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***Official CQ you stink and it is now women's history month - March **** Thread*** NO BBV NSFW ***Official CQ you stink and it is now women's history month - March **** Thread*** NO BBV NSFW

03-02-2011 , 10:28 PM
How's life on the Wagon?

Last edited by alexd11; 03-02-2011 at 10:56 PM. Reason: save?
03-02-2011 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by alexd11
How's life on the Wagon?

Last edited by smiteme; 03-02-2011 at 10:44 PM. Reason: read OP
03-02-2011 , 10:45 PM
LOL, I'm an instructor at the Defense EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Management Institute...and I thought the thread title was funny as all hell.

03-02-2011 , 10:59 PM
I'm the kind of person who feels easily offended by people who feel easily offended - and i kind of feel offended right now.

However, i can understand that someone who comes here for the first time and sees the thread title can feel offended.

Not sure if someone, who would feel offended by that title, would be a bit over-sensitive tho.
03-02-2011 , 11:06 PM
Maybe just change the thread title from "No longer Black History Month" to "Now it's Women's History Month" instead? Just sayin.

Although the thread title was actually a true it is technically no longer black history month.

Last edited by Doublez-Down; 03-02-2011 at 11:27 PM. Reason: Disability is October ldo
03-02-2011 , 11:13 PM
Does somebody want to PM me the original thread title cos I currently have no idea wtf is going on in here?
03-02-2011 , 11:16 PM
right above you.
03-02-2011 , 11:21 PM
The world is PC mad, has been for a long time. I nearly lost a job for calling a legal midget small.

Last edited by alexd11; 03-02-2011 at 11:24 PM. Reason: .....r was that the other way round?
03-02-2011 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by jurrasstoil
right above you.
lol, I guess I shouldn't have stopped reading at your penultimate post....
03-02-2011 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by KoreanBuffet
Watched a couple vids DDD. Possibly your best post ever.
Why thank you, his videos get better the more you watch. At first I thought he was just another guido meathead to laugh at. But when I realized all of his stuff is at least somewhat satire of college kids, and probably loosely based off his own **** he became a million times better.

He is like the best level ever.
03-02-2011 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by jurrasstoil
I'm the kind of person who feels easily offended by people who feel easily offended - and i kind of feel offended right now.

However, i can understand that someone who comes here for the first time and sees the thread title can feel offended.

Not sure if someone, who would feel offended by that title, would be a bit over-sensitive tho.

over-sensitivity to stuff, makes me think they are actively looking for racist stuff, because they expect some group of people to be racist and say racist things. Thus, being racist themselves.

When I saw the title I my thoughts were basically exactly what is happening. I was like 'lol, it's true...but it can be taken the wrong way'.
03-02-2011 , 11:57 PM
sttf omahaha please
03-03-2011 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by DirDirDirty
sttf omahaha please
03-03-2011 , 12:34 AM
Next month "Official It's Almost Cinco De Mayo - April **** Thread" ?
03-03-2011 , 12:44 AM
any of you have any experience dealing with inheritance issues? im dealing with a lot of crap with my grandfather's inheritance and my step grandmother. needless to say, its sticky. PM me to avoid spamming the thread i guess, also since its relatively personal. thanks guys.
03-03-2011 , 01:13 AM
GL movie, cant help myself but hopefully someone can.

I'm a few beers in and bored out of my head, someone come play sttf omahaha. Currentl;y trying to turn 50 into 1k moving up stakes wish me run good.
03-03-2011 , 01:18 AM
Chillax Whities

Also, "legal midget"? Is that from a law book or something?
03-03-2011 , 01:26 AM


03-03-2011 , 01:48 AM
who the **** is that
03-03-2011 , 01:49 AM
Angie Varona I think?
03-03-2011 , 02:13 AM

You're just a kid. Shouldn't your parents be handling this?
03-03-2011 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by SlackerMcFly
Meanwhile, back in the kitchen:

Who doesn't love pork chops (and Yugo)?
03-03-2011 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by DirDirDirty
who the **** is that
Dunno, but she seems to love Holland. So I approve..
03-03-2011 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by alexd11

3mins of Eurotards and the hottest woman in Ireland.
Who is she?
03-03-2011 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by microbet

You're just a kid. Shouldn't your parents be handling this?
well thats part of the problem. my step grandmother wrote my mom out of my grandfathers will before he died, so she has no legal authority over anything, so im trying to figure this out. then step grandmother just told me shes trying to take more money out of my share.
