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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

02-23-2017 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by halcyon229
Maybe because the "utoobz"... are edited in a very deceptive manner... if you watch them unedited itīs not as bad as the mainstream media suggests.
That might be true. However... The unedited video was always out there. The MSM has access to both. The condemnation is bipartisan, with Breitbart News saying the utoobz were indefensible.

More interestingly, the utoobz have been out for more than a year. M.Yiannopoulos blindsided his employer with this shiz, his departure was a given. He held out important business information from Simon&Shuster. LOL @ the "deep vetting" the Cal Young Republicans do with their speaking list. The MSM & especially the Antifa groups should hang their heads in shame.
02-23-2017 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
That might be true. However... The unedited video was always out there. The MSM has access to both. The condemnation is bipartisan, with Breitbart News saying the utoobz were indefensible.

More interestingly, the utoobz have been out for more than a year. M.Yiannopoulos blindsided his employer with this shiz, his departure was a given. He held out important business information from Simon&Shuster. LOL @ the "deep vetting" the Cal Young Republicans do with their speaking list. The MSM & especially the Antifa groups should hang their heads in shame.
Wouldnīt it also be possible that they had all the evidence for a long time and just waited for an opportune moment to release it (after Milo being in Maherīs show)?

The higher the rise, the harder the fall.
02-23-2017 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by halcyon229
Wouldnīt it also be possible that they had all the evidence for a long time and just waited...
You do love conspiracy theories.
02-23-2017 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
You do love conspiracy theories.
Maybe I just endorse critical thinking and am not so easily duped by a mainstream media narrative.
02-23-2017 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by lenC
Why not use to arrive at political positions, it's unexploitable and unpredictable.
Wil's opinions could be founded by just typing what the sorting hat from Harry Potter says when you put it on an adult with downs syndrome.
02-23-2017 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by halcyon229
Wouldnīt it also be possible that they had all the evidence for a long time and just waited for an opportune moment to release it (after Milo being in Maherīs show)?

The higher the rise, the harder the fall.
Isn't the Joe Rogan podcast one of the top 5 or 10 worldwide for popularity? He wasn't going on some random dudes show from Nebraska.
02-23-2017 , 01:33 PM
Ok, let me use another hypothetical scenario.

You, aoFrantic, are running for a political position in your area and itīs basically a two-horse race. You also have some damning information about your rival.

Do you release it randomly as soon as you discover it?
Or do you rather forge out plans with your most loyal advisors and decide on an opportune moment to release it?
Which probably would be a moment a few days before the election, which would make it hard for your rival to change the narrative due to lack of time.

(I only assumed that you would be fine with these "dirty tricks" for the sake of argument and donīt want to imply that you would actually employ a strategy like this)
02-23-2017 , 01:36 PM
Why are we using hypothetical arguments? He went on the most popular podcast in the world that would have him. No one "released" this. People itt and around the Internet have been telling you guys he believes this stuff for years. This time it stuck.
02-23-2017 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by halcyon229
Wouldnīt it also be possible that they had all the evidence for a long time and just waited for an opportune moment to release it (after Milo being in Maherīs show)?

The higher the rise, the harder the fall.
One interesting thing is the group that actually brought him down (by re-releasing the already public tapes after the Bill Maher appearance) was actually a conservative group of #NeverTrumpers, Regan Republicans or something like that.
02-23-2017 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Why are we using hypothetical arguments? He went on the most popular podcast in the world that would have him.
Because my hypothetical argument illustrates why it is strategically superior to release damning information about somebody at an opportune moment instead of releasing it randomly after discovery.

He actually was on the Joe Rogan podcast 2 times.
02-23-2017 , 01:40 PM
Fwiw liberals would have much rather had him talk at cpac then release the info the next morning.
02-23-2017 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
One interesting thing is the group that actually brought him down (by re-releasing the already public tapes after the Bill Maher appearance) was actually a conservative group of #NeverTrumpers, Regan Republicans or something like that.
The "Reagan Bataillon" on Twitter.

That was what I was referring to when I talked about releasing the information. They released the deceptively cut video, which makes Milo look even worse than the original footage.
02-23-2017 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Fwiw liberals would have much rather had him talk at cpac then release the info the next morning.
I agree, that would have been even better for the liberals.
02-23-2017 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by halcyon229
I agree, that would have been even better for the liberals.
If he were only born in the U.S., it was certain that he would eventually win the (R) nomination for President, and that would have been for real the best time to release.
02-23-2017 , 01:49 PM
Why was Milo ever important enough for his downfall to have to be part of some conspiracy?
02-23-2017 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by halcyon229
Maybe I just endorse critical thinking...
Nope, definitely not this. Your conspiracy theory renounces critical thinking.

Maybe I... am not so easily duped by a mainstream media narrative.
We already know you were easily duped by some media narrative (see: theory,conspiracy). So, you didn't catch it via the MSM. Good to know. Maybe you shouldn't so easily dismiss a MSM narrative? Or... practice critical thinking .
02-23-2017 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I think we have a problem with what we are arguing. I agree YouTube is huge. People make money off it. The issue with YouTube is that it's difficult to bring in people strictly from YouTube.

I will be honest and say I'm not sure about how this works, but it seems to me that the way YouTube stars draw more and more viewers is because they get some sort of exposure/advertisement from the mainstream media. Whether that be a mention in an article somewhere or an invitation on a TV show. There has to be some sort of publicity to make someone be interested in learning more about someone.

Let's be clear - I'm unsure how it all works, but it seems without some sort of exposure in a large scale, popularity is limited. I never knew Milo existed until about half a year ago, when researching feminism. I saw his face and recognized him in multiple feminism videos, but I didn't care to actually listen to him speak, specifically. I then kept coming across his name in snippets from articles. Then, I started looking him up on YouTube.

Without the first few steps, I'd have NEVER found someone like Milo. Him appearing on Bill Maher was a huge step for him, but now that all that will be shut down, his following will dwindle.

Yes, I could be totally wrong about this because I don't know how the entire web of fame works, but I still think he's toast. We will see in a few years. If you are correct, I'll be the first one to congratulate you.
I watch only youtube, so I heard about him from other youtubers.

Generally that's how it works for me. I imagine a lot of other people are similar, but I ain't 100% about that.
02-23-2017 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Why was Milo ever important enough for his downfall to have to be part of some conspiracy?
All that means is it's not a big conspiracy. Unless we're talking about more than Milo.
02-23-2017 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Nope, definitely not this. Your conspiracy theory renounces critical thinking.

We already know you were easily duped by some media narrative (see: theory,conspiracy). So, you didn't catch it via the MSM. Good to know. Maybe you shouldn't so easily dismiss a MSM narrative? Or... practice critical thinking .
And from what do you deduce that ridiculous claim?

I didnīt read this on some right-wing website. I did what everyone interested in this topic should do and watched the original footage (not the snippets in the MSM or the deceptively edited Reagan Bataillon video) and built my own opinion.

So your opinion is based on some narrative some media outlet pushed, while I watched all of the podcasts involved and therefore have a far better understanding of the whole incident.

Ever heard of "Cui Bono" ?

You accuse me of parroting some nutjob narrative, when in fact Iīm the one who has watched hours of uncensored footage on the subject while you were duped by some mainstream media narrative.

2+2 never ceases to amaze me.
02-23-2017 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
One interesting thing is the group that actually brought him down (by re-releasing the already public tapes after the Bill Maher appearance) was actually a conservative group of #NeverTrumpers, Regan Republicans or something like that.
That doesn't fit into the left made me do it so that wont work.
02-23-2017 , 02:29 PM
halcyon- Real quick, cui bono here?
02-23-2017 , 02:31 PM
The dang mainstream media tricked rightwingers into adoring this white supremacist troll by cagily withholding the (public) information that he was actually a white supremacist troll who thinks it should be legal to **** children?
02-23-2017 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
halcyon- Real quick, cui bono here?
That would be a very long list:
-people, who were ridiculed by Milo in the past
-people, who donīt share Miloīs political beliefs and want to stop him from spewing his hateful contents
-media pundits who ejaculate at stories like this that make juicy headlines and generate a ton of views
-a dubious twitter account that suddenly has gone viral (who the hell has ever heard of "Reagan Bataillon" before they released their (doctored) Milo footage)?
-people who want to hurt Breitbart, because Breitbart would obviously be forced to fire him
(he was also a big drawing point that increased Breitbartīs user numbers)
-homophobes who would love to bring a gay man like Milo down
-other podcasters, who envied his fame and his loyal userbase

And this is just of the top of my head, I could probably come up with many other profiteers.

Iīd even argue that lots of you are happy to see his downfall (for various reasons, some of you may just enjoy watching his decline and many of you despise him for his beliefs and his provoking rhetoric anyway).
02-23-2017 , 02:55 PM
lol "doctored" footage.
02-23-2017 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by halcyon229
... I didnīt read this on some right-wing website. I... built my own opinion... your opinion is based on some narrative some media outlet pushed...
I know this is hard for you conspiracy theory lovin' fools, but no. You misunderstand my opinion. Let's rewind. My opinion was LOL@ the MSM (including Breitbart News and Simon & Schuster), the various Young Republican Clubs, and the various Anifias, for being in a word, lazy. You spewed the conspiracy theory that maybe they all knew ahead of time, and waited to drop the dime.

Does any of the above sound at all familiar to you?

If you came up with this absurd conspiracy theory by "building your own opinion", you need help with your building skills.

Last edited by Shame Trolly !!!1!; 02-23-2017 at 03:03 PM.
