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!!! Moderation !!! Moderation

01-04-2017 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position
... But yeah, more or less this is a claim based on my own experience posting here and elsewhere about primarily religion and philosophy. If your experience is difference, then carry on.
It's not just my experience, it's universal at least here in the US.

What's different is that religion or philosophy don't have an entire wing of the MSM pounding away on it, and billions of $$$$ aren't spent on propaganda twisting things.

This whole thingee about the "PC Police" running amok is think tank invented astroturf BS. For whatever reason, an entire wing of the MSM has been drilling it in our heads for a coupla generations now. There's a critical mass of peeps who are simply "triggered" by the r-word, and as a pavlovian response will attempt to derail by whining about all the sandy vaginas, etc.

It's the same as someone trying to chat about religion with some fool who only responds "there you go bringing up those gods again".... or someone who responds "there you go bringing up epistemology again" every time you try to discuss philosophy. It's not a matter of content, and it's not a matter of civility... it's a matter of willfully derailing the conversation.

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
... Hey did you ever answer my question before about why you think P and many other forums for discussion have adopted the rule "attack the argument, not the arguer"?
I'd guess it's along the lines of fostering a "productive conversation". But I'll also repeat that this ain't no "gotcha" regarding the modding over in Alta. You and those mods have a good faith disagreement about what constitutes "name calling". However, instead of engaging on that issue, or just chalking it up to what it is, an honest disagreement... you dishonestly spread the calumny that honest difference of opinion is bias on their part.

Last edited by Shame Trolly !!!1!; 01-04-2017 at 01:45 AM.
01-04-2017 , 01:40 AM
Yeah, he's a lime. I assume he took the position to satisfy some sick fetish to once again rein over the colonies.
01-04-2017 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Yeah, he's a lime. I assume he took the position to satisfy some sick fetish to once again rein over the colonies.
Actually it seems the term has entirely different connotations in UK English.
01-04-2017 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Yeah, he's a lime. I assume he took the position to satisfy some sick fetish to once again rein over the colonies.
haha, legitimate laugh out loud.
01-04-2017 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Actually it seems the term has entirely different connotations in UK English.
Oh yeah, well it's a fetish on this side of the pond too
01-04-2017 , 01:59 AM
01-04-2017 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
I'd guess it's along the lines of fostering a "productive conversation". But I'll also repeat that this ain't no "gotcha" regarding the modding over in Alta. You and those mods have a good faith disagreement about what constitutes "name calling". However, instead of engaging on that issue, or just chalking it up to what it is, an honest disagreement... you dishonestly spread the calumny that honest difference of opinion is bias on their part.
Yes, we have a disagreement over which I've pwned them time and again. Claiming calling someone a racist, homophobe, for ****s sake Trolly, I'm openly and somewhat randomly called a rapist, their claims that those aren't personal attacks is something I've taken great pleasure exposing them over, indeed.

But that's not the point at all. Much like most of the world's dictators claim to run democracies, even the mods in P recognize that a rule attempting to focus criticisms on arguments instead of arguers ought to have value fostering productive discussion. You're free to completely disagree though. I think Chez sees it my way and I hope it works out for the best here.
01-04-2017 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
... even the mods in P recognize that a rule attempting to focus criticisms on arguments instead of arguers ought to have value fostering productive discussion. You're free to completely disagree though...
Once again, why are we dealing in hypotheticals. We've had ~4 years with a no name calling rule over in Alta, while at the same time in Baja it was a name calling free for all. That seems like a good enough starting point to me. So, would you say over the last four years we've seen more "productive conversations" in Alta, more in Baja, or it's all the same crap.

If it's all the same crap, or the difference is negligible, then we don't need these restrictions and limitations you champion, and we're better off without them. OTOH if the difference is significant... well then it shouldn't be hard to scare up just one stinking example, now should it?
01-04-2017 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Once again, why are we dealing in hypotheticals. We've had ~4 years with a no name calling rule over in Alta, while at the same time in Baja it was a name calling free for all. That seems like a good enough starting point to me. So, would you say over the last four years we've seen more "productive conversations" in Alta, more in Baja, or it's all the same crap.

If it's all the same crap, or the difference is negligible, then we don't need these restrictions and limitations you champion, and we're better off without them. OTOH if the difference is significant... well then it shouldn't be hard to scare up just one stinking example, now should it?
Dude, because there is obviously plenty of name calling in Alta? Didn't we just go over this like last post?

There are plenty of examples I could dig up for you of attacking the argument working out better, but again, we won't agree on what is productive so I'm not interested. We'll just get to see what kinds of discussions are fostered in a forum that actually enforces such a rule evenly I hope, and if you don't like it, then you might get more enjoyment out of the poo threads or P.
01-04-2017 , 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Elliot did a bang-up job in pog as I remember! hahaha
Pogs were so much fun.
01-04-2017 , 03:06 AM
At this point does anybody read a TS post as anything other than unintentional parody?

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Sadly, this is what the alt-left does - hounds companies, individuals, attempts to deplatform, uses hate speech and smearing, in advancing their radical agenda. Normal people cave to such pressure. It's why they use it - hate speech and energetic whining are very effective. I don't blame you at all.

01-04-2017 , 03:08 AM
A little hyperbolic as always, but not too far off.

Actually, nevermind, not hyperbolic at all, pretty spot on.

Last edited by FoldnDark; 01-04-2017 at 03:14 AM.
01-04-2017 , 03:12 AM
Originally Posted by adios

How much more hateful and racist can you get than stating blacks look like apes?

Lynching a black child for whistling at a white woman, just off the top of my head.

Oh wait, spewing propaganda that my 1st black president is an illegitimate Kenyan Muslim, that too.
01-04-2017 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Have you read "Brave New World"? And again, why are Muslim males "vulnerable groups" in need of your protection? You seem not to want to engage on your beliefs, instead just repeating them like a religious mantra. Nazis are minorities too, often oppressed and slandered and sidelined. Are their beliefs in need of your protection?

Muslim males seem to be highly privileged in every way except economically (which is their own doing) - they get to spew hate speech against Jews and gays in their mosques that puts the KKK to shame, usually without consequence, they get to segregate women in their events without censure, they get privileged treatment over all other groups in immigration, they aren't arrested for crimes that others would be, because people like you fear being "not PC" and hurting these "vulnerable groups".

I'm asking you to defend your beliefs about Muslim males being a "vulnerable" group. They seem the opposite to me. In their average personal interactions they seem like net oppressors of women and gays and Jews, on average, far more than white men, on average, who are fair game to the PC left.

No, but, srsly, is it autism?

p.s. chezlaw, just to name 1 thing, it's been repeatedly pointed out why his analogy incredibly stupid, yet he keeps repeating it. Isn't the point of the whole enterprise to get people to STFU at that point?
01-04-2017 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position
I don't read Politics or Politics Unchained enough to comment on the history there. Here's a thread about a controversial political issue from RGT that exhibits the dynamic I'm talking about. For example, I say here that I think a tabloid headline and pundit comments about prayer and gun control were stupid and reprehensible. This didn't lead to a breakdown in conversation - Mightyboosh and I were instead able to have a long and interesting conversation (I'll also note that he didn't respond to some of the other posters, such as Aaron W because he has then on ignore because of their personal attacks towards him in prior threads).

That being said, a single example doesn't really show anything and I don't know a way to empirically prove my claim. I did give general principles supporting it, eg I think resolving disagreements generally require finding the premises that underlie the disagreement rather than focusing on the conclusions drawn from those premises. But yeah, more or less this is a claim based on my own experience posting here and elsewhere about primarily religion and philosophy. If your experience is difference, then carry on.

I dont know how much we will agree on moding style but I almost totally agree with you about civility, dynamics and finding the premises that underlie the disagreement.

Civility is high on my priorities for this forum when discussing politics but it's going to take time and I've no intention of forcing the pace too hard. That's partly because of the history but also because there's actually a view coming from the left/liberal posters in P that civility is a very bad thing - it's one of the strangest phenomena's I've come across from a group of people who I otherwise strongly agree with politically. Not that I claim to be an angel by any means.

Last edited by chezlaw; 01-04-2017 at 03:45 AM.
01-04-2017 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
I'm using the left's own standards, which chezlaw is wanting to apply. "White males", as a group and without qualifiers are freely attacked by the left in journalism and academia and regular polite discourse.

Right, like that NYT article I just read saying white males are a pedophilic cult undeserving to live amongst civilized people.
01-04-2017 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Not to vouch for Kerowo, and I also argued this point when Fly was taking **** for using the term aspy. Yes, trying to claim the moral high ground while simultaneously insulting people with terms like that is hypocritical, but as far as insults go, calling someone an idiot, stupid, dummy, ******, downy, gimp, aspy whatever is totally fine in my book (assuming they aren't actually disabled in that way, because that would be too cruel).

It's different from using a term like gay or dike in a derogatory way, because there is actually something wrong with you if you are in any of the first group, like those are actually disorders that nobody wants to have, so they make good insults at people who don't actually have them, who perhaps act like they do.
I thought you were to the left of me, but i guess you're far more rightist than i am.

Gay people can defend themselves (we still shouldn't use those words). People with Down Syndrome are clearly far more vulnerable. Kerowo is a hypocritical bigot.

Edit: I actually tend to agree with you on the term "******" bc it's so generic. But i stopped using it recently when it was pointed out to me that it hurts their family members, etc.

Last edited by Black Peter; 01-04-2017 at 04:17 AM.
01-04-2017 , 03:51 AM
Or the Honorary Aryan gets so shook he puts them on figurative and literal ignore.

Or that.

Originally Posted by wil318466
You are really showing your true colors. You never cared about this forum, your a failed zero loser here. There is an echo chamber and that's the main politics forum. This forum is light years better. There is a good reason those ****ing morons from P stay in P. If they come here they will get their assess kicked and they know it. They can't stand on the merit of their ideas, they need protection.

Lol, after the election they all fled like the pussies they are. Good. Stay in that cesspool, good riddance. They should be embarrassed at the total idiocy they displayed. **** them, and you.

Last edited by 5ive; 01-04-2017 at 04:11 AM.
01-04-2017 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
You must not have read any of Chezlaw, Well Named, Jalfrezi, me, or many other posters arguing with TS and Wil. Of course, if you got your way, everyone you think is a bigot would be banned. Then maybe they would go argue in right wing forums where leftists are banned with people who don't challenge them.
Well 2 of those are not like the others.
01-04-2017 , 03:59 AM
The Honorary Aryan was so shook behind me calling him an Honorary Aryan he wanted me banned for being The Real Racist.

Politics version 7.0 more armchair analysis on abnormal psychology.

Originally Posted by wil318466
Lol, please. The only people who get it are those who give it. I've been called everything in the book, you don't see me crying like some kind of pussy, do you? Who here gets any type of abuse? Give us a list of the names and I think you'll have your answer. Are YOU abused here?

Last edited by 5ive; 01-04-2017 at 04:11 AM.
01-04-2017 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive
p.s. chezlaw, just to name 1 thing, it's been repeatedly pointed out why his analogy incredibly stupid, yet he keeps repeating it. Isn't the point of the whole enterprise to get people to STFU at that point?
Despite the lack of everyone is getting to vent here. It's best to let it run for a while until things settle down.

Re your general point. Arbitrating between two sides about whether an analogy is stupid or not will not form part of the modding. Analogies might break other rules.
01-04-2017 , 04:15 AM
Chez, are you having fun yet? You seemed like such a reasonable and semi-intelligent guy until you wanted to be mod. That confused me...
01-04-2017 , 04:17 AM
Will 5ive get his own special containment thread where he can spam post to his heart's content?

I am sure it would be appreciated by other users and he seems to enjoy talking to himself anyway.
01-04-2017 , 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Uh, the part bolded is flat out false.

This isn't a hypothetical. AFAIK us Politards have been hearing this BS forever. I know I've heard it constantly since 2010. There is no examples in Alta or Baja Politards where "you're r-word" and "that's r-word" have not elicited the exact same kinda response. Not one. There is however a multitude of examples where "you're a r-word" or "that's r-word" were directed at a public figure, or a third party. This almost always leads to the same kinda reaction as when it's directed at "the arguer".

If you think I'm wrong, go ahead and quote me a counter example. Since you won't quote me any counter examples (because you can't), and since we're intent on having a "productive conversation", I'd appreciate it if you admitted that you pulled your "more likely" out of your own a-hole.
01-04-2017 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Will 5ive get his own special containment thread where he can spam post to his heart's content?

I am sure it would be appreciated by other users and he seems to enjoy talking to himself anyway.
Word is that since he's pretending to be a leftist, then he'll be allowed to keep using the N-word and posting links to neo-nazi sites.
