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Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist? Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist?

10-10-2014 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Glad that's cleared up, then. Bruce posted stuff that's inarguably racist. No mistakes were made. I guess we're done.
Your opinion is narrow-minded, irrational, and emotional- that is clear and that is why you mistakenly call Bruce's stuff that was posted racist and continue to repeatedly do so.
10-10-2014 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
Oh hey look, a lie!!

And man, educated? Did you get a B. A. Baracus in Jibber and Jabber and then do your post-grad work at Chester. O. Longneck's School of HeadSanding?
Hey look Dids is a liar who calls people who are more educated and conscientious than racism and prejudice than he is liars. Is he jealous? Is it an inferiority complex? I think is most likely tribalistic territorial pissing and the obvious smug arrogance.
10-10-2014 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Holy ****. So as long as raping girls is culturally accepted at the time it's okay? So you'd support men in Pakistan raping girls as punishment because, well hey, it's what is culturally accepted!

I posted that yahoo answer thinking no one around here would agree with it. I should have known some racist piece of **** would have taken it up.
We're talking about how we feel about people. Get that through your head. I don't think it's right to own slaves or rape anyone. But if you're judging how you feel about an individual based on your belief system, when they have a completely different one accepted by their culture, you're leaving out important information. You can't realistically claim you would act differently if in their shoes.
10-10-2014 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Bruce has said many of his posts were racist, but claimed they were not all his views.
This is a lie, by the way. Bruce never once said his posts were racist. He said they were badly worded, he said that they were mere "right wing talking points" that he was tossing out, and he said they were not his views, but he never once said that his posts were bigoted, prejudiced, or racist.
10-10-2014 , 11:56 AM
FoldnDark ITT claiming he would have been raping slaves back in the day or if he currently lived in somewhere like Pakistan. I'm sure Bruce is so glad to have you on his team.
10-10-2014 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
No silly Wookie, I'm not ignoring content... that makes no sense. You posted it, by you're own judgement it was racist. Ergo...

Bruce has said many of his posts were racist, but claimed they were not all his views. That he was generating discussion, examining the issues from all angles. This is the best way to get to the bottom of issues, to understand why, say a person from +250 years ago who did really great things isn't pond scum for doing many of the same things we would have done if in his shoes at the time.
It is a mistake for even Bruce to call his posts racist. Content quality, intent, and context are all factors in forming the classification of racist acts.

Also it stands to good reason that for something to be racist, a racist has to create it. Bruce is not a racist, so the stuff he posted is not racist.
10-10-2014 , 12:02 PM
spank cares more for people who get called racist than victim's of racism.
10-10-2014 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
FoldnDark ITT claiming he would have been raping slaves back in the day or if he currently lived in somewhere like Pakistan. I'm sure Bruce is so glad to have you on his team.
thank you for illustrating the one-dimensional thought process you employ to everyone.
10-10-2014 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
spank cares more for people who get called racist than victim's of racism.
Which victims of racism?

Are you saying BruceZ victimized Mr wookie by philosophizing in the philosophy forum or that he victimized long deceased slaves by discussing the thinking of their era?
10-10-2014 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
This is a lie, by the way. Bruce never once said his posts were racist. He said they were badly worded, he said that they were mere "right wing talking points" that he was tossing out, and he said they were not his views, but he never once said that his posts were bigoted, prejudiced, or racist.
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
It is a mistake for even Bruce to call his posts racist. Content quality, intent, and context are all factors in forming the classification of racist acts.

Also it stands to good reason that for something to be racist, a racist has to create it. Bruce is not a racist, so the stuff he posted is not racist.
I think he did, but I'm not going to look for it. It's possible I'm confusing his admission for mine. Either way, I don't think there's any question many of the defenses of slavery from that time were based on racism, that shouldn't stop someone from defending people from a time and culture where racism was accepted as the norm.
10-10-2014 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
thank you for illustrating the one-dimensional thought process you employ to everyone.
Racists generally aren't that complicated.
10-10-2014 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Jefferson was a pretty awful person by some measures. I'm not sure how many points he gets for being a founding father versus how many we have to take away for raping slaves. I'll leave that up to David.
Cant answer this without knowing his math aptitude. DUCY?
10-10-2014 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I think he did, but I'm not going to look for it. It's possible I'm confusing his admission for mine. Either way, I don't think there's any question many of the defenses of slavery from that time were based on racism, that shouldn't stop someone from defending people from a time and culture where racism was accepted as the norm.
Here's the thing, though. A whole ****load of people in the 1700s had figured out that slavery was morally reprehensible! Abolitionist ideas were not invented in 1850. Somersett v. Stewart was a highly prominent case that no doubt the likes of Washington, Jefferson, and other slave owning elites in the colonies would have heard about. For a forum that "gets to the bottom of the issues," you did a profoundly ****ty job. You took Jefferson and de Toqueville at face value, and gave no examination of any counterargument from the day.

Yeah, slavery was accepted by Jefferson and his peers. That's because, despite having heard arguments against slavery, they decided to say **** that, let's keep making money and raping. We don't have to conclude that Jefferson was just a product of his culture, esp. when there was more to the ideas of the day than those of the morally bankrupt.
10-10-2014 , 12:19 PM
Maybe Jefferson was just play acting.
10-10-2014 , 12:20 PM
If only SMP had a contrarian who could play act as a non-racist and post some wikipedia articles or something.
10-10-2014 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Racists generally aren't that complicated.
Generally, you are mistaken.

Racist thinking is generally not complicated as racism is a typical mistake of the obvious. Skin color is no more significant in what makes up a person than the color of their eyes.
10-10-2014 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Here's the thing, though. A whole ****load of people in the 1700s had figured out that slavery was morally reprehensible! Abolitionist ideas were not invented in 1850. Somersett v. Stewart was a highly prominent case that no doubt the likes of Washington, Jefferson, and other slave owning elites in the colonies would have heard about. For a forum that "gets to the bottom of the issues," you did a profoundly ****ty job. You took Jefferson and de Toqueville at face value, and gave no examination of any counterargument from the day.

Yeah, slavery was accepted by Jefferson and his peers. That's because, despite having heard arguments against slavery, they decided to say **** that, let's keep making money and raping. We don't have to conclude that Jefferson was just a product of his culture, esp. when there was more to the ideas of the day than those of the morally bankrupt.
It's almost as if you didn't actually read the thread. If you had, you may have noticed the many other arguments made for and against. It's almost like you're taking this all out of context.
10-10-2014 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Here's the thing, though. A whole ****load of people in the 1700s had figured out that slavery was morally reprehensible! Abolitionist ideas were not invented in 1850. Somersett v. Stewart was a highly prominent case that no doubt the likes of Washington, Jefferson, and other slave owning elites in the colonies would have heard about. For a forum that "gets to the bottom of the issues," you did a profoundly ****ty job. You took Jefferson and de Toqueville at face value, and gave no examination of any counterargument from the day.

Yeah, slavery was accepted by Jefferson and his peers. That's because, despite having heard arguments against slavery, they decided to say **** that, let's keep making money and raping. We don't have to conclude that Jefferson was just a product of his culture, esp. when there was more to the ideas of the day than those of the morally bankrupt.
Behold MrWookie's narrow and politically convenient view clouded by his own moral outrage and appeals to emotion. He is irrationally angry at dead people.
10-10-2014 , 12:38 PM
Racism is not entirely real is like the moral of the story.
10-10-2014 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
It is a mistake for even Bruce to call his posts racist. Content quality, intent, and context are all factors in forming the classification of racist acts.

Also it stands to good reason that for something to be racist, a racist has to create it. Bruce is not a racist, so the stuff he posted is not racist.
You are going from bad to worse on this issue. It's a difference of opinion. Evidence was presented (ad nauseam). Some found this evidence to be persuasive and some apparently did not.

That you feel your opponents are making a "mistake" doesn't make it so. Endlessly calling your opponents on this issue narrow-minded, irrational, emotional, bullies, bigots, liars, and hypocrites isn't doing anything to move the ball forward. It certainly undermines any impression of moral high-ground you feel you may have on this issue, and impedes the substantive discussion that might otherwise be possible.
10-10-2014 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I think he did, but I'm not going to look for it.
Hard-hitting empiricism ITT.
10-10-2014 , 12:42 PM
Ah, no wonder Spanks goes to bat for every racist he sees. He thinks racism is over.
10-10-2014 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Racism is not entirely real is like the moral of the story.
"race is a social construct" does not mean the same thing as "racism does not exist".
10-10-2014 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
It's almost as if you didn't actually read the thread. If you had, you may have noticed the many other arguments made for and against. It's almost like you're taking this all out of context.
No, I read the thread, duder.

Originally Posted by Truthsayer
I think you have a poor understanding of the thinking of the time, and how grounded in reason and morality it was - perhaps more than today. Such a misunderstanding is not uncommon as we live in an age where philosophy and teaching has been narrowed and honed to what will support desired politically motivated outcomes (see: liberal arts degrees in the US).

There were people of all flavors who argued for slavery - ranging from the nasty and self interested that you reference to the altruistic to those who thought the shining line of civilization was more important than the individual (something we still believe today, but with more history, knowledge and technology to allow it to not be so easily extinguished), to the sheep (like many of the racist! cryers/ left wingers of today) who simply followed what was taught to them or mindlessly internalized the existing social pressures and "truths".

I'd suggest looking up some old articles, books, letters to the editor from the 1800s and earlier so that you might understand the genuinely held, deeply reasoned beliefs and moralities of people of an earlier age. Unfiltered source material is always best. You will not get an understanding of reality from reading modern authors who care for politics over unvarnished truth.
Originally Posted by toker010
Do people not realize that slavery existed way waaaaay before the ''white man'' started opressing the ''black man''. Yes it was horrible and yes it is good that the world is becoming more civilized. But it's not as if the first white colonist saw the first black man and he all of a sudden created the concept of slavery. A quick wikipedia check sais that the first signs of slavery date 10.000 years ago. I feel like slavery is commonly seen as something that white people did to black people, while in fact it's just what more powerfull nations/empires/tribes had been doing to less powerfull others for thousands of years.

As has been said before our idea of what is right and what is wrong (/moral compass) is created in large by the constantly evolving society around us. Maybe it's become easier for us to survive, maybe it's because we're in lesser need of cheap man power than we used to be due to machines. In most societies slavery is over and that feels like the proper moral thing. Maybe in a couple of thousand years certain aspects of our current society seem completely unmoral and we're pretty much fine with it now because we just see it as necassery and normal. We're basicly still just evolving animals.
Originally Posted by BruceZ
They didn't do it for mild economic gain. They did it for tremendous economic gain. Slaves were the backbone of the southern economy.

They also didn't exactly consider slaves to be human beings. An example is found when Jefferson writes about how he went to considerable trouble to procure proper blankets for, as he put it, "those poor creatures". Like he was talking about some animals that had taken shelter in his barn. You can't possibly read the Declaration of Independence, with all the talk about all men being created equal and having inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the right to revolt against tyranny, and think for a minute he could have been including slaves in that.
These posts were all accepted uncritically, that the thinking of the day was such that slavery was OK, and no one had any idea otherwise. That's patently false. No text was spent on discussion abolitionist ideas that were also prevalent in the day.

Although I did miss this doozy the first time around:

Originally Posted by Truthsayer
Jews tends to run the gamut from some of the vilest, most evil and psychopathic people alive (just look at a list of the most wanted crime lords and their deeds, it's highly disproportionately populated by Jews) to some of the most altruistic and productive people around (just look a list of physicists or doctors or creative talent or Nobel Prize winners - also highly disproportionate to population).

I'd guess they tend to skew strongly toward the latter. A higher (likely genetic) level of intelligence and a culture that rewards intelligence tends to product the latter more often.

In terms of slavery, the segregationist Jewish view of humans as split into two groups - Jews and gentiles, derived from religion - probably helped them see non-Jews as less human and contributed to the thinking that tolerated slavery. This religiously inspired segregationist culture and attitude was also part of the reason Jews were so hated in all of Europe (not just Germany), and contributed to them suffering the Holocaust. But Christianity also helped along the worldview that some people were less favored by God, cast out and vile. Religion has played a big part in slavery, but it's hard to separate out its effect from the generally less enlightened views of the times. The Romans had slaves too without any religion.

So I'm not sure how you'd break down Jewish involvement. I'm open to evidence either way.
SMP, ladies and gents. There's an even more vile post that Truthsayer elected to delete.
10-10-2014 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
assertions of "Contrarian, though!" despite nothing about Bruce's posting being consistent with being a contrarian.
Obviously if you absolutely reject the contrarian issue then you are going to get the answer you want but you have no basis for doing so, its just your opinion that you stick to doggedly even as the reasons you claim for believing it have weakened.

There's no resolution. You insist you are right despite the fact you are quite possibly wrong. Others have given Bruce the benefit of the doubt, maybe more so now as there's more evidence for the contrarian side but you seem to have no interest in being reasonable about this

Last edited by chezlaw; 10-10-2014 at 01:22 PM.
