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Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th

08-16-2008 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by slicknastyAK
lol i posted the hand in high stakes mtt...

anyway i would have folded had you been playing like you were in the beginnning (tight agressive). last few orbits you started to open more and i realized you were a good player so i knew you saw this as a perfect spot for an isolation considering co is prob shoving pretty wide...maybe like 22+ J10s. maybe that range is a little wide for him but i put you on 66+ A10 or even A9 so it might be a marginal call by me.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 12:26 PM
I just busted the $340 MTT by making what could be an epic call.
Blinds are 50/100, fish open limps CO, button is internet player who recognizes me as one and seems good (i have squeezed the both of them in the past, and my image seems tag). He makes it 425, SB hasn't shown up yet, I flat call w/ 6d6x in the BB stacks are approx 6k effective I believe. CO calls. Flop is KdTd2c, checks 3 ways, turn is 2d. I lead 750 and CO calls, button tanks and jams. I tank for a while (over a minute) and look at him a bit and end up shipping it in, CO instafolds. Villain has Ad9x rivers Jd. I'm down to 1.5k, table breaks and I chip back up to 3k. I get it in AQcc vs. KThh on Qh8c5h flop for ~ 6.5k at 75/150, turn is 3h gg me.

g0lfa: HU 4 rollz any day
thac: I ended up getting a room but I appreciate the offer.

GL to all still in.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by RaineTech
I tank for a while (over a minute) and look at him a bit and end up shipping it in, CO instafolds. Villain has AD9D rivers Jd.

Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by thac
I don't know the area code here, but call the concierge service. 361-8094.

Yeah that was fun, I forget what we were talking about but Zimmer sits down in the middle of it and is like "oh you're 2p2 too?" lawl live poker.

Did you go back to BJ after that?
lol yeah, I'm now up $3450 at pit games this week. Goal is to make more in pit games than I lose at poker. My strategy is bulletproof. Anytime you bet big, get a blackjack. It works for me so far, it can work for you too!

I'm bored as hell, I've already done 2 hours of degenning today and it's 2PM. Anybody who's just playin online I'll prob start in an hour, if you wanna hang out just PM your room or phone #.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 02:31 PM
yeah i guess flipping that early is bad considering how bad everyone is at our table...suck tho i got moved to atable full of pretty good players
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 02:39 PM
lunch break 20k

table seventeen was great lol...
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 02:56 PM
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 03:29 PM
Delayed bad beat post, I get it in with qq vs 77 he back doors quads gg.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 03:37 PM
wow u flopped a q?
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 04:07 PM
Naw, that would be even sicker, but he still ended up with quads and hit his card on the turn and not the flop
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 04:43 PM
lol live poker
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 04:45 PM
is anyone going golfing?
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by offmandh
is anyone going golfing?
I want to, I know my roommate when he comes (Monday) will want to if there's a club rental which I'm sure there is.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 05:05 PM
Craigthedeac and I have a tee time at 2pm on Monday at one of the courses. I think we are both renting clubs. You guys can come with us if you want.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 05:09 PM
ah, I met you zimmer at the BJ table today. You're rigt about that bet big and get blackjack strategy such a luckbox. Ive waited for my rooom for four hours so I of course gambooled and have lost 1.9k so far. Gonna be out of cash before I know it at this pace god damnit.

Maybe if I run bad at bj I'll run good in the upcoming mtts?
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by offmandh
Craigthedeac and I have a tee time at 2pm on Monday at one of the courses. I think we are both renting clubs. You guys can come with us if you want.
Blahh I'm hanging with a friend in 'Cuse on Monday, roommate doesn't get in til 6pm. Let me know if you go later in the week cause we'll def be down.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 05:20 PM
Me, driverseat, broberts, and I forget the fourth are playin tomorrow real early, if I bust another live tourney early I'd be down to play again later in the week. I've got my clubs and my car here as well.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 05:26 PM
3rd break at 17k...was at 35k..whoops
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 05:36 PM
broberts i'm still down for that prop bet.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 05:37 PM
w33ktight(teh_r3alde4l) at 60k at 4/8 gogogogogogogogoggo
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by thac
Blahh I'm hanging with a friend in 'Cuse on Monday, roommate doesn't get in til 6pm. Let me know if you go later in the week cause we'll def be down.
lets go now
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 06:33 PM
ok on a serious note, im at ts, i need bananas, willing to treat you to a fruit bowl when u come through
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 06:42 PM
here...playing all the mtts...will be down there with a grey zip up sweatshirt and my friends came from fla and need a way to get some bananas...PM me please...
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 06:51 PM
GrandPrixGT: I actually think you play pretty well postflop in spite of small amounts of spew, and im usually harsh in my criticism. but there were a few spots preflop i thought u absolutely butchered

1) at 1/2 someone raises to 600 and theres like 4 calls. u proceed make it 1600 OTB with like 6k behind. the openere shoves, everyone folds to you, and you fold. there is not a single hand in your entire range that didnt butcher this hand

2) zugwat opens to 3x at either 2/4 or 3/6 (i forget), an old guy flats in the 2 seat and you flat QTs OTB. u proceed to hit a straight and more than double up. this call was horrible pre given how big ur stack was.

just 2 small things i noticed, u played well otherwise from my short experience

Last edited by Clayton; 08-16-2008 at 06:56 PM.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 06:57 PM
Yanno what I love about this Forum no 1 has complained about me yet,, yay me
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
