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I owe IA Boomer and others a poker tourney vid.What micro or freeroll stakes tourny vid u want? I owe IA Boomer and others a poker tourney vid.What micro or freeroll stakes tourny vid u want?

07-22-2009 , 02:51 AM
<3 gder01
07-22-2009 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH

But if you want to think I play that bad,go right ahead,I want poker players I play with to think I am that bad so that I can exploit them at the poker table.
Why would you want people to know the truth about your skill level?
07-22-2009 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Oh really?Also it wasnt 140 buy ins in a row,it was 140 buy ins steadily lost over time.
Also maybe you didnt see the part where I cashed offline 23 times out of 57 tries in 50 player $13 to $33 buy ins,this year alone,and over last 3 years 45 out of 115 offline in the same type of tourneys offline at casinos.And its been proved here before,so I am not lying and making this up.

And then I took $15 stakes 2 separate times and built them up to $80 2 separate different times online recently,playing the $1 sit n go's at stars.

Also there is a pro chris fergusson who played in thousands of freerolls,in order to go from 0 to 10,000 dollars.

Now a freell even though its free,has a buy in,and that buy in is free.So it took chris fergusson loosing 1000's of freeroll buy ins over 7 months to get to $6

now if I am as bad as you say I am for losing 140 buy ins,then chris fergusson the pro must be the worst player ever in the world for losing 1000's of buy ins compared to my 140.

Good players do go on extremely unlucky bad runs.

that doesnt mean they are bad.

but I dont really care if a troll like you want to watch the vid

In fact Iwould rather you didnt
- If you lose 140 buyins in the next 3 seconds or in the next 3 years you still lost 140 buyins. Microstakes is full of ****ty players and your downswing proves you're the ****tiest of them all.

- No one cares about your 13 to 93 sit and gos at your local goofball donk bad beat casino tournaments full of all of your fellow lonely virgin RPG clan members.

- You ran up a little bit of money to a slightly larger little bit of money and still at the end of the day lost it all. You're still broke and ******ed.

- Your logic is nonsensical and awful. Freerolls are for other drooling ******s like yourself and its a contest to see who can lost the longest without defecating on their keyboard and rendering it useless for typing in betting amounts and blinding out. They have no buyins because they are free and are for idiots like yourself that are broke.

- There aren't thousands of free rolls on full tilt for chris ferguson to play, but its nice to see that you were sweating him that entire time because you were too broke to get your own seat. At the end of the year though he still ended up with 10k and you are still broke and lost 140 microbuyins and have absolutely no reason to ever mention yourself in the same breath as him.

- You are a bad losing stupid idiotic poker player who doesn't understand the game of poker and has been told this over and over by 200 to 600 different posters on here over the last 6 to 20 months and like the famous saying goes, 50 million elvis fans can't be wrong, and you're apparently just too dumb to clue into that and think that the fact that you almost won a few really big free rolls proves that you're the next durrrr except for with 1/10th of the IQ and 1/1000000 of the net worth.
07-22-2009 , 05:48 AM
just wow.
07-22-2009 , 06:01 AM
Originally Posted by NeverScaredB
Can we have a video of you going away and never coming back? It would make for a good 30-50 years of solid footage.
07-22-2009 , 06:10 AM
I cant believe some of the responses itt. Trolling a ritard is pretty pathetic.
07-22-2009 , 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by jbizz54
- If you lose 140 buyins in the next 3 seconds or in the next 3 years you still lost 140 buyins. Microstakes is full of ****ty players and your downswing proves you're the ****tiest of them all.

- No one cares about your 13 to 93 sit and gos at your local goofball donk bad beat casino tournaments full of all of your fellow lonely virgin RPG clan members.

1st off the buy ins were $13 to $33 not 12 to 93 players,like you say.Then there are 50 players.And yes there are some donks in these.But if you were to play in these casino tourneys you troller and flamer,you would get your ass handed to you.Your a joke.And I have cashed in 45 out of 115 of these things,and 23 times out of 57 of these things this year.I doubt that you would be that consistentin these things where you would get owned and have your ass handed to you.Your a joke,a clown,a troller and flamer.

- You ran up a little bit of money to a slightly larger little bit of money and still at the end of the day lost it all. You're still broke and ******ed.

Its not the money clown,it takes consistentency to make a $15 stake go up from $15 to $80 playing the $1 18 to 45 man sit n go stakes,not once,but twice.And it doesnt happen in 1 tourney either.It takes consistency on the scale of being in the money about 33% of the time,and cashing 1 out of every 2.7 of these you play.This kind of consistency is over a about a 150 to 300 sample size.So again your a joke a clown

- Your logic is nonsensical and awful. Freerolls are for other drooling ******s like yourself and its a contest to see who can lost the longest without defecating on their keyboard and rendering it useless for typing in betting amounts and blinding out. They have no buyins because they are free and are for idiots like yourself that are broke.

My logic is good and rationale,and sensible.You dont explain anything logically,all you do is say like a robot,that I suck,and that I am illogical,and you dont back it up.And then you say that freerolls are for idiots.Yes there are a lot of idiots in freerolls.But there are a lot of people who either because of the unconstitutional laws in places like WA,cant deposit money to play online poker with.And its also for people who are extremely unlucky,and need to use the freerolls to build their bankrolls back up

- There aren't thousands of free rolls on full tilt for chris ferguson to play, but its nice to see that you were sweating him that entire time because you were too broke to get your own seat. At the end of the year though he still ended up with 10k and you are still broke and lost 140 microbuyins and have absolutely no reason to ever mention yourself in the same breath as him.

Wrong,there are freerolls that play every 1 to 3 hours.Thats 7 to 24 of them.Now there are 365 days in the year.So since it took 7 months for fergusson to build his bankroll up to $6,and since there are about 200 days in 7 months.And if Chris Fergusson multi tables 2 to 3 freerolls at a time playing that would mean he plays in about 10 freerolls a day during this time.10 times 200 is 2000.2000 is thousands.So according to this then Chris Fergusson then did lose thousands of freeroll buy ins over 7 months before he finally built a roll up to $6.and this is not according to me,but according to a Full Tilt article.And so if Chris Fergusson had quit his experiment 1 tourney short before he built up his roll to $6.And if he then were to post annoynmously that he had lost thousands of freeroll buy ins like he in fact did.You would immediatly troll and flame his but,and say "haha you suck,your the worst,because you have lost thousands of freerolls",and then think how funny it would be and how stupid you would feel,if Chris Fergusson were then to tell you who he is,and if he then proved it,how stupid you would feel for calling Chris Fergusson stupid.And so since I have lost 140 buy ins,and you say I suck,then Chris Fergusson sucks for losing thousands of freerolls,since freerolls are lower stakes and competition then $1 stakes,and since thousands of buy ins lost is worse than just 140 buy ins.At least according to you by the standards you set and by how you define a good poker player,Chris Fergusson sucks for losing thousands of freerolls.And according to you Chris Fergusson is a loser idiot who played freerolls because according to you freerolls are only for loser idiots.And since Chris Fergusson played in freerolls that only have idiots,Chris Fergusson is a idiot then.At least according to the definition of what you say.

- You are a bad losing stupid idiotic poker player who doesn't understand the game of poker and has been told this over and over by 200 to 600 different posters on here over the last 6 to 20 months and like the famous saying goes, 50 million elvis fans can't be wrong, and you're apparently just too dumb to clue into that and think that the fact that you almost won a few really big free rolls proves that you're the next durrrr except for with 1/10th of the IQ and 1/1000000 of the net worth.

No I am a decent ok above average good poker player who is a 6.7 to 7.3 on a scale of 1 to 10,who has had alot of bad butluck happen to have a bad run.Now after the bad run started and during this bad run,and because of the bad run I might have subconciously slipped up a played bad occasionly and that might probably have made the bad run worse and longer.Hence why I am trying to sharpen my game to turn the bad run around.But most of the time I am as good as rate myself.Also you say 200 to 600 players have said that I suck,its only been about 25 to 75 when I first came to the forums about 2 years ago,and after I improved and got even better,and after how well I was doing,that dropped to 7 to 15 and after that,it increased to 15 to 35 after the bad run.Ad your point about Fanatical Elvis fans who say "Elvis lives" only proves my point that just because you and other say its so that I am stupid and a bad player,dont make it so,just like millions of Elvis fans saying he lives dont make that so.So what you said was stupid.And also what you say about Durrr is stupid as well.Durrrr would own your ass.So your the one who is stupid,and illogical.You just love to troll and flame people.And so I hae put your trolling flaming ass in your place.
07-22-2009 , 07:37 AM
I'm speechless.

Mike for Mod imo
07-22-2009 , 09:12 AM
07-22-2009 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by swd805
I cant believe some of the responses itt. Trolling a ritard is pretty pathetic.
07-22-2009 , 10:56 AM
Your are not good at poker. Not a "decent ok above average good poker player" or a "6.7-7.3 out of 10" regardless of how many mindless posts you spew across this forum.

You don't have the mental capacity or wherewithal to successfully beat poker. I'm beginning to think you might be mentally handicapped by your complete lack writing ability. You can't string together a coherent sentence and you are how old ?

The saddest part is this is not a level or gimmick.

I feel bad for you.
07-22-2009 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Dont have the roll for it with $10 roll

$10 roll is what happened when you lose 140 buy in during a monster bad run.So sorry I dont have the bankroll.
so what's with all this bragging here...
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
And then I took $15 stakes 2 separate times and built them up to $80 2 separate different times online recently,playing the $1 sit n go's at stars.
you don't qualify in the post below, sir.
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Good players do go on extremely unlucky bad runs.

that doesnt mean they are bad.
good players might go on bad runs, but they don't go broke.

I don't believe you ever gave me a clear answer when I asked if you've ever cashed out of a poker site, Mike. Have you?
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
The possible flush hits the river,And I think I am just going to check behind here or value call.
lol, "value call." also, it's a freeroll. just shove and get it over with then fire up another. jeez.
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Also the guy doesnt sound or speak like I do.Also he was talking about why he hadnt made a vid in a while because of his grandma.My only surviving Grandparent is my Grandfather.
seriously Mike, do you think anyone cares about your Grandparent Status?
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
So I would appreciate not being associated with the complete and utter utter goofball clown donk who made that vid and other vids like it.
you are associated with the worst poker players making videos on the internet. just Google "goofball clown donk freeroll video" and who comes up first? Try "freeroll videos" and who's second?
But if you want to think I play that bad,go right ahead,I want poker players I play with to think I am that bad so that I can exploit them at the poker table.
fyi: you ain't exploiting anyone but yourself with your play, posts and videos.
Originally Posted by jbizz54
- If you lose 140 buyins in the next 3 seconds or in the next 3 years you still lost 140 buyins. Microstakes is full of ****ty players and your downswing proves you're the ****tiest of them all.

- No one cares about your 13 to 93 sit and gos at your local goofball donk bad beat casino tournaments full of all of your fellow lonely virgin RPG clan members.
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
1st off the buy ins were $13 to $33 not 12 to 93 players,like you say.Then there are 50 players
The "13 to 93 sit and gos" referred to the number of them you played, not the buy-in. It was poking fun at your habit of seemingly making up figures and ranges out of nowhere.
Originally Posted by jbizz54
- You ran up a little bit of money to a slightly larger little bit of money and still at the end of the day lost it all. You're still broke and ******ed.
highlight of the post of the thread.

more gold...
Originally Posted by jbizz54
- You are a bad losing stupid idiotic poker player who doesn't understand the game of poker and has been told this over and over by 200 to 600 different posters on here over the last 6 to 20 months and like the famous saying goes, 50 million elvis fans can't be wrong, and you're apparently just too dumb to clue into that and think that the fact that you almost won a few really big free rolls proves that you're the next durrrr except for with 1/10th of the IQ and 1/1000000 of the net worth.
I can't wait to finish reading this thread!

Goooooo Mikey!
07-22-2009 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Ok to finally put a troller like you in its place.

you either are wtaching a vid purporting to be mine but isnt,or you are lying making things up.

you say I 24 bet 4 high LMAO yeah right,if you or anybody else would believe that,I have a bridge I want to sell you.

You say I folded trips K's to a minimum raise on the river.Again yeah right see above.

And you say I shove all in on bottom pair.I would only do this if I was so vry extremely shortstacked,and needed the pot that badly,and if I was tight and had good table image,and had good FE and thus only thn would I semi bluff bottom pair.

Your a troller and flamer who says "see this 1 specific hand whre Mike DH sucks" and then you lie about it,or it comes from somebody elses vid.

people do that to pros even.for a while people showed badly played hands of scotty nguyen and made fun of his play.

Not saying I am a pro just that you and others like you do this to everyone including the pros.

But do think I play as bad as you and others say,I look forward to exploiting and owning you at the poker table because of that.

Uhhh, where did I say all this???
07-22-2009 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Markusgc
you are associated with the worst poker players making videos on the internet. just Google "goofball clown donk freeroll video" and who comes up first? Try "freeroll videos" and who's second?

fyi: you ain't exploiting anyone but yourself with your play, posts and videos.
Searching for "goofball clown donk freeroll video" on YouTube yields a bunch o' Mikey.
07-22-2009 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by aces_full1963
Uhhh, where did I say all this???
that's just ole' Mikey twisting your words and misquoting you. it's just his way.

Last edited by Markusgc; 07-22-2009 at 12:20 PM. Reason: but he sure put a troller like you "in its place," eh?
07-22-2009 , 12:38 PM
mike was supposed to be my mentor a few months back but never contacted me. Is he not really as good as he says?
07-22-2009 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by AnthonyP44
mike was supposed to be my mentor a few months back but never contacted me. Is he not really as good as he says?
Dude I contacted you 2 or 3 times by email,and 2 or 3 times by AIM,and you never answered.So I gave up on you.I dont waste time trying to contact people over and over.If they dont respond the first 2 or 3 times,they can either contact me,or I wont try to contact them again for a very long while,and then if no responses keep up,then eventually I will give up entirely on contacting a person.

As for how good I am,my record(not to brag),which I havent lied about,and which others have confirmed here,speaks for itself.Which is 45 cashes out of 115 attempts offline at casinos in the $13 to $33 50 player tourneys,over last 3 years,and 23 cashes out of 57 attempts this year in the same tourneys.

And then I took $15 2 times and 2 times made $15 go up to $80 playing $1 18 to 45 man sit n go's at poker stars.Its also funny how this has been proven and then how some after it was proven who checked to see how I was doing,would say "mike I sharkscoped you and you are totally crushing $1 sit n go's" "you are becoming a good winning player"

but now after this bad run,I am all of sudden a bad player.Like monster bad runs dont happen to good players.

Well to show you all how bad it has been I have made vids of 7 to 9 25c 45 to 90 man sit n go's at poker stars,where I have been donked out by donks and trainwrecked and coolered out by donks who totally played bad or the wrong way,and bad beat out an otherwise getting bad lucked 2 to 3 times per tourney and bad lucked out of each of these 7 to 9 tourneys before I cashed in 5th place out of 90 in yet another 25 c 90 man sit n go poker stars tourny.And I will post vids of all these tourneys,mainly for the reason to be able to say "see I freakin told you so,that the bad run is mostly bad luck with maybe a little bad play that has been happening after the bad run,and was caused by the bad run,and caused th bad run to last longer" "see I told you so that I can play good,and that its tourneys like this where I am bad lucked out that have been typical of most of the tourneys in the bad run" "See I really am the murphy of poker online,where what can go wrong does go wrong".

Also I hope you have gotten past check calling,or check folding,when you have 2 pair and a flush draw simply because there is a 3 card straight possibilty on the board.And I hope you have gotten over your fear of raising.

07-22-2009 , 08:58 PM
Mike, a hypothetical question:

How long would your bad run have to last until you would start to think that maybe it isn't just bad luck but instead that you are not playing winning poker?
07-22-2009 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
As for how good I am,my record(not to brag),which I havent lied about,and which others have confirmed here,speaks for itself.Which is 45 cashes out of 115 attempts offline at casinos in the $13 to $33 50 player tourneys,over last 3 years,and 23 cashes out of 57 attempts this year in the same tourneys.

But how much did you lose? Also, yes your record speaks for itself, just like the fact you've gone broke many times over.

And then I took $15 2 times and 2 times made $15 go up to $80 playing $1 18 to 45 man sit n go's at poker stars.Its also funny how this has been proven and then how some after it was proven who checked to see how I was doing,would say "mike I sharkscoped you and you are totally crushing $1 sit n go's" "you are becoming a good winning player"

but now after this bad run,I am all of sudden a bad player.Like monster bad runs dont happen to good players.

Actually we always thought you were a bad player.
07-23-2009 , 03:03 AM
the fact that mike hasn't realized that anthonyp44 is my gimmick account is hilarious to me.

Actually we always thought you were a bad player.
07-23-2009 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by jecarey
Mike, a hypothetical question:

How long would your bad run have to last until you would start to think that maybe it isn't just bad luck but instead that you are not playing winning poker?
Well lets think about this.There are those who have said that 50 to 150 buy in bad runs are somewhere between uncommon to common,and not as bad as some of the bad runs some of the way better players go thru all the time.So I would estimate these bad runs at about 250 to 350 buy ins lost over time.Of course these were probably large field MTT's.

Also Chris Fergusson has lost about 1700 freeroll buy ins over a 7 month period.But again those are large field MTT's.So if these other players lost 1000 buy ins,and Fergusson were to lose 3000 buy ins,in a 7 month time.that would might probably mean they were not playing winning poker and or sucked.The average split difference between 1000 and 3000 is 2000.

So since a person cashes a heck of a lot more often in Sit N go over large field MTT's,I would say that since I have lost 140 buy ins,that if I were to lose 75 to 100 more buy ins,that I would not be playing good poker,because 250 buy ins lost would seem to go beyond all probable bad luck.Yes it would still be possible to have bad luck mainly responsible,but it would be a extreme statistical probability anomaly.

If that were to happen,and I dont think it will.I dont think it would be a lack of skill per se.When I look at my game,I dont really see very many problems with the skills I do have.Meaning I dont see myself limping in all the time with stuff I shouldnt.I dont see myself shoving all in preflop in bad situations all the time.I dont see myself playing to tight or to loose.I dont see myself bluffing to little or to much.I dont see myself bluffing in bad spots some to a lot.I dont see a lot of bluffs not work.I dont see myself making bad all ins postflop some to a lot.I dont see me having some to a lot of bad betsizing.I dont see myself having some to a lot of misreads.I dont see myself having some to a lot of bad postflop play.I dont see myself making bad value bets and value calls,and or not making value bets and or value calls.I dont see myself leaking lots of chips I shouldnt.

Now for leaks I do see:Since I have added the resteal to my arsenal.I am still working on it,because I either dont do it enough or when I do it,I either pick bad spots,or do it more than whats good for me and my skills at this time.

Not sure on this one:Maybe limping to much.I try not to limp,unless its early tourny when the blinds are cheap,or if I have a big stack later in the tourney.I usually only limp if I have limpers in front,and have pot odds,and if I am in position,and only with marginal hands or better.Now most of the time limpable situations dont come up that much.But in some tournys they happen a lot and so even though I am limping right and ok,I am limping a lot,and thus leaking a lot of chips.I wonder if I need to stop limping as much,even if right,as much,in order to not leak as many chips,and in order to not get into to many bad situations postflop.

Making errors,mistakes.even though I know how to play,I make about 1 to 3 unforced errors,mistakes per tourny where I know not to play in such a way to make those mistakes.Most of the time,I dont realize I am making the error or mistake.Now usually these mistakes are usually very small ones,and not big ones.

Not sure this is a leak,but here is a example that defines the leak.Lets say I raise a hand to 5.5 x BB under gun early position mid tourny,with AKsuited.Now when I am called,I put the player on at least a generic range,if I havent ranged the caller yet.So when I am called in that situation,I am expecting the following range KJsuited,KQsuited,unsuited,A9-AQ,44-AA(not saying this is my range,just a standard range for micro stakes average players and fish.Now if the flop comes A 7 8 rainbow,I am now expecting the caller to hold cards they called with that would play into a 87 to card straight draw.And so if I check,or bet medium or pot size bet,and called,and a 6 comes on the turn,I am not putting them on a straight,because why would someone stupidly call a big under gun bet with 54,and then stupidly call a Pot sized bet on the turn hoping for a miracle 6.And since I cant see anybody playing that stupid.I assume they are not,and that its extremely unlikely,and ignore the 3 card straight possibility.And so because of that it gets to the river,and they show straight and I lose a lot of chips.This is also an example of what I call getting donked by a donk.These kind of situations seem to cause a lot of chips to be lost a lot.And have caused me be bust out of a lot of tournys,when I have top pair top kicker,and I just cant see how by the range they should be holding,and by the cards on the board,how in the world they can have my Top pair of Aces Top Kicker or 2 pair beat by whats in their hand and on the board.

But apparently I am not the only one who has this problem,as many good players,and pros,also have this problem.The solution would probably be to just give the donks credit when they reraise like crazy.The problem is,cant do that,because they could easily be doing that with hands that are worse,and that they errantly think are monster hands.And also if they are a smarter donk then most other donks,they could bluff you off your hand,if you were to give a donk credit for having a straight they really shouldnt have like in the situation example above.So this is a problem or a leak,in dealing with donks.

Now based on this.I think my play really hasnt caused or started the bad run,its mostly been bad luck,where I have been donked out of a lot of tourneys by donks.I have taken a extreme amount of donk beats,trainwrecks,legit bad beats,goof off clown beats,coinflip beats with me holding the pair vs the QJ overs.Very rarely have I been outplayed out.

But even though this started the initial bad run,the bad run,and the problems with donks,may might probably have caused me to expand the leaks in my game and create new ones accidentally,unintentionally,subconciously,without realizing it,to slip slightly into limping more,making more errors and mistakes,and overcorrecting,or over thinking,because of the problems I have described having with he donks,without even realizing it.

And even if that either hasnt happened or not very much,I am very much worried about that happening now,and happening if the bad run continues.

So thats why I need to be aware of that possibility,and examine my game,and sharpen up my game.

Because if this is happening or is starting to happen or if it does happen in the future,then thats not playing good poker,and is playing bad poker,altho not terribly bad or horribly bad,but bad enough to be not be playing winning poker

And that wouldnt be playing winning poker.And I have heard that the longer a bad run goes the worse this kind of thing happens to good players.And so thats another reason why if my bad run were to go another 50 to 100 buy ins lost,that would mean I was playing bad not winning poker.

And so thats the reason why I need to be watching my game and examining my game very carefully to make sure I correct leaks,sharpen and improve my game,play better,according to how I know how to do.

And so I think my bad run was is a combination of mostly bad luck,plus a little,to some of the other factors I have talked about.

Now what would really help me sharpen my game,and improve,turn my bad run around,is not people trolling and flaming me,by saying "you suck" "your a bad poker player" simply because in a HH that I have posted,an HH I will post and in previous old outdated vids,and in new vids,that they find 1 error,or 1 mistake,or 1 J8 limp in,or a Q9 situation where they didnt pay attention t the explanation of why I did what I did,and say "OMG thats crazy insane" "you suck"

None of that helps and is not wanted and or not needed.

What does help is when somebody looks at my HH or vid,that something like this happens.

"Hey mike I noticed looking thru your HH(or vid) that you limped J8 in late MP to early late position."

Person then shows me the HH or vid segment of the vid segment showing the offending limp in.

I look thu the HH and vid for background and context and to see if I have been doing that a lot and notice I also limped in like that only 1 othe time in the tourney.

I then say "I see what your saying,but heres the reason why it happened and why I probably did it.That doesnt make it right,just probably why I did that" "also I notice that I did that 1 other time in the tourney."

"Yeah I also noticed that and I was going to tell you mike about that as well.You need to be aware of that and not do that"

"Yes your right and I know,thanks for pointing that out to me,and making me aware of that.I will try to be more aware of that so I dont do that again.Thanks for reminding me"

And for situations where I am not aware that I am doing something,or if I think that something is ok to do and is the rightway to play poker:

"Hey mike I noticed you did or do or dont do blah blah blah,you need to do or dont do blah blah"

"I do or dont do blah blah,for blah blah reason blah blah.So thats why I do or dont do it,because I think its the right or wrong way to play blah blah"

"Ok Mike,But here is why I dont think you should do or dont do this blah blah blah"

"But what about blah blah about that part of blah blah,wouldnt that mean blah blah about blah blah,thats why I do or dont do blah blah"

"Well Mike the answer to that question is blah blah blah blah,so thats why you should do or dont d blah blah blah"

75 to 85% chance I wil say"oh ok I see what you saying,so your saying blah blah blah and that blah blah,and thats why I should do blah blah.Ok I will do or wont do blah blah then"

This is called logic,reason,based questioning,discussion,debate,conversing,convincin g,persuading.

And its what my coach and me used to do.And 70 to 85% of the time I am going to agree,and about 15 to 30% of the time I am going to disagree.And that even if I disagree,if talk about it later,by same person or someone else,after experiencing some of what they talk about.I might agree right then and there,or if a person talks about it,there is a decent good ok chance I might agree with it then and there

And this is what happened with me and my coach,and there is only 1 or 2 things we have ever disagreed on about poker,when he has gone thru this process I am explaining about with me.And we pretty much agree to disagree about that those 1 or 2 things.And tey are 1 or 2 very minor things that dont impact my game much,or hardly at all.One of them is about whether its better to have lots of donks,goofballs,all in freaks or not.

So lets follow my coaches example and use logic,reason,discuss,debate,converse,convince,pers uade.

And lets stay away from things like "you suck" "your the worst" etc

Because for 1 thing I and some others(its about a 50/50 split,or they are in the minority)think I dont suck.And before the bad run,how I was playing and the success shows I dont suck.

And so your probably not going to convince me that I would be or am sucking.And even if I were to be sucking at poker.Even if I were to agree with you,which I dont and or probably almost never ever will agree with you on that.Thats not gona change or help.Saying "you suck you suck" doesnt help at all.I have told you what would help.

So lets do what would help each other and lets stop trolling flaming me and others and stop saying "you suck you suck",or things similar to that.
07-23-2009 , 08:26 AM
07-23-2009 , 09:25 AM
Mike.. that is way too long and just full of garbage.... and get it out of your head that Ferguson played 2000 freerolls in 7 months. He would have had to play every freeroll that went off every day.. and even then, he might be eligible for what.. maybe a dozen that gave out cash prizes? I don't think he's interested in the winner take all Phil Gordon Final Table dvd freeroll.. doesn't seem like it would help him much.
07-23-2009 , 09:50 AM

Who's better at the pokers - you or your ladyfriend?
07-23-2009 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by Mikeal_DH
Also Chris Fergusson has lost about 1700 freeroll buy ins over a 7 month period.But again those are large field MTT's.So if these other players lost 1000 buy ins,and Fergusson were to lose 3000 buy ins,in a 7 month time.that would might probably mean they were not playing winning poker and or sucked.The average split difference between 1000 and 3000 is 2000.

