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***Offical STTf November [censored] bonfire night thread *** NSFW=GOOD BBV=BAN ***Offical STTf November [censored] bonfire night thread *** NSFW=GOOD BBV=BAN

11-04-2009 , 01:51 AM

Most of the stuff you're talking about is decided by the administration and enforced by the moderators. You're still deeply interweaving really standard public portrayal concepts of American (and other countries? IDK we're really prude) business of not allowing porn openly on your site venues, and some developing sense of community within varying pockets of an internet forum. The sense of community developed that leads to friendships and aid is not the same one that decided that you weren't allowed to show a nipple on this part of the internet. The very fact that I am forced by policy that pre-dates STTF's existence to delete posts like the aforementioned, but still post and enjoy seeing posts of good looking semi-clothed chicks that are generally allowable, along with the rest of this particular community's liking for said pics, would completely negate the idea that these actions revolve around the STTF **** thread's communal values. Your points about money transfers are still out of place in this comparison, but like, I really am too tired and don't care enough to go into it more at this moment.

It is certainly an interesting culture, there's a huge social element to posting here, but it was simply not one formulated and decided as narrowly as the way that you seem to be saying, and even those aspects that were do not end there and have site-wide implications that are outside the scope of your comments.

And, Lolmicrobetaments.

Last edited by AMT; 11-04-2009 at 02:38 AM. Reason: Sick level Jay! <3
11-04-2009 , 01:51 AM
The internet spans all countries. As does this forum ad hoc values aside.

So, what is acceptable in other lands may or may not be kosher to those involved with this particular forum.

Rules are rules and by participating, the implied consent that posters will abide by the rules are automatic. Ignorance of the rules is not a valid defense.

However, she was HOT!

Last edited by SlackerMcFly; 11-04-2009 at 01:53 AM. Reason: I heart AMT too. But not in a Sippin way......
11-04-2009 , 01:54 AM
30 pack of beer at the GROCERY STORE (WHAT!!) for $20, omg <33333 USA

Last edited by sippin_criss; 11-04-2009 at 01:54 AM. Reason: that chick def was super hot
11-04-2009 , 02:18 AM
Don't want this to go on too long AMT: I just want to make it crystal that I wasn't complaining about any MOD actions or policies of 2+2.

But I think it's correct to say that our community (and the values to which we adhere) is enabled by the context in which it evolved. I would not be able to be a member of 2+2 if what I would describe as explicit sexual pictures were allowed - a. I'd be embarrassed if my wife "caught" me surfing porn, and b. my 5 year old is continually in and out of my office when I'm playing/surfing.

The context created by the administration in some sense excludes people from the community and in others includes people - what results is a self selecting group who have effectively signed up to a mode of behaviour - our history as STTFrs and our interactions then have then developed our culture to a point where it is clearly distinctive.

I find the process by which this has occurred, and the resulting community intellectually fascinating - and perhaps more to the point, I suspect that if one could understand it deeply to the point of being able to replicate it, internet billionairedom would soon beckon
11-04-2009 , 02:26 AM
kopp's hand aside
Tavelli's hand vs Begleiter was so awfully terrible, i wanted to scream at the screen...
11-04-2009 , 02:28 AM
Ok well we can agree on your final points then, xP. I however, was complaining. I like me some flesh :P


In other news,

PokerKyle said, "lol"
PokerKyle said, " ru serious"
PokerKyle said, "di"
Hypotron collected 54786 from pot
PokerKyle: a5
PokerKyle: i hope your mom gets raped
Dealer: PokerKyle, it's your turn. You have 14 seconds to act
PokerKyle: u ****ing ****
PokerKyle: ur ****ing awful die *****
PokerKyle: i hope your house catches on fire
PokerKyle: have you even seen me play a hand? does that matter? oh ofcours not..because i haev ace 5!
Hypotron: i iz thought u iz a loose cannon
Hypotron: sok youll get em next time bro
PokerKyle: shut the **** up

Last edited by AMT; 11-04-2009 at 02:35 AM.
11-04-2009 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by lacky 17yo and I were driving home last night and saw this emo kid massively decked out, leather coat to his ankles, etc, etc.

me "cool costume"
daughter roles eyes
me "if I was walking by him right now I'd tell him it was a cool costume and ask him if there was an after party" (haloween)
daughter, with no hesitation "dad no, he'd cry, he'd cry big black tears and slit his wrists and write 12 poems about it"

the moments I live for, being out witted by my kid.
This may be the only thing I can remember that has ever made me want to have a kid. So awesome. GJ.

Originally Posted by suzzer99
Let's try this next time:

11-04-2009 , 08:48 AM
look at these sweet shoes:

11-04-2009 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by sippin_criss
30 pack of beer at the GROCERY STORE (WHAT!!) for $20, omg <33333 USA
You missed it. 5 years ago you could get 30 pack of Keystone for 10 bucks(30 stones for 10 bones).
11-04-2009 , 12:24 PM
I watched Full Metal Jacket last night for the first time. Heard tons about it but never realised it was quite like that! As a very young and spritely yet ignorant 32 yr old englishman, can someone quickly brief me in the most to the point in as few a words as possible, just wtf the vietnam war was about and why you lot went over there? From what I've read it was to stop communism taking over the south but I don't really get it, why bother with that and not more important shiz that goes/went on in other countries? Try not to use any big political words, as tho you're telling it to a 5yr old plz
11-04-2009 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
You missed it. 5 years ago you could get 30 pack of Keystone for 10 bucks(30 stones for 10 bones).
Still can, well technically 11, but same ****.

Anyways, new modern family tonight:

11-04-2009 , 12:36 PM
I think maybe a smart objective person who spends their career studying the issue and has good inside access to the corporate, political and military interests could possibly have a good handle on the complete picture of why we went to war in Viet Nam.

For the simple answer, in an effort to curb the spread of communism we started out small supporting the French and the war effort just grew and grew in an attempt to be successful.
11-04-2009 , 12:41 PM
Yea I read something about the French, wtf were they upto? Nowadays their tanks have 6 gears, 1 forward and 5 reverse!
11-04-2009 , 12:45 PM
You know that kung-fu thing where you punch someone and 5 years later their heart explodes?

That was really our plan all along with communism. We figured that if we fight a little in Korea, and then Viet Nam and have a little stand off in Eastern Europe and then back off for a while communism would fall and they would all become market economies.

Sam Walton was on the inside and built a chain of stores to be filled with plastic junk from the communists. So was Sylvester Stallone who foresaw the Soviet Sports machine providing us with the Klitchko brothers.
11-04-2009 , 12:47 PM
The French used to occupy a lot of countries because they liked to have exotic locations for sipping espresso at sidewalk cafes.
11-04-2009 , 12:57 PM
Ah ok so the good guys lost but the communism didn't spread anyway?
11-04-2009 , 01:07 PM
Ragz - I think this is the succinct version

As a 5 year old I truly believed that there would be a nuclear war. Until 1989, I think we all did believe that it was inevitable. Reagan, Thatcher and Gorbachev have as their greatest legacy, the removal of that enormous fear from all mankind.

In 1987/8 I was serving in Berlin - we used to go out to dinner in the East, dressed in Mess kit, throwing money away like water, and were regularly followed by the secret police. I also commanded a guard on one of our nuclear warhead stores - the whole thing was terrifying. I was No 1 platoon commander in A Company 1 Staffords, which at that time meant I was the point platoon commander for the British Army in Germany. We were never allowed more than 1 hr off base unless we were on leave, and I reckoned my life expectancy in minutes rather than days had 3rd Shock Army started motoring West.

The Cold War was very real. Part of it was fought in Viet Nam.
11-04-2009 , 01:15 PM
When I was a kid we knew there was some possibility of nuclear annihilation. Thank goodness Matthew Broderick taught us all that the only way to win is not to play.
11-04-2009 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
The French used to occupy a lot of countries because they liked to have exotic locations for sipping espresso at sidewalk cafes.
Now we have to sip it in Paris. Not so bad, IMO .
11-04-2009 , 01:59 PM 7yo walks in the back door and asks mom if we have any brownie bites

wife "what for?"
son "my snake trap"
wife "do you think snakes will eat brownie bites"
son, with no hesitation "you're right, do you have any dead animals"

I get a chuckle like this out of him at least once a day.

The kid is unstoppable, spent the better part of a weekend trying to convince him that the zoo in new zealand was probably not going to ship him a tuatara but his hand written letter had some good arguments so I helped him send it.
11-04-2009 , 02:07 PM
The kid stories are cute but I think I've already resigned myself to a barren, meaningless existence that ends in my own death. Things are just simpler this way.
11-04-2009 , 02:14 PM
Ragz - continue your research by watching Platoon.
11-04-2009 , 02:58 PM
If anyone knows: If I deposit 600 on FT today (for bonus) will i have any hassles cashing $ back out right away?

edit: have way more than $600 in acc now
