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***Offical STTf November [censored] bonfire night thread *** NSFW=GOOD BBV=BAN ***Offical STTf November [censored] bonfire night thread *** NSFW=GOOD BBV=BAN

11-05-2009 , 09:33 PM

Ended up on COBRA after losing job after being out of work for lung transplant.

COBRA got cancelled on me after I missed a payment due to moving and not having mail caught up, combined with not having had to pay COBRA for months after having backcredit built up due to ARRA subsidy...

Need anti-rejection medication refill SOON.

No insurance = No medication = Rejection = Death.

Major bummer. Need to magically learn to make tons of money playing 11 dollar sngs. :-)
11-05-2009 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by NRV1121

Ended up on COBRA after losing job after being out of work for lung transplant.

COBRA got cancelled on me after I missed a payment due to moving and not having mail caught up, combined with not having had to pay COBRA for months after having backcredit built up due to ARRA subsidy...

Need anti-rejection medication refill SOON.

No insurance = No medication = Rejection = Death.

Major bummer. Need to magically learn to make tons of money playing 11 dollar sngs. :-)
I have no clue about that stuff, but I would definately call health and welfare tomarrow and meet with the right person. I donno what can be done, but that would be the place to start. I know in dealing with autism I've learned there are all kinds of programs out there I never knew about until we needed them.

I would also talk to your doctor. You aren't the first person he has treated that didn't have enough money to pay for everything. The person that told us about the most important program were in (the one that pays for everything) is the doctor. It's run by health and welfare, and was never mentioned by our heath and welfare coardenator, and when we asked about it she said we wouldn't qualify. Doctor said BS, apply. we did and it went right through.

Start looking now and be persistant. gl.
11-05-2009 , 09:57 PM
KB, unfortunately that costume is neither original or well done. It's still a fun costume but in no way does it make him the winner of halloween.
11-05-2009 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by KoreanBuffet
So many win milestone posts lately.
thanks for this. I dont usualy look at the other posts. I definately would have missed those. Of course, after having a pipe fitting pop loose and flood my house this morning I have no time to read them right now, but i have a much better chance of getting to it knowing they are there.
11-05-2009 , 10:11 PM
After that post by NRV I don't think anyone should complain about anything for a while.

11-05-2009 , 10:14 PM
You can read the **** thread and reply to it but can't read a milestone post, hmmmm
11-05-2009 , 10:15 PM
11-05-2009 , 10:23 PM
TY Microbet.

It was my own stupid fault really, however I don't think I should have to face this kind of situation for a mistake. We all eff it up sometimes. I may end up in a situation where I can't get coverage because of a 'pre-existing condition.'

Disastrous really. Now I'm in a scramble to try and work something out. I managed to get 1 week of medication for free. I take literally like 25 medications. I'm 28. FML.

Does it not seem backwards that the people who need the coverage the most can be denied for that exact reason? It's ludicrous.

Hurry up Obama.
11-05-2009 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by spacegravy
haha sorry man, but seriously someone fill me in on what you guys are talking about? what entrance?
Sometime in June 2008, you entered the Double Down Saloon in Las Vegas, NV wearing white pants and a half buttoned up pink shirt. Everyone else in the place was dressed in grunge/punk. Shortly after you arrived we all left for the hard rock.

You were very drunk...and kept telling me how awesome it was to be talking to THE DevinLake!
11-05-2009 , 10:36 PM
11-05-2009 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by DevinLake
You were very drunk...and kept telling me how awesome it was to be talking to THE DevinLake!
Dude, if you're going to lie at least make up something that means he owes you money.
11-05-2009 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by crackedquads
You can read the **** thread and reply to it but can't read a milestone post, hmmmm
I allow myself the time to keep up with 2 threads, this one and the SNE thread. Those are part of my daily pre and post play rutien (wtf sp?). other threads, especially long ones, I put off till I have spare time. It's the only way I know to sit down and be working in a normal amount of time. Before i started limiting it I would sometimes sit down to work and still be messing around 2+2 3 hours later.

I'm off to work now, be back in 6 hours or so.......
11-05-2009 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by sippin_criss
photo shop out the power lines/poles and repost. right now it hurts my head.
11-05-2009 , 10:46 PM
It's not like you aren't aware of this, but wow, you're bad at spelling Lacky.

11-05-2009 , 11:02 PM
lolz AP just shipped me $10. If anyone actually still has $$ on there and wants to flip lemme know haha.
11-05-2009 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by KoreanBuffet
lolz AP just shipped me $10. If anyone actually still has $$ on there and wants to flip lemme know haha.
I haven't played on Absolute in a long time. I just checked my email and they shipped me $25. I guess I was more of a baller.

Also, no flip. I have $25.40 in my account now, so nl25 naturally.
11-05-2009 , 11:12 PM
I have $3.47, I'll short stack...
11-05-2009 , 11:13 PM
Well TITS_OR_GTFO is sitting at a 25NL HU table if someone wants to GAMBOOOL.

Also I got exact value makes me 5.4% more baller than previous post.
11-05-2009 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by _Towelie_
I would imagine most of us here are fairly emotionless people? Seems like a common trait among grinders, at least once the grind has completely crushed your soul that is.
Seems this sensitive soul is in the wrong ****ING GAME THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

edit: My 1k post will be in bbv btw. Along with the other 800
11-05-2009 , 11:20 PM
Can't find you KB. I'm Voted4kodos and am up to $33 so far!
11-05-2009 , 11:20 PM
Turned that into 46.66. Now to cash out lol.

EDIT: waiting for a seat at your table micro.
11-05-2009 , 11:20 PM
nicely done KB
11-05-2009 , 11:22 PM
Nice score KB
11-05-2009 , 11:24 PM
lol, yeah UB shipped me 10 bucks too. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

shortstacking NL25 right now imo.

perfect scenery and light for a HDR photo.
11-05-2009 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by NRV1121

Ended up on COBRA after losing job after being out of work for lung transplant.

COBRA got cancelled on me after I missed a payment due to moving and not having mail caught up, combined with not having had to pay COBRA for months after having backcredit built up due to ARRA subsidy...

Need anti-rejection medication refill SOON.

No insurance = No medication = Rejection = Death.

Major bummer. Need to magically learn to make tons of money playing 11 dollar sngs. :-)
Become poor and get on Medicaid, get a corporate job, or move to Massachusetts or Canada. Several family members of mine and now I am facing the same dilemna, although for not as serious of an issue. Good luck.
