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Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th

08-16-2008 , 02:44 AM
lol don't let gobbo talk you into 100plo flips, he runs infinitely well afaik.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 02:44 AM

lucky i wasnt there to make you fold AK pre... nit

Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 03:06 AM
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 03:33 AM
ive yet to meet a "MBN" kid who wasnt a huge clown
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by KingDan
ive yet to meet a "MBN" kid who wasnt a huge clown
This is what Clayton was telling me.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by thac
This is what Clayton was telling me.
thac, I may still need that bed but i'll see in the morning. I'll post here or PM u prob during break of the mtt tomm or if I busto before.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 03:57 AM
Sure sounds good, I'll be around most of the day unless I can get a cash xfer for my PS (again, yayyyy moneygram ).
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by DMBFan4Ever
that's my boy Matt..Kid runs like god and crushes everything there dailys and all everytime he goes

What are your thoughts on how he plays ?

he was pretty spewey, and ran good. team MBN
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 04:38 AM

I'd say calling my play spewy is a bit of an exaggeration, but everyone's entitled to their opinions I suppose. I made a semi-loose call to essentially bust, but other than that, my money got in good at the FT over and over again in standard spots and just ran bad.

Nothing against Zug of course, I obv tip my hat to him for his win and condone that he's a great player, but I doubled him up at least 3 times at the FT where he was racing at best. JJ<K6 for AIPF for a monster pot, 88<AQo on a 9 8 7 all spade flop and he 4flushed while fading a paired board, then eventually A9<33. Not to mention other 100K swings, 77<J9s for someone's tourney life, etc etc. I played my A game and that's all I could do. GG Zugs, nice win.

And as far as the random hating on Team MBN, it's an inside joke kinda thing...fwiw we all have good reps in the game in different aspects, Be it HU cash gods, FTOPS champs, MTT ballers, etc. We don't have anything to prove, we're here for the same reasons as everyone ship. Had a bunch of FT's last series and we'll do it again. If we see ya guys there, gluck
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by jordankickz
no room
no money
ur a monkey, u come and u can have g0lfa's cot!....he ****ing sould crushed me in the 1k min after calling rr with 53 and proceeded to call 3 streets on a 56aj9 no fd board for a 3500 pot, wtf monkey tard? He better watch his ass cause I may stab him with a paper clip. He did own tho and won like 11k in 7 hrs, ballin
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by GrandPrixGT

I'd say calling my play spewy is a bit of an exaggeration, but everyone's entitled to their opinions I suppose. I made a semi-loose call to essentially bust, but other than that, my money got in good at the FT over and over again in standard spots and just ran bad.

Nothing against Zug of course, I obv tip my hat to him for his win and condone that he's a great player, but I doubled him up at least 3 times at the FT where he was racing at best. JJ<K6 for AIPF for a monster pot, 88<AQo on a 9 8 7 all spade flop and he 4flushed while fading a paired board, then eventually A9<33. Not to mention other 100K swings, 77<J9s for someone's tourney life, etc etc. I played my A game and that's all I could do. GG Zugs, nice win.

And as far as the random hating on Team MBN, it's an inside joke kinda thing...fwiw we all have good reps in the game in different aspects, Be it HU cash gods, FTOPS champs, MTT ballers, etc. We don't have anything to prove, we're here for the same reasons as everyone ship. Had a bunch of FT's last series and we'll do it again. If we see ya guys there, gluck
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 06:38 AM
Originally Posted by thac
lol don't let gobbo talk you into 100plo flips, he runs infinitely well afaik.
Who were you in the game?
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by GrandPrixGT

I'd say calling my play spewy is a bit of an exaggeration, but everyone's entitled to their opinions I suppose. I made a semi-loose call to essentially bust, but other than that, my money got in good at the FT over and over again in standard spots and just ran bad.

Nothing against Zug of course, I obv tip my hat to him for his win and condone that he's a great player, but I doubled him up at least 3 times at the FT where he was racing at best. JJ<K6 for AIPF for a monster pot, 88<AQo on a 9 8 7 all spade flop and he 4flushed while fading a paired board, then eventually A9<33. Not to mention other 100K swings, 77<J9s for someone's tourney life, etc etc. I played my A game and that's all I could do. GG Zugs, nice win.

And as far as the random hating on Team MBN, it's an inside joke kinda thing...fwiw we all have good reps in the game in different aspects, Be it HU cash gods, FTOPS champs, MTT ballers, etc. We don't have anything to prove, we're here for the same reasons as everyone ship. Had a bunch of FT's last series and we'll do it again. If we see ya guys there, gluck

12 people left........were playing 6 handed.

Zugwat opens his cutoff at 1/2k/300 with approx a 100k?ish stack.

You flat call your button with 50k stack.

I defend my bb with 75kish.

FLOP: K85 2spades

I check, Zugwat bets 8k?ish, you make it something like 22kish. I fold, and then Zugwat folds.

You elect to show.......the 3 of diamonds.

Originally Posted by GrandPrixGT

I'd say calling my play spewy is a bit of an exaggeration, but everyone's entitled to their opinions I suppose.

This is real spewey DUCY?

Edit: and seriously dude lol at you complaining about running bad after getting ur money in in a humungo pot AQ to AK and getting there in the grossesst way.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by GrandPrixGT

And as far as the random hating on Team MBN, it's an inside joke kinda thing...fwiw we all have good reps in the game in different aspects, Be it HU cash gods, FTOPS champs, MTT ballers, etc. We don't have anything to prove, we're here for the same reasons as everyone ship. Had a bunch of FT's last series and we'll do it again. If we see ya guys there, gluck

oh hi you just described me not team mbn. 1 person>all.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 11:38 AM
hello turning stone people...

i suck at travelling so i have a couple questions about my trip

i will be taking a Greyhound from Hamilton, ON, Canada to Syracuse, NY, then getting a limo or somethin to TS.

i have a room booked for Sunday at 2pm, but ill be arriving at like Sunday there anywhere i can store my stuff for like 12 hrs?

someone pls reply to this before i leave in a few hours cuz i suck at this ****

Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 11:47 AM
just leave it at the bell desk
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by gobbo
Who were you in the game?
Guy beside Clay, on the far end from you. I think like seat 7 or 8.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 12:00 PM
I have more questions!

Sorry for being a noob but can someone refer me to a Limo service/phone number I could use to get from my bus station (address below) to TS?

Like I said before, I really suck at this stuff.

bus station:

Syracuse, NY 13210
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 12:02 PM
Haven't played much live poker so far, lost a stack to Clayton at 5/5 500 min/max got it in on a QT3 board with 2 clubs, my QJ < T9cc. Clayton and thac both cool, nice guys.

Busted the 300 today in about 30 minutes. I basically got coolered pretty bad twice in 4 hands, couple limpers I limp in MP with 54o, couple more limpers, BB checks. Flop 776 2d, checked to me, I bet 150, SB makes a huge sigh and calls. Turn 8h, he checks, I bet 425, he raises to 1k, I call. River Qs, he bets 1k again, I call, he has 66.

3 hands later, guy opens UTG to 350 (blinds 25/50) I 3-bet KK to 875 in MP, he shoves, I call, he has AA, gg me.

On the upside, I'm up $2850 at degen games for the week so far.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 12:07 PM
20k at 1st break...
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 12:08 PM
lol just busted the 300 in under 2 hours at 75/150

CO shoves 1600 at 75/150
I just iso the button for like 9k? with AKss
SlicknastyAK calls 9k of his 10k stack with TT from SB

TT holds

slick, whats your thoughts on that call knowing what you know about me?
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by chrismystero
I have more questions!

Sorry for being a noob but can someone refer me to a Limo service/phone number I could use to get from my bus station (address below) to TS?

Like I said before, I really suck at this stuff.

bus station:

Syracuse, NY 13210
I don't know the area code here, but call the concierge service. 361-8094.

Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
Haven't played much live poker so far, lost a stack to Clayton at 5/5 500 min/max got it in on a QT3 board with 2 clubs, my QJ < T9cc. Clayton and thac both cool, nice guys.

Busted the 300 today in about 30 minutes. I basically got coolered pretty bad twice in 4 hands, couple limpers I limp in MP with 54o, couple more limpers, BB checks. Flop 776 2d, checked to me, I bet 150, SB makes a huge sigh and calls. Turn 8h, he checks, I bet 425, he raises to 1k, I call. River Qs, he bets 1k again, I call, he has 66.

3 hands later, guy opens UTG to 350 (blinds 25/50) I 3-bet KK to 875 in MP, he shoves, I call, he has AA, gg me.

On the upside, I'm up $2850 at degen games for the week so far.
Yeah that was fun, I forget what we were talking about but Zimmer sits down in the middle of it and is like "oh you're 2p2 too?" lawl live poker.

Did you go back to BJ after that?
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Hartlin
lol just busted the 300 in under 2 hours at 75/150

CO shoves 1600 at 75/150
I just iso the button for like 9k? with AKss
SlicknastyAK calls 9k of his 10k stack with TT from SB

TT holds

slick, whats your thoughts on that call knowing what you know about me?
lol i posted the hand in high stakes mtt...

anyway i would have folded had you been playing like you were in the beginnning (tight agressive). last few orbits you started to open more and i realized you were a good player so i knew you saw this as a perfect spot for an isolation considering co is prob shoving pretty wide...maybe like 22+ J10s. maybe that range is a little wide for him but i put you on 66+ A10 or even A9 so it might be a marginal call by me.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 12:20 PM
rainetech, HU for rolls imo
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-16-2008 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by slicknastyAK
lol i posted the hand in high stakes mtt...

anyway i would have folded had you been playing like you were in the beginnning (tight agressive). last few orbits you started to open more and i realized you were a good player so i knew you saw this as a perfect spot for an isolation considering co is prob shoving pretty wide...maybe like 22+ J10s. maybe that range is a little wide for him but i put you on 66+ A10 or even A9 so it might be a marginal call by me.
hmm, my iso range is prolly a little tighter but something like that

is it worth it to cal off 50+ BB when you're like, one of the better players at the table and can just crush? (serious question btw)

I'd say my range is probably something like 88+ AJ+

with your range

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 54.259% 53.53% 00.73% 577458888 7861356.00 { TT }
Hand 1: 45.741% 45.01% 00.73% 485569920 7861356.00 { 66+, ATs+, ATo+ }

my range of like 88+ AJ+

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 49.164% 48.40% 00.77% 422657268 6681198.00 { TT }
Hand 1: 50.836% 50.07% 00.77% 437255376 6681198.00 { 88+, AJs+, AJo+ }

so I guess it is pretty close either way

just depends if you want to flip this early or not
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
