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*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** *** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) **

09-26-2014 , 12:57 AM
Stars would obviously prefer that STT sat grinders would just hit the target tourn once and stop paying rake
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 01:06 AM
Sure it's fair it's taken into account. But the requests by these ppl always read as SHOULD and not COULD. That doesn't have anything to do with wanting to be taken into account, that's a misplaced sense of entitlement. There's a ton of feedback on Stars offerings @ 2+2 and ITT there are 2 ppl who seriously seem to think that each and every request of them SHOULD be honored.

And when their demands are met too late they act disgruntled and say they have to be listened to earlier next time, while it could simply be that Stars has a reasoning that doesn't align with that of T$-grinders.

The fact is without $T grinders satellites would be a lot smaller and less appealing.
Uhhm, smaller yes, less appealing no. The T$-grinders are obviously the best at them. That's fair game, but it's anything but appealing for other players.

Last edited by GuySmiley; 09-26-2014 at 01:20 AM.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 01:43 AM
I agree with you with you re the phrasing that people use in their requests. Sadly it's endemic in the poker community especially, and society as a whole.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by GuySmiley
The sense of entitlement of you T$-grinders ITT is absurd. You need to start realizing these SnG satties are intended for the target and not for the purpose you use it for. If it were up to you these highstake satties ran the whole year, without there even being a target to play for. Did the thought that these satties are available/played now have to do with the ME being near even crossed your mind?
I play the events dip****, you're a ****ing clown

And it is better for everyone (the hyper sat regs, the HS semi regs, and the HS recs, and therefore PS themselves) when all stakes are in the lobby
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 02:36 AM
Real classy. I didn't doubt you play them. Don't pretend the chance to qualify for the target events are the reason you are crying about the lack of this and that sattie though.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by 22riverrat22
i think they certainly merit more discussion and likely some modifications but i dont feel like i understand them well enough to offer much feedback just yet

id very much like to play them as freezeouts though to get a sense how they would play then
ya you remember way way back when everyone was praising you for your deepstack reg speed satelites...

theres none regging in the next 4 hours

*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by GuySmiley
There's a ton of feedback on Stars offerings @ 2+2 and ITT there are 2 ppl who seriously seem to think that each and every request of them SHOULD be honored.

And when their demands are met too late they act disgruntled and say they have to be listened to earlier next time, while it could simply be that Stars has a reasoning that doesn't align with that of T$-grinders.
I've played more hyper-sats than anybody this year, apologies if I feel somewhat entitled to be at least listened to/replied to itt. My posts are not about what is best for "grinders", they are about what is best for the hyper sats overall.

Missing games from the lobby wouldn't be accepted in non-sat formats. If turbos suddenly changed from $30 > $60 > $100s, to $30 > $100 without any communication from Pokerstars, I think a lot of people would be upset and replacing it would be popular with both the grinders and recreational players. This is the same in hyper-sats. Moreover most people would initially think it was a mistake/oversight rather than a reasoned change.

If you look at my posts on the last 3 pages Bryan has directly replied to me once. Considering the effort I take to post in here and that most of the posts are pointing out mistakes/oversights, if Pokerstars have a reasoning that doesn't align with that of T$-grinders the least they could do is post that.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 06:42 AM
please schedule hyper turbo deeps 6 hours prior to events, im certain im not the only one who would play them if they werent last minute

they offer everything i want from a game, play in the stacks, every chip won or lost matters, doesnt take long, and i think i have an edge

they are the most enjoyable format ive played except for progressive ko 6max

im part of some demographic, and they are baffled why these arent running constantly
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 07:21 AM
search dee -ult with a buyin filter of 1-27, its a desert,

people play the buyins they can afford

5 games in 5 hours????
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by GuySmiley
Real classy. I didn't doubt you play them. Don't pretend the chance to qualify for the target events are the reason you are crying about the lack of this and that sattie though.
I was drunk then, I am drunk now after a long night in Tijuana

+1 to what daddy said, he says stuff better than I put it

My apologies for being a dick

And no, I am not saying that at all. What I am saying, however, is that the overall ecosystem flows much better (for ALL parties involved, including PS) when all the bi's are in the lobby. There was literally next to 0 HS traffic the last few days because the gap was 238>1768. We have a bunch of regs, semi regs and recs in the format that will not play unless 714s and 1768s are both there/that fuels the traffic
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 10:18 AM
so, you scheduled 3XTs to tomorrows 700 plo very off peak, and they wouldve hit seats with the initial entrants they had but were canceled

now there are 0 of them upcoming

the 27 ultra deeps each generated at least 2 seats during the wee hours

and there are 0 of them upcoming

rhyme? reason?
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 11:01 AM
eureka prague deep hypers still show up when you filter out hyper turbos
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 11:53 AM
why would there be no nlo8 10 minute levels sats to a 10 minute level event?
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 12:24 PM
the rake in these 75+7 ultra deep sats is unconscionable. shame on you pokerstars.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 12:30 PM
ultra deep/plo needs a different structure, 500bb deep in pot limit how are the fish supposed to re-enter and build a prizepool?
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by MrTimCaum
the rake in these 75+7 ultra deep sats is unconscionable. shame on you pokerstars.
i see no reason someone who is in for 5 units shouldnt pay the rake on the target twice over, its just good business

Last edited by 22riverrat22; 09-26-2014 at 12:33 PM. Reason: oh, im sorry, thats just if they only play one ultra deep for 5 units and win it
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by MrTimCaum
the rake in these 75+7 ultra deep sats is unconscionable. shame on you pokerstars.
They offer these to $215 target tourneys which makes it nearly a HU sng. The rake is ridiculous.

Last edited by Sect7G; 09-26-2014 at 01:02 PM.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 01:01 PM
Guys I am seeing a trend and it seems that Stars is using WCOOP and misdirection as an opportunity to change sats on the site for the long term.

To start with they introduced Deep sats (no-re-entry) and these by nearly all accounts were well received. After being encouraged by the feedback Stars starts to introduce deep and now super deep turbo's that have re-entry up to 5 times. These offer terrible value to nearly all players as the game becomes a bingo fest and any rake paid makes it -ev for the player.

Stars has claimed in the past that rake isn't a consideration for satellites. I call bs and if it wasn't a consideration then the guy should be fired. Having said that I don't believe sats should be raked as harshly as MTT's. There is a balance to be worked out and I am asking the community to make it clear to Stars that 5 time re-entries despite all the whistles attached (uber-uber deep etc) is robbery and needs to go.

Last edited by Sect7G; 09-26-2014 at 01:13 PM. Reason: edit just saw it's up to 7 times re-entry 2nd edit 9x.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 05:04 PM
In my case I write just because I feel that they let things slip sometimes.

If not, what is the point of having 714s to Wcoop40 for 3/4 weeks straight and then dropping the 714s until yesterday (6 days) when they start running then again for the Deadline ME sat?

Imo it just makes no sense to leave that gap, unless they believe that the 3/4 earlier weeks were having a bad result in their minds (there was lots of traffic so obv from our point of view it's difficult to understand if not explained)
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 06:21 PM
been very disappointed with wcoop main sats on the whole this year, instead of the nicely structured 100r that ran for months last year there were only 3x turbos during the week and once the series started the vast majority of sats have been 3x turbos or $700 reentries which have not had enough subsats for the buyin level to make them soft enough to be worth playing imo.
2x turbos, ~$200 deep sats, 100r would have improved the offering. wcoop main sunday is prob the best satellite day of the year i hope it doesnt suck this time.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-26-2014 , 06:37 PM
yeah I'm a little puzzled by the fact that I've not spent the past week mass-tabling super-sats to the main. There just aren't enough of them; there should be $1.65 3x to a $215 re-entry/cubed/rebuy/ whatever like every 20 mins, and hourly $3.85s to a $700. Throw in a ton of $27 deeps to the $215, and $82 deeps to the $700. Instead I seem to be be playing a single $1.65 3xt an hour and a maybe two of the $27 1500 chip turbo freezeouts a day. It's just nowhere near enough for the biggest online tournament of the year.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-27-2014 , 06:29 AM
There seems to be some BSOP STT's appearing today to a couple of their events.
Please consider doing this for Eureka/FPS/UKIPTS etc etc etc as well.

Or better yet, as i've asked for a few times before..... Please add a €215 STT to a Players Choice package!!!!! I don't see what the risk is. There are so few chances for me to qualify (3 a week??) as things stand.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-27-2014 , 08:23 AM
if stars would be so kind as to schedule 200X27 hyper turbo deeps to the remaining events and deadline sats throughout the next 30 hours i would consider forgiving them

note, these are hyper turbo deeps, not Ultra deeps

$82 seems like alot of money to people, $27 does not

why are 82s the lowest fo sats running for alot of things?
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-27-2014 , 01:50 PM
Eureka €162 satellites
I find it strange that there are no turbo satellites to this one (Except the 3x rebuy), there are some HT rebuy, such as €16.32, then a slow €27 (15 min blinds), one slow rebuy (€15.40). What about some normal turbo at €16.50, €22 or €27? Please add that to future €162 sats.
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
09-27-2014 , 06:56 PM
Why are there no turbo & non-turbo 700 deep sats tomorrow until the deadline sat ??
*** Official 2013 Stars Satellite Thread (Suggestions, Requests, Etc. - MTT, SNG, Steps) ** Quote
