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*****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV *****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV

09-16-2009 , 07:43 AM
You guys are trying to look too macho obv.
Everyone knows taylor swift!
<3 she's awesome, pretty/nice personality/good lyrics/voice.

09-16-2009 , 07:58 AM
Never in my life tried to look macho, but still had never heard of Taylor Swift.
09-16-2009 , 08:05 AM
Damn Beyonce Halo is a hard track.

"i swore i'd never fall again, but this don't even feel like fallin" WHAT@?!
09-16-2009 , 08:37 AM
this is one of the top 10 funniest videos i've ever watched

supermarket worker in the UK obv pissed off working for minimum wage smashes up food, plays cricket in the isles, slashes the staff room sofa, pisses in a bin, licks a chicken and puts it back on the shelf.... lolololololmao

all on video
09-16-2009 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by Josem
IT's the last 3 secodns of this youtube video:

I think this guy is awesome. I had an email from someone asking if the guy was cheating in the video, so looked into it, and am amazed.
Heh, I looked up some of that guys stuff, pretty hilarious.

What's more funny is that someone thought he was cheating in that vid? er lol...
09-16-2009 , 09:38 AM
Taylor Swift is cute but her music is pretty awful imo. Then again, I don't care for pop country.

Micro that install looks impressive.

Originally Posted by Daleroxxu
this is one of the top 10 funniest videos i've ever watched

supermarket worker in the UK obv pissed off working for minimum wage smashes up food, plays cricket in the isles, slashes the staff room sofa, pisses in a bin, licks a chicken and puts it back on the shelf.... lolololololmao

all on video
haha that's great. For some reason I got a kick out of the employee response video too.
09-16-2009 , 10:24 AM
Some of you may not have seen this thread since it's in the HU forum, it's from a year ago but someone bumped it. Well worth a read, takes another look at the whole Irieguy / Gigabet Success and Failure thing.
09-16-2009 , 10:27 AM
09-16-2009 , 10:30 AM
I would never have heard of Taylor Swift if she weren't my 9yo daughter's favorite singer. Of course, I didn't really know who Kayne West was before this either and I was reading his name pronounced like 'cane'. I had heard of Beyonce.

Thanks Braminc. Velocity, you bet.

Cangurino, rebates and stuff vary and I don't know where you are, even if 46 deg latitude means like Seattle, WA or somewhere in Argentina. Solar resource varies a lot by area as well as latitude, e.g. Barstow, CA gets more sun than Miami, FL even though Miami is further south.

But, before any subsidies, solar installed is around $6.50-$7.50 per watt. That's DC rated watts. Multiply by about .75 for what you really get in AC. Multiply each watt of solar by how many solar-hours per day you get (given orientation of system) to get how many watt-hours you get per day average. In Yakima, WA you'd get about 5 solar hours, but at the same latitude in Olympia, WA you'd only get about 4. When you look at the whole economics of it, consider that solar panels are warrantied for 25 years and will likely last much longer. The first modern silicon solar wafer made in 1954 in Bell labs still works.
09-16-2009 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Daleroxxu
takes away the boredom of waiting for tables to load at 6:40am thats for sure

Dude, you have an ace in position.

You better be shoving.
09-16-2009 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by dave1mo
Dude, you have an ace in position.

You better be shoving.

It's level 1. DOWN BOY! DOWN!

Originally Posted by chillin_dude
You guys are trying to look too macho obv.
Everyone knows taylor swift!
<3 she's awesome, pretty/nice personality/good lyrics/voice.
seriously never heard of or seen this crap in my life. She's pretty hot though.
09-16-2009 , 11:34 AM
the one w/ neil armstrong is so funny...what a d-bag move that was.
09-16-2009 , 11:42 AM
Microbet: Actually it's Northern Italy; the weather can be a bit dodgy. They recommend a nominal 3-4 MWh/year setup (whatever that means) which with subsidies and all should pay for itself in around 9-10 years. I was just wondering what part of my roof that would take up... are we talking 10 m^2 or 100 m^2 (100 sqft or 1000)?

So, the basic question is the efficiency of the panels in power per area.
09-16-2009 , 11:43 AM
AMT - take that back or I'm going to tell Lydia you said Taylor Swift was crap! Try to have a little perspective, you know most of what you like is really puerile gibberish to a wise old dude like me.
09-16-2009 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by _Towelie_
Well that didn't last long. At least they are working on it.
09-16-2009 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
AMT - take that back or I'm going to tell Lydia you said Taylor Swift was crap! Try to have a little perspective, you know most of what you like is really puerile gibberish to a wise old dude like me.

Don't tell her plz. I use the term 'crap' very generically. Even with things that I love. Like Taylor Swift.

You can tell her I said that last part though.
09-16-2009 , 11:51 AM
Cangurino, Northern Italy is at 46! That's sick. Pretty sunny though, right? Probably close to 5 solar hours. That would mean a 3.5 MWH/year system would be about a 2.6 kilowatt (DC) system, which is pretty small, so you must not use much power. A typical 200 watt solar panel is about 15 sq. ft., so you're looking at about 195 sq. ft. (18 square meters) of roof space, but your local codes may require setbacks from the edges.
09-16-2009 , 11:52 AM
ehm i don't know if anyone of you is playing mtt but i'll give a try....

noob question, i already looked at faq and used the search but i can't find the answers!!!
I'm mainly a sng and cash player so i have no idea about mtt numbers:
What's a decent sample size for mtts ? 3k mtts? 5k?
How likely is a 100 BI downswing for a winning player over 500 - 1k mtts? 300 BI downswing?
09-16-2009 , 12:32 PM
Taylor Swift is 20 years old and has apparently always been socially awkward. She has been performing variously since she was ~10 and would write songs about her classmates who would make fun of her. She graduated from a Christian school in Tennessee which offered a home schooling program which she was apart of. It's no wonder she didn't know what to do when large, big mouthed Chicago rapper steals a microphone from her on stage. Not only is she socially awkward, she's probably never spoken to a black guy.

Taylor swift sold more records than anyone else in 2008, with two different records finishing in the top 10 for yearly sales data (# 3's and 6). She holds a ton of volume oriented sales records, especially for that of a country singer. She has 5 singles off her self titled album and at least 4 from her 2nd album, all of which are so ****ing played out on the radio that you all should have heard at least one of them if you've ever turned your terrestrial radio on. She's a country singer but several of her songs are continuously played on the hot 40/pop stations.

TY wikipedia.
09-16-2009 , 12:35 PM
microbet: Thanks, exactly the info I was looking for. Yes, Europe is way up north (I think Naples and NYC are on the same latitude). I might need some more power, especially with two computers running all day. But I got the idea; gonna talk to the pros and have them have a look at the place.
09-16-2009 , 12:41 PM

yeah totally baller so what. o ya dis my car now.
09-16-2009 , 12:44 PM
strange I expected your car to look like this:

09-16-2009 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by kleath
i had a pretty good poker day but I think the highlight was reading that the president called Kanye a jackass
You know you have too many good poker days (or just live in a pretty troubled country ) when ....

Originally Posted by Velocity
halo is still the best video game
09-16-2009 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Velocity
im also disappointed in how sucky taylor swift is. shes supposed to be an entertainer and presumably have some charisma, but did nothing but stand in awkward silence and walk off after this happened.
awkward silence? The crowd was incredibly noisy after Kayne's dick move. I got the impression she was waiting for the crowd to settle down, more than not having anything to say.
09-16-2009 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by crackedquads
Taylor Swift is [...] a country singer.
Ah, see, there is the problem. I HATE COUNTRY...

I knew a hot chick that listened to country and nothing else basically. Kinda proved my theory that hot chicks have terrible (read: "not my") taste of music.
Originally Posted by crackedquads
strange I expected your car to look like this:

wow, is this one of those Hot Wheel Cars that changes it's color depending on it's temperature?
Originally Posted by Rebellz
ehm i don't know if anyone of you is playing mtt but i'll give a try....

noob question, i already looked at faq and used the search but i can't find the answers!!!
I'm mainly a sng and cash player so i have no idea about mtt numbers:
What's a decent sample size for mtts ? 3k mtts? 5k?
How likely is a 100 BI downswing for a winning player over 500 - 1k mtts? 300 BI downswing?
5k is a decent sample, but still not good, just because of the immense variance. I'd even say that knowing your "true ROI" to around 5-10% accuracy is almost impossible.
Downswing is hard to say, because it depends a lot on your style, the competition you are playing against, the fieldsize etc and your ROI ofc.
Just be aware that MTT variance is horrible and play away if you think you are +EV.

Originally Posted by _Towelie_
