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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

02-02-2017 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
Milo's sole intention is to carve a niche for himself and make more money saying outrageous garbage.

Rioters shut down his event talking to 200 of his groupies and then gave him the floor for CNN and was on Fox News.

Streisand effect in full force. If people had just left him be to his devices nobody would care.

Instead of speaking to just 200 kids, he now gets to speaks to millions. The Rioters last night literally played into his hands. He's going to book 100 more tours like this right in liberal areas where there is a chance for more of these riots to happen.
Correct analysis

The rioters were sjws
02-02-2017 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Don't lie. You obviously aren't talking about people who self identify as nazi's bc you condoned the violence at the milo event. I doubt very few if any people at that event identified as nazi's. I know Milo certainly doesn't. It's obvious, you want to paint anyone who dare presses your ridiculous ideology, should we call it religion, as a nazi. Once you feel comfortable painting a portion of the populace this way, you can then proceed to make them subhuman, i.e. you deny them basic rights and decency, then you proceed to attack violently and shut them down.

I'm bigoted against racists, nazis, white nationalists, conspiracy theorists, elected Republicans, terrorists and many others. You should be too.
02-02-2017 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
I'm bigoted against racists, nazis, white nationalists, conspiracy theorists, elected Republicans, terrorists and many others. You should be too.
No I shouldn't. I believe in justice and humanity.
02-02-2017 , 05:27 PM
You believe in humanity? So, I'm sure you have just as many posts in this forum lambasting Spencer for advocating black genocide as you do attacking people for saying it is ok for punching him. I'm sure that is the case, correct?

Another thing you don't seem to understand is that literally no one is advocating for violence that doesn't carry punishment for enacting it against these people. That's why there is no slippery slope. We are saying it is ok to eat an assault charge against nazis. Not that there is some stupid conspiracy making it ok to punch whoever you want. The fact that you reputable scholars don't seem to understand this is amazing.
02-02-2017 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
No I'm saying free speech isn't consequence free speech. You say nazi stuff people are going to think you're a nazi and want to punch you. Don't bitch because you got punched for saying nazi ****.
That's fine but the puncher shouldn't then bitch when he is charged with assault.

Originally Posted by aoFrantic
No, I just think things in the United States are bound to get a lot worse. I'd hope not. But, if one side says they are unilaterally opposed to violence and the other side thinks the first side doesn't think the first side should exist, there is a problem. Richard Spencer was punched by a person he had openly opined about whether genocide against that person was a good idea. If you are publicly on the record saying you want to exterminate me and my family, I will punch you.
I understand the impulse to want to punch Richard Spencer but the very idea of violence against someone for holding ideas that might pose a threat is not the answer.

That said, I am not completely a pacifist. I am ok with violence to stop other imminent violence as long as it is proportional and we never lose sight of the goal.

As it is, neo-nazis are rightly marginalized in our society. Speaking honestly is really the only defense we need at this point.
02-02-2017 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by TheMadcap
That's fine but the puncher shouldn't then bitch when he is charged with assault.

I understand the impulse to want to punch Richard Spencer but the very idea of violence against someone for holding ideas that might pose a threat is not the answer.

That said, I am not completely a pacifist. I am ok with violence to stop other imminent violence as long as it is proportional and we never lose sight of the goal.

As it is, neo-nazis are rightly marginalized in our society. Speaking honestly is really the only defense we need at this point.
Literally no one I have seen, in this forum, on twitter or anywhere else disagrees with the first sentence you wrote. No one has argued you should be able to punch people without consequences. Just that some people have to be punched. It's like in hockey, sometime you have to take a 5 minute penalty or 15 yards in football. No one is arguing you get to do these things without penalties.
02-02-2017 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
You believe in humanity? So, I'm sure you have just as many posts in this forum lambasting Spencer for advocating black genocide as you do attacking people for saying it is ok for punching him. I'm sure that is the case, correct?

Another thing you don't seem to understand is that literally no one is advocating for violence that doesn't carry punishment for enacting it against these people. That's why there is no slippery slope. We are saying it is ok to eat an assault charge against nazis. Not that there is some stupid conspiracy making it ok to punch whoever you want. The fact that you reputable scholars don't seem to understand this is amazing.
Keep shifting the goal posts. You bigots flailing about is doing more to prove my point than anything I'm saying. It's why I love free speech.
02-02-2017 , 05:52 PM
Fine then. I'll just view it as one ******* punching another.

But yeah, who cares.

Though I will add that anyone who sees the puncher as some morally virtuous martyr is deluded.

Last edited by TheMadcap; 02-02-2017 at 06:13 PM.
02-02-2017 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by turtletom
No I shouldn't. I believe in justice and humanity.
Me too! That's why I'm bigoted against people who want to destroy both. You're worried that a terrorist might get his feelings hurt? lol at you.
02-02-2017 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Keep shifting the goal posts. You bigots flailing about is doing more to prove my point than anything I'm saying. It's why I love free speech.
Yip. He is an SJW and a partisan shill. It's not taken me long to figure this out.
02-02-2017 , 05:56 PM
So, you have zero posts attacking Richard Spencer for advocating black genocide, despite being for "justice and humanity." You have dozens of posts attacking people who say they are fine with Richard Spencer being punched for these views, and that the person who punched them should face the consequences of it.

Weird, who would have thought the guy that was for "humanity and justice" would not take his time to condemn black genocide when asked about it? That seems weird to me. It also seems weird to me that I will condemn the idea of black genocide and be called a bigot from you, but you weirdly will not condemn that idea and do not see yourself as a bigot. Hmm.
02-02-2017 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
You believe in humanity? So, I'm sure you have just as many posts in this forum lambasting Spencer for advocating black genocide as you do attacking people for saying it is ok for punching him. I'm sure that is the case, correct?

Another thing you don't seem to understand is that literally no one is advocating for violence that doesn't carry punishment for enacting it against these people. That's why there is no slippery slope. We are saying it is ok to eat an assault charge against nazis. Not that there is some stupid conspiracy making it ok to punch whoever you want. The fact that you reputable scholars don't seem to understand this is amazing.
So the Holocaust was ok if we can verify that the Nazi's were fine with being charged with crimes against humanity?

Like I said the flailing about is what makes my own points.
02-02-2017 , 06:16 PM
That was probably the worst analogy ever attempted.

But, the guy who said he is for "humanity and justice" has now been asked three times to condemn black genocide and has weirdly ignored just being able to type in a chatbox "genocide against black people is bad," to even save face. You can't even lie about being against killing all black people? How hard can it be?
02-02-2017 , 06:16 PM
Just be a man and admit your bigotry like 13ball and kerowo. At least they are intellectually honest with themselves.
02-02-2017 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
That was probably the worst analogy ever attempted.
How? It was exactly what you said. Assault against someone is ok if you choose to eat an assault charge.

This is cringeworthy. Just stop.
02-02-2017 , 06:19 PM
It's super weird that when pressed four times on "is black genocide bad?" the only response turtletom has is to call me a bigot. This is a very strange answer to such a question.

Turtletom, I do not think an assault charge that would likely not even carry jail time for many first offenders is equal to the mass murder of 11 million people, 6 million of them Jewish. I think that is a poor analogy that lessens the evil of the acts and the pain and suffering of the tens of millions of people affected by these actions.
02-02-2017 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by TheMadcap
How about some criteria that aren't obviously post hoc.
None of them is post hoc. They are all prior. You are not good at this.

Presumably you would still advocate punching him if he only was doing 2 of those 3 things.
I haven't advocated punching him. Someone just upped and did it.
02-02-2017 , 06:22 PM
Can we all stop playing the "who is a bigger bigot" game?

What exactly does that accomplish?
02-02-2017 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
It's super weird that when pressed four times on "is black genocide bad?" the only response turtletom has is to call me a bigot. This is a very strange answer to such a question.

Turtletom, I do not think an assault charge that would likely not even carry jail time for many first offenders is equal to the mass murder of 11 million people, 6 million of them Jewish. I think that is a poor analogy that lessens the evil of the acts and the pain and suffering of the tens of millions of people affected by these actions.
Lol does the fact that Ive condemned all violence and stated Im for equal civil rights for all people not answer that question. I didn't think it was a leap of faith to presuppose I condemn black genocide.

Again, just pure flailing.
02-02-2017 , 06:27 PM
Then why do you support Richard Spencer?
02-02-2017 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Is it ok to punch a Marxist? What about the people carrying around maoist or soviet flags, both of whom commited equal to or more violence than the Nazi's? We should punch them too right?
You can be a "Communist" and still have the heart in the right place. A Nazi, not so much.
02-02-2017 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
None of them is post hoc. They are all prior. You are not good at this.

I haven't advocated punching him. Someone just upped and did it.
The conversation was about when it is ok to punch a nazi. I asked what criteria he would use to define what a nazi is so we could know who to punch and you came in and described Richard Spencer.

Sorry for inferring you thought it was ok to punch him, I guess...
02-02-2017 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Europa
You can be a "Communist" and still have the heart in the right place. A Nazi, not so much.
Is it? If Nazi's are fair game because they comitted atrocities in the past why aren't Soviets and Maoists?

I know its difficult to reconcile with todays context but Nazi's believed they were making the world a better place. So did the Soviets. End result was still basically the same with regards to civil rights and mass murder.
02-02-2017 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Is it? If Nazi's are fair game because they comitted atrocities in the past why aren't Soviets and Maoists?

I know its difficult to reconcile with todays context but Nazi's believed they were making the world a better place. So did the Soviets. End result was still basically the same with regards to civil rights and mass murder.
Wanting to rule the world is not necessarily the same as wanting to make it a better place. The Soviets certainly (and wrongly) thought they could make the world a better place.
02-02-2017 , 06:40 PM
Turtle, are there current Soviets or Maoists that advocate genocide?
