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Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th

08-18-2008 , 02:05 AM
haha, well the 10/20 hose didn't go, so we played ridiculous $100max nl, basically flipping for $100 at a time. highlight of the night: getting Phil, the random 80+ year old at the table to get in on a 6 way $100 flip.

*edit* obv shipped the 6 way flip with 98cc on a KJT7Q board to break even on the night at $100max, lol
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 04:33 AM
Alright so basically, there's a dude going around turning stone by the name of Jim Woo (or Wu). He's a relatively bigger asian dude. Apparently he started talking to a couple friends of mine and told them that he was one of the co-founders of (obv the travel company that sold for $1.25 billion fwiw). He then told them that he wanted to back them in bigger games like 1000 min or 2500 min if it ever ran etc. When I finally met this supposed legend he bragged about playing the $50k HORSE 2 years in a row. When asked, "So did you make it to day 2?" he pondered the question, and apparently forgot, and then eventually said "yeah, no wait, actually i only went to the end of day 1." He then proceeded to say that he wanted to play a big HU game like 200/400 or 300/600 and that he only plays limit holdem. Me not wanting to call this dude out just yet, investigated the situation. I learned from several people that he is a huge degen bull****ter, and most of them laughed at the thought of him being able to afford one BB in that game. I then walked back into the tourney room where he was railing/chatting and said ok lets play that freezeout, $5k, $10k, $15k, w/e u want. He stutters a bit and eventually says ok but he needed to eat dinner first. Didn't see him again until later, where he was playing 30/60 limit (which he was god awful at) and told a person who was trying to collect money from him (he has several unpaid debts for a whopping $xxx) that he was sitting with all his money and that he'd pay him later. I ask him about our HU match and he says he will definitely play me tomorrow (being monday) but i'm 100% positive he will tell me the same, every day this week.

Cliff Notes: Watch out for Jim Woo (or Wu), he could possibly be trying to scam kids and is a huge bull****ter.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 07:11 AM
Dude, that texas hold em bonus table game is so fun. I totally valuetowned the dealer one hand with Aj hi no doubtttt... I think its time to go to bed now - guess I won't be collecting any bounties tomorrow lol
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 09:30 AM
michael calcagnino you are my inspiration in life.. and i dedicate my first post in history to you. haha
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Gags30
haha, well the 10/20 hose didn't go, so we played ridiculous $100max nl, basically flipping for $100 at a time. highlight of the night: getting Phil, the random 80+ year old at the table to get in on a 6 way $100 flip.

*edit* obv shipped the 6 way flip with 98cc on a KJT7Q board to break even on the night at $100max, lol
Was this our table? You were the quiet kid beside Matt?

Oh wait, nvm, there was another table doing it apparently.

Last edited by thac; 08-18-2008 at 09:41 AM. Reason: everyones a degen
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 10:50 AM
Sighhh set over setted in the first level, if i didnt already pre reg ide be tempted to just go home now.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by the VIC.
michael calcagnino you are my inspiration in life.. and i dedicate my first post in history to you. haha
You still have that UB money or trying to sell it
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 11:31 AM
lol f turning stone

QQ < 53
KK < A3
KK into AA

what the hell is going on?!
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by smartalecc5
Dude, that texas hold em bonus table game is so fun. I totally valuetowned the dealer one hand with Aj hi no doubtttt... I think its time to go to bed now - guess I won't be collecting any bounties tomorrow lol
hell yeah
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 12:08 PM
omgggggggg 10am is wayyyy too early to start a tourney. 8k at first break of the knockout, pretty easy starting table, should be able to chip up
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 12:16 PM
Yo, nogimmicks, I just bought my 5200 seat through the box office.


make sure that the seats are mixed in preregistered/non preregistered so i have just as good a chance to get donkeys n whatnot at my table.

Thank you,
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 12:20 PM
omfg the showers
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 12:25 PM
omfg room service eggs benedict
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 12:26 PM
Was on table 2 in the KO. Call stationed my way out of it on the last hand before break. sigh..

was anyone else on Table 2?
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by stealthmunk
Yo, nogimmicks, I just bought my 5200 seat through the box office.


make sure that the seats are mixed in preregistered/non preregistered so i have just as good a chance to get donkeys n whatnot at my table.

Thank you,
Seats will be Random the seat assignment on tickets were getting grouped together the seat on ticket will most likely never be the actual seat pre buys will get random seats like non pre bought and sat. winners.
I call this the Munk Rule because you had a great point during HPT

Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by offmandh
omfg room service eggs benedict
I am also shipping this
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 12:55 PM
Someone in the pokerroom latenight know who got banned and what exactly they did heard an awesome story want to hear other accounts of it before I post what I was told.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 01:10 PM
Busto in the bounty. @ 100/200: Relatively aggro older guy open limps in MP2 or MP3. I limp OTB w/ K8ss. SB limps, BB checks. Flop is Jd7s5s, checks to open limper who bets 600, I make it 1700, folds back to him and he jams for like 5k more. I call he has QsQx. Turn is 6d and I brick the river. GG.

In other news, that supposed Jim Woo claimed to be good friends w/ gobboboy and supposedly told people he was going to get $1k/$2k going with him later. When gobbo was asked about this his response was: "I've never heard of or seen anyone by that name in my life."
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 02:16 PM

supposidly the guy started threatening a dealer who didnt deal him in a hand because he didnt have the players card. he was mad and grabbed the card dealt to the player to his right. dealer told him he needed the card etc and the guy threatened to get the dealer fired.

seurity came...i heard he was banned from the casino at least a year. also heard he was on 'house arrest' in his room overnight and was forced to leave this morning

if anyone played the turbo yesterday he was the snake guy with all the newspapers...basically tanked every hand, guess he yelled at one of the dealers during the tourney as well. not something to do to make friends during a turbo event obviously.

edit: it didnt happen late at night, i believe sometime after he got knocked out of the turbo, i remember him walking out around five. i played last night from 10p-3a and nobody else was kicked out then so im assuming were talking about the same guy.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 02:19 PM
I heard the snake story but there has been another story being told that got someone kicked out.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 02:31 PM
21k at lunch break.

also, they just hit the bad beat jackpot at a 2/4 limit table for 92k. so the poker room is pretty chaotic right now
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 02:35 PM
Busted at the 100-200-25 level. Guy just owned my soul twice. Some guy in an NC State hat. He raises hijack to 725, I 3-bet out of BB to 2300, he calls. Flop Q83 2 spades, I bet 3400, he calls. Turn Td, I shove for like 7k, he tanks and calls with AJo. River T, gg me, wp sir.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Gags30
21k at lunch break.

also, they just hit the bad beat jackpot at a 2/4 limit table for 92k. so the poker room is pretty chaotic right now
13k after having 26k, TILTED

gags I always get you confused, you are the dude who borrowed my lighter, yes?
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by shaundeeb
I heard the snake story but there has been another story being told that got someone kicked out.
pretty sure it was the kid at my

some random young internet looking kid comes to sit down in the biggest game running- 5/5nl (sigh) and sits 2 to my right. he starts off iso raising after a bunch of limpers every couple of hands and talking about how good he is and how bad other ppl are. then one younger guy limps utg, 2 more limps, then internet kid raises to like 20 gets 4 callers, utg leads out ajx flop and takes it down and then internet kid starts bashing his play- "do you just run like god or do your ******ed lines somehow work in this game?" or something to that effect. at this point i assumed they were friends and he was just messing with him, but i realized they didn't know each other and he just continued to call him "slow" and "******ed" and other ****. the other guy asked him to take it outside of course and internet kid quickly declined.

internet kid ran his stack up to like 1.8k or so (running like god) after overbet shoving with 44 vs 53 on a 53c2c flop and turning a straight vs a woman who he proceeded to needle, asking her why she tanked with 53 and being a ****** overall (pretty sure he was very drunk or on something heavy).

he then raises to 28 (so gay) after like 4 limps i call in sb with 33 and 3 other callers i think. Ac3c5s checks to him he bets 68 (gay) i make it 205 he calls after tanking and asking for my chip count. turn Qh i bet 295 with 355 behind and he asks for a chip count again immediately after i bet, as soon as he did that the woman who lost the 53 hand calls for a clock and he flips out a little, but then calms himself enough to put me all in with "top two" and loses the pot.

as soon as the dealer starts shipping the pot to me, he stands up and says to the woman- "you know you're a huge C (rhymes with bunt) right? how can you be such a giant bitch?" (pretty close to that) and continues on a tirade about how she was rude and a huge bitch for calling the clock that fast. he also had a great line- "you're just so ****ing dumb, and you're doubly dumb because you're a woman" which got the whole poker room into a buzz. the floor was over at this point and calling security (who took like 5minutes to get there) and they eventually escort him out of the room. meanwhile, the woman is pleading with the floor to let him stay because she was just trying to needle him into gunning for her i guess. pretty ridiculous situation

then on some 100nl game or something, all his mtt friends start talking **** and backing him up, mumbling bitch/C this and that and how he's "one of the top online tournament players" (i couldn't stop laughing at this because they all looked/sounded soooooooo pathetic/ridiculous). unfortunately i didn't figure out who he was or what his sn was, but yea it was pretty funny to watch. (pretty sure he got a super hefty ban if the floor got their way

Last edited by Gary Stevenson; 08-18-2008 at 02:52 PM.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
08-18-2008 , 02:48 PM
Haha yes thats me I thought that was you after I gave it back, but wasn't sure.

*edit* I'm the kid that gave you (weaktight) the lighter, not the one kicked out of the poker room. Actually, I WAS asked to leave the poker room for 15 minutes by the floor. Bit that's cause the one dealer was a huge bitch and after she yelled at me for several minutes about a ruling, floor came over and proved her wrong and me right (LOL). She kind of lost it after that and couldn't handle the game, so floor just asked me to leave till she switched tables. Also, floor called her a, and I quote "huge bitch who we've had problems with before" lol

Last edited by Gags30; 08-18-2008 at 03:02 PM.
Official Turning Stone *6th Annual Empire State Hold'Em Championships*Aug15th-Aug25th Quote
