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I owe IA Boomer and others a poker tourney vid.What micro or freeroll stakes tourny vid u want? I owe IA Boomer and others a poker tourney vid.What micro or freeroll stakes tourny vid u want?

07-24-2009 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
You are results oriented.
this phrase absolves him of all responsibility.
And so if I suck because of my bad runs and bad ITM% and bad ROI%,then the pros who have had worse bad runs and worse ITM% and worse ROI% then me must then logically according to what you think and say,must suck and be worse poker players then I am.
Mike, no pros have worse a ROI% than you. That's how they pay their bills with poker money. Shucks, I manage to pay some bills with a very minimal effort at microstakes.

FYI... You suck for many reasons, your ROI% is just the evidence of it. If you were given about $30-45 and currently have about $11-15 then you have a negative ROI. Pros are profitable.
07-24-2009 , 06:20 PM
Ok I've read every single post in this thread and I am so strongly inclined into thinking that Mike HAS to be a gimmick account and some 2+2'er is laughing his ass off when all of us try to give real advice to him. If this is a level, it's a full blown level, a level from another galaxy.

I mean, can a person be this stupid and not be confined in a mental facility? What the hell is wrong with the world?
07-24-2009 , 07:57 PM
Are you going back to playing freerolls exclusively after you lose your last $15?
07-25-2009 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by calidris
Cliff notes...
OP has:
- cashed 67 times out of 173 tries offline
- won 17 to 33 freerolls and cashed in 300
- 3 won,6 final tables,9 cashes, 13 top 100 finishes in big field freerolls
- crushed sit n go's online over 150-300 sample
- $15 bucks left because of 1-10 specific bad beats.
$15 left after a 2nd 70 buy in bad run after building roll back up to $80 after paying back stakes and taking a the 1st 70 buy in lost bad run.
07-25-2009 , 02:59 AM
how do you justify your claim of being a good poker player when, in fact, you are entirely and helplessly busto?

also how do you sneer at the advice of players who make more in a day than you make in a year?

it makes me sad when i think about the tentative future of the world and the fact that there are people like you =/
07-25-2009 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by taaffey
I always wondered what it would be like to peek inside the mind of a delusional ******. Just amazing.
And your a illogical person who dodges questions and trolls flames attacks call names and doesnt make cases with logic

You deny and dodge questions,You do that because since you didnt answer my questions,You dont have any specific bad beats that if you were to change you would have 5k to 20k in REAL MONEY and you would have played on tv,and would have played for 250k and millions of dollars in aruba,and main event.And since you dont have a specific bad beat that if changed would have meant big money for you,then unless you already have big time money,you dont have any legs to stand on.

Also you said to show you a pro who has had a worse bad run at the Micros.You dont listen or pay attention.Chris Fergusson has lost about 700 to 1300 freeroll buy ins over a 7 month period of time.

So according to what you say,then if I suck for 70 buy ins lost,then Chris fergusson sucks,and so if your going to say I suck,because of 70 buy ins lost,then at least be consistent and logical,then and say Chris Fergusson sucks.And if you dont say Chris Fergusson sucks,then you cant say I suck,unless your going to be inconsistent and be illogical,like how your already illogical

Bottom line is that your a results oriented tard.
07-25-2009 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by gangip
how do you justify your claim of being a good poker player when, in fact, you are entirely and helplessly busto?

also how do you sneer at the advice of players who make more in a day than you make in a year?

it makes me sad when i think about the tentative future of the world and the fact that there are people like you =/
please answer me
07-25-2009 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by Markusgc
this phrase absolves him of all responsibility.

Mike, no pros have worse a ROI% than you. That's how they pay their bills with poker money. Shucks, I manage to pay some bills with a very minimal effort at microstakes.

FYI... You suck for many reasons, your ROI% is just the evidence of it. If you were given about $30-45 and currently have about $11-15 then you have a negative ROI. Pros are profitable.
Downswings bad runs happen,except to you.

Your the biggest results oriented person here.First you said I sucked.Then you said I was crushing sit n go's.and that I was better,or good.And then after the 1st 70 buy in lost,you said I was bad.And then when I was back up to $80,that was better and good.And now that I am on a bad run again,I am bad again,according to you.This shows perfectly that you are results oriented,

And when you showed charts and graphs of how you were doing,as proof of how well you were doing.When I pointed out you didnt have hardly any bad luck,and that you havent experienced variance and bad luck.You denied that,and said that was because of how skilled you were.

Well you may be very skilled,and your skill is certainly at least partially if not most responsible for how good your doing.But you havent had bad luck or experienced variance.And when you finally stop luckily running so good.You will eventually go on a sick bad run,because of bad luck and variance.And people will start saying you suck to,until you climb back out of the bad run,which will then cause people to say your a good player.And thats because people are very very results oriented.And being results oriented in a game with both skill and chance involved,is not good.

Now if poker was a game of no chance and all skill,and whoever showed the best hand before the river showdown all in,automatically won,then being results oriented might probably be ok.

And your missing the point of what I was saying.Of course pros like matusow now have better ROIs etc,because they did what:CLIMBED OUT OF BAD RUNS.

But pros like Mike Matusow have gone on epic bad runs.For 2 or 3 years,there was a period where Mike Matusow lost all his winnings playing poker,and where he hardly never ever won.and because of the bad run,started playing bad,and because of the initial bad luck,and later bad play and bad luck,went into debt,and then once he hit rock bottom,and there was no place for him to go but up,he started getting lucky and playing well again,and now look where he is.

But during his bad run time,he had one of the worst ROI's in all of poker,worse then mine.

Also Chris Fergusson for a 7 month period of time during his freeroll experiment bad run,had a ROI worse than mine.

Now if Chris Fergusson and Mike Matusow had posted Anonymously during their epic bad runs,and bad ROI's during that time,you and others would be results oriented and would be saying to Mike Matusow,and Chris Ferguson that they sucked,and were bad players,and then think how stupid you and others would feel if after that they had shown and proved who they were.But even then there would be some results oriented dumbuts who would have told them "your in epic bad runs,so you guys suck"

And then think about how stupid people would feel if those pros came back after their epic bad runs and were running good again,and said something like "think I suck now,now that I am not anonymously posting and now that I have turned bad run around,and am running good,think I suck now?"

Its really time being results oriented stopped,and rather focus on good poker play is good and bad is bad regardless of what happens,and that the intrinsic and inherent value of whether poker play is good or not doesnt change based soley on what happened.
07-25-2009 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by gangip
please answer me
I have already answered your post thru exact same answers to others I have already answered,

If your to silly to not pay attention,and get that I dont listen to trollers and people who say "you suck" etc,and that I have $15 in my roll and my record and many other things that I have explainedmthats your dumb silly problem.I am a pretty decent ok good above average poker player,I have proven that throughly with logic reason examples comparisons,facts,my record,etc etc etc.

and so if some are to dumb silly to realize it,and still say "I suck" then they are still wrong,Someone can say the sjy is red all they want,The sky is still blue though,And them saying the sky is red wont change that.

Likewise people saying I suck,wont change that I am a pretty decent ok above averave to good poker player.

Also I have explained the way to discuss,debate,converse,convince,persuade,and have used examples like the coach I have had.

and so if people cant do that,thats their problem.
07-25-2009 , 03:47 AM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
I have already answered your post thru exact same answers to others I have already answered,

If your to silly to not pay attention,and get that I dont listen to trollers and people who say "you suck" etc,and that I have $15 in my roll and my record and many other things that I have explainedmthats your dumb silly problem.I am a pretty decent ok good above average poker player,I have proven that throughly with logic reason examples comparisons,facts,my record,etc etc etc.

and so if some are to dumb silly to realize it,and still say "I suck" then they are still wrong,Someone can say the sjy is red all they want,The sky is still blue though,And them saying the sky is red wont change that.

Likewise people saying I suck,wont change that I am a pretty decent ok above averave to good poker player.

Also I have explained the way to discuss,debate,converse,convince,persuade,and have used examples like the coach I have had.

and so if people cant do that,thats their problem.
how are you a decent ok above average good poker player if you are grinding micro stakes and freerolls and constantly building up a bankroll to like $50 or something measly and then losing it all again?

poker is about winning money, and you have completely failed to do so, which means you are not a good poker player
07-25-2009 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by QuadDamage
Are you going back to playing freerolls exclusively after you lose your last $15?
I am not going to lose the last $15,and I am already playing freerolls to supplement and support bankroll.

I have been using good bankroll management and will continue to do so.

And thats another one of the things my coach taught me,is good bankroll management,and not going bust,in addition to how to play good poker.

When I went on a bad run 1 time and went busto.He ripped my but off.He taught me good bankroll management.And restaked me,and then I proceeded to crush the sit n gos at the micro stakes,and then went on another bad run,didnt go bust,gained it all back and then a little.Paid off the stakes to him and others,and then lost went on another bad run didnt go bust,gained it back.and then went on this monster bad run and lost 70 buy in down to $10 and now I am back up to $15.

But yes I would play the freerolls if I went bust.But I am not going to go bust.
07-25-2009 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by gangip
how are you a decent ok above average good poker player if you are grinding micro stakes and freerolls and constantly building up a bankroll to like $50 or something measly and then losing it all again?

poker is about winning money, and you have completely failed to do so, which means you are not a good poker player
And just like I have explained to others you are a results oriented player,who does not understand that there are upswings and downswings in poker,good runs and bad runs,and that good poker play is good and bad is bad regardless of what happens.The intrinsic inherent value of a poker play doesnt change based soley on what happened alone.

I have explained this logically,reasonably,with examples,comparisons,facts,etc etc.

and still some are to dense to understand and get it.

So run along results oriented freaks
07-25-2009 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
And just like I have explained to others you are a results oriented player,who does not understand that there are upswings and downswings in poker,good runs and bad runs,and that good poker play is good and bad is bad regardless of what happens.The intrinsic inherent value of a poker play doesnt change based soley on what happened alone.

I have explained this logically,reasonably,with examples,comparisons,facts,etc etc.

and still some are to dense to understand and get it.

So run along results oriented freaks
When we talk about results oriented thinking, it's to those one hit kind of things. You have been grinding the micros/freerolls for over 2-3 years it seems like, and you still haven't gotten out of the deep dark hole. It is time to come out and actually open your eyes a bit.

We all run bad from time to time, heck I do it too, but at the end of the day the winning players come out alive and thriving. It's kind of like if you're the casino banking a craps game. The casino is going to have that occasional player that wins huge against them, but in the end, it's them that's going to win the money.

You sir, have won less than what someone can win in a week at McDonalds over a week in 3 years. There comes a time where results do speak the truth, and that time was quite awhile ago. No one wants to think that they themselves suck, it's a hard truth to deal with, but once you realize that only then can you improve. Until then you're just fooling yourself.

However, if you want to keep on enlightening us with your genius mindset, go ahead, I'm enjoying this quite a bit.

This is coming from a guy that ran super bad playing for millions during this year's main event and knows the variance in poker more than you do. Just from playing the game over 7 years, I've seen a lot of variance, and knows about the swings.

I'm just curious how long you've been grinding these, Ferguson did reach his challenge even though it took awhile, but I'm pretty sure it's a lot shorter than the time you've been grinding freerolls

Last edited by driverseati; 07-25-2009 at 05:00 AM. Reason: Had to add in a thinly veiled brag and edit some for clarity, it's late
07-25-2009 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by HIV
in on first page

pls play an 8 game freeroll

pls pls pls


please play 8 game. please. please. please. please. please. please. please. please.

Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Also you said to show you a pro who has had a worse bad run at the Micros.You dont listen or pay attention.Chris Fergusson has lost about 700 to 1300 freeroll buy ins over a 7 month period of time.
There is no such thing as a 'freeroll buy in'. Hence the 'free' bit of the name. Also, do you really believe Ferguson played his best game there? As long as you shove two big cards every hand you're probably +EV in those things in the long run.

Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Do you or others like you have a record of cashing 67 times out of 173 tries(44 cashes out of 115 tries last 3 years at casinos offline playing $13 to $33 buy ins 50 man tourneys,23 cashes out of 53 to 57 tries this year in the same type of touneys,in casinos offline)

How many of you have won(by won I mean won play chips,or won a round 2 or 3 seat in a multi round step freeroll promo,won small cash prizes,won tourney dollars,FPP,points,etc) 17 to 33 freerolls.Cashed in 300(or about 10 times the number of freerolls won)freerolls(by cashed I mean the same as what I said what I meant by won)made the final table about 165 times or so.

How many of you have either won,made a final table,or cashed or finished in the top 50 to 100 players,etc in a 5000 to 30,000 people large field freerolls like I have about 3 won,6 final tables,9 cashes,13 top 50 to 100 player finishes and 17 to 33 top 150 to 300 player finishes.
How do you remember all these NUMBERS?!?!
07-25-2009 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by Raygun Gothic
How do you remember all these NUMBERS?!?!
It's not hard when he puts them into 94.3-97.5% of his posts.
07-25-2009 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
It's not hard when he puts them into 94.3-97.5% of his posts.
Copy & paste pro as well as a freeroll pro? Not bad.
07-25-2009 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
And your a illogical person who dodges questions and trolls flames attacks call names and doesnt make cases with logic

You deny and dodge questions,You do that because since you didnt answer my questions,You dont have any specific bad beats that if you were to change you would have 5k to 20k in REAL MONEY and you would have played on tv,and would have played for 250k and millions of dollars in aruba,and main event.And since you dont have a specific bad beat that if changed would have meant big money for you,then unless you already have big time money,you dont have any legs to stand on.

Its probably pointless to post this and I don't know why I'm even bothering to respond. You are ridiculously stupid.

Final step for WSOP seat. $2350 buyin.

Stage #1639176485 Tourney ID 4208490 Holdem Single Tournament No Limit 150 - 2009-05-06 22:41:30 (ET)
Table: 28746000 (Real Money) Seat #4 is the dead dealer
Seat 2 - GABE12 (2,320 in chips)
Seat 3 - 8BALLDELUXE (2,235 in chips)
Seat 5 - MINGLEE99 (4,755 in chips)
Seat 6 - BOOBOOB (4,500 in chips)
Seat 7 - BLACKCHINA (990 in chips)
Seat 8 - TAAFFEY23 (1,370 in chips)
Seat 9 - FOLD_MORE (1,830 in chips)
MINGLEE99 - Posts small blind 75
BOOBOOB - Posts big blind 150
Dealt to TAAFFEY23 [Ac Kc]
BLACKCHINA - All-In(Raise) 990 to 990
TAAFFEY23 - All-In(Raise) 1,370 to 1,370
GABE12 - Calls 1,370
MINGLEE99 - Folds
*** FLOP *** [2d 10d 4d]
*** TURN *** [2d 10d 4d] [8h]
*** RIVER *** [2d 10d 4d 8h] [7h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
GABE12 - Shows [Ks As] (ace high)
BLACKCHINA - Shows [Qd Ad] (Flush, ace high)
TAAFFEY23 - Shows [Ac Kc] (ace high)
GABE12 Collects 380 from side pot-1
TAAFFEY23 Collects 380 from side pot-1
BLACKCHINA Collects 3,195 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total Pot(3,955:3,195,760)
Board [2d 10d 4d 8h 7h]
Seat 2: GABE12 won Total (380) HI380) with ace high [Ks As - P:As,P:Ks,B:10d,B:8h,B:7h]
Seat 3: 8BALLDELUXE Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 5: MINGLEE99 (small blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 6: BOOBOOB (big blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 7: BLACKCHINA won Total (3,195) All-In HI3,195) with Flush, ace high [Qd Ad - P:Ad,P:Qd,B:10d,B:4d,B:2d]
Seat 8: TAAFFEY23 won Total (380) All-In HI380) with ace high [Ac Kc - P:Ac,P:Kc,B:10d,B:8h,B:7h]
Seat 9: FOLD_MORE Folded on the POCKET CARDS

By your incredibly bad logic, if I didn't get sucked out on, I would have won a seat, and then shipped the main event.
07-25-2009 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
I have already answered your post thru exact same answers to others I have already answered,

If your to silly to not pay attention,and get that I dont listen to trollers and people who say "you suck" etc,and that I have $15 in my roll and my record and many other things that I have explainedmthats your dumb silly problem.I am a pretty decent ok good above average poker player,I have proven that throughly with logic reason examples comparisons,facts,my record,etc etc etc.
When you use facts to back up what you're saying, it's probably best to not pick and choose the facts, but give us the whole picture. There are things that you are probably hiding that don't support your case, and all that we're doing is bringing those other points up. Yet, you dismiss them as not representative of how you play, and that it has to be the other players' faults as the reason you lost.

Stop blaming others and take a look at yourself.

By the way, a coach can help, but you still have to be able to think (cough, cough) and play your hands. Ultimately, your coach is not going to be playing the hands for you.
07-25-2009 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Also Chris Ferguson for a 7 month period of time during his freeroll experiment bad run,had a ROI worse than mine.
How do you have an ROI from playing freerolls? "I" stands for investment ... nothing invested means there can be no ROI (other than time invested of course).

Just curious
07-25-2009 , 11:05 PM
oo% obv.
07-27-2009 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Downswings bad runs happen,except to you.
rigged, obv.
Your the biggest results oriented person here.First you said I sucked.Then you said I was crushing sit n go's.and that I was better,or good.
can you show where I said these things?
And then after the 1st 70 buy in lost,you said I was bad.
of course I did. do you think losing 70 buy-ins is good?
And then when I was back up to $80,that was better and good.And now that I am on a bad run again,I am bad again,according to you.This shows perfectly that you are results oriented,
Mike, eventually you have to look at the results. In your case, you're nearly broke.
And when you showed charts and graphs of how you were doing,as proof of how well you were doing.When I pointed out you didnt have hardly any bad luck,and that you havent experienced variance and bad luck.You denied that,and said that was because of how skilled you were.
I think you're twisting my words a bit.
Well you may be very skilled,and your skill is certainly at least partially if not most responsible for how good your doing.But you havent had bad luck or experienced variance.And when you finally stop luckily running so good.You will eventually go on a sick bad run,because of bad luck and variance.And people will start saying you suck to,until you climb back out of the bad run,which will then cause people to say your a good player.And thats because people are very very results oriented.And being results oriented in a game with both skill and chance involved,is not good.

Now if poker was a game of no chance and all skill,and whoever showed the best hand before the river showdown all in,automatically won,then being results oriented might probably be ok.

And your missing the point of what I was saying.Of course pros like matusow now have better ROIs etc,because they did what:CLIMBED OUT OF BAD RUNS.

But pros like Mike Matusow have gone on epic bad runs.For 2 or 3 years,there was a period where Mike Matusow lost all his winnings playing poker,and where he hardly never ever won.and because of the bad run,started playing bad,and because of the initial bad luck,and later bad play and bad luck,went into debt,and then once he hit rock bottom,and there was no place for him to go but up,he started getting lucky and playing well again,and now look where he is.

But during his bad run time,he had one of the worst ROI's in all of poker,worse then mine.

Also Chris Fergusson for a 7 month period of time during his freeroll experiment bad run,had a ROI worse than mine.

Now if Chris Fergusson and Mike Matusow had posted Anonymously during their epic bad runs,and bad ROI's during that time,you and others would be results oriented and would be saying to Mike Matusow,and Chris Ferguson that they sucked,and were bad players,and then think how stupid you and others would feel if after that they had shown and proved who they were.But even then there would be some results oriented dumbuts who would have told them "your in epic bad runs,so you guys suck"

And then think about how stupid people would feel if those pros came back after their epic bad runs and were running good again,and said something like "think I suck now,now that I am not anonymously posting and now that I have turned bad run around,and am running good,think I suck now?"
wat? are you saying you're a famous pro posting under the guise of a mentally disturbed freeroller?
Its really time being results oriented stopped,and rather focus on good poker play is good and bad is bad regardless of what happens,and that the intrinsic and inherent value of whether poker play is good or not doesnt change based soley on what happened.
good poker play brings good results. you have not had good results. get the picture?

Last edited by Markusgc; 07-27-2009 at 02:34 PM.
08-01-2009 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
If your to silly
Mike, how many times do we have to tell you that it's "you're" ?????

Is this the part where we debate whether or not I'm correct and you decide if it's a good idea to follow my advice?
08-01-2009 , 04:13 PM
lol epic bump
08-01-2009 , 04:25 PM
[x] Chris Fergusson
08-10-2009 , 05:28 PM
bump for "How Doing?"
LOL omg the guy who was donk raising and donk calling with crap,and who finaly woke up with AA instead of his donk crap,who reraised my pocket 10's all in,and in whom I called and sucked out and a badbeat that its taken a few tourneys to give out one,well that same donk,after I called him a donk,and questioned his donk play,decided to call me a name like calling me a worm,and other insults and wished me ill,and harm,and the worst,all because I called him a donk,because he played like a donk.

And then after I busted out of the tourney shoving a 20BB stack all in with AK peflop over a min raiser in late position on th button,and thus got knocked out,the rail donk when I go knocked out,proceeded to wish me ill and the worst,and continued to call me names like calling me a pathetic worm,and then when I said "well at least I dont play like a donk like you do",the other players decided to defend the rail donks behavior,and criticise mine.

Sheesh talk about a double standard.Its ok for the rail donk to do the crap he was,but not ok to call the rail donk a donk.Sheesh lol.

At least I dont call people in tourneys pathetic worms and wish them the worst
at least I only call some or a few donks or question their donk play.

The guy was going way to far,and the players were silly not to after him instead of me.

I think there are some videos in there...
