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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

02-20-2017 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
This is what happens when you make ****ty arguments made from anecdotal evidence and refuse to acknowledge multiple studies that refute your point.
Again, you do NOT understand what you are looking at. The purpose of many of these articles are to push an agenda. There is no real doubt about the amount of sex different groups are having, as I've explained a LONG time ago when defending this argument. I assume the mass majority of us in this thread are heterosexual males. If we are being honest, we know that the frequency of sex is determined by the females. In a sexual group where two men are the deciders, sex will happen more frequently.

It's not controversial to say if it were solely up to men the frequency of sex would go up. Does that mean we can't have different situations where that isn't true? Of course not, some women are absolutely insatiable. That, however, isn't the norm and not what we assume, in general.

When you read articles like this, what do you come away with?

As if the New York Times article isn’t bad enough, earlier this week, in an op-ed for Elite Daily, Thomas Caramanno felt compelled to rail against “certain gay men who objectify other men and change sex partners as frequently as their 2(x)ist underwear” and who are giving a bad name to the gay men who “are currently in, or are actively pursuing, romantic relationships, [and] revere notions of monogamy and family.”

Caramanno is disturbed by “the male gaze” and the way that he has been groped in gay clubs and “eyed by guys the way a hungry CrossFitter stares down a packet of bacon” (which, if you ask me, sounds pretty hot) but most shocking to him is that he’s “been told by some men that this behavior is normal, acceptable and even desirable” (oh boy, he’s just going to love this piece, isn’t he?).

Ultimately, he wants us to “strive to attach a different kind of value to sex, one that does not use it as the sole basis of our collective identify and mode of communication,” which, when you peel away the hyperbole (because, as much as I love sex, it’s obviously not the sole basis of my identity or mode of communication), is essentially exactly what so many of our straight counterparts want from us. And he’s not alone. I can’t count the number of times that I’ve heard other queers saying things like “isn’t it time we grow up and stop wearing jock straps on Pride floats?” or “how are we supposed to demand equal rights if we can’t stop being so promiscuous?” And all of that kind of thinking is... well... aside from reeking of sexphobia and internalized homophobia... just plain gross.

We know what is going on here when we look at it from a higher view. Gay marriage is now accepted, and raising children and families and gay relationships becoming more "conservative" is the trend. It is VERY important in the gay community to be looked at as typical of any other community. I mean, even in the article it says

“how are we supposed to demand equal rights if we can’t stop being so promiscuous?”

There is an agenda there. It is to push the narrative that "we are all the same", even though this gay man's perspective is that WE AREN'T. There's nothing wrong with it, just as there's nothing wrong with women who have many sexual partners is perfectly fine. Yet, some people will pass judgement about it (people like YOU, I might add) and make decisions based on these factors which really don't matter. That's why it's an issue!


“When I published the piece about liking having sex, I had people stopping me on the street, people I’ve never met before, and they said, ‘Thank you, because no one’s talking about this,” Michelson told host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani. “On the other hand, people are saying that I’m a pervert, and that I’m ruining it for all of us, and why can’t I just behave myself? And it’s immature to act that way, and that’s how a teenager would act. I think that’s the thing about sex positivity — that it’s very threatening.”

I mean, the authors are SPELLING IT OUT FOR YOU. They are actually telling you exactly where they are coming from and what is changing in that community.


]However, it would be a grave dishonesty to forgo discussion of certain gay men who objectify other men and change sex partners as frequently as their 2(x)ist underwear. Then there are those who have one eye on tonight's hookup while eagerly scanning the room for tomorrow night's prospect, and those who, with a nimble swipe of a thumb, carelessly peruses and skillfully rejects prospects on Grindr, Tinder and other social media apps, based on trivialities like ill-defined abs

These articles are all written by gay men, explaining exactly where they are coming from and what type of behavior is common.

There is no conspiracy here and I've actively told you I have no problems with any of this. I've always supported gay rights and support gay marriage. Me saying gay men have more sex than other groups of people isn't condemning them, its simply making an observation, WHICH IS TRUE.

Go out and talk to gay men about it! Do you put any sort of thought or effort into any single subject we argue about?

Christ, GROW UP. You have NO IDEA what you are talking about and that's painfully obvious. NO CLUE.

Last edited by wil318466; 02-20-2017 at 08:32 PM.
02-20-2017 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by leavesofliberty
Wil's more empathetic to LBGT than you are ao, ldo. This thread keeps getting better and better!
I like to think of Wil as frank from IASIP. Same height and morals.
02-20-2017 , 08:32 PM
D Ross, integral to gayness:

G Knight, just another random Motown singer:

like wat in the devil is going on here
02-20-2017 , 08:33 PM
Hahaha Wil is now using elite daily as a source. Jesus Christ dude, do you even read sites before linking them? Elite daily is a ****ty dating blog written by 20 year olds in the form of listicles generally that are too ****ty for buzzfeed to publish.

Like Wil spent hours frantically googling something to refute the major studies I posted. He came up with an op ed on elitedaily, which is the really, really ****ty version of buzzfeed.

He has used a radical Christian site and elitedaily as his sources. I have used studied that have used nearly 4 million people as a data point. Wonder which one is more valid!
02-20-2017 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Again, you do NOT understand what you are looking at. The purpose of many of these articles are to push an agenda. There is no real doubt about the amount of sex different groups are having, as I've explained a LONG time ago when defending this argument. I assume the mass majority of us in this thread are heterosexual males. If we are being honest, we know that the frequency of sex is determined by the females. In a sexual group where two men are the deciders, sex will happen more frequently.

It's not controversial to say if it were solely up to men the frequency of sex would go up. Does that mean we can't have different situations where that isn't true? Of course not, some women are absolutely insatiable. That, however, isn't the norm and not what we assume, in general.

When you read articles like this, what do you come away with?

As if the New York Times article isn’t bad enough, earlier this week, in an op-ed for Elite Daily, Thomas Caramanno felt compelled to rail against “certain gay men who objectify other men and change sex partners as frequently as their 2(x)ist underwear” and who are giving a bad name to the gay men who “are currently in, or are actively pursuing, romantic relationships, [and] revere notions of monogamy and family.”

Caramanno is disturbed by “the male gaze” and the way that he has been groped in gay clubs and “eyed by guys the way a hungry CrossFitter stares down a packet of bacon” (which, if you ask me, sounds pretty hot) but most shocking to him is that he’s “been told by some men that this behavior is normal, acceptable and even desirable” (oh boy, he’s just going to love this piece, isn’t he?).

Ultimately, he wants us to “strive to attach a different kind of value to sex, one that does not use it as the sole basis of our collective identify and mode of communication,” which, when you peel away the hyperbole (because, as much as I love sex, it’s obviously not the sole basis of my identity or mode of communication), is essentially exactly what so many of our straight counterparts want from us. And he’s not alone. I can’t count the number of times that I’ve heard other queers saying things like “isn’t it time we grow up and stop wearing jock straps on Pride floats?” or “how are we supposed to demand equal rights if we can’t stop being so promiscuous?” And all of that kind of thinking is... well... aside from reeking of sexphobia and internalized homophobia... just plain gross.

We know what is going on here when we look at it from a higher view. Gay marriage is now accepted, and raising children and families and gay relationships becoming more "conservative" is the trend. It is VERY important in the gay community to be looked at as typical of any other community. I mean, even in the article it says

“how are we supposed to demand equal rights if we can’t stop being so promiscuous?”

There is an agenda there. It is to push the narrative that "we are all the same", even though this gay man's perspective is that WE AREN'T. There's nothing wrong with it, just as there's nothing wrong with women who have many sexual partners is perfectly fine. Yet, some people will pass judgement about it (people like YOU, I might add) and make decisions based on these factors which really don't matter. That's why it's an issue!


“When I published the piece about liking having sex, I had people stopping me on the street, people I’ve never met before, and they said, ‘Thank you, because no one’s talking about this,” Michelson told host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani. “On the other hand, people are saying that I’m a pervert, and that I’m ruining it for all of us, and why can’t I just behave myself? And it’s immature to act that way, and that’s how a teenager would act. I think that’s the thing about sex positivity — that it’s very threatening.”

I mean, the authors are SPELLING IT OUT FOR YOU. They are actually telling you exactly where they are coming from and what is changing in that community.


]However, it would be a grave dishonesty to forgo discussion of certain gay men who objectify other men and change sex partners as frequently as their 2(x)ist underwear. Then there are those who have one eye on tonight's hookup while eagerly scanning the room for tomorrow night's prospect, and those who, with a nimble swipe of a thumb, carelessly peruses and skillfully rejects prospects on Grindr, Tinder and other social media apps, based on trivialities like ill-defined abs

These articles are all written by gay men, explaining exactly where they are coming from and what type of behavior is common.

There is no conspiracy here and I've actively told you I have no problems with any of this. I've always supported gay rights and support gay marriage. Me saying gay men have more sex than other groups of people isn't condemning them, its simply making an observation, WHICH IS TRUE.

Go out and talk to gay men about it! Do you put any sort of thought or effort into any single subject we argue about?

Christ, GROW UP. You have NO IDEA what you are talking about and that's painfully obvious. NO CLUE.
02-20-2017 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Gay people are into Dianna Ross?

I thought they liked Bette Midler and Barbara Streisand.
Did you not know the significance of the song "I'm Coming Out", by Diana Ross? I mean, come on dude. This is like asking if Koreans like kimchee. Do ANY of you know wtf you are talking about, like, AT ALL? The ignorance of people in this forum is absolutely stunning.'m_Coming_Out

LGBT significance
“I’m Coming Out” has been regarded as an anthem for the LGBT community. The phrase "coming out" to describe one's self-disclosure of sexual orientation or gender identity had been present in the gay subculture in the early 20th century[2], analogous to a débutante's coming-out party or celebration of her formal presentation to society. It has also been understood as "coming out of the closet" or coming out from hiding. The song is thus interpreted as a celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer identity and the encouragement of self-disclosure.
02-20-2017 , 08:36 PM
All gays wil?
02-20-2017 , 08:37 PM
here for the lol @ wantsitlessnumbers
02-20-2017 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Hahaha Wil is now using elite daily as a source. Jesus Christ dude, do you even read sites before linking them? Elite daily is a ****ty dating blog written by 20 year olds in the form of listicles generally that are too ****ty for buzzfeed to publish.

Like Wil spent hours frantically googling something to refute the major studies I posted. He came up with an op ed on elitedaily, which is the really, really ****ty version of buzzfeed.

He has used a radical Christian site and elitedaily as his sources. I have used studied that have used nearly 4 million people as a data point. Wonder which one is more valid!
It was written by a gay man. I do not know much about the source. The other two sources were Huffington post, which LINKED to that exact article.

Are all of them, as sources, not valid because of your opinion here?
02-20-2017 , 08:38 PM
Remember how Wil used a data point from before AIDS existed as a data point for current gay promiscuity and never referenced his 40 year old radical Christian data point, but is super mad people don't recognize how important Dianna Ross is to the LGBT community.

Wil, maybe think about knowing about your source before using it? You say you went to college. Would you have used any of your sources for a college paper on this subject? Would they be accepted?
02-20-2017 , 08:40 PM
Apparently my older sister and all her friends are gay because they absolutely loved that "coming out" song.
02-20-2017 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Did you not know the significance of the song "I'm Coming Out", by Diana Ross? I mean, come on dude. This is like asking if Koreans like kimchee. Do ANY of you know wtf you are talking about, like, AT ALL? The ignorance of people in this forum is absolutely stunning.'m_Coming_Out

LGBT significance
“I’m Coming Out” has been regarded as an anthem for the LGBT community. The phrase "coming out" to describe one's self-disclosure of sexual orientation or gender identity had been present in the gay subculture in the early 20th century[2], analogous to a débutante's coming-out party or celebration of her formal presentation to society. It has also been understood as "coming out of the closet" or coming out from hiding. The song is thus interpreted as a celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer identity and the encouragement of self-disclosure.
I learned about being LGBT from BEING LGBT IN THE DEEP SOUTH. I don't want to hear how authentic your ideas are on LGBT community because you know about some songs or trivia when you are spreading baseless smears about us as a group.
02-20-2017 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
OK sure. I think they're on the pedos/enablers/friendly/dontcare continuum. I was just thinking the same thing. Remember zan nen and "peeks not pokes"?
That must have been in alpha. When I was allowed in Alpha I pretty much kept to the Israeli/Palestinian thread.
02-20-2017 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
All gays wil?
Dude, wtf are you talking about? NOTHING is "all" anything. It's simply generally accepted. When I said it's like asking if all Koreans like Kimchee, do you think I was being literal? Like, I'm Korean, and I've actually met Koreans who DO NOT like Kimchee.

Are you really THIS stupid? No. You are being argumentative in order to paint me as something I am not and try your best to get me banned.

You are as dishonest and disgusting of a person as can be described on an internet message board. Your behavior in this forum, especially today, is disgusting and exactly why so many people dislike and do not respect you as a person, much less a moderator.
02-20-2017 , 08:41 PM
Sort of ironic that a pizza thread is now about kiddie diddling.
02-20-2017 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
I learned about being LGBT from BEING LGBT IN THE DEEP SOUTH. I don't want to hear how authentic your ideas are on LGBT community because you know about some songs or trivia when you are spreading baseless smears about us as a group.
I don't understand what point you are trying to make here. I linked a Wikipedia article to explain my Diana Ross reference. It is literally a well-known fact that Diana Ross is revered in the LGBT community.

What, exactly, are you disputing? That I didn't call you an authentic member of the LGBT community? Did I ever make that claim?

And, do not underestimate my knowledge of the nuances between the difference groups within the LGBT community itself.

That conversation is not something I want to discuss, though.
02-20-2017 , 08:44 PM
I might be possibly responsible for enabling Wil here. I had read in Harper's (a long time ago) that gay men self report as much more promiscuous, and introduced that little fact into the gay marriage thread. Wil was very active in that thread, read my post, and now we have yet another demonstration of how a little knowledge can be dangerous.
02-20-2017 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I don't understand what point you are trying to make here. I linked a Wikipedia article to explain my Diana Ross reference. It is literally a well-known fact that Diana Ross is revered in the LGBT community.

What, exactly, are you disputing? That I didn't call you an authentic member of the LGBT community? Did I ever make that claim?

And, do not underestimate my knowledge of the nuances between the difference groups within the LGBT community itself.

That conversation is not something I want to discuss, though.
The fact that you're painting the gay community with a very broad brush and continually claiming personal knowledge as your source. I would also add there is a very old, very ugly history of painting the gay community as pedophiles and that has very often come from extremely conservative forces intending to deny basic human rights to LGBT Americans.
02-20-2017 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
It was written by a gay man. I do not know much about the source. The other two sources were Huffington post, which LINKED to that exact article.

Are all of them, as sources, not valid because of your opinion here?
Wil, you need to drop this. I'm not sure I can do anymore but tell you that it's offensive to the LGBTQ community.

It's a final warning now
02-20-2017 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
I might be possibly responsible for enabling Wil here. I had read in Harper's (a long time ago) that gay men self report as much more promiscuous, and introduced that little fact into the gay marriage thread. Wil was very active in that thread, read my post, and now we have yet another demonstration of how a little knowledge can be dangerous.
I never knew you even said that. Fear not, I did not use your words as a base for any of my arguments.

Anyway, time for dinner. I'm sure I'll come back to more idiocy by, well, idiots.
02-20-2017 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Dude, wtf are you talking about? NOTHING is "all" anything. It's simply generally accepted. When I said it's like asking if all Koreans like Kimchee, do you think I was being literal? Like, I'm Korean, and I've actually met Koreans who DO NOT like Kimchee.

Are you really THIS stupid? No. You are being argumentative in order to paint me as something I am not and try your best to get me banned.

You are as dishonest and disgusting of a person as can be described on an internet message board. Your behavior in this forum, especially today, is disgusting and exactly why so many people dislike and do not respect you as a person, much less a moderator.
Wil most of your problems in these threads is you make assumptions about all of the members of a group. "I talked to two gay men, I know about all the gays," "a muslim terrorist did something bad, all muslims are terrorists."
02-20-2017 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Wil, you need to drop this. I'm not sure I can do anymore but tell you that it's offensive to the LGBTQ community.

It's a final warning now
It's absurd to think I'm actually attacking anyone here, especially when I'm backing it up with articles and repeating myself constantly how much I support that community in particular.

That's all it takes? Someone to claim offense? Lol. Political Correctness indeed, Chez!
02-20-2017 , 08:49 PM
Always check your sources.
02-20-2017 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Wil most of your problems in these threads is you make assumptions about all of the members of a group. "I talked to two gay men, I know about all the gays," "a muslim terrorist did something bad, all muslims are terrorists."
Originally Posted by wil318466
Dude, wtf are you talking about? NOTHING is "all" anything.
I answered your question already.

As far as I'm concerned the entire topic is done. Chez asked me to stop talking about it, and I will. You have a blast with your ignorance.
02-20-2017 , 08:50 PM
So, after his first site Wil chose to use was a radical christian site that believed in Noah's Arc as a literal tale of non fiction...Wil went to Elite Daily. A site for newer millenials, labeled as such because it's nothing but really ****ty lists to be shared on FB (that is genuinely the actual purpose of the site)
David Arabov, Elite Daily co-founder and CEO, graduated from Pace University’s Lubin School of Business in 2012. He grew up in Forest Hills, and although there is almost no mention of it anywhere, he is surely the son of Jacob “the Jeweler” Arabo, once a popular rap subject, who served two-and-a-half years in prison as part of his plea deal to get out from under accusations of conspiracy to launder $270 million in drug money for the early-90s Detroit-based “Black Mafia Family.”
Here are some gems from there

Could It Be? Millennials Are The New Generation Of Hippies, But With Better Weed

21 signs she's expired has unfortunately been deleted and so has "how to turn a ho into a housewife."

Right now, as I type this sentence, the top 5 search terms directing traffic to the site are: “ass” at 22.47%, "elite daily” at 7.49%, “best ass” at 4.63%, “elitedaily” at 1.96%, and “asses” bringing up the rear with 1.87%
Elite Daily is a site for 23 year olds who buy books by Tucker Max. You'd love it Wil, it's been criticized over and over again for misogyny.
