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Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP?

03-24-2014 , 08:01 PM
how can anyone disagree with this ...

this is what i sent to him ,but he has ignored it

i won't shout at him if he does not break my rules,if he does i will try and be nice (man up)

he can work and play poker for me when it suits him ,if he makes money at the tables we can chop it and add some to MU...this is slow ,but it allows him to support his family via poker and work

that is more than a fair deal (stop with the stupid comments that he is MU free cause i shouted at him ,lol)

now this is more than a fair deal ,this is after i gave him loans and watched him break rules etc

lets see if he takes this deal !??..if he does not ,his reason will be what ?
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:02 PM
Demetri I don't want you out of the game. But that's where you're headed at this rate. You just don't see it. That's fine. I was offering you solid genuine advice. Your staking business in no way affects mine or affects my profitability. Stake on brotha! I just happen to think you're a giant embarrassment to backers, poker players, and humans.

As an aside, when I say I've berated my horses, it's not in the same galaxy as you. I basically meant that I've scolded them from time to time. Your approach solves nothing.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by Rowniwn
Yea, demetri is saying "this is the real life" as if every boss in the real world would berate, threaten and abuse his employees like he does.
lol,a boss does not have a go at you when you break rules

gee Marc ,you need to get out a bit more often
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:07 PM
[11/02/2014 21:24:38] demetri1978: so u need to play no less than 1,000 games per month ...obv more is better need to study sats ,study 180 mans ,cause that is all you will be playing 7 days a week
[11/02/2014 21:25:04] demetri1978: it will be 180 mans up to $3 rebuys and sats up to $4 rebuys ,i don't want to see u in any target events

so rules r as follows. 3r180s/4r sats only. minimum 1k month. anything else?

Asylum 1987
[11/02/2014 21:29:47] demetri1978: no ,once a good chunk of mu comes of u can ask to add other games
[11/02/2014 21:29:55] Asylum 1987: on what day do we chop? also am i gtd a 1k/month even on a losing month?(doubt i can have one playing 180's).
[11/02/2014 21:30:14] demetri1978: yes
Not gonna be able to solve this cause its based on delusion.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Adyo
Not gonna be able to solve this cause its based on delusion.
how can anyone disagree with this ...

this is what i sent to him ,but he has ignored it

i won't shout at him if he does not break my rules,if he does i will try and be nice (man up)

he can work and play poker for me when it suits him ,if he makes money at the tables we can chop it and add some to MU...this is slow ,but it allows him to support his family via poker and work

that is more than a fair deal (stop with the stupid comments that he is MU free cause i shouted at him ,lol)

now this is more than a fair deal ,this is after i gave him loans and watched him break rules etc

lets see if he takes this deal !??..if he does not ,his reason will be what ?
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:12 PM
That wasn't 'a go'. That was a pitiful reflection of something deeply wrong with you. Attacking his value as a father? Calling him a loser? And now you think he should just give his best effort to make it right?

Judging by the respectful tone of most of his posts, he probably will. In that sense you are running ok. But I can see what Matt is saying. You are like teetering on the brink of insanity and it just doesn't look to end well.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:13 PM
For each threat demetri made i will say -1k from the make up.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Aaralynn
That wasn't 'a go'. That was a pitiful reflection of something deeply wrong with you. Attacking his value as a father? Calling him a loser? And now you think he should just give his best effort to make it right?

Judging by the respectful tone of most of his posts, he probably will. In that sense you are running ok. But I can see what Matt is saying. You are like teetering on the brink of insanity and it just doesn't look to end well.
LOL,i have backed around 300 poker players now and had 2 threads like this

i go mental at scammers ,you nerds need to toughen up (why do you think Matt loses so much )

and me shouting at him that i will out you is hardly going mental

what happened to the post where everyone says i am a great backer and the other 290+ horses that i have not had any problems with ???!!!

you do get that i have had maybe 1-2% of problems like this overall ???!!! just cause i go mad at scammers it is not that bad

what about the other 98% that i have had no problems with ???!!!...AMAZING, how you all ignore them and focus on 2 that have either scammed me or tried to
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:23 PM
He hasn't scammed you or tried to scam you.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by mjw006
He hasn't scammed you or tried to scam you.
him breaking the rules and not sending the money back is what ???

he sent it back AFTER i posted in this thread ,before that he still refused to

so yes i went mad at him for that and still refuses to carry on

even though i have come up with a plan that is FAIR and works for both of us

i even said i won't say one word to you as long as you stick to this

what you don't get it in my game people try it on all the time ...matt loses tons to these people cause he is a push over (i have some that have done it to him on my skype)

i don't take this ,i go of on one ....dude that is normal in the real world

stick to what you agreed on and there will not be a problem ...i have given him a choice ...will he take it ??? (no answer means no right)
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:32 PM
"Darkness can't drive out darkness, only light can do that,
Hate can't drive out hate, only love can do that."
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:35 PM

Do you see how your temper has left you vulnerable to OP making a case to not pay you anything back? I'm not saying I would agree with that. But he's clearly garnering sympathy here. In the 'real world', when a boss 'has a go' at an employee for breaking rules, they are not allowed to speak the way you did. That is clearly grounds for harrassment or more, I don't know, but if a boss ever spoke to me that way, me walking out the door wouldn't be the end of it. Like that is legit grounds for legal action, definitely in the real world, possibly on the internet. Not to mention, you want this guy to get back on the saddle and just grind away for you? Don't you like to have somewhat of a decent working relationship with your horses? This guy hates you for life. What a miserable would carrying on be an option with ev?

I couldn't really see myself playing for you again if you spoke to me that way. What's the point? The contract? Does it really have legal standing? If so, are there stipulations regarding abuse from provider of funds?

You just simply do not speak to other humans that way and expect anything but bad things in return.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:36 PM
he is reading this thread now

i have posted more than a fair deal for him,he has done plenty of wrong to . he admits it in the chat logs

so for him to not answer or say no is 100% scummy

he is not the first guy i have had in MU ,but the difference is the other guys work with me and get on with it

he was trying to make things hard for me so i dump the stake ...AGAIN ,scummy

so ,what is it going to be ???
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:37 PM
Threads with the name "Demetri" in them make me feel very happy that I am surrounded by people I like and staked by people I respect and can have a friendly conversation with and an understanding from their side on how I'm trying to deal with MU.

Demetri, every time a thread like this comes out with your name associated to it, it is you that looks extremely illogical and stupid. That is no coincidence. The way you handle things is completely absurd. You're, in simple terms, a c**t.

My solution would be to negotiate a smaller MU figure as he still is willing to play for you. If not, then just walk away and take the $16k hit. It's not fun but your actions played a big part in reaching this point.

I just hope (won't happen) that you can learn (won't happen) from this and become a better (won't happen), more understanding (won't happen), and less intense (won't happen) person who doesn't resort to insults in dealing with people (won't happen).

In b4 I get quoted and abused for not knowing how to read when it's Demetri who can't read (will happen).
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:37 PM
You should see a psychiatrist and probably shouldn't be backing people.

You keep saying he broke the terms of the contract but fail to show how. All I see is that he argued with you and tried to keep playing larger games. After that he played smaller for you. I don't see how he has scammed you at all.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by demetri1978
what you don't get it in my game people try it on all the time ...matt loses tons to these people cause he is a push over (i have some that have done it to him on my skype)
Name one? I'm not sure why you continue to spout off random thoughts and use my name when you know very little about my stable. I post any scam against me in the negative feedback thread. I've lost 4k to one scammer in the last 18 months just for the record. Not really sure why you feel the need to insinuate otherwise? Your constant need to spout off gibberish that isn't even true is probably your number one issue in business and life. Fix your leaks!
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Aaralynn

Do you see how your temper has left you vulnerable to OP making a case to not pay you anything back? I'm not saying I would agree with that. But he's clearly garnering sympathy here. In the 'real world', when a boss 'has a go' at an employee for breaking rules, they are not allowed to speak the way you did. That is clearly grounds for harrassment or more, I don't know, but if a boss ever spoke to me that way, me walking out the door wouldn't be the end of it. Like that is legit grounds for legal action, definitely in the real world, possibly on the internet. Not to mention, you want this guy to get back on the saddle and just grind away for you? Don't you like to have somewhat of a decent working relationship with your horses? This guy hates you for life. What a miserable would carrying on be an option with ev?

I couldn't really see myself playing for you again if you spoke to me that way. What's the point? The contract? Does it really have legal standing? If so, are there stipulations regarding abuse from provider of funds?

You just simply do not speak to other humans that way and expect anything but bad things in return.

all the above is said like i talk to ALL my horses like this

you saw the post that says this is 1-2% of cases ???

so i treat the bad guys bad ,geee dude

i have 100s of people that could post how well i run things and how well i treat them ...did you just ignore that ???(some that posted i put itt)

you are making bad advert for bad horses here ....

a horse is struggling in MU ...act like an idiot ,break rules and then let the backer get pis s sed and dump the stake

when he tells the world they side with the bad horse ...REALLY ???

all wrong and you know it
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by GizYaChips
Threads with the name "Demetri" in them make me feel very happy that I am surrounded by people I like and staked by people I respect and can have a friendly conversation with and an understanding from their side on how I'm trying to deal with MU.

Demetri, every time a thread like this comes out with your name associated to it, it is you that looks extremely illogical and stupid. That is no coincidence. The way you handle things is completely absurd. You're, in simple terms, a c**t.

My solution would be to negotiate a smaller MU figure as he still is willing to play for you. If not, then just walk away and take the $16k hit. It's not fun but your actions played a big part in reaching this point.

I just hope (won't happen) that you can learn (won't happen) from this and become a better (won't happen), more understanding (won't happen), and less intense (won't happen) person who doesn't resort to insults in dealing with people (won't happen).

In b4 I get quoted and abused for not knowing how to read when it's Demetri who can't read (will happen).
Originally Posted by WalterS
You should see a psychiatrist and probably shouldn't be backing people.

You keep saying he broke the terms of the contract but fail to show how. All I see is that he argued with you and tried to keep playing larger games. After that he played smaller for you. I don't see how he has scammed you at all.
all the above is said like i talk to ALL my horses like this

you saw the post that says this is 1-2% of cases ???

so i treat the bad guys bad ,geee dude

i have 100s of people that could post how well i run things and how well i treat them ...did you just ignore that ???(some that posted i put itt)

you are making bad advert for bad horses here ....

a horse is struggling in MU ...act like an idiot ,break rules and then let the backer get pis s sed and dump the stake

when he tells the world they side with the bad horse ...REALLY ???

all wrong and you know it
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:46 PM
Why did you get mad and start berating him in the first place? Because he wasn't putting in enough volume? Because he wanted to continue playing higher stakes? Any other reasons?

And again, what rules did he break? All he did was argue with you to keep playing higher which is totally in his best interest and didn't deserve your derision at all.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by WalterS
Why did you get mad and start berating him in the first place? Because he wasn't putting in enough volume? Because he wanted to continue playing higher stakes? Any other reasons?
because he was playing low vol and not playing great so i dropped some of the higher games

as per chat log he told me to go f c k the contract and he won't drop them ,so he carried on playing them games

i can't prove it via scope cause he blocked it ,which is another one of my rules broke,lol

but i was well within my right to go of at him

(and it was not in his best interest ,he played bad and lost more)
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by demetri1978
how can anyone disagree with this ...
I understand why you are saying this. There is much I agree with, in respect to your side, from the very very little i read of all this. But why didn't you tell your horse that they are very very likely to have losing months.

It 'may' (may) have been a good approach by you, it may have followed the rules, it may have been morally good, but it wasn't a real solution.

Add it with the pressures of make up and family and its just not a realistic solution, and I really feel like that's the problem here.

1k games a month....we're lucky to make 16k in a year...

sorry if i haven't read the op properly but if this is what it is then nobody's going to win this conflict.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:55 PM
you might find this hard to believe and Matt will hate to hear this cause i know he gets very bitter and jealous but i do know what i am doing

this guy is/was in the wrong ,i am nice boss to the horses that deserve it and maybe i am mean to the bad horses...that is real life, sorry

so you may all say that will not work ,but it does...

i have not had a month under 75k for years now and that is for my mtt guys only who get 50/50 or 60/40 (none of my sng guys are on that chart)

so saying am terrible etc is silly .everyone has there own way

anyone who is in the know will tell you this game is super tough and most go broke ,as you can see i am far from going there
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:55 PM
It's amazing that demetri is still allowed to stake through 2p2 after what's been posted of his character. Someone please create a thread in ATF to at least generate additional discussion on this topic. He is going to murder one of his horses one day.

And PLEASE for the love of God, stop using "this is real life" as an excuse to be an insufferable *******.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:57 PM
demetri1978 - I don't know you, and don't know your horse (OP).
I've been into staking for few years now, and I've been running other business as well the same time. I probably manage more ppl than you at your stable, some of them aren't my cup of tee.
I was scammed both within the poker world and outside of it.
I was mad, pissed and angry.

I never was in confirmed need of psychiatric treatment. You are.

Please seek help. I'm serious.
This has nothing to do with right or wrong. I'm not even taking sides, I think both sides are wrong, but that's not relevant. U NEED HELP.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
03-24-2014 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by demetri1978
because he was playing low vol and not playing great so i dropped some of the higher games

as per chat log he told me to go f c k the contract and he won't drop them ,so he carried on playing them games

i can't prove it via scope cause he blocked it ,which is another one of my rules broke,lol

but i was well within my right to go of at him

(and it was not in his best interest ,he played bad and lost more)
If he continued playing higher games after you told him explicitly not to you need to prove that. He contends otherwise ITT and has made his case much more clearly than you.
Horrible dispute with backer. my side.. MOD EDIT: demetri reinstated, scammed by OP? Quote
