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07-25-2017 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by colt45ss
but if the water park gets built......
location is prime
I think the first time I read this thread, someone was mentioning that potential water park. My join date was 2010, so that has been talked about since at least then.

What year did stadium close? It being empty so long is sad, but not at all surprising.
07-25-2017 , 10:01 AM
prop bet possiblity
what occurs first?
completion of Wynn in Everett MA? or
commencement of construction of foxwoods water park?
07-25-2017 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by 413AceKing
I think the first time I read this thread, someone was mentioning that potential water park. My join date was 2010, so that has been talked about since at least then.

What year did stadium close? It being empty so long is sad, but not at all surprising.
Sometime in 2010 might actually be right for Stadium closing. I'll search the thread, I'm sure it was mentioned (maybe even by me, because I loved that place).

edit: Yup, 7/16/10. Future Pro broke the news ITT.
07-25-2017 , 10:34 AM
I see them building the registration desk for the zip line in the Fox Tower, when you come in from the parking elevators. But I don't see any zip lines run from the tower to the museum tower yet. Its supposed to open in August....I guess late August.
07-25-2017 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
Sometime in 2010 might actually be right for Stadium closing. I'll search the thread, I'm sure it was mentioned (maybe even by me, because I loved that place).

edit: Yup, 7/16/10. Future Pro broke the news ITT.
Does not seem that long ago. that was a decent sports bar for the year or so it was open. was not a crazy walk from the poker room.
07-25-2017 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Future Pro
An employee told me that he backed out, but I don't know the details.
Smart move in backing out of that deal. Awful location on the deadest side of casino with Wynn and MGM coming soon. Every time I'd come off the elevator and see his face I always chuckled at how foolish he was to open a restaurant at Foxwoods in that location.
07-25-2017 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by colt45ss
prop bet possiblity
what occurs first?
completion of Wynn in Everett MA? or
commencement of construction of foxwoods water park?
I'll bet the Wynn is complete before the water park. Will anyone take my action for a million?
07-25-2017 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by 413AceKing
I think the first time I read this thread, someone was mentioning that potential water park. My join date was 2010, so that has been talked about since at least then.

What year did stadium close? It being empty so long is sad, but not at all surprising.
When i first worked there in 2003 I remember they talked about building said water park. Essentially it was gonna go where Lot 10 was which is where they build the "MGM Grand" now the Fox Tower.
07-25-2017 , 03:09 PM
Ah yes....Lot 10. The classic shuttle ride in no?! Or am I thinking of Lot # 9?

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07-25-2017 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by chickengrizz
Ah yes....Lot 10. The classic shuttle ride in no?! Or am I thinking of Lot # 9?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If I recall correctly they both had shuttle
07-26-2017 , 12:12 AM
At one time they were going build a amusement park and water park where the golf course is now
07-26-2017 , 12:20 AM
The amusement park was suppose to be close to the traffic circle near 95. The state never would have let them put it close to the casino. It's the same reason why the state wouldn't let them build an arena similar to Mohegan. No highway access
07-26-2017 , 02:49 AM
The overpass that they built like 7 years ago, believe it or not was supposed to be part of the original plans to build Foxwoods in early 90's. It was the agreement between them and the town, how long did that take to get built?
07-26-2017 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by FishFry1984
The overpass that they built like 7 years ago, believe it or not was supposed to be part of the original plans to build Foxwoods in early 90's. It was the agreement between them and the town, how long did that take to get built?
That overpass was part of the deal they made with the state 10 years ago when they built the MGM and included the theater. I think it was talked about in 02-03 but never happened until the MGM talk started.

FWs always wanted an arena as big as the MS arena but the state was the one that didn't let them. CT's requirement for an arena that big was to have 2 lane access in both directions to a major highway. Their location was never going to allow that so they settled on the theater and building the overpass in front. If anyone remembers when MS opened in 96, their exit ramp to 395 was only 1 lane. It wasn't until sometime in 99-00 that they expanded it to 2 lanes. Their arena then opened in 01. The ramp expansion was what the state wanted, not MS

There was also the ridiculous plan that was floated by Rowland when he became governor in the 90's. He wanted FW to build their own access road from the reservation directly to 95. The tribe actually started buying up property on Wintechog Hill Rd , ( the road near the reservation off of rt 2 where the pow wow is held). That plan fell apart after they smartened up and realized that it would have been too difficult. To this day there are still quite a few properties on that road that are owned by the tribe and just sit empty.

Last edited by jh12547; 07-26-2017 at 04:15 AM.
07-26-2017 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by jh12547
That overpass was part of the deal they made with the state 10 years ago when they built the MGM and included the theater. I think it was talked about in 02-03 but never happened until the MGM talk started.

FWs always wanted an arena as big as the MS arena but the state was the one that didn't let them. CT's requirement for an arena that big was to have 2 lane access in both directions to a major highway. Their location was never going to allow that so they settled on the theater and building the overpass in front. If anyone remembers when MS opened in 96, their exit ramp to 395 was only 1 lane. It wasn't until sometime in 99-00 that they expanded it to 2 lanes. Their arena then opened in 01. The ramp expansion was what the state wanted, not MS

There was also the ridiculous plan that was floated by Rowland when he became governor in the 90's. He wanted FW to build their own access road from the reservation directly to 95. The tribe actually started buying up property on Wintechog Hill Rd , ( the road near the reservation off of rt 2 where the pow wow is held). That plan fell apart after they smartened up and realized that it would have been too difficult. To this day there are still quite a few properties on that road that are owned by the tribe and just sit empty.

Yep my ex stepfather's family is one who sold there property to Foxwoods of course they were greedy and ended up with a worst deal then they first was offered. I believe some of those homes were used as VIP residences etc
07-26-2017 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by jh12547
The amusement park was suppose to be close to the traffic circle near 95. The state never would have let them put it close to the casino. It's the same reason why the state wouldn't let them build an arena similar to Mohegan. No highway access
I'm talking the plans they had in the 90's also what FW dreamed of what the state did is two different things.
07-26-2017 , 11:44 AM
They are also currently building a bungie jump tower outside of the Fox Tower pool near the Juniors entrance.
07-28-2017 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by nyraider56
They are also currently building a bungie jump tower outside of the Fox Tower pool near the Juniors entrance.
08-07-2017 , 11:26 AM
I was a little late to the "Reserve hotel rooms for the WSOP Circuit" party. Gonna be hawking the listing to wait for people to drop their reservations I suppose lol
08-07-2017 , 01:55 PM
Does 20-40 LHE go on weekdays? If so, what time? Planning to show up on Monday or Tuesday.

08-07-2017 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Crazy Joe Davola
Does 20-40 LHE go on weekdays? If so, what time? Planning to show up on Monday or Tuesday.

Just checked Bravo and I'm surprised it's not running now.

And FYI - next Monday is Monday Madness so the room will be packed.
08-07-2017 , 03:56 PM
Okay thanks. What on Earth is Monday Madness?
08-07-2017 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Crazy Joe Davola
Okay thanks. What on Earth is Monday Madness?
$3k per hour high hand promotion.
08-10-2017 , 01:21 PM
When should I/we expect October rooms to be out?
08-10-2017 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Crazy Joe Davola
Does 20-40 LHE go on weekdays? If so, what time? Planning to show up on Monday or Tuesday.

It's going to be doubtful that it runs on Monday especially with the high hand promotion which seems to monopolize dealers and tables. Tuesday could be iffy as well. I hope you play stud and PLO.
