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Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk)

09-21-2014 , 05:08 PM
Apparently angles contract is up with TNA and they are airing a match of US after raw on the network tomorrow. Surpise return odds are way up
Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-22-2014 , 09:51 AM
I think Austin is too financially secure/has too many other ventures to consider anything approaching a lengthy comeback as a commentator/GM. I think he is most interested in a big payday and/or the ability to plug his ongoing projects.
Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-22-2014 , 04:25 PM
Felt like the Rock today.

I recently started a new job and I've been getting a ton of calls from a mortgage company. I guess the last person to have my phone number was delinquent on his mortgage. So they leave me messages about that. Thing is, when I answered the phone, they never talked, just hung up.

Finally, they answered today. I told them that I am not the person they are looking for. They wanted the HR dept, but I refused (I'm not going to snitch). Then they asked me my name. Of course, I replied:

Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-22-2014 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by gusmahler
Felt like the Rock today.

I recently started a new job and I've been getting a ton of calls from a mortgage company. I guess the last person to have my phone number was delinquent on his mortgage. So they leave me messages about that. Thing is, when I answered the phone, they never talked, just hung up.

Finally, they answered today. I told them that I am not the person they are looking for. They wanted the HR dept, but I refused (I'm not going to snitch). Then they asked me my name. Of course, I replied:

Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-25-2014 , 04:45 PM
The plan as of this week for Hell in a Cell is for Cena vs. Ambrose to be the opening match. The winner gets to face Rollins inside the Cell, while the loser gets the consolation of facing Orton inside the Cell.
Via Observer radio.

I really try not to be one of those fans who bashes Cena because I can appreciate the things he does well. When Cena tries he can have an amazing match with good workers, and for all the lolpoop jokes he makes, he's still one of the top guys in the company today on the mic. With that being said, WWE's need to attach him to anything or anyone that's hot at the moment is imo what's hurting the company the most. Guys can never reach that top guy status if every time they get over or start to get some heat Cena gets involved and takes it away. Cena is going to beat two of the most over young talents in the same night. He killed all of Bray's momentum and now he's about to kill Ambrose and Rollins'.
Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-25-2014 , 05:52 PM
I read that and jfc what does that do for anybody? Cena beats Ambrose. Ambrose beats Orton. Cena probably beats Rollins. Best that can happen is Cena/Ambrose vs Orton/Rollins after a screwy finish with Cena/Ambrose. And a special LOL at Orton being the dork that gets the loser in a HiaC match for no rhyme or reason. Another LOL but slightly less so at Rollins/Cena happening in HiaC for no reason.

I hope Meltzer is just wrong with this one.
Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-25-2014 , 05:53 PM
So instead of Cena saying "Hey, I almost beat Brock, I can do this, we're gonna lock ourselves in a cell and settle this" he decides to go after Ambrose because they both have heat with Rollins.

So awful.

Edit: You have a ready-made tag match between Cena-Ambrose and Rollins-Orton if you want a PPV with no Bork. This is just so dumb
Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-25-2014 , 06:00 PM
that sounds just awful for so many reasons

1) lol no Lesnar?
2) gee whiz there's no reason for either of them to fight, like, at all
3) anyone vs. Orton in the cell at this point = who cares
Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-25-2014 , 06:26 PM
I don't believe this. It seems too dumb.
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09-25-2014 , 06:38 PM

LOLOLOL x infinity.

Last edited by .isolated; 09-25-2014 at 06:38 PM. Reason: obviously fan made btw
Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-25-2014 , 06:44 PM
That's ****ing horrid
Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-25-2014 , 09:59 PM
Just put Rollins and Ambrose in the cell. This feud doesn't need Cena and is ready-made for a HIAC match. Don't make this complicated.
Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-26-2014 , 08:48 AM
Video is terrible quality but man I love the NXT crowd.

Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-26-2014 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by Dylan
The plan as of this week for Hell in a Cell is for Cena vs. Ambrose to be the opening match. The winner gets to face Rollins inside the Cell, while the loser gets the consolation of facing Orton inside the Cell.
Via Observer radio.

I really try not to be one of those fans who bashes Cena because I can appreciate the things he does well. When Cena tries he can have an amazing match with good workers, and for all the lolpoop jokes he makes, he's still one of the top guys in the company today on the mic. With that being said, WWE's need to attach him to anything or anyone that's hot at the moment is imo what's hurting the company the most. Guys can never reach that top guy status if every time they get over or start to get some heat Cena gets involved and takes it away. Cena is going to beat two of the most over young talents in the same night. He killed all of Bray's momentum and now he's about to kill Ambrose and Rollins'.
Agree with all of this. Cena almost needs to go semi part time.
Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-26-2014 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Rock wasn't really PG upon return, they gave him a decent bit of leeway to push the limits with language and stuff.
I loved the time he came back and sang to Vicki.

Honestly, Monday Night Raw used to be a date night for the wife and I but we haven't watched in about three weeks. It is just the same old thing.
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09-26-2014 , 10:46 AM
At face value that sounds dumb, but it's at least something kinda different and interesting. If it's the result of a story where Brock/Heyman are like "Oh, you tried to cash in on us? **** this, we're talking the belt and bouncing" I can see that being interesting.

I sure hope they're no so dumb as to make Dean/Seth secondary to Dean/Cena. So if it's Dean going over Cena, that could be interesting as well.
Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-26-2014 , 01:15 PM
It's fine......if Dean wins.....twice. I don't get the loser facing Orton part. No way Cena loses twice and they're gonna have to start to be careful with Orton. I know he just came out on top with Jericho, but he just lost to Reigns and another loss to Cena or Ambrose might not be the best thing for him.

I think a better story would be loser has to face Orton + Kane in a handicap match in the cell. That way if someone has to take the fall, it's Kane in some botched up way that doesn't hurt Orton too much.
Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-26-2014 , 02:07 PM
If they're somewhat teasing a break between Orton and the Authority I can see it.

I kinda like the idea of a WWE where there's a bunch of differently motivated heels that can go up against other heels. I don't want to see face Orton, but I'd root for heel Orton over Seth for instance.
Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-26-2014 , 03:36 PM
I'd say put all four of them in the cell and the winner (hopefully Dean) gets the MITB briefcase.
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09-26-2014 , 03:52 PM
With the current state of the world title it just feels like the briefcase needs to remain uncashed probably all the way past WrestleMania, but yeah putting it up for grabs in a match or two along the way to do something interesting with it doesn't sound too bad.

I definitely don't think that Rollins is anywhere near ready for a world title run at the moment, so he either needs to get the monster push going forward or needs to drop the briefcase to someone. I actually think Dean is at least a believable threat to hotshot to the top and would be a preferable briefcase-holder for that reason. But even if he got the case I'd probably advocate him holding it until after Mania.
Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-26-2014 , 04:35 PM
Dean as a maniac with the case would make for a fantastic storyline.

I wouldn't mind an Orton break from Authority, but think it would be more fun if they threw him against Brock for a few months leading into RR as a part of the Authority who can no longer control Brock with the thought of him "softening up" Brock for Rollins pissing him off leading to Orton eventually leaving the Authority.
Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-26-2014 , 04:41 PM
The whole premise behind a Rollin's title run is that it would be undeserved, so I think that's almost a point in his favor. He's a midcarder who kisses HHH's ass and gets the belt despite not even being as deserving as Orton. He's good enough in the ring to carry the matches, and that could make for a lot of interesting storytelling. (and you can use Trips to cover his less than stellar but works because he's so ****ing annoying) mic work

I love Dean to death, but I like him a lot more as this complete rules disregarding outsider than I would as a guy who cares about or has a belt. The only way I want him to get it is if he takes it off Seth and just taunts him with it while basically not caring that he's champion.
Wrestling- NVG (SPOILERS inside view at your own risk) Quote
09-26-2014 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Dylan

With that being said, WWE's need to attach him to anything or anyone that's hot at the moment is imo what's hurting the company the most. Guys can never reach that top guy status if every time they get over or start to get some heat Cena gets involved and takes it away. Cena is going to beat two of the most over young talents in the same night. He killed all of Bray's momentum and now he's about to kill Ambrose and Rollins'.
Why does Cena getting involved take away the overness? I don't see how Cena is to blame at all for Bray being less over; it has more to do with the fact that the character Bray was portraying just gets boring after awhile, and because it was weird for fans to be cheering for a creepy heel, making it difficult to write angles with him. They probably are trying as best they can to get some of Cena's value to rub off on them as he sells more merchandise than everybody else in the company combined (or so said Jim Ross on a recent podcast).

My own opinion is that Bray and Rollins just aren't good enough to be long term top guys at this point and perhaps never will be. Ambrose might be good enough to be a top guy, but he would have a better chance in a non-PG era.
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09-26-2014 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
The whole premise behind a Rollin's title run is that it would be undeserved, so I think that's almost a point in his favor. He's a midcarder who kisses HHH's ass and gets the belt despite not even being as deserving as Orton. He's good enough in the ring to carry the matches, and that could make for a lot of interesting storytelling. (and you can use Trips to cover his less than stellar but works because he's so ****ing annoying) mic work

I love Dean to death, but I like him a lot more as this complete rules disregarding outsider than I would as a guy who cares about or has a belt. The only way I want him to get it is if he takes it off Seth and just taunts him with it while basically not caring that he's champion.
As shown in the past with Stone Cold, all that it takes for a maverick to believably want a belt is an authority figure who desperately doesn't want him to have it. I think that there's plenty of overlapping elements available in HHH/Dean as there was in HHH/Bryan.

As for Rollins...I just don't think that's the type of heat you want on a world champion. On a midcard champion maybe.
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09-26-2014 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by El Kabong
Video is terrible quality but man I love the NXT crowd.
Here's a better quality video of Devitt's debut (not sure how long this one will stay up)

His theme music is ****ing incredible
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