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I owe IA Boomer and others a poker tourney vid.What micro or freeroll stakes tourny vid u want? I owe IA Boomer and others a poker tourney vid.What micro or freeroll stakes tourny vid u want?

07-21-2009 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
Mike's donk beat consisted of him shoving A6o from the bb with 59k after 3 limpers at 800/1600/200.. and one limper with 333k had KK which held.
he's clearly watched too many NSB vids but lacks the rungood.

as for vid, i need a curveball one badly
07-21-2009 , 05:55 PM
Razz HU SnG vid please
07-21-2009 , 06:02 PM
This message is hidden because Mikeal_DH is on your ignore list.

07-21-2009 , 06:05 PM
I just have to ask because I have the urge:

Mikeal: hu4rollz?
07-21-2009 , 07:21 PM
[ ] "mentee" is opposite of mentor.
07-21-2009 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by driverseati
I just have to ask because I have the urge:

Mikeal: hu4rollz?
They dont have play money hu on US sites do they?
07-21-2009 , 08:49 PM
True story: I remember when Mikeal_DH wasn't so obviously a gimmick account.

He used to post in SSMTT and give laughably bad advice and generally seem quite stupid, but he was at least plausibly stupid.

I'm sad to see that he's crossed over the line and is openly a gimmick/level now, as I'm sure he enjoyed the reactions to his other posts.
07-21-2009 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by kleath
They dont have play money hu on US sites do they?
In fact, they do. I have challenged many a friend to HU4PLAY$ROLLZ.
07-21-2009 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
I owe IA Boomer and others a micro stakes poker vid.The reason why,is that I was playing in the $100 freeroll,at Full Tilt,and I had 57k,with the blinds up to 800/1600,and it was down to about the top 55 to 65 out of 2700 field.
you realize that means they split $100 between all the winners, right? So first place pays what, $35-40?
I got donk beat by a donk whose donk dumb play mislead us and shocked us all,
who is "us all," and why would you be shocked by a donk play by a donk? also, did you ever consider the possibility that he outplayed you, knowing you'd donk yourself out with your ridonkulous play?
and caused me to shove on a about a 73% marginally good +EV situation,
how did he "cause you to shove" A6 for 59k after 3 limpers at 800/1600/200 and in what world is A6 73% ahead of KK?
And so because of that,and because the guys who were watching me playing the tourney were disapointed,I think they are owed a vid,as I should have made the final table and then made the vid.
I'm sure you're used to disappointment. but we sure are pleased you're such an attention whore. things not going so well with the little lady of late that you'd rather be trolled,flamed,harassed by us than go broke in isolation?
07-21-2009 , 11:35 PM
Its amazing that every post OP makes is worse than his previous one. The definition of the word bad fits perfectly with every one of his posts.


1. not good in any manner or degree.
2. having a wicked or evil character; morally reprehensible: There is no such thing as a bad boy.
3. of poor or inferior quality; defective; deficient: a bad diamond; a bad spark plug.
4. inadequate or below standard; not satisfactory for use: bad heating; Living conditions in some areas are very bad.
5. inaccurate, incorrect, or faulty: a bad guess.
6. invalid, unsound, or false: a bad insurance claim; bad judgment.
7. causing or liable to cause sickness or ill health; injurious or harmful: Too much sugar is bad for your teeth.
8. suffering from sickness, ill health, pain, or injury; sick; ill: He felt bad from eating the green apples.
9. not healthy or in good physical condition; diseased, decayed, or physically weakened: A bad heart kept him out of the army.
10. tainted, spoiled, or rotten, esp. to the point of being inedible: The meat is bad because you left it out of the refrigerator too long.
11. having a disastrous or detrimental effect, result, or tendency; unfavorable: The drought is bad for the farmers. His sloppy appearance made a bad impression.
12. causing or characterized by discomfort, inconvenience, uneasiness, or annoyance; disagreeable; unpleasant: I had a bad flight to Chicago.
13. easily provoked to anger; irascible: a bad temper.
14. cross, irritable, or surly: If I don't have my morning coffee, I'm in a bad mood all day.
15. more uncomfortable, persistent, painful, or dangerous than usual; severe: a bad attack of asthma.
16. causing or resulting in disaster or severe damage or destruction: a bad flood.
17. regretful, contrite, dejected, or upset: He felt bad about having to leave the children all alone.
18. disobedient, naughty, or misbehaving: If you're bad at school, you'll go to bed without supper.
19. disreputable or dishonorable: He's getting a bad name from changing jobs so often.
20. displaying a lack of skill, talent, proficiency, or judgment: a bad painting; Bad drivers cause most of the accidents.
21. causing distress; unfortunate or unfavorable: I'm afraid I have bad news for you.
22. not suitable or appropriate; disadvantageous or dangerous: It was a bad day for fishing.
23. inclement; considered too stormy, hot, cold, etc.: We had a bad winter with a lot of snow.
24. disagreeable or offensive to the senses: a bad odor.
25. exhibiting a lack of artistic sensitivity: The room was decorated in bad taste.
26. not in keeping with a standard of behavior or conduct; coarse: bad manners.
27. (of a word, speech, or writing)
a. vulgar, obscene, or blasphemous: bad language.
b. not properly observing rules or customs of grammar, usage, spelling, etc.; incorrect: He speaks bad English.
28. unattractive, esp. because of a lack of pleasing proportions: She has a bad figure.
29. (of the complexion) marred by defects; pockmarked or pimply; blemished: bad skin.
30. not profitable or worth the price paid: The land was a bad buy.
31. Commerce. deemed uncollectible or irrecoverable and treated as a loss: a bad debt.
32. ill-spent; wasted: Don't throw good money after bad money.
33. counterfeit; not genuine: There was a bad ten-dollar bill in with the change.
34. having the character of a villain; villainous: In the movies the good guys always beat the bad guys.
35. Sports. failing to land within the in-bounds limits of a court or section of a court; missing the mark; not well aimed.
07-21-2009 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
Mike's donk beat consisted of him shoving A6o from the bb with 59k after 3 limpers at 800/1600/200.. and one limper with 333k had KK which held.
Give accurate info to put it into perspective.

The 300k donk was donk calling all in a lot with almost any 2 card semi marginal crap

those arent usually the players you suspect of limp trapping KK.

Also the blinds were going to go up to 2000.And the bubble was close.And there was 20k in pot,with my 57k stack.I was on the SB almost last to act.there were 7 other limpers.The pot would have given me about 80k which would have given me 40BB stack once blinds went up to 2000.while I risked dropping down to about 27BB stack.

And so thats why I shoved in a marginally good +EV situation to gain the 20k chips to try to make a run in the tourney

I call it a donk beat,because the 300k donk was totally stupid for limping in the KK,because if I hadnt made the 3% chance somebody would get a shoveable hand,and thus not shoved.The 300k donk would hve been outflopped and lost a ton.thats why it was donkish in the extreme to limp KK and not raise it.

And so thats why it was a donk beat caused by donk play by the donk caused by the donk
07-21-2009 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by pavlo1998
OP...plz read this, you guys have so much in common
I assume your saying that I am like noorwood matt.thats seems like a compliment.Is it?
07-21-2009 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by gangip
do a $1.75 18man
Dont have the roll for it with $10 roll

$10 roll is what happened when you lose 140 buy in during a monster bad run.So sorry I dont have the bankroll.
07-21-2009 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by aces_full1963
I would love to see an instructional video, I need to laugh as hard as I did when I read the other thread yesterday...
Ok to finally put a troller like you in its place.

you either are wtaching a vid purporting to be mine but isnt,or you are lying making things up.

you say I 24 bet 4 high LMAO yeah right,if you or anybody else would believe that,I have a bridge I want to sell you.

You say I folded trips K's to a minimum raise on the river.Again yeah right see above.

And you say I shove all in on bottom pair.I would only do this if I was so vry extremely shortstacked,and needed the pot that badly,and if I was tight and had good table image,and had good FE and thus only thn would I semi bluff bottom pair.

Your a troller and flamer who says "see this 1 specific hand whre Mike DH sucks" and then you lie about it,or it comes from somebody elses vid.

people do that to pros even.for a while people showed badly played hands of scotty nguyen and made fun of his play.

Not saying I am a pro just that you and others like you do this to everyone including the pros.

But do think I play as bad as you and others say,I look forward to exploiting and owning you at the poker table because of that.
07-22-2009 , 12:09 AM
Ok,since there hasnt been that many suggestions,votes,and since the few that have been offered,are either games I dont play like 8 game,and or at stakes I dont play,I have decided

I am going to be playing in the Cake poker freeroll into millions gold chip giveaway.

this starts in about 17 minutes

Screen name is MikeDH1

at Cake poker I am making a vid of it.And you can watch me or watch the vid later.
07-22-2009 , 12:45 AM
If you go on a 140 buyin downswing at micro stakes then that means you're the biggest ******. Congrats.

The only video of yours I would watch is one of you either jumping off a bridge or being committed to a psych hospital.
07-22-2009 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
The 300k donk was donk calling all in a lot with almost any 2 card semi marginal crap

I call it a donk beat,because the 300k donk was totally stupid for limping in the KK,because if I hadnt made the 3% chance somebody would get a shoveable hand,and thus not shoved.The 300k donk would hve been outflopped and lost a ton.thats why it was donkish in the extreme to limp KK and not raise it.

And so thats why it was a donk beat caused by donk play by the donk caused by the donk

Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Dont have the roll for it with $10 roll
I'm sure you could get staked, especially if you're going to make a video detailing your thoughts during play.
07-22-2009 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH

But do think I play as bad as you and others say,I look forward to exploiting and owning you at the poker table because of that.
So exactly who will you be exploiting? I don't think you could exploit my younger sister if she was asking to be exploited (and no not like that although that could make for good photoshops).
07-22-2009 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Give accurate info to put it into perspective.

The 300k donk was donk calling all in a lot with almost any 2 card semi marginal crap those arent usually the players you suspect of limp trapping KK.

Also the blinds were going to go up to 2000.And the bubble was close. You were like 30 away from the bubble still.And there was 20k in pot,with my 57k stack. With 800/1600/200 and 3 limpers, there was just under 10k in the pot, and you had 59k behind, not that the 2k makes much difference.I was on the SB almost last to act.there were 7 other limpers. There were 3 limpers.. utg+1, mp, and hijackThe pot would have given me about 80k 67k if you went uncontestedwhich would have given me 40BB stack once blinds went up to 2000.while I risked dropping down to about 27BB stack.

And so thats why I shoved in a marginally good +EV situation to gain the 20k 9.8k chips to try to make a run in the tourney

I call it a donk beat,because the 300k donk was totally stupid for limping in the KK,because if I hadnt made the 3% chance somebody would get a shoveable hand,and thus not shoved.The 300k donk would hve been outflopped and lost a ton.thats why it was donkish in the extreme to limp KK and not raise it.
How can you assume the kk would have been outflopped.. and please show your math for 3%... with all the shorties at the table, limping kk there isn't "donkish in the extreme".
And so thats why it was a donk beat caused by donk play by the donk caused by the donkYou get your chips in way behind, and he's the donk...makes sense.
also mike.. when do you plan on exploiting 2+2'ers?

Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
mike is talking smack now:

IABoomer (Observer): I have five minutes to read/post before the game starts again and the epic rail continues
Mikah: lol not likely lol
Mikah: oh cool whats the game your in that is being sweated?
System: The $30,000 KO Guarantee ($120+$9 NL Hold'em) will be starting in 3 minutes.
Mikah: Also the 2+2 er's that post in my latest thread lol think I will poop my pants lol.They are just dying to see any hand that they can see and say "OMG I your crazy for playing that way" without paying attention to the situation I describe
Mikah: also they base my whole entire play on 1 HH lol
Mikah: I wish they were here lol so I could exploit them lol
07-22-2009 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by jbizz54
If you go on a 140 buyin downswing at micro stakes then that means you're the biggest ******. Congrats.

The only video of yours I would watch is one of you either jumping off a bridge or being committed to a psych hospital.
Oh really?Also it wasnt 140 buy ins in a row,it was 140 buy ins steadily lost over time.
Also maybe you didnt see the part where I cashed offline 23 times out of 57 tries in 50 player $13 to $33 buy ins,this year alone,and over last 3 years 45 out of 115 offline in the same type of tourneys offline at casinos.And its been proved here before,so I am not lying and making this up.

And then I took $15 stakes 2 separate times and built them up to $80 2 separate different times online recently,playing the $1 sit n go's at stars.

Also there is a pro chris fergusson who played in thousands of freerolls,in order to go from 0 to 10,000 dollars.

Now a freell even though its free,has a buy in,and that buy in is free.So it took chris fergusson loosing 1000's of freeroll buy ins over 7 months to get to $6

now if I am as bad as you say I am for losing 140 buy ins,then chris fergusson the pro must be the worst player ever in the world for losing 1000's of buy ins compared to my 140.

Good players do go on extremely unlucky bad runs.

that doesnt mean they are bad.

but I dont really care if a troll like you want to watch the vid

In fact Iwould rather you didnt
07-22-2009 , 01:34 AM
07-22-2009 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Oh really?Also it wasnt 140 buy ins in a row,it was 140 buy ins steadily lost over time.
Also maybe you didnt see the part where I cashed offline 23 times out of 57 tries in 50 player $13 to $33 buy ins,this year alone,and over last 3 years 45 out of 115 offline in the same type of tourneys offline at casinos.And its been proved here before,so I am not lying and making this up.
That's what a downswing is... it's not just a complete nosediving downswing.
And then I took $15 stakes 2 separate times and built them up to $80 2 separate different times online recently,playing the $1 sit n go's at stars.
Heaters are fun.
Also there is a pro chris fergusson who played in thousands of freerolls,in order to go from 0 to 10,000 dollars.
Doubt he put in thousands of freerolls in seven months.
Now a freell even though its free,has a buy in,and that buy in is free.So it took chris fergusson loosing 1000's of freeroll buy ins over 7 months to get to $6
[] thousands of freerolls
now if I am as bad as you say I am for losing 140 buy ins,then chris fergusson the pro must be the worst player ever in the world for losing 1000's of buy ins compared to my 140.
Your downswing was in much smaller fields. [ ] thousands of buyins
Good players do go on extremely unlucky bad runs.

that doesnt mean they are bad.

but I dont really care if a troll like you want to watch the vid

In fact Iwould rather you didnt
07-22-2009 , 01:58 AM
ok done with the tourney.its up to you all if you want the vid as I was knocked out pretty quick.

what happened is that I had AQsuited in MP1 and the blinds were 10/20 and since it was early in the freeroll tourney and since it was 4000 players.And since it was Cake poker,then when donk minraised under gun,I put him on QJ,Q10,J10,etc type range.And so I reraised up to about 100.Donk calls.And then the board hits AKx I bet 150 into a 375 chip pot.Donk calls.At this point I think he is either on a A rag hand,or has a K9 thru KQ hand.Then the turn is AKxK,and so I think its not likely and unlikely he has a K now in his hand.But just in case,He checks,and I check behind.So that makes me think he doesnt have a A or a K and he has bottom pair,and he was raising with any 2 card crap preflop,or he is on the flush draw.

The possible flush hits the river,And I think I am just going to check behind here or value call.And then he shoves all in.

I go into the think tank.And I think over te entire hand,the table conditions and tournament conditions,etc.I didnt think he had the K,and I didnt think he was on the flush,because if he had the K or the flush,wouldnt he try to extract value,instead of forcing a fold by shoving all in.And so I thought he probably had A rag.And then I thought but why would he shove top pair A rag kicker?wouldnt he want value?And I thought He is shoving all in with A rag because he is trying to scare a A7 type hand off the hand into folding.He is putting me on A8 to A10,and he wants me to fold my hand so that his A3 can win.

And so after thinking about all this for a while,I made the grudging call,because it was very possible my read could be wrong,even though what I was reading and thinking was likely right.

Well he showed K10 and I was busted down to 240 chips.

And then the donk kept on donking off his stack and chips to others like crazy.

And then when 1 player donk shoved I called all in 240 chips with A7suited and AJ called behind,and out I went.

So I leave it to you all on whether you all want to see this vid,or want to see a better vid lasting longer into the tourney.

I think I played the hand ok,and my logic,thought process was ok.I just dont understand this donk slowplay checking the turn,and then shoving all in on the river.Thats just the weirdest donk play I have ever seen from start of the hand to the river,in a while.
07-22-2009 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Also maybe you didnt see the part where I cashed offline 23 times out of 57 tries in 50 player $13 to $33 buy ins,this year alone,and over last 3 years 45 out of 115 offline in the same type of tourneys offline at casinos.And its been proved here before,so I am not lying and making this up.
This is like Doug Lee saying how he's made 8 non-televised final tables this year. (Yes he did claim this to me)
07-22-2009 , 02:48 AM
Ok I am going to post this here since for some reason I cant post it in the MTT strategy thread I made.

For those who have been watching vids attributed to me,like the one where a few of you have said I 24 betted and 15 betted 4 high,I decided to look at that vid by clicking the posted link in the trolls post trolling the thread.

That vid is NOT by me.First off I dont make vids of sit n gos at full tilt poker.Altho I have made vids of Full Tilt Poker Freerolls

Also the guy doesnt sound or speak like I do.Also he was talking about why he hadnt made a vid in a while because of his grandma.My only surviving Grandparent is my Grandfather.Also if this is the video and if there are other vids like it also by this guy,and not by me,that people have been watching,they are right,that the guy plays terrible.he calls with any 2 cards,raises any 2 cards,preflop,and then postflop calls and raises with any 2 card crap,and he doesnt seem to pay attention to table conditions.

So I would appreciate not being associated with the complete and utter goofball clown donk who made that vid and other vids like it.So to the trolls and flamers stop posting links and or talking about those vids.And to others please dont go to any link to a vid that any troll would talk about or link to.And because of this misunderstanding and error that has occured,if you watch a vid of a link that purports to be me,take it with a grain of salt,and realize,it might not be made by me,or it might be one of my older vids made by me,but tha doesnt accurately represent my play anymore.And so I would only watch a vid by me if want to,if it is a newer vid made by me,within the last 5 to 9 months or if there arent any that new,the newest ones you can find.Also make sure the vid is really by me.And also take the vid with a grain of salt.

But if you want to think I play that bad,go right ahead,I want poker players I play with to think I am that bad so that I can exploit them at the poker table.
