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09-18-2014 , 12:52 PM
I'm under the impression that Austin had healed to the point that he could take reasonable bumps. But that could just be me believing something from a dirt sheet.
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09-18-2014 , 12:52 PM
Austin says on his podcast he could wrestle a match fully. The only obstacle in his mind is how much work he would have to do to get in ring shape and that there would need to be an appropriate match/storyline to make it worth it.
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09-18-2014 , 01:02 PM
Don't these Austin/WM rumors start up every year around this time? Also, Austin's nearly 50 years old and hasn't been in the ring in 11 years. If you were disappointed with the Rock's return, don't expect the same guy if he ever did return either.
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09-18-2014 , 01:04 PM
I wouldn't expect Austin to be good in the ring at this point, but 99% of what let people down about Duane's return was the fact that almost all of his mic work was total garbage. I don't think that I would expect that to repeat itself with Austin.
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09-18-2014 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I wouldn't expect Austin to be good in the ring at this point, but 99% of what let people down about Duane's return was the fact that almost all of his mic work was total garbage. I don't think that I would expect that to repeat itself with Austin.
But he said he was never leaving again!

My god let's not reboot that debacle. How depressing would it be if Austin was pg aids too though?
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09-18-2014 , 02:25 PM
Rock wasn't really PG upon return, they gave him a decent bit of leeway to push the limits with language and stuff.
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09-18-2014 , 02:26 PM
Anyway, with all of these guys, same as any other aging athlete, it's depressing watching them suck in later years, but then years after they totally disappear all anyone thinks of is their prime anyway.

Every once in a while hopefully you get a Ricky Steamboat who actually adds a bit to his legacy by getting in the ring and rocking it as an old man.
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09-18-2014 , 03:42 PM
By pg I generally mean fart and breath jokes geared towards 7 year olds, not the inability to say ass or bitch. His material was incredibly childish throughout
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09-18-2014 , 04:06 PM
Yeah can't argue with that.
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09-18-2014 , 05:17 PM
There were also issues with Rock's ring work too. Aside from a select promo or two, there was disappointment all around. If Austin gets in the ring and Batistas (blows up) after 5-10 minutes, I mean they can't really book him where they expect a legit match. It has to be a slugfest against someone who can just bump like crazy for him.
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09-18-2014 , 11:58 PM
Austin was entirely underwhelming at WMXXX. The difference between him and Rocky during that open was so stark. I'd be very concerned about an Austin comeback.
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09-19-2014 , 12:03 AM
I remember thinking that he was good in it and that Hogan was the real weak link of that segment (yet still necessary for general epicness), but I haven't seen it in months.
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09-19-2014 , 12:27 AM
Hogan was awful until the end when he mocked himself for calling it the Silverdome twice. Austin's stuff felt really forced and Rock seemed incredibly natural. I'm fairly certain it's always been that way, it's just that Austin's character only really had to come out and say "Sumbitch" and "That's the bottom line..." a bunch. Austin the man fit so perfectly within Austin the Character that it was gold.

It's not as if that should be a shock given what they've done outside of wrestling, but I'm nervous about what an Austin storyline would look like today.
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09-19-2014 , 12:28 AM
It'd be awesome to watch Austin in the ring once again. However, I loved The Rock from 98-March 2011 and then his matches sucked to. I don't want Austin's legacy to be tarnished from a comeback in a match that ultimately means nothing except $$$. Austin is and will always be one of my very favorites, a childhood hero even, but I don't want the last time I see him to be a "did that really just happen moment". I'm cool with WM 30 being the last of him although I'm fully aware he'll likely at least show up on WWE programming again for something or another.
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09-19-2014 , 01:34 AM
i feel like the goal of the last few WM's has been to bring back a returning star because it helps bring in more casual viewers. They are running out of people to bring back at this point, so I expect the people who have been holding out (Goldberg, Austin) will start getting more lucrative offers for one more match, increasing the chance we will see them in the ring again.
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09-19-2014 , 05:38 PM
On his podcast, Austin talked about getting the "script" for his WrestleMania spot with Hogan/Rock and thinking it was a bit bland/boring. He went through a story about trying to get Vince to let him lead a singalong of "Jambalaya" by Hank Williams, but Kevin Dunn (I believe) nixed it due to copyright concerns.

I'm sure I left out some of the details, but he pretty much came right out and said he thought his WM appearance was cookie cutter because that is what WWE wanted.
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09-19-2014 , 06:34 PM
Yeah I heard that too. Austin was a fine talker for what he was asked to do (play a fictionalized version of himself) I just worry he'll come back and basically do the WMXXX stuff all over again. *Glass Shatters* [Catchphrase] Listen to my podcast [Catchphrase] someone awful challenges him to One More Match /scene.
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09-19-2014 , 11:02 PM
Not a great deal of potential opponents for Austin if he does comes back

If it happens hopefully they go with Austin vs Ambrose that's the match I would like to see the most. Not sure how they would write that storyline.

If not then they could do easily do him vs HHH that would be easy to write or perhaps if he also comes back Austin vs Kurt Angle at WM could be very good

Would be woat if his final match is against lolcenawins or Roman Reigns


want - Ambrose/HHH/Angle/Rollins

do not want - Cena/Orton/Reigns/Wyatt
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09-19-2014 , 11:21 PM
If Austin wrestles at Mania it certainly isn't going to be against someone who hasn't even approached main event status yet in Ambrose.
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09-19-2014 , 11:58 PM
Yeah I know its never happening, just the match that I would most like to see
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09-20-2014 , 12:49 AM
Austin wrestling alongside a reformed Shield or against HHH and friends with Ambrose/Reigns would work I guess. Helps protect him a bit plus that story is pretty easy to write (Authority vs. Shield+Guy who's always hated authority)
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09-20-2014 , 08:31 PM
every one of my favorite wrestlers from my childhood are either:

1. ruined by coming back and being a fish out of water in the pg era, or clinging too long in TNA
2. dead
3. austin

i have no faith at all that an austin return would work
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09-21-2014 , 06:19 AM
Yeah I don't want to see a 50 year old Austin in a match. I'd love for him to become a regular character without wrestling though. Have him come in and play a GM role to counter act the authority like he did with Bischoff.
Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-21-2014 , 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by El Kabong
Yeah I don't want to see a 50 year old Austin in a match. I'd love for him to become a regular character without wrestling though. Have him come in and play a GM role to counter act the authority like he did with Bischoff.
This. Also, he and Bischoff don't get enough credit, imo. They were great together.
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09-21-2014 , 04:16 PM
He'd make a great commentator.
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