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I owe IA Boomer and others a poker tourney vid.What micro or freeroll stakes tourny vid u want? I owe IA Boomer and others a poker tourney vid.What micro or freeroll stakes tourny vid u want?

07-23-2009 , 09:54 AM
WHY do you guys keep responding to's an infinite loop of sadness
07-23-2009 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
The average split difference between 1000 and 3000 is 2000.
I think I may have found the problem.
07-23-2009 , 02:31 PM
lol mike's last post has to be in a foreign language, more so than any other post he's made here
07-23-2009 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
What does help is when somebody looks at my HH or vid,that something like this happens.

"Hey mike I noticed looking thru your HH(or vid) that you limped J8 in late MP to early late position."

Person then shows me the HH or vid segment of the vid segment showing the offending limp in.

I look thu the HH and vid for background and context and to see if I have been doing that a lot and notice I also limped in like that only 1 othe time in the tourney.

I then say "I see what your saying,but heres the reason why it happened and why I probably did it.That doesnt make it right,just probably why I did that" "also I notice that I did that 1 other time in the tourney."

"Yeah I also noticed that and I was going to tell you mike about that as well.You need to be aware of that and not do that"

"Yes your right and I know,thanks for pointing that out to me,and making me aware of that.I will try to be more aware of that so I dont do that again.Thanks for reminding me"
Mike, folks have tried that many, many times. It always goes like this:
"Hey mike I noticed you did or do or dont do blah blah blah,you need to do or dont do blah blah"

"I do or dont do blah blah,for blah blah reason blah blah.So thats why I do or dont do it,because I think its the right or wrong way to play blah blah"

"Ok Mike,But here is why I dont think you should do or dont do this blah blah blah"

"But what about blah blah about that part of blah blah,wouldnt that mean blah blah about blah blah,thats why I do or dont do blah blah"

"Well Mike the answer to that question is blah blah blah blah,so thats why you should do or dont d blah blah blah"

75 to 85% chance I wil say"oh ok I see what you saying,so your saying blah blah blah and that blah blah,and thats why I should do blah blah.Ok I will do or wont do blah blah then"
no, there's about a 99% chance you'll insist you're right because you (mis)read it in the green book or some ****.
This is called logic,reason,based questioning,discussion,debate,conversing,convincin g,persuading.
This is called talking to a madman.
And its what my coach and me used to do.And 70 to 85% of the time I am going to agree,and about 15 to 30% of the time I am going to disagree.
I'd like to see the spreadsheet with these figures to back those estimates up.
And lets stay away from things like "you suck" "your the worst" etc

Because for 1 thing I and some others(its about a 50/50 split,or they are in the minority)think I dont suck.
Mike there's a 99-100% chance that you're the only one who thinks you don't suck.
And before the bad run,how I was playing and the success shows I dont suck.
Mike, you don't really have a handle on the meaning of "success," do ya?
Saying "you suck you suck" doesnt help at all.I have told you what would help.
Mike, every thread of yours is full of honest, genuine and valuable advice from posters. Then it's full of you telling them why they're wrong and you're right. Then the hilarity ensues. Then you go on another downswing and post about how unlucky you are and the cycle begins again. You don't see the pattern?
07-23-2009 , 02:44 PM
I will make the same offer I made to bandichime: I will stake you in the stars lotto every week. Just hit me on aim on sundays.
07-23-2009 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by brad2002tj
I will make the same offer I made to bandichime: I will stake you in the stars lotto every week. Just hit me on aim on sundays.
sick degen skills
07-23-2009 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by brad2002tj
I will make the same offer I made to bandichime: I will stake you in the stars lotto every week. Just hit me on aim on sundays.
Wasn't it you that got burned before by staking a busto?
07-23-2009 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
Wasn't it you that got burned before by staking a busto?
I've been burned several times, but the time you are probably thinking of she came through.
07-23-2009 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by brad2002tj
I've been burned several times, but the time you are probably thinking of she came through.
ah.. yeah the one she ft'd was the one I was thinking of.. I knew she had sent a decent %..wasn't sure if you had gotten the rest or if it was just written off.
07-23-2009 , 11:35 PM
really enjoyed this thread, thank you MikealDH
07-24-2009 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
Mike.. that is way too long and just full of garbage.... and get it out of your head that Ferguson played 2000 freerolls in 7 months. He would have had to play every freeroll that went off every day.. and even then, he might be eligible for what.. maybe a dozen that gave out cash prizes? I don't think he's interested in the winner take all Phil Gordon Final Table dvd freeroll.. doesn't seem like it would help him much.
He was doing a full time experiment to see if he could go from 0 to 10,000 with the 10,000 donated to charity.It took him 7 months just for him to get to $6 playing the freerolls at full tilt.And I am not making it up.This is according to a Full Tilt Poker article,and not me.

If you don believe me goto Full Tilt Poker and go read the article.And your missing the point,Chris Fergusson went thru some of the worst bad luck anybody could have playing freerolls.
07-24-2009 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by Markusgc

Who's better at the pokers - you or your ladyfriend?
She dont play Poker,blackjack,pinochle, she plays Hearts.Hearts is the only card game she plays.
07-24-2009 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by brad2002tj
I will make the same offer I made to bandichime: I will stake you in the stars lotto every week. Just hit me on aim on sundays.
Sundays are not good for me,unless you want me to talk to you on sunday nights to play in a stars lotto during the week.

Btw whats a stars lotto tourny?is it a lotto game where everybody shoves every hand?
07-24-2009 , 12:34 AM
Also dont worry about me paying back a stake,I have paid Gigglegirl who is was my coach 2 $15 stakes.So I dont do the lame take the money and run thing,like some other people do.
07-24-2009 , 12:38 AM
Also I have not broken busted my bankroll I have $15(up from $10)

I also won the 25 c 90 players sit n go at stars today.I won $6.
07-24-2009 , 12:43 AM
I've been avoiding this thread for a while cause the title is so uninteresting
wish I'd kept avoiding it
07-24-2009 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
He was doing a full time experiment to see if he could go from 0 to 10,000 with the 10,000 donated to charity.It took him 7 months just for him to get to $6 playing the freerolls at full tilt.And I am not making it up.This is according to a Full Tilt Poker article,and not me.

If you don believe me goto Full Tilt Poker and go read the article.And your missing the point,Chris Fergusson went thru some of the worst bad luck anybody could have playing freerolls.
I'm well aware of what he said.. I've read the articles. He still wouldn't have been able to play thousands of freerolls in 7 months. He would have had to play pretty much every freeroll of every day for 7 months... no time for sleep. Go through on ftp and count how many $100 freerolls us citizens are able to play.. its like a dozen, going from midnight to midnight. As awesome cool good to great unbelievable jesus is.. even he had to sleep for 3 days and nights.
07-24-2009 , 07:12 AM
Also I have not broken busted my bankroll I have $15
And this represents the ROI of an average to good poker player after 6 years of playing?
07-24-2009 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by calidris
And this represents the ROI of an average to good poker player after 6 years of playing?
Points:5 years not 6. Also change even 1 of 5 to 10 certain specific bad beats,donk beats,poker idiot goof off beats that I have taken at the hands of these clowns.And my bankroll looks like this:$5k to $20k to playing on tv for 250k,or main event seat,or Aruba millions.

How many of you if you changed even 1 of 7 to 13 specific bad beats,would have made at least 5k to 20k,and would have been playing on TV,for 250k or millions of dollars,and WSOP main event seat.

How many of you and others have taken 7 to 13 bad beats in freeroll super promo freerolls with huge prizes,as horrifyling bad as 7 to 13 specific bad beats of mine has been or that has cost you as much money as mine have?

Do you or others like you have a record of cashing 67 times out of 173 tries(44 cashes out of 115 tries last 3 years at casinos offline playing $13 to $33 buy ins 50 man tourneys,23 cashes out of 53 to 57 tries this year in the same type of touneys,in casinos offline)

How many of you have won(by won I mean won play chips,or won a round 2 or 3 seat in a multi round step freeroll promo,won small cash prizes,won tourney dollars,FPP,points,etc) 17 to 33 freerolls.Cashed in 300(or about 10 times the number of freerolls won)freerolls(by cashed I mean the same as what I said what I meant by won)made the final table about 165 times or so.

How many of you have either won,made a final table,or cashed or finished in the top 50 to 100 players,etc in a 5000 to 30,000 people large field freerolls like I have about 3 won,6 final tables,9 cashes,13 top 50 to 100 player finishes and 17 to 33 top 150 to 300 player finishes.

How many of you over a 150 to 300 tourney sample size online,have crushed sit n go's,whether they be micros or higher stakes,and finish ITM 30 to 33% and cash 1 out of every 2.9 you play in.

How many of you if you were to combine all this into 1 record,would have a record that was like this,and that if you were to change certain specific bad beats,would have thousands to hundreds of thousands at least.

And how many of you if you had a similar combined record like this would,if they just barely lost out of thousands and millions of dollars,or the chance to play for thousands and millions of dollars,and if they then lost 70 buy ins at the micros because of mainly 93% bad luck and 7% of bad run because of bad play,would then call themselves a bad sucky player.

And yes according to this,this all would accurately represent the ROI% of a slightly below average poker play at worst to average poker player at best who then improved to a average poker player,to above average at best,who then improved to a pretty decent ok above average to good poker player,who had a lot of extremely statistical anomalymous bad luck over that 5 year period of time.

Remember ROI doesnt keep track of bad luck.ROI doesnt keep track of cashes tht give you lots of tourney dollars,FPP,round 2 and 3 tickets,play chips that can be converted into real money.All ROI tracks is Real Money.And all it cares about is that you lost not that you were all in on the best hand bwith best chances of winning only to get beat by a 1 outer on the river.

Now if there were poker rankings like OPR and Sharkscope and others,that unlike all the others kept exact track of WHY you lost and bad beats and good play and bad play,and thus gave you a adjusted modified ranking,by reversing bad beats you had taken,and calling bad beats you gave out losing,to giving you credit for having won those bad beats and having lost the bad beat you gve out.Then my modified,adjusted ROI would be very highly ranked.And according to the modified,adjusted rankings I would be a good player.

The thing to remember is good poker play is good poker play an bad poker play is bad poker play,irregardless of the results.The inherent and intrinsic value of a poker play on whether someone played a poker hand or play right doesnt change based on the result of the poker play or hand.

You are results oriented.And accrding to you its impossible for a good player to go on huge bad runs,even though Fergusson who is oneof the bet in the world has gone on worse bad runs then I have.And there have been tmes when the pros ROI,and ITM have been a lot worse then mine during some o the epic bad runs some pros have taken.

And so if I suck because of my bad runs and bad ITM% and bad ROI%,then the pros who have had worse bad runs and worse ITM% and worse ROI% then me must then logically according to what you think and say,must suck and be worse poker players then I am.
07-24-2009 , 11:23 AM
the end.
07-24-2009 , 12:31 PM
Cliff notes...
OP has:
- cashed 67 times out of 173 tries offline
- won 17 to 33 freerolls and cashed in 300
- 3 won,6 final tables,9 cashes, 13 top 100 finishes in big field freerolls
- crushed sit n go's online over 150-300 sample
- $15 bucks left because of 1-10 specific bad beats.
07-24-2009 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by calidris
Cliff notes...
- has not made a new video yet
- is still here
- still sucks
- poops his pants on the regular
- freerolls.
07-24-2009 , 12:51 PM
Thanx, my bad.
07-24-2009 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Points:5 years not 6. Also change even 1 of 5 to 10 certain specific bad beats,donk beats,poker idiot goof off beats that I have taken at the hands of these clowns.And my bankroll looks like this:$5k to $20k to playing on tv for 250k,or main event seat,or Aruba millions.

How many of you if you changed even 1 of 7 to 13 specific bad beats,would have made at least 5k to 20k,and would have been playing on TV,for 250k or millions of dollars,and WSOP main event seat.

Awful logic. You are delusional and play 1 dollar sngoes. You will never have thousands of dollars from poker.

How many of you and others have taken 7 to 13 bad beats in freeroll super promo freerolls with huge prizes,as horrifyling bad as 7 to 13 specific bad beats of mine has been or that has cost you as much money as mine have?

See statement above

Do you or others like you have a record of cashing 67 times out of 173 tries(44 cashes out of 115 tries last 3 years at casinos offline playing $13 to $33 buy ins 50 man tourneys,23 cashes out of 53 to 57 tries this year in the same type of touneys,in casinos offline)

lol live poker

How many of you have won(by won I mean won play chips,or won a round 2 or 3 seat in a multi round step freeroll promo,won small cash prizes,won tourney dollars,FPP,points,etc) 17 to 33 freerolls.Cashed in 300(or about 10 times the number of freerolls won)freerolls(by cashed I mean the same as what I said what I meant by won)made the final table about 165 times or so.

How many of you have either won,made a final table,or cashed or finished in the top 50 to 100 players,etc in a 5000 to 30,000 people large field freerolls like I have about 3 won,6 final tables,9 cashes,13 top 50 to 100 player finishes and 17 to 33 top 150 to 300 player finishes.

who cares? they are ****ing freerolls. i'm pretty sure a chimp could cash with the same frequency

How many of you over a 150 to 300 tourney sample size online,have crushed sit n go's,whether they be micros or higher stakes,and finish ITM 30 to 33% and cash 1 out of every 2.9 you play in.

lol whats your ave BI?

How many of you if you were to combine all this into 1 record,would have a record that was like this,and that if you were to change certain specific bad beats,would have thousands to hundreds of thousands at least.

so very very wrong

And how many of you if you had a similar combined record like this would,if they just barely lost out of thousands and millions of dollars,or the chance to play for thousands and millions of dollars,and if they then lost 70 buy ins at the micros because of mainly 93% bad luck and 7% of bad run because of bad play,would then call themselves a bad sucky player.

regardless of your luck, 70 BI at micros means you suck.

And yes according to this,this all would accurately represent the ROI% of a slightly below average poker play at worst to average poker player at best who then improved to a average poker player,to above average at best,who then improved to a pretty decent ok above average to good poker player,who had a lot of extremely statistical anomalymous bad luck over that 5 year period of time.

you managed to say average 5 times in one ridiculous run on sentence. isn't there an EV garph program for sngoes? I'd like to see how statistically 'anomalymous' your luck is

Remember ROI doesnt keep track of bad luck.ROI doesnt keep track of cashes tht give you lots of tourney dollars,FPP,round 2 and 3 tickets,play chips that can be converted into real money.All ROI tracks is Real Money.And all it cares about is that you lost not that you were all in on the best hand bwith best chances of winning only to get beat by a 1 outer on the river.

Real money. That is why you play poker..right?

Now if there were poker rankings like OPR and Sharkscope and others,that unlike all the others kept exact track of WHY you lost and bad beats and good play and bad play,and thus gave you a adjusted modified ranking,by reversing bad beats you had taken,and calling bad beats you gave out losing,to giving you credit for having won those bad beats and having lost the bad beat you gve out.Then my modified,adjusted ROI would be very highly ranked.And according to the modified,adjusted rankings I would be a good player.

Wrong, you would still be horrible

The thing to remember is good poker play is good poker play an bad poker play is bad poker play,irregardless of the results.The inherent and intrinsic value of a poker play on whether someone played a poker hand or play right doesnt change based on the result of the poker play or hand.

inherent and intrinsic trying to sound smart are we mikey boy. btw, irregardless is a double negative

You are results oriented.And accrding to you its impossible for a good player to go on huge bad runs,even though Fergusson who is oneof the bet in the world has gone on worse bad runs then I have.And there have been tmes when the pros ROI,and ITM have been a lot worse then mine during some o the epic bad runs some pros have taken.

show me a pro that has had a epic bad run at micros

And so if I suck because of my bad runs and bad ITM% and bad ROI%,then the pros who have had worse bad runs and worse ITM% and worse ROI% then me must then logically according to what you think and say,must suck and be worse poker players then I am.
I always wondered what it would be like to peek inside the mind of a delusional ******. Just amazing.
07-24-2009 , 01:49 PM
Pretty sure Mike has the sickest record of anyone ever and no-one should try to compete.
