Originally Posted by Josem
This is an ungood thing to do.
If you die, you should just ask your wife to email PokerStars and let PokerStars know and they'll send the money to your estate legitimately (after confirming the facts, obv).
That is exactly why she has notes on what to do
She has clear instructions to withdraw whatever my balance is immediately. If she followed the official "legal" route, she would suffer a lot of hardship at a time when I think we can agree she shouldn't have to.
The only money we have is what is in my wife's purse and my Pokerstars account. It would be insane to do as you say, since not only would the process take at least 3 months (assuming Stars is razor fast at approving the cashout, it still takes 6 weeks for a cheque to get here, and 4 weeks for it to be cashed), but the bank charges would eat up at least $50 of the amount. Of course, she wouldn't actually be able to cash a cheque anyway, since she doesn't have a bank account, and to get one, she would have to deposit money sufficient to cover the bank charges on the cheque - money that she could only get from my poker account - so catch 22. My way is the only way she could get my money.
Ungood maybe but that's the problem with rules for rich people, they are impossible for poor people to follow.
Lol, and worse, Stars would need to see a death certificate - she couldn't get one of those without paying the notary for it, and she couldn't do that until she had the money from my poker account.