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*****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV *****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV

09-16-2009 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Scotty_12
You know you have too many good poker days (or just live in a pretty troubled country ) when ....

perhaps i was exaggerating a bit, but seeing that was a very nice cap bc it needs to become more mainstream to hate on kanye

30" monitor owns me, cant wait to grind more
09-16-2009 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by kleath
perhaps i was exaggerating a bit, but seeing that was a very nice cap bc it needs to become more mainstream to hate on kanye

30" monitor owns me, cant wait to grind more
Im still not convinced it wasnt staged, although my confidence has went down alot since I first saw the vid

I need to inherit the desire to grind too!

Rebellz, mtts are gross because you could play 1000 tournaments and be all in a few thousand times over the course of them - and a handful of these hands are the ones that matter the most and can massively affect your roi.

Im sure there is better discussion on the topic somewhere in mttc, only because its so easy to whine about them that im sure someone more emo than me has thought/posted about it. Whining so much more productive imo
09-16-2009 , 02:08 PM
how goes the cash scotty?
09-16-2009 , 02:32 PM
Lol, CQ
You must have been looking for that pic since Sippin posted he was gonna get a new one..

Sippin, seeing how you pwn boards postflop, I had no doubt you'd get a car with backdoors..

Just as Jurras I now also know why I didnt know Taylor S.; we don't have country music in Europe (thank god!)

Also, another nice Kanye vid:
09-16-2009 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Rebellz
ehm i don't know if anyone of you is playing mtt but i'll give a try....

noob question, i already looked at faq and used the search but i can't find the answers!!!
I'm mainly a sng and cash player so i have no idea about mtt numbers:
What's a decent sample size for mtts ? 3k mtts? 5k?
How likely is a 100 BI downswing for a winning player over 500 - 1k mtts? 300 BI downswing?
If you are grinding mid/high stakes mtts like say avg buyin of 130, you are going to lose 13k at some point in that sample the vast vast majority of the time, 300 buyins maybe a coinflip? Mtts are sick

Last edited by kleath; 09-16-2009 at 03:19 PM. Reason: and i dont even run bad!
09-16-2009 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by DevinLake
awkward silence? The crowd was incredibly noisy after Kayne's dick move. I got the impression she was waiting for the crowd to settle down, more than not having anything to say.
How awesome would it have been to see a couple bouncers come up and slam him to the ground?
09-16-2009 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
How awesome would it have been to see a couple bouncers come up and slam him to the ground?
very awesome imo
foreman wow mislicked myself hard there lol
09-16-2009 , 03:57 PM
who's kanye west
09-16-2009 , 04:27 PM
Are they ever bringing back the 5400 FPP sats?
09-16-2009 , 04:34 PM

wow,what a sick catch
09-16-2009 , 04:37 PM
think that one has been posted before. Pretty epic though.
09-16-2009 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by gobao
what the hell...someone give this girl a scholarship
09-16-2009 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by DevinLake
how goes the cash scotty?
Havent played any since wcoop started, cant really bring myself too after getting it in vs the best hand in my opponents range to play the hand that I pick up and then getting binked - plus knowing im just gonna have to do it again in a couple days.

And that laziness combined with my all in aids is why i am poor now

As I was posting this, these lovely hands happened in a tuornament i was 2nd in chips in. What will happen first, people think im faking HH or people getting tired of my whining? I would set odds are 2-1 at both, with even money on me being too broke to afford internet and post soon

Edited to say that for people with considerable volume, i cannot imagine ANYONE running worse AIPF than I have these last few weeks when ahead. Im sure that there are people who run into dominated hands more than i do, bc ive been running good at rarely doing that, but it doesnt matter since they ALWAYS get there

Last edited by Scotty_12; 09-16-2009 at 04:49 PM.
09-16-2009 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Are they ever bringing back the 5400 FPP sats?
Probably once they bring the Sunday million back (i.e. after wcoop)
09-16-2009 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by faarcyde
what the hell...someone give this girl a scholarship
That was a gatorade commercial 5-7 years ago (which I guess was never aired, although I know I remember seeing something similar). Ball girls don't chase potentially fair balls into the corner.

Produced by Element 79 and Directed by Baker Smith.

From Commercial Director Baker Smith:

As for how the ball girl (played by stuntwoman Phoenix Brown) made the spectacular catch that is the highlight of the video, she got a little help from rigs and Framestore CFC.

Smith and his crew shot the big catch right after the game they were shooting concluded, attaching the ball girl to wires and having two stunt men off to the side literally yanking her up the wall.
09-16-2009 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by xxdanimalxx
Probably once they bring the Sunday million back (i.e. after wcoop)
So like mid-2011 or so?
09-16-2009 , 06:14 PM

how does the windshield banner not say Gay Pride?
09-16-2009 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by GtrHtr

how does the windshield banner not say Gay Pride?
Because gays don't drive Camaros... regardless of paint job. Now, mullet-heads on the other hand...

Last edited by Bonneville; 09-16-2009 at 07:30 PM.
09-16-2009 , 07:26 PM
isnt it obvious???
09-16-2009 , 08:55 PM
09-16-2009 , 09:09 PM
Anybody know how to turn off the steps run bad? I can't win a step 2 ticket to save my life.
09-16-2009 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by cwicemvp12
Anybody know how to turn off the steps run bad? I can't win a step 2 ticket to save my life.
Options -> Doomswitch... -> Satellite Tab -> Select Steps from Dropdown Menu -> click the "Off" Radiobutton.
09-16-2009 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by jurrasstoil
Options -> Doomswitch... -> Satellite Tab -> Select Steps from Dropdown Menu -> click the "Off" Radiobutton.
Either this or get somebody to hold me at gunpoint and we'll see just exactly how bad I run.

Last edited by cwicemvp12; 09-16-2009 at 09:16 PM. Reason: Also, the only option I see is "On"
09-16-2009 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Scotty_12

Edited to say that for people with considerable volume, i cannot imagine ANYONE running worse AIPF than I have these last few weeks when ahead. Im sure that there are people who run into dominated hands more than i do, bc ive been running good at rarely doing that, but it doesnt matter since they ALWAYS get there
Good news. I felt this way about 2 years ago. The long run is ****ing long but you get there.
09-16-2009 , 09:31 PM
Inya just refer him to your avatar.
