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***Official CQ you stink and it is now women's history month - March **** Thread*** NO BBV NSFW ***Official CQ you stink and it is now women's history month - March **** Thread*** NO BBV NSFW

03-04-2011 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by sippin_criss
hey lol
I think i miss yu

sne this year for reallsssss this time, chyeaaa
03-04-2011 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by sippin_criss
hey lol
ur cute
03-04-2011 , 05:39 PM
03-04-2011 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by phaze112
I think i miss yu

sne this year for reallsssss this time, chyeaaa

03-04-2011 , 05:50 PM
that photoshop job on her face is kinda killing the effect for me

also, in before "who's looking at her face?"
03-04-2011 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by phaze112
I think i miss yu
what are you one of my ex gf's? gooooood luck dude
03-04-2011 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Gazillion
that photoshop job on her face is kinda killing the effect for me

also, in before "who's looking at her face?"
pie looks good though
03-04-2011 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by phaze112
I think i miss yu

sne this year for reallsssss this time, chyeaaa
Thanks Jurrasstoil...even if it's kinda meh imo.
03-04-2011 , 06:29 PM
Next month's OP for this thread should include that every new page post should be started by Doublez-Down.
03-04-2011 , 06:35 PM
did you want an african american lady instead??
03-04-2011 , 06:37 PM
I know no one probably follows Bassmasters, but g*ddamn I think I have a mancrush on Kevin Van Dam. Angler of the Year bookended by back to back Classic Wins...dude is sick.
03-04-2011 , 06:47 PM
I went to a Bass Pro Shops one
03-04-2011 , 07:00 PM
Hey Ruse:

Ducks going down tomorrow. Just sayin'.
03-04-2011 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Doublez-Down
I know no one probably follows Bassmasters, but g*ddamn I think I have a mancrush on Kevin Van Dam. Angler of the Year bookended by back to back Classic Wins...dude is sick.
03-04-2011 , 07:17 PM
I used to have some cool Bass shoes
03-04-2011 , 08:16 PM
OK just putting this out there:

If anybody is looking to put people into the Sunday $5m, I'm your whore....
03-04-2011 , 08:20 PM
I haven't played sngs in a while, but I don't see how shoving any two there could be an example of fishy games.
03-04-2011 , 08:24 PM
Damn you devin I deleted it already
bbfg this thread is not for lolfishplaybad hands
03-04-2011 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by Gazillion
In immediately after Beero
wp sir
Originally Posted by Gazillion
OK just putting this out there:

If anybody is looking to put people into the Sunday $5m, I'm your whore....
If people are smart, no one will be staked for the upcoming SM. If the stakees bink it they can drive away with the LP560+monies and no one could catch them. VROOOOOOOM!

@Devin 42o called ze shove.
03-04-2011 , 08:26 PM
I can't drive

Will obv have to hire a chauffeur....
03-04-2011 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by SlackerMcFly
Hey Ruse:

Ducks going down tomorrow. Just sayin'.
Pretty much only care about UO football. Been a Dukie since I was 3. Duke UNC tmrw!!

Duck men have been doing a lot better lately. Should be a good game. How bout a STTF shoutout on the intercom?
03-04-2011 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Beerocrat
Damn you devin I deleted it already
bbfg this thread is not for lolfishplaybad hands
You could have deleted my post too...especially when I read the hand wrong lol.

Originally Posted by jurrasstoil
@Devin 42o called ze shove.
oh...I guess I just assumed 42o shoved for obv reaons.
03-04-2011 , 08:46 PM
Sorry guys . I guess I'll put it up in the BBV SNG thread then.

OK just putting this out there:

If anybody is looking to put people into the Sunday $5m, I'm your whore....
2nd to this! Some STTf baller should stake some poor STTfers in the SM for rungood imo!

Also kinda had a question about this, because I don't want to pollute the Staking forum with a potentially useless thread. I'm a small stakes SNG player with little MTT experience but have read tons of MTT books and strat articles so I'm at the least decent at them, if I made a thread where I sold 65% of myself with no markup, would anyone bite ?
03-04-2011 , 10:16 PM

asking for a stake in this thread is borderline in itself (and gazillion knows that, but an offhand comment not specifically asking, for someone who has a history of being staked by STTFers for similar tournaments, is not something I consider much of posting problem).

The only place these are allowed is the staking thread. The only replies you could possibly get here are the same replies you'd get in the staking forums (or people saying things like 'we need more info to make a decision' which isn't allowed to be posted here for these purposes). At the most, you're able to leave a link here with a post to your staking thread, directing everyone to off-forum means, or the staking forum thread itself for any follow ups/replies/inquiries.

I trust that you have a good grasp on basic posting guidelines across 2+2 at this point. If you have any questions, ask before posting. PMing a moderator is always an option.
03-04-2011 , 10:41 PM
speaking of wanting to ban some fools,

going to MURS late night show tnite! holla
