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Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP?

03-24-2014 , 07:05 PM
so glad to have been fortunate enough to have had no other commitments than uni and working off a 17k DEBT with a 40 percent interest and should it not be paid websites made about me etc... wouldnt even happen in my worst nightmares that i was a father/husband and had this type of burden. also keep the wife and kids out of it please. posting pictures of them on the internet is wrong.

will be interesting to see what happens when some of the bad regs in your stable realize they cant win at the games anymore. do you just keep dumping money into them, and when they cant clear makeup and need money to live off of just call them scammers etc.. because u made the -EV decision of backing bad regs in the first place?
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by fivetypes
I am so ridiculously happy you never replied to a post in you 90/10 profit splits thread 3 years ago. We can agree on that. Although whats more likely chief is that ive held a grudge for 3 years just biding my time waiting for an opportunity like this to get my own back!

I have read the chat logs thats why I know youre seriously lacking in both intelligence and humanity.

Same with the Joker thread, although in that one I gave you the benefit of the doubt despite your ridiculous chat diatribes and gave you reasonable advice, which ofc you ignored.

'EVERY thread' you post in, was in fact the free money last longer you ran where again you were an unreasonable cock.

That post is just a huge example of how out of touch with reality you are, I pity anyone who has to deal with you in any context.

Still waiting for a death threat by the way, cmon fella you know you want to....
'EVERY thread' you post in, was in fact the free money last longer you ran where again you were an unreasonable cock."

LOL,i set up a last longer for the whole poker community and add tons of money on top of it and i am a cock???

lol and you have done what for people ?dude that takes a lot of effort to do ,on top of what i do for a living and you call me name for doing it

and i am the one that treats people bad ?you where not good enough for a stake ,i turned you down . get over it man
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:10 PM
How do all these ****ty players find people to stake them so much money? Imo, I'd cut the losses. Dudes not going on a 15k upswing anytime soon. Good luck to the both of you.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:15 PM
When I was looking to switch backers back in nov 2013 I was tempted to apply to Demitris stable. Luckily I had a level headed coach who steered me away from his tempting High split %s. "I wouldnt wanna deal with that guy" i believe were his exact words. Looks like I dodged a major bullet(obv would have snapped signed me (flex))...Since deciding to not apply, Ive met two friends who are in his stable and all ive heard about is how much of an ******* this guy is. And from the sounds of things he is completely results oriented and doesnt have anyone helping him run things which I can only assume is a terrible way to run a stable(based on the ones ive been in). After reading the way he speaks to his horses, It all makes sense. This guy has some serious flaws in his character, and is obv to stubborn to realize them. Both members of his stable Ive spoke with confirm that he gets unnecessarily aggressive at times and both plan to leave when out of M/u. It seems like your making your stable into a very undesirable destination Demetri, hopefully it falls apart soon. Learn to control your ****ing emotions and stop treating your horses like they arent people, IDIOT. You use the word so much but it seems like youre the biggest one of them all, IDIOT. And its clear as day youve tryed coaxing this man into saying hes dropping the stake and scamming you, when never once did he say that. Seems like you suck at dealing with your emotions, I can only hope demetri is a womans name in your country, at least if u were female youd look like less of a bitch here.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by D0nkeyk0ng
When I was looking to switch backers back in nov 2013 I was tempted to apply to Demitris stable. Luckily I had a level headed coach who steered me away from his tempting High split %s. "I wouldnt wanna deal with that guy" i believe were his exact words. Looks like I dodged a major bullet(obv would have snapped signed me (flex))...Since deciding to not apply, Ive met two friends who are in his stable and all ive heard about is how much of an ******* this guy is. And from the sounds of things he is completely results oriented and doesnt have anyone helping him run things which I can only assume is a terrible way to run a stable(based on the ones ive been in). After reading the way he speaks to his horses, It all makes sense. This guy has some serious flaws in his character, and is obv to stubborn to realize them. Both members of his stable Ive spoke with confirm that he gets unnecessarily aggressive at times and both plan to leave when out of M/u. It seems like your making your stable into a very undesirable destination Demetri, hopefully it falls apart soon. Learn to control your ****ing emotions and stop treating your horses like they arent people, IDIOT. You use the word so much but it seems like youre the biggest one of them all, IDIOT. And its clear as day youve tryed coaxing this man into saying hes dropping the stake and scamming you, when never once did he say that. Seems like you suck at dealing with your emotions, I can only hope demetri is a womans name in your country, at least if u were female youd look like less of a bitch here.
opps ...(50+ more if you want em)

and i never backed you cause you broke the market place rules (idiot)
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Ineeda2
How do all these ****ty players find people to stake them so much money? Imo, I'd cut the losses. Dudes not going on a 15k upswing anytime soon. Good luck to the both of you.
Exactly .
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:21 PM
Lol Demetri, are you saying he has 1k of your money because 15 minutes after he sends you your stake back you snap send him 1k of it right back? AFTER this was posted? lololol
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by MATT238
Lol Demetri, are you saying he has 1k of your money because 15 minutes after he sends you your stake back you snap send him 1k of it right back? AFTER this was posted? lololol
yes cause i am not ending the stake ,he lost money in games he was not meant to be playing

he is + ev in the games i want him to play ,so we carry on (he is free to work on the side ,why not.he knows this !)

what is wrong with that ?
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by demetri1978
yes cause i am not ending the stake ,he lost money in games he was not meant to be playing

he is + ev in the games i want him to play ,so we carry on (he is free to work on the side ,why not.he knows this !)

what is wrong with that ?
What's wrong with that is you're accusing him of being a scammer and of holding onto your money when you just willfully sent it to him a little while ago. AFTER he returned the other money! You don't see what's wrong with that?
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:30 PM
so make an agreement with him, make a new contract. You guys have to be both reasonable and ponder whats the best
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by demetri1978
yes cause i am not ending the stake ,he lost money in games he was not meant to be playing

he is + ev in the games i want him to play ,so we carry on (he is free to work on the side ,why not.he knows this !)

what is wrong with that ?

You had posted that acting as though he was holding it hostage without your will.

He has stated he was willing to play for you yet to agreed upon games, so I don't see what the issue is anymore.

Remove his personal info and the post from negative feedback, and gl with having him grind out.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:38 PM
Demitri seems like a total clown....I sell shares to live events in the US....I never get talked down to like this POS....I may be 39 but I remember what it was like to be an alpha wannabe....get a life kid....I would roll the fawk outta you just for being a prick buddy...lucky if he even wants to grind this off for your dumb azz...props to fivetypes to offer coaching just so he won't have to play with this dolt after he clears MU
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:38 PM
Wow Demetri, you really are a moron.

I don't see anywhere that he has said he wants to "drop the stake" yet it is the whole base for all of your arguments. He has continually told you he is willing to do whatever he can, which due to your breaking the agreement midway through the month, just happened to be less games. Yet he still said he would grind when he could for you to try to work it off.

The little part of skype where he said he didn't want to move down was a small snippet picked by you where he threatened, and you think that makes him a scumbag? If you think him trying to negotiate in that way makes him a scumbag then you are the absolute scum of the earth with the rubbish you have ranted on with throughout the ordeal.

You don't want to drop him because he's in 15k MU, so you want him to grind 1k games per month minimum. BUT he has no money and you're not willing to help him out. SO, he has to get a job to support his family. What would you like him to do? Chose to grind for you and try to work off the 15k mu and tell his kids to go **** themselves? Grow a brain man, show some compassion, sometimes you have to compromise, and quite often a compromise will be far more beneficial for both parties then just being a dick and looking out for only your own interests.

(In before you go on a rant about how I haven't read the logs and you did try to compromise and help him out... You didn't, You're a psycho).
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by Protential
You had posted that acting as though he was holding it hostage without your will.

He has stated he was willing to play for you yet to agreed upon games, so I don't see what the issue is anymore.

Remove his personal info and the post from negative feedback, and gl with having him grind out.
ALL wrong

he was holding the money without my say so ,read the logs in op

i wanted this back because i thought he was doing a runner ,since then he has come here

BUT not once he has said he is willing to carry on ,where ???

i have messaged him 10x+ on skype ,not one him breaking rules is correct ,he did ...and him dumping the stake in MU so far is correct (until he confirms here on skype otherwise)

so hard to feel sorry for these people ...i have a family and most days work 12-15 hours on avg ,as someone said here i sleep 4-5 hours

i deal with so many losers that have f c k all ,due to them being bums and not working sorry i went mad at him for trying to screw me over and sorry i don't feel sorry for these people that dig there own wholes .i had 0 days of last year ,people in my chat room was shocked to see me playing AND backing on xmas day

i started from the rock bottom ($2 180s ) and i'm no where near the top ,but on route
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by mjw006
Wow Demetri, you really are a moron.

I don't see anywhere that he has said he wants to "drop the stake" yet it is the whole base for all of your arguments. He has continually told you he is willing to do whatever he can, which due to your breaking the agreement midway through the month, just happened to be less games. Yet he still said he would grind when he could for you to try to work it off.

The little part of skype where he said he didn't want to move down was a small snippet picked by you where he threatened, and you think that makes him a scumbag? If you think him trying to negotiate in that way makes him a scumbag then you are the absolute scum of the earth with the rubbish you have ranted on with throughout the ordeal.

You don't want to drop him because he's in 15k MU, so you want him to grind 1k games per month minimum. BUT he has no money and you're not willing to help him out. SO, he has to get a job to support his family. What would you like him to do? Chose to grind for you and try to work off the 15k mu and tell his kids to go **** themselves? Grow a brain man, show some compassion, sometimes you have to compromise, and quite often a compromise will be far more beneficial for both parties then just being a dick and looking out for only your own interests.

(In before you go on a rant about how I haven't read the logs and you did try to compromise and help him out... You didn't, You're a psycho).

you have missed everything that is important

AGAIN ,he can work and play that is fine !!!

he has not ONCE said here he will do that ...WHERE ????

his so called rant of playing games he should not turned into him doing it ,that is scummy and wrong

you missed the chat log of me giving him a massive loan to play full time then he gets a job !!!THAT OK IS IT ???

before posting try reading
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:42 PM
Here's some general thoughts for everyone involved:

OP- glad to see you decided to send stake money back. Send him back his 1k too. Def not your decision to hold his money hostage. Beyond that, glad you posted! Best of luck with your new family. I don't think you should continue on with this stake nor should you face negative repercussions from the poker community as a result of that. You're in an impossible situation with someone who's very unstable. I would do whatever it takes to stop this harassment from taking place in your life. No poker player, no employee, no human should have to live/work under conditions like this. I don't think any reasonable person would fault you for leaving this stake. I don't think that entitles you to just owe Demetri $0 however. Not sure what amount of your makeup was loans, but I think when you get back on your feet that payments should be made to repay cashouts that you made. Money lost playing poker should not be repaid imo. Just move on with your life.

Demetri- You legit need help. Situations like this come up allllllllll the time in staking as you know. I've berated horses before. People make bad/dumb choices or do and say dumb things. So I've berated them for it. Never........ever.............ever have I went to .0001% the degree that you have. You need psychological help. Seriously. If I didn't think some of your horses would be so psychologically scarred and damaged themselves after playing for you I might try to sign a few of them. Your staking business WILL fail if you continue as is. I don't care how many good players you have. You are not fit to run a staking business and you will lose all of your money along with your reputation. That's probably not something you want to hear. It's def not something you'll believe. It probably makes you want to fly off the handle at me. But as someone who's been doing this for awhile, with strong conviction, I'm telling you it's true. Step away from this business. Have someone else run your stable for you if you want to continue your operations. But you have to stop running it yourself if you want to succeed. I don't in a trillion years expect you to listen to me or heed any advice in this thread. But it's there for the taking if you want it.

2p2 mods- Seriously time to remove Demetri's staking thread. I brought it up in the last thread where Demetri was threatening people's lives and implying other physical harm. It shouldn't take him causing actual harm to someone or harassing someone until they inflict harm on themselves before 2p2 steps up. I realize his staking business will continue. There's plenty of places to find horses. But having a paid staking thread up with his name on it just endorses his actions. Please take some action against it.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:45 PM
Haven't posted here in a while, and don't know both parties.

What I will say is that I am israeli as full discolusre even tho it doesn't change my opinion one bit since I don't even know Asylum, but after Adrian decided to publish everything in the Israeli poker forum as well, I feel obligated to comment.

IMO talking **** to your horses is horrible- firstly on a professional note cause they wont even try as hard to get out of MU since they don't feel any personal obligations towards you and secondly as a human being overall, acting as a douche to anybody is a horrible way to act.

hopefully it will work out somehow..
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by demetri1978
you nerds need to man up a little
The current term is "hipster."

Also, you are not helping those of us that took the over 3.5 death threats we expect from you in pretty much all the threads you are involved in with regard to your "professional" backing. Do a hipster who took "over" a favor and toss a few more out there. Thanks in advance.

All the best.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by demetri1978
BUT not once he has said he is willing to carry on ,where ???
Maybe try reading through logs where he has said many times he will play where he can. If you didn't ramble on with so much bull**** and were so busy smashing your keyboard with ridiculous insults then maybe you would have seen this...

i deal with so many losers that have f c k all ,due to them being bums and not working sorry i went mad at him for trying to screw me over and sorry i don't feel sorry for these people that dig there own wholes .i had 0 days of last year ,people in my chat room was shocked to see me playing AND backing on xmas day

It doesn't appear to anyone really that he has tried to screw you over, quite the contrary to be honest.

And how about you stop calling other people "losers" when you are the one saying you are grinding on Christmas Day as if that is some bad ass brag. It's not.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by MATT238
Here's some general thoughts for everyone involved:

OP- glad to see you decided to send stake money back. Send him back his 1k too. Def not your decision to hold his money hostage. Beyond that, glad you posted! Best of luck with your new family. I don't think you should continue on with this stake nor should you face negative repercussions from the poker community as a result of that. You're in an impossible situation with someone who's very unstable. I would do whatever it takes to stop this harassment from taking place in your life. No poker player, no employee, no human should have to live/work under conditions like this. I don't think any reasonable person would fault you for leaving this stake. I don't think that entitles you to just owe Demetri $0 however. Not sure what amount of your makeup was loans, but I think when you get back on your feet that payments should be made to repay cashouts that you made. Money lost playing poker should not be repaid imo. Just move on with your life.

Demetri- You legit need help. Situations like this come up allllllllll the time in staking as you know. I've berated horses before. People make bad/dumb choices or do and say dumb things. So I've berated them for it. Never........ever.............ever have I went to .0001% the degree that you have. You need psychological help. Seriously. If I didn't think some of your horses would be so psychologically scarred and damaged themselves after playing for you I might try to sign a few of them. Your staking business WILL fail if you continue as is. I don't care how many good players you have. You are not fit to run a staking business and you will lose all of your money along with your reputation. That's probably not something you want to hear. It's def not something you'll believe. It probably makes you want to fly off the handle at me. But as someone who's been doing this for awhile, with strong conviction, I'm telling you it's true. Step away from this business. Have someone else run your stable for you if you want to continue your operations. But you have to stop running it yourself if you want to succeed. I don't in a trillion years expect you to listen to me or heed any advice in this thread. But it's there for the taking if you want it.

2p2 mods- Seriously time to remove Demetri's staking thread. I brought it up in the last thread where Demetri was threatening people's lives and implying other physical harm. It shouldn't take him causing actual harm to someone or harassing someone until they inflict harm on themselves before 2p2 steps up. I realize his staking business will continue. There's plenty of places to find horses. But having a paid staking thread up with his name on it just endorses his actions. Please take some action against it.
LOL,i have 4x as many horses as you ,i do 10x better than you and you want me out of OUR game ,lol...SHOCKING that ,wonder why ah ???

what a stupid comment you have made above ,of course he owes 100% of the make up

i threaten to out him ,that is ALL ...i tried working with him loads ,loans ,him working on the side and playing etc etc

everything you just said is invalid

my actions are bad cause i had a go at him for breaking the rules ???you just said you do that to ,LOL

i have given him many options to pay me back ,working playing etc .options that work for both of us

what would any other backer do it
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by mjw006
Maybe try reading through logs where he has said many times he will play where he can. If you didn't ramble on with so much bull**** and were so busy smashing your keyboard with ridiculous insults then maybe you would have seen this...

i deal with so many losers that have f c k all ,due to them being bums and not working sorry i went mad at him for trying to screw me over and sorry i don't feel sorry for these people that dig there own wholes .i had 0 days of last year ,people in my chat room was shocked to see me playing AND backing on xmas day

It doesn't appear to anyone really that he has tried to screw you over, quite the contrary to be honest.

And how about you stop calling other people "losers" when you are the one saying you are grinding on Christmas Day as if that is some bad ass brag. It's not.

Yup, agreed.

Also agreed with matt.

If they continue to deal, there needs to be stipulation that demitri can't scream insults at him as he pleases.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by demetri1978
you have missed everything that is important

Everything that is important to YOU. You are the one missing the important aspects of all of this.

AGAIN ,he can work and play that is fine !!!

As long as he plays 1000 games per month though right? Sorry, that's not how the world works, he might not actually be able to play 1000 games a month. And if you mean he can play whatever volume he can, then I don't know why you didn't just say this in the first place and let him do it when he has repeatedly told you he would do this. In fact, he would have been doing this on Sunday had you not flown off the hook like an absolute psycho and started insulting his worth as a human being

he has not ONCE said here he will do that ...WHERE ????

Learn to read

his so called rant of playing games he should not turned into him doing it ,that is scummy and wrong

Was there discussion about this before he started doing that? Surely the chat did not end right there.

you missed the chat log of me giving him a massive loan to play full time then he gets a job !!!THAT OK IS IT ???

He disclosed that this happened.

before posting try reading
You did do a great job at verifying what I put in brackets would be your response though. You need psychological help man.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by mjw006
You did do a great job at verifying what I put in brackets would be your response though. You need psychological help man.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Protential
Yup, agreed.

Also agreed with matt.

If they continue to deal, there needs to be stipulation that demitri can't scream insults at him as he pleases.
i have offered him many fair deals that work for both of us ,profit chops etc etc and he can work on the side

that is more than fair enough ,saying he gets to drop the 15k mu cause i shouted at him is lol (i shouted cause he broke the rules)

that came from a backer who does the same as me and wants me out of the game

he has no reason now to say no ,if he does that is scummy and wrong.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 07:57 PM
Yea, demetri is saying "this is the real life" as if every boss in the real world would berate, threaten and abuse his employees like he does.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
