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Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Running Aces (Columbus, MN)

05-15-2009 , 10:47 AM
An update for folks who haven't been there recently -- they've added a REALLY BIG tv for you sports fans.
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-15-2009 , 02:43 PM
Any 2+2er going to be there tonight? I'm trying to make it since games should be juicy w/ the weekend and racing starting.
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-15-2009 , 02:49 PM
I'm probably going up to Turtle Lake and play in the KFAN tourney on Saturday. I want to see if I can collect some $200 bounties!
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-15-2009 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by deucesfouryou
Any 2+2er going to be there tonight? I'm trying to make it since games should be juicy w/ the weekend and racing starting.
I ought to be there, playing 3/6.
If you sit at 3/6 and notice someone being referred to as "Stacks," that's me.
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-15-2009 , 06:01 PM
Probably for a few hours.

I'll be the tall donkeyfish playing 3/6 or maybe 2/10. Probably crowded tonight given a Friday that also happens to be the start of horse racing so I'll get on the shorter of the two lists.
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-15-2009 , 06:52 PM
Ok i'll have on a black hoodie and a black baseball cap with a purple brim. I'm gonna try to get onto 2/60 but i'll play 3/6 while i wait.
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-18-2009 , 09:23 AM
I played in my first $340 event on Saturday (got in via a $115 satellite). Played solid poker for four hours, had an above-average stack among those still alive, and then busted out when I had a brain fart and played a hand very poorly. An overpair on the flop might not be as big as you think it is. Duh. Oh well, fun while it lasted.

For those of you with deep pockets, there's going to be a first anniversary $1000+$100 tournament on Saturday June 13th. 20k starting stacks, 40-minute blinds, antes starting on the 5th round. There will be five qualifiers (top 20% qualify) Monday-Friday before it ($220+$30, 10k starting stacks, 30 minute rounds, antes starting 5th).
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-18-2009 , 10:22 AM
How was that tourney on Saturday? Was that the 20k in starting chips?? If it's the tourney that was running when I got there at 5, looked like you were only level 6 with 40 people left. What was the turn out? I got there late Saturday afternoon and played some LHE with my friend, first time I've played LHE in over 3 years and I won't be doing it again anytime soon!
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-18-2009 , 01:23 PM
Turnout was 65 I think. I'm running on little sleep right now but am pretty sure it was 15k rather than 20k to start. I busted out on the very last hand of round 6, right before break.

Played that last hand so bad. Folded around to me in the SB. Raised PF with 99. BB called. 873r flop. I shove, dumb dumb dumb. BB who has me just barely covered goes into the tank for like three minutes, finally calls and has JJ which held up. In retrospect a 2/3-pot or pot-sized bet on the flop would have been better. Hell, checking might have been better than shoving. Doh!
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-18-2009 , 05:24 PM
What was the action like this weekend for the races... 2-60, was it busy?
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-18-2009 , 05:32 PM
It was completely packed in there on Friday, every poker table was going at one point.
I played 2/10 but there were 3-4 2/60 games going that I saw.
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-18-2009 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by feldzpar
What was the action like this weekend for the races... 2-60, was it busy?
There was a list of 25+ around 11p on Friday for 2/60. A person at my table said they waited for 3 hours. I got there at 630 and must have gotten one of the last open seats, cuz another player said they arrived at 645 and waited 45 minutes for a seat.

The action at my table was awful. I had one huge hand that I lost when a gutter hit the turn (I was all-in). And the floor missed my table change twice. I haven't been there much so I don't know if that floor miss is common or not, could've just been the crowds. Could a reg comment on the floor people?
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-18-2009 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by deucesfouryou
There was a list of 25+ around 11p on Friday for 2/60. A person at my table said they waited for 3 hours. I got there at 630 and must have gotten one of the last open seats, cuz another player said they arrived at 645 and waited 45 minutes for a seat.

The action at my table was awful. I had one huge hand that I lost when a gutter hit the turn (I was all-in). And the floor missed my table change twice. I haven't been there much so I don't know if that floor miss is common or not, could've just been the crowds. Could a reg comment on the floor people?
Sounds like the brush not the floor.
I've had trouble with table-changes there as well, especially when it's busy.

The floor is awesome though.
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-22-2009 , 03:21 PM
Anyone play in last night's PLO tournament?

I totally spaced it out.
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-23-2009 , 08:29 PM
I was there when the PLO tournament was going on. Only 2 tables, something like 17 entrants. I was playing the 20 game and this old guy donated like 6k to us by playing the most loose passive style ever. He would limp in like 75% of hands but he rarely made it to showdown. I just iso-raised him then post flop I kept betting til he folded lol.
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-24-2009 , 08:07 AM
Got an interesting story that comes from the freezeout tourny on friday @ 1030 am. Okay, final table has 11, on the bubble, paying ten. Chips stacks are ranging from 15,000 up to 115,000 and blinds are 4000 8000 mid 20 min level when the craziest **** I have witnessed in a while at a table happens.

Steve Martin lookalike decides to bail, just up and leave on the bubble, mind you his ~40,000 stack stays behind to remind us of "the jerk"....(the movie, the guy was super nice). The controversial part of the story, we pick his blinds for sometime, and it is really really really affecting the table and the play of small stacks mostly, no one wants to bubble before the invisible Mr.Martin. No one wanted to, but stack size to ratio forced smaller stacks to play and be knocked out, so here is the lone stack now in 6th place getting paid....I was shocked. Anyways, now "the jerk" is all in, his blinds have been picked for 30 min thanks to a slow ass table and dumb plays. He is all in, TD comes over to watch, RA refuses to muck his cards, I mean refuses. They build the main, split it for a much larger side pot, anyways Steve wins and quads up...His aces up beat some chicks worse aces up.

Now the table is pissed, his hand should have been automucked, hes not in his seat to take his hand, he may be all in, but how can his hand play?

The TD comes over, and the whole table is mad, everyone it is unanimous, and the TD says, its a TDA rule, some smart ass at my table goes "let me see the TDA ruling in writing" TD comes back with a crinkled piece of paper and says "its a TDA ruling, BUT, you wont find it in the TDA rule book" I swear to GOD that is a qoute.

My point is, if its a house rule, cool beans, but there is no way that is a TDA rule, if you leave the tourny and then your all in your hand cannot be mucked it must be played to the river??????
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-24-2009 , 10:26 AM
I don't have a TDA rulebook in front of me, so I can't be sure, and the guy was obviously a douche (or internet player? this happens online often where a dude has a big enough stack to make the money and he just sits out the rest of the tourney) but here's why I think you need to chill.

I believe the TDA rules DO say that, in tournaments, when someone is all-in, both hands are turned face up and then the cards are dealt. Well, the blinds put him all in! so, cards are turned up, board is dealt, pot is awarded to the winner. Seems pretty straight forward, and the problem lies in the fact that the OP, and others at the table can't get over the luck factor of poker which is keeping them from beating a guy who's not even at the table.

The guy's a douche, the situation sucks, and maybe there should be a rule pertaining to this situation. But for now, boo hoo.
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-24-2009 , 10:32 AM
really 6K? that is an insane amount...
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-24-2009 , 11:23 AM
Yeah I will chill, and if its a TDA rule and Im wrong then whatever... bad rule.

The part that pissed me off wasnt the dude leaving, I mean he claimed a doc appointment for grandson, how much of an ass would I be if that pissed me off, no, Im mad at the way the house acted about the ruling, not even so much the ruling.

Stating a TDA rule and not backing it up on paper is lame and to cop an attitude to an entire final table who is upset with the situation is great customer service, this is a business they are in.
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-25-2009 , 01:45 PM
The short-starting-stack luckbox tournies there are squishy soft. I'm a mediocre player but have cashed in 3 of 12 there over the last two months. Finished 38th in a field of 243 in yesterday morning's $40 3K-stack tourney (out of the money) and 6th place ($275 cashout) out of 92 entrants in the 4:00pm $65 NLHE tournament. Very few people seem to have even the slightest idea of how to play once the blinds get really high
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-26-2009 , 11:58 AM
Was the place busy all weekend?
I would assume so with the Memorial Day holiday and live horse racing.
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-26-2009 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by PorkchopDJG
Was the place busy all weekend?
I would assume so with the Memorial Day holiday and live horse racing.
Friday night not at all. But I left around 9 so it might have picked up after that.
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-26-2009 , 01:30 PM
Fairly busy on Sunday but not as packed as I've seen it before. A lot of people up at the cabin for the weekend?

I made a $2 exacta bet on the first race that won and paid $43.60. I'm now a lifetime (1 for 1) winner at harness racing. Better quit while I'm ahead.
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-26-2009 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Cherry MrMisty
The guy's a douche, the situation sucks, and maybe there should be a rule pertaining to this situation. But for now, boo hoo.
The dude's not a douche, he's a very nice guy actually.
I play with him at 3/6 from time to time, his name is Steve (lol and he does look quite a bit like Steve Martin).
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
05-26-2009 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by SetofJacks
The dude's not a douche, he's a very nice guy actually.
I play with him at 3/6 from time to time, his name is Steve (lol and he does look quite a bit like Steve Martin).
Sorry. I'm sure he is a nice guy, I may have even run into him when I've been there. Regarding the douche comment, I've never met him, I have no reason to not believe you about him. Sometimes we (specifically me, in this situation) throw out words that can be misconstrued, especially in an environment like an online forum where tone, etc. are impossible to convey. The word douche gets thrown about on these forums like nothing, and I guess I've been sucked in to it's overusage. If anything, I was commenting more on the situation and the actions that he took in that specific instance. In a postsince then, the reason for his leaving has been given, and seems pretty straightforward and innocent. I'm sorry if I insulted your buddy, and didn't mean anything personal by it. And, if you read my post, I was actually trying to defend his actions as acceptable, and telling thepeople who were up in arms about it to chill out.
Running Aces (Columbus, MN) Quote
