtmunk calls with KTs. Board runs out K33JT. gg.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by ZJ123
busto 5k.

I open in LP, mrbigqueso 3 bets, stealthmunk cold 4 bets on button, i 5 bet all in with AKhh, queso folds, stealtmunk calls with KTs. Board runs out K33JT. gg.
crazy kids
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by pageh656
congrats averill
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 06:05 PM
I can say with 100% certainty that gobboboy is the coolest person ever. TS rox!
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 06:27 PM
out of the 5k prob made a bad call not sure vs randallin. just live poker is so boring. I have 15k in the sb and I raise to 900 at 150/300 with ATs. Randall in bb calls with about 14k behind. Flop T97 2 diamonds. I bet 1300 he calls. Turn is a 7. I bet 2700 he shoves, I call. Bad? terrible? standard?
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-23-2008 , 06:42 PM
Busto AK<JJ vs Goggles for like 50kish.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
