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12-14-2011 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by random_person
Were you ever texting while one or both of you were in a hand?
More importantly, were you guys texting each other at all? I know you two weren't colluding, but it's all about perception.
12-14-2011 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by colt45ss
can someone tell me what the real rule is.
we are at a table short handed two players are at dinner and have been away for 15-20min
the three remaining players agree to bust the table and consolidate
the floor draws cards for the players at dinner there are 3 seats open two go on the list she draws A J for the absentee players ...I know i suck because I cant even outdraw a player away from the table
i say the players at dinner should be first and second on the list like the floor will do if you advise that you are taking a dinner break and the three players there should take the three open seats
she says no two live players go on the list (in full disclosure I am one) while the absentee players seats are locked up
This makes no sense to me the short handed tables stay seat empty -less tips possibly smaller pots less rake etc
and the real rule is.....?
I'm not sure there's even an actual rule that covers this. Obviously common sense says to put the 2 absent players on the list, but that place makes dollars not sense.
12-14-2011 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by random_person
Were you ever texting while one or both of you were in a hand?
Originally Posted by Lattimer
More importantly, were you guys texting each other at all? I know you two weren't colluding, but it's all about perception.
we were texting with each other yes, but NOT while we were in hands especially together... it's just easier to talk about players through txt's than have to get up and walk away from the table to share reads/talk to each other
12-14-2011 , 07:40 PM
I think that to anyone at the table, it would have been obvious that we were not colluding. We were never in any pot together past the flop and there was never a 3 bet between either of us. But as usual the hipocrisy of the situation is that everyone was texting at one point or another and two separate people were talking on the phone while cards were in front of them.
12-14-2011 , 08:00 PM
[QUOTE=o0ch;30389514] it's just easier to talk about players through txt's than have to get up and walk away from the table to share reads/talk to each other[/QUOTE]
12-14-2011 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
we were texting with each other yes, but NOT while we were in hands especially together... it's just easier to talk about players through txt's than have to get up and walk away from the table to share reads/talk to each other
this is pretty poor etiquette imo. the fact that you have to do it through text should be enough to tell you that its not something to be discussed at the table.

how would you respond to someone if they asked you what you were texting each other about.
12-14-2011 , 08:08 PM
Why the need to text each other while at the same table?

I remember a Mohegan floor once threaten to go the shift boss on me for pulling out my phone. I literally backed up from the table and pulled my phone out to check the time

Last edited by jh12547; 12-14-2011 at 08:25 PM.
12-14-2011 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
we were texting with each other yes, but NOT while we were in hands especially together... it's just easier to talk about players through txt's than have to get up and walk away from the table to share reads/talk to each other
One reason why I asked is because if one person was in a hand while the other was texting, they could be telling the other one what he had. It seems hard to avoid the perception of colluding.

I think its hard to argue that texting someone at the table should be allowed while talking in a foreign language shouldn't. It seems like exactly the same reasoning should apply to both situations.
12-14-2011 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
We were never in any pot together past the flop .
And this is evidence that you weren't colluding? It seems like the reverse to me. There are more ways to collude than squeezing.
12-14-2011 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
What are other peoples thoughts on this?

Apparently me and jpsychlady collude at 2/5:

Last night halfway through our session, one of the dealers who is temporarily acting as a floor tells me to stop texting while at the table. Anyone who plays 2/5+ knows that you can text while you are at the table, as long as you are not in a hand... so I think nothing of it and continue playing, brushing the incident off at her being inexperienced/nervous. 20-30 minutes later the shift supervisor taps me on the shoulder and asks to speak with me away from the table. I step aside and he tells me if he sees me using my phone again while at the table he will kick me out of the poker room. At this point I'm shocked, as I have sent thousands upon thousands of text messages while sitting at the 2/5 tables, and know many others who have done the same. I tell him just that, and instead of explaining himself he just says the same thing to me again, adding "no electronics at the table". (Note: 3 players were listening to music and one was on the phone as he was saying this to me)

After we racked up and cashed out I asked the dealer acting as a floor what the shift supervisors name was, as I was planning on talking to some body above him to get an actual ruling (since FW changes their rules almost daily). Instead of giving me his name she says "one of the players at your table told us you two were colluding". I ended up getting the dealer/floor's name, and the shift supervisors name... but I'm not really sure if it's worth pursuing or not.

Important details:

Both me and jpsychlady were sending texts
Me and jpsychlady had not squeezed anyone out of any pots, and had played at most 2 or 3 pots multiway post flop with other players
Both of us were stuck at the time of the floor accusing us of colluding
Ok, so you weren't colluding. Very poor etiquette texting anyone at the same table. Would you want to play in a game where others are texting, but stating its not about the specific hand in play?
12-14-2011 , 09:05 PM
if i was at a table and two players were texting each other, i'm pretty sure i would call the floor to report them as colluding

it doesn't matter if they are playing pots together or not

it's like using chinese or spanish at the table or hand signals or somehting

obviously should be against the rules
12-14-2011 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by boomBAMboom
if i was at a table and two players were texting each other, i'm pretty sure i would call the floor to report them as colluding

it doesn't matter if they are playing pots together or not

it's like using chinese or spanish at the table or hand signals or somehting

obviously should be against the rules

SO you would make up a LIE because you dont want people texting each other???
12-14-2011 , 09:48 PM
depends on how you define colluding. players at the table are not aware that you are sharing information with other players at the table. if you are away from the table they have every right to assume that it is possible that information was shared, and you would be at no fault for doing so. with you both sitting there they do not have reason to believe you are discussing them or other players.

dont try and push the focus on anyone else posting here and how they might handle the situation. what you are doing is unethical. just deal with it, and stop doing it.
12-14-2011 , 09:58 PM
I think that you need to go back to school and learn what unethical means
12-14-2011 , 11:43 PM
just chalk it up to a ******ed floor

usually texting with at least one person at the table at any point in time, lulz
12-15-2011 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by prizminferno
just chalk it up to a ******ed floor

usually texting with at least one person at the table at any point in time, lulz
I get this weird feeling that the players involved were somehow making it obvious that they were texting each other. Maybe they were laughing and looking at each other after the texts or something. Not even considering whether its ethical or not, your post points to the fact that its not noticeable unless you make it obvious that's what you are doing.
12-15-2011 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by random_person
I get this weird feeling that the players involved were somehow making it obvious that they were texting each other. Maybe they were laughing and looking at each other after the texts or something. Not even considering whether its ethical or not, your post points to the fact that its not noticeable unless you make it obvious that's what you are doing.
Correct. They were most likely motioning at their phone and looking at each other/laughing after receiving one. Seen this before. Be more discreet.
12-15-2011 , 12:16 AM
I think the big picture here is that one player got his ass on the line for using his cell phone and threatened to be kicked out of the room while others were also using their phones or even in conversation on the phone at same table (while on in hands). Why was one pulled aside and told he would be kicked out and not the others?
12-15-2011 , 12:20 AM
Stupid dealer wannabe floor on a power trip
12-15-2011 , 12:24 AM
ethicsplural of eth·ics (Noun)

Moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior.
The moral correctness of specified conduct.

information being shared between people that is not available to everyone at the table is unethical. this is why there is a show one show all rule in poker. it is unfair to give one person information at the table and not giving others that same information. away from the table do whatever you please. at the table there are rules in place that do not allow a person to share information with others while denying it from others. if you want to make that information known while sitting at the table it is every persons right to know that information. aside from text there is no other way to share information about other players at the table.

theres no way around that being an unethical action

or if youre just being a semantics nit, i posted poor etiquette in my first post on the topic but i think they are interchangeable here
12-15-2011 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by FishFry1984
I think the big picture here is that one player got his ass on the line for using his cell phone and threatened to be kicked out of the room while others were also using their phones or even in conversation on the phone at same table (while on in hands). Why was one pulled aside and told he would be kicked out and not the others?
really? you see no difference between a player talking to their significant other at home saying when they will be leaving, and two players discussing other players at the table via text?
12-15-2011 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by FishFry1984
I think the big picture here is that one player got his ass on the line for using his cell phone and threatened to be kicked out of the room while others were also using their phones or even in conversation on the phone at same table (while on in hands). Why was one pulled aside and told he would be kicked out and not the others?
this is exactly why I was posting...

Most of our convos don't even have to do with hands being played.... more often it's relating to the incredibly stupid **** you hear at the tables or something non poker related

what I don't understand is why he specifically pulled me aside, when >50% of the table was texting at some point during the session...

I understand that somebody complained about me specifically... I guess he must have thought that we were texting each other our mucked cards once we were out of a hand... but what about all of the other players texting? Why is texting allowed at all @ 2/5 tables if they are so worried about collusion?

Anyone who says "it isn't ethical", surely you must realize that cheaters have 0 ethics...

Originally Posted by the machine
really? you see no difference between a player talking to their significant other at home saying when they will be leaving, and two players discussing other players at the table via text?
in my second post on this subject I made it seem as though we strictly talked about other players in our text convos, which is far from the truth

Originally Posted by prizminferno
Correct. They were most likely motioning at their phone and looking at each other/laughing after receiving one. Seen this before. Be more discreet.
we were not, to my knowledge anyway... the reason somebody complained is because he was sitting directly to the right of jpsych

Originally Posted by jh12547
Same thing my teenage daughter does when she texts her friend while they are sitting next to each other . It's real sad if adults are doing that
lots of ppl jumping to conclusions ITT

Last edited by o0ch; 12-15-2011 at 12:47 AM.
12-15-2011 , 12:49 AM
ooch, well it seemed that you were discussing other players only, and if you werent only discussing them i see no reason to not just say whats on your mind out loud.

nonetheless jspych became pretty defensive once the topic was discussed, which makes it seem shady.
12-15-2011 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by prizminferno
Be more discreet.

Also, I would not want to be at a table with two or more players texting each other.

Aren't most of your detailed reads on players discussed away from the table? I would imagine most texts are minor pieces of info that you have already discussed away from the table anyways.
12-15-2011 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by the machine
really? you see no difference between a player talking to their significant other at home saying when they will be leaving, and two players discussing other players at the table via text?
So when someone picks on the phone at a table and says something in the lines of "I'll be home at x:xx time honey", How do YOU know its not a sign to another buddy in a middle of a multiway pot on the same table giving info on what he mucked?
You just DON"T know, thats what it comes down to. If they were texting each other while OUT of a hand (both mucked pre, or both mucked post whatever the case is... their hands were MUCKED) I don't see an issue.

Texting discussing other players tells while out of a hand, for me that just tells me they had an awesome dinner and were tired and didn't want to get up to go discuss other players leaks.
