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03-07-2016 , 12:18 AM
Blow it out your ass, Kerowo. Literally no one gives a flying **** if he uses that expression or not except you. And you're just doing it to be a dick. And now you want to ban it for him because he's ****ing with you?

You're a little bitch in every sense of the word. Little power trip going on Kerowo? Like throwing that "weight" around? Lol. You should be embarrassed by your behavior. It's cringe-worthy.
03-07-2016 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Blow it out your ass, Kerowo. Literally no one gives a flying **** if he uses that expression or not except you.
Holy ****, wil was correct for once. You're right Wil, no one cares except me and I only care because Bahbah repeatedly failed to following simple instructions.

And you're just doing it to be a dick. And now you want to ban it for him because he's ****ing with you?
Oh, you were going so well, but when you try to soul read your ******ation comes back to the front. I don't want to ban him wil, I enjoy watching him make stupid posts and have them destroyed and then make stupid posts again.

You're a little bitch in every sense of the word. Little power trip going on Kerowo? Like throwing that "weight" around? Lol. You should be embarrassed by your behavior. It's cringe-worthy.
Ahh yes, the resorts to misogynistic insults and thinking mods only pick on you because they are on a power trip and not because you are ****ing up.
03-07-2016 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Oh give me a break chez. Everything that has happened to bah bah has been because he thought he could be cute. That or for some reason he didn't think I meant what I said. At every stage in the progression from warnings to temp bans to warning of exile he failed to follow a simple instruction, sometimes doing exactly what he was asked not to do in his next post in the thread. I do not believe he is so stupid that he can't follow a direction that says never post this phrase again. No one is that stupid.
Being cute is far from against the rules of PU and I really doubt many are buying your apology Kerowo - not even those who are generally on your side and perfectly happy for you to behave this way against posters they don't care for.

Last edited by chezlaw; 03-07-2016 at 12:40 AM.
03-07-2016 , 12:57 AM
I'm not apologizing chez, I'm enforcing the minimal rules of PU as I think they should be enforced. How much responsibility do you think Bahbah should accept in this situation Chez? What are my options when I ask him not to do something or he'll get a temp ban and his next post is doing the exact thing I asked him not to? If I warn him again then nothing is accomplished and people complain about too many warnings. If I do nothing then what is the point of having mods? Tell me where this could have gone different?

When I asked him to stop using signatures and he was a dick about it? I don't think so, as is evidenced by the way you, proph, and wil treat me I don't care if you guys are dicks to me. However, when I'm enforcing rules in the forum "being a dick" is the same as not following directions.

When I asked him to stop complaining about his ban? I don't think so, all the bitching about modding is boring. Particularly when it is the same **** over and over. Once the banned poster has had their say it's time to suck it up and move on. Notice I'm not preventing anyone else from talking about the ban, only the person who was banned. This is in line with the "do what you like until you screw up then you have slightly less freedom than posters who didn't screw up" school of modding we're trying in PU.

When I threatened to exile him instead of playing the temp ban game? Again, I don't think so. The round and round with Spank was proof enough that dealing with people who refuse to play by the rules for long periods of time just pisses off the regular posters. BahBah has shown time and again that he can't follow directions so it's time for this to end. I probably should have escalated to this sooner but I really thought he could follow simple directions.
03-07-2016 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Holy ****, wil was correct for once. You're right Wil, no one cares except me and I only care because Bahbah repeatedly failed to following simple instructions.

Oh, you were going so well, but when you try to soul read your ******ation comes back to the front. I don't want to ban him wil, I enjoy watching him make stupid posts and have them destroyed and then make stupid posts again.

Ahh yes, the resorts to misogynistic insults and thinking mods only pick on you because they are on a power trip and not because you are ****ing up.
Hahaahaha. Misogynistic? You don't know jack **** about me, big dog. Concentrate on modding your bs internet forum, homie. Obviously you're a ****ing loser at doing that, too. Maybe one day you'll hit the big leagues and be a Walmart greeter.
03-07-2016 , 01:11 AM
Well wil, we know you are either a dumb bigot or for some reason enjoy being one on the Internet.
03-07-2016 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Well wil, we know you are either a dumb bigot or for some reason enjoy being one on the Internet.
I'm neither dumb nor a bigot. Believe what you wish, my little nerdy friend.
03-07-2016 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
I'm not apologizing chez, I'm enforcing the minimal rules of PU as I think they should be enforced. How much responsibility do you think Bahbah should accept in this situation Chez?
I'm using the P sense of the word apologising. I apologise for that but it was hard to resist. There is no rule against being cute or using that phrase - not even minimal ones and as you said at the time you just wanted to be a dick in response to him being a dick. Not a huge fan but if that was the end of it it wouldn't be so bad - instead you made up this rule which is now against him saying something like a phrase that anyone else can say (and is very close to the topic being discussed).

Bahbah can take some responsibility, you can take some as well.

What are my options when I ask him not to do something or he'll get a temp ban and his next post is doing the exact thing I asked him not to?
One option is for you to have been satisfied with making your point about signatures with a bit of dick modding for fun (not a fan of the later but whatever) and left it at that.

I have other ideas but I know you don't want to hear them

If I warn him again then nothing is accomplished and people complain about too many warnings. If I do nothing then what is the point of having mods? Tell me where this could have gone different?
Where it could have gone different?

How about you stick to the the actual issue which was about signatures. As long as he stops that then you have got what you wanted and that's the end of it. If he continues with signatures then you escalate your action.

When I asked him to stop using signatures and he was a dick about it? I don't think so, as is evidenced by the way you, proph, and wil treat me I don't care if you guys are dicks to me. However, when I'm enforcing rules in the forum "being a dick" is the same as not following directions.

When I asked him to stop complaining about his ban? I don't think so, all the bitching about modding is boring. Particularly when it is the same **** over and over. Once the banned poster has had their say it's time to suck it up and move on. Notice I'm not preventing anyone else from talking about the ban, only the person who was banned. This is in line with the "do what you like until you screw up then you have slightly less freedom than posters who didn't screw up" school of modding we're trying in PU.

When I threatened to exile him instead of playing the temp ban game? Again, I don't think so. The round and round with Spank was proof enough that dealing with people who refuse to play by the rules for long periods of time just pisses off the regular posters. BahBah has shown time and again that he can't follow directions so it's time for this to end. I probably should have escalated to this sooner but I really thought he could follow simple directions.
Again I doubt many are buying this.

bahbah takes a huge amount of **** with pretty good grace. The issue was signatures and that was a small issue which was easily dealt with despite being a surprise to many. The rest served no purpose at all.
03-07-2016 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Chez again with the ultimate in tone policing while saying zero about bahbahs hundreds of racist and bigoted and moronic posts. All this after spending over a year crying that a racist couldn't be mod.
Saying I have "hundreds of racist and bigoted and moronic posts" is like me saying you have hundreds of sexist and bullying posts. Both can be true depending on who is judging what is sexist/racist/moronic/etc.

I would love to see you link one post of mine that you think the average 2+2 would call racist or bigoted. For the sake of argument (since we've had this argument over 50 times) please ignore my post from a few years ago where I posted a racist article and then said it was racist and apologized for posting it over 50 times.
03-07-2016 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I'll explain this like a child, since you think like one : making assumptions about a person due to a distasteful comment or off-color joke is downright ******ed. You can't assume to know what a person is like because of a view of a certain topic. You can try, but many times it's incorrect.
I think you mean explain it to me as if I were a child, dumbass, but let's not make any assumptions. How much you can interpolate or extrapolate beliefs based on things people say depends on what it is they say. If someone asks "why do black people do X" I'm not going to assume they are a die hard racist off the bat even though that is a form of expression often used by racists. But if someone sincerely says "Heil Hitler!" then I know a lot about their beliefs even though I only heard two words.

So you are just wrong. But not in subtle ways like many posters. You have a history of posting here that reveals your beliefs, a history featuring a banning for being racist and, just recently, applause from a proud bigot. We know about you, wil. You're as bad as the GOP in trying to hide from your true self from the view of others. You're funny because, like many repubs, you're too dumb to do it effectively.
03-07-2016 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
I think you mean explain it to me as if I were a child, dumbass, but let's not make any assumptions.
lol @ taking this much time to disparage someone for a typo, but of course, this further shows what type of person you really are.

How much you can interpolate or extrapolate beliefs based on things people say depends on what it is they say. If someone asks "why do black people do X" I'm not going to assume they are a die hard racist off the bat even though that is a form of expression often used by racists. But if someone sincerely says "Heil Hitler!" then I know a lot about their beliefs even though I only heard two words.
Once again, purposefully misleading. You are using an extreme example to make yourself feel better, with it having nothing to do with my actual posts.

So you are just wrong. But not in subtle ways like many posters. You have a history of posting here that reveals your beliefs, a history featuring a banning for being racist and, just recently, applause from a proud bigot. We know about you, wil. You're as bad as the GOP in trying to hide from your true self from the view of others. You're funny because, like many repubs, you're too dumb to do it effectively
And I'm very proud of my beliefs. I've made mistakes in how I've articulated them in the past and have freely admitted that, but I stand by my beliefs 100%. It is no fault of mine that they are misinterpreted. It is, however, my fault in my articulation of them.

Once again, you go back to this really weird create-your-own-reality thing you seem to constantly fall back on. You can say it over and over until you're blue in the face, but it doesn't make you correct. Your political views are downright bizarre. We've seen this in your comments about Christie and your eye-rolling use of phrases like "The US supports dictators because money". You know how people use that example of the racist republican uncle that comes over for Christmas and says racist jokes and it elicits a certain response from people like "Yeah, I know what you're talking about"? You saying things like that elicits the same response.

You probably aren't questioned much on your bull**** because you come off with this fake quasi-intelligence. You're an idiot, Deuces. Your posts are lol-tastic and your analysis of political reality is mind-numbingly stupid. You are a person who reads ideological opinions of other people and regurgitate it as your own. You copy a recipe from someone, change a minor ingredient, then repackage it as your own. Believe it or not, some people can see through the smoke and mirrors.

Of course, the only person who thinks you are actually original is yourself. You probably tell yourself this to cover up your actual lack of it. It's pretty sad.

I guess I'll just wait for you to announce you're "done with me" again, even though you trip all over yourself to engage me every chance you get. lol. You're a clown.
03-07-2016 , 06:53 AM
Chez is such a definition of white privilege in action. Tone police away about how the forum isn't being nice to bigots for 18 months because his racist buddy can't be mod. Sad stuff from a fraud who imagines he's a progressive.
03-07-2016 , 06:58 AM
Do any of the PU regs actually like each other, apart from the RW cranks?
03-07-2016 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Chez is such a definition of white privilege in action. Tone police away about how the forum isn't being nice to bigots for 18 months because his racist buddy can't be mod. Sad stuff from a fraud who imagines he's a progressive.
You're being obsessively weird again mate.

You being a bully on a politics forum isn't something particularly good or useful. Did you somehow imagine it was?
03-07-2016 , 07:53 AM
The SMPtards all like giving each other verbal handjobs over their blind support of racists. But that's kind of the same thing.
03-07-2016 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
You're being obsessively weird again mate.

You being a bully on a politics forum isn't something particularly good or useful. Did you somehow imagine it was?
What other people do doesn't change your responsibility for your reprehensible decisions. Grow up.
03-07-2016 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw

I appreciate some of you think bullying is a good thing and fully deserved so let's not pretend it's just a bit of name calling.
Yes. Jumping from 'a lot of these folks think being called racist is worse than racism' to 'so you're okay with bullying?!' is bizarre.
03-07-2016 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
What other people do doesn't change your responsibility for your reprehensible decisions. Grow up.
We are all responsible for what we do - you chose to bully and foster hatred. That's not a good thing.

I'm happy to be responsible for what I do even when I make a mistake - I don't pretend to be one of the non-existent perfect people.
03-07-2016 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Yes. Jumping from 'a lot of these folks think being called racist is worse than racism' to 'so you're okay with bullying?!' is bizarre.
It seems popular to pass of the bullying that goes on here as 'just calling someone names'

If that's not what you were doing then I apologize. Racism is far worse than calling someone racist.
03-07-2016 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw

I appreciate some of you think bullying is a good thing and fully deserved so let's not pretend it's just a bit of name calling.
Chez, bro, c'mon now. If you voluntarily spend time in a forum where name calling and personal insults are a welcome feature then you don't get to cry about "bullying." If it's not your cup of tea, just don't spend time in the bullying forum.
03-07-2016 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Ahh yes, the resorts to misogynistic insults...
I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees "bitch" in this context as misogynistic.
03-07-2016 , 09:59 AM
Being called a bully is worse than bullying.
03-07-2016 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Chez, bro, c'mon now. If you voluntarily spend time in a forum where name calling and personal insults are a welcome feature then you don't get to cry about "bullying." If it's not your cup of tea, just don't spend time in the bullying forum.
Isn't that like saying that if you don't like bigotry then don't spend time in a forum where bigotry is allowed?

PU strength is that I am able to call LG a bully. In P such a personal attack would probably not be allowed even if it was true but here it is, as you say, a welcome feature.
03-07-2016 , 10:13 AM
Great! I'll take responsibility for being a bit mean to bigots, you take responsibility for tone policing the forum, sticking up for every two bit bigot that comes through here because you are mad your racist friend cant be mod, and supporting FoldN denigrating his rape victim.

As you said, we are all responsible for our own posts.
03-07-2016 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Great! I'll take responsibility for being a bit mean to bigots, you take responsibility for tone policing the forum, sticking up for every two bit bigot that comes through here because you are mad your racist friend cant be mod, and supporting FoldN denigrating his rape victim.

As you said, we are all responsible for our own posts.
I'm responsible for what I actually do, not for your obsessive weirdness - that is your responsibility.
