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Detroit Detroit

09-07-2011 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by twoblack9s
I think she's saying: "me so horny, me love you long time"
@ twoblack9s...Lol. your a clown bro.
@ rest of Detroit Tread...Snookers has probablay the worst tournament poker players outside of an online freeroll. I don't know how I'm not winning every tournament here. These guys are just giving money away! That is, unless your me...
Blinds are 200/400 and UTG raises to 3000 with a total stack of about 19,000 6 players fold and I pick up pocket 10s and ship over 13k all in. The other 2 fold and UTG raiser snap calls me and flips 10-8 of hearts! WTF???
You know the rest...
But the moral of the story is Quit Your Job and play the daily tournaments at Snookers...Lol. joke
Detroit Quote
09-07-2011 , 10:50 PM
trip kings is the same...maybe even worse, but the tournaments are smaller/cheaper, but more often.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by Shawnathon
trip kings is the same...maybe even worse, but the tournaments are smaller/cheaper, but more often.
yeah i was thinking the same thing. just played tonight, got there late and sat at a mess of a table. also didn't know they were running a 'special' tonight, unlimited rebuys..... yikes. plus side is more money in the pot... unfortunately didn't get a piece of it. AQ hates me.

i wish i was a bit closer to snookers. given all the talk of it ITT i would like to check it out but i saw jose's post about it not really being worth an hour drive during the week so....... maybe one of the weekend tourns it'll have to be.

oh yeah, is 3kings blind structure pretty similar to the others out there? the levels seem weird to me when it goes from 400/800 to 700/1400 then 1k/2k but i'm new to the live tournaments. i'll admit that i like the big jumps because it forces the action more and keeps the game moving but it does get tough quick if you're not building a stack.

Last edited by deuceFive25; 09-08-2011 at 12:36 AM.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by the village idiot1
Oh by the way ScreamingAsian. i really really want to know what that chick in your avitar is saying. Every Forum i go to i notice that you post somewhere in there. And i always see that Avitar with the chick. And i am like yea she is cute, but what the **** is she saying?(is she complaining about a bad beat or something oris she upset by the fact that MjCARoma is broke already at the Borgota?)
Also who is it? Girlfriend or something.
ya i'm kinda full time forumgrinder/mentalbreakdown these days

she's just yammering on with some rubbish and laughing. it's boxxy and her video has an amazing quality where, even though she's saying incredibly inane and useless things and saying them in an annoying way, she's so cute and bubbly that your brain shorts itself out and you zone out as waves of stupid just splash onto you.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
ya i'm kinda full time forumgrinder/mentalbreakdown these days

she's just yammering on with some rubbish and laughing. it's boxxy and her video has an amazing quality where, even though she's saying incredibly inane and useless things and saying them in an annoying way, she's so cute and bubbly that your brain shorts itself out and you zone out as waves of stupid just splash onto you.
Thanks for the YouTube link to that freakin bubble head idiot. Can't believe I will never get that 5 minutes of my life back.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by Jose313
Thanks for the YouTube link to that freakin bubble head idiot. Can't believe I will never get that 5 minutes of my life back.
do you think it'd be good for trolling folks?
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by deuceFive25

i wish i was a bit closer to snookers. given all the talk of it ITT i would like to check it out but i saw jose's post about it not really being worth an hour drive during the week so....... maybe one of the weekend tourns it'll have to be.
Actually, if you were willing to play both $30 daily tournaments at 2pm and 7pm its worth the ride. If you bust early in the 2pm its a pretty nice environment to hang out, drink or eat, watch sports play cash tables or blackjack while you wait for the next tournament. The structure is decent so you should be able to last 3hrs on average. Today the Final Table for the 2pm started when the 7pm tourney started.
I actually drove there 4 times this week since Saturday and its 45min drive from Detroit.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
do you think it'd be good for trolling folks?
I actually liked it. She has very Nice teeth and a smile(i like that in women). also i would like to add at 38 seconds into the video i realize you can fit a small compact car into her nostrils. She is definatly a nose picker. I Actually think she can smuggle people into the country Via her Nostrols. (lol)
So onto my trip Report.
Well today i was Texting back and forth with Jose and 2black9s all day. Jose finally convinced me to come out. i was actually going to buy myself into the tournament and tell Jose that he didn't need to buy me in. ( But he offered me a pretty sweet deal. Which i will extend to him on next Wednesday or some other day in the future.)
I get to Snookers late sit down And watch the Table. The whole time i am sitting there like Please Please Please do not move me. The Table was a Gold Mine. Tons of spewage.
So like usual i fold fold fold waiting for a spot. Every one limps in for like 200 at 100/200. I am in the big blind w 94 and elect to check. The flop comes 10 9 x w two spades. i check and old lady bets out into 8 players. there are 2 callers and it comes to me. i decided to fold as i beat no one. Short Long hair Guy calls. the Turn is a Nine and i ma like omg. lady barrels again 2 players fold and Long hair Guy flats. Heads up. Turn is a non spade and the lady bets 1600 on the river. Short long hair guy tanks, eventually calls W QQ for a over over over limp preflop. lady flips over A7offsuit w Ace of spades. and says" i was Bluffing i have nothing. Way to 3 barrel. she says "oh you have to bluff sometimes" I decided she was a mark.
Later on i pick up KhQs in later position. Utg+1 makes it 2x the bb 150/400 (i think)and has been playing seeing every hand. and we are 4 handed preflop. the board comes 2s4s5s Everyone checks and i am 2nd from last So i elected to make a bet of 1200. Guy to my left calls which he is on the button and so does the bb and orginal raiser. At this point i consider folding even if the 4th spade comes as i imagine someone has As or Flush Already. The Turn is a Jack clubs and Someone bets (not sure where, Orginal Raiser i think) so i decided to fold Everyone else calls. River is a blank and everyone checks. ORginal Raiser takes it down W AxJx no spade. both other players fold saying they where chasing the straight draw and that they didn't have a spade. The whole time i am like LOL wtf.
So i have 6900 in chips and am pretty disappointed. ( i really want to win this tournament) the blinds are 150/300 and utg and utg+1 Limp as usual. i Look down at AsKs w 20bb and decided to shove all in Preflop to try and Isolate one of the Limpers or take down the 1050. Guy to my Right instantly calls me and i am like "oh **** my life" i look at him and he is pretty happy with his hand. i am like damn i ran into QQ or AA something like that. he says "i like my hand" EveryOne else folds. we Flip over our hands And guy to my left shows Kc7c. for a call of 20bb preflop. i am like omg he is one of those i feel lucky guys and I Prepare to depart from the Table. In my head i am thinking LOL dude. Board Runs out and AK wins w Ace high. Guy says "oh i don't like my hand now" I ask why he calls and he says " i called to hit a flush of course" Like i am some idiot who didn't figure it out.
So Everyone gets pissed at me as they don't get to see the flop and they start crying. All i can do is smile inside as i have 18k ish at this point at 150/300 w blinds going up.
So then i am sitting in the bb again. And everyone ,and i mean Everyone limps. i look down at AQ and figure with 300x 8 players with my stack (size?) it was a good spot to shove. So i shove and Long hair Shorty calls me for 1600 more. Everyone else folds. I am oh No dude limps w QQ and i think i am probably Toast. i Flip over AQ and he sits there for a while. At this point i am very happy as i still have 15k left or something. I ended up hitting Q on the flop and A Ace on the River. GG SHorty! He gets all pissy And leaves. "omg i had the best hand preflop how do i not win" I am like lol.
To my Dismay management comes and breaks up the table. I start to cry inside as i feel like my Lottery Ticket has been Stripped away from me.
i go to the next table and i hemorage chips. I attack the Limpers while on the button only to have the Stoner next to me shove for 4675 total Giving me 2-1 on a call. I am like ****my Life. i call he shows AJ and says " i knew you didn't have anything." to Which i responded " this is the first hand i played in 3 orbits And you knew i had Nothing?" lol Good read stoner keep smoking. He later went out with As3s all in preflop cause he spewed some chips later all in w no fold equity.
later on i raise to 950 at 200/400 w AQ and i get both blinds to call me. (Typical Leak of players at Snookers) flop comes Jd Xh 9d both players Check. i decided to check behind in position As i feel my hand has show down value and no one is folding a Jack or a nine here. Plus i can hit an ace or Queen on the turn. Turn comes a 8h and i see both players look at their whole cards. I realize that big blind now is on some sort of a flush draw and most likely has nothing. but everytime i play with her she Luck sacks herself into a large chips stack. (her Name is Sue) She is competent but has some leaks and is Capable of putting pressure on her opponents. I elect to fold what i think is the best hand with one other player left behind me.
Later on i get Asks and i raise to 1650 at 300/600 and small blind flats out of position. Flop comes J xx and he checks i check. Turn comes a Blank and he looks like he wants to bet but elects to check again. I feel that he has nothing or has a Jack here or some pocket pair. The Turn card should be a Card that doesn't help my hand. I elect to check as i now have showdown value with Ace high a large majority of the time. River comes a blank and my opponent bets 1600. i think for a while and i think my Ace King is good a decent % of the time. so i elect to call and he shows QJ. Nice hand sir!
we get Moved and i go to another table. Blinds at 400/800 ( might of been 300/600still i think) And of course i am card dead.
WE Go onto break and i Talk to Jose. Jose is a pretty cool guy and we talk strat for 12 minutes or so and i point out all of the Fish And solid players. We talk about adjustments with this particular tournament. I point to An older women late 50s early 60s who is a solid player. I know she has Played the Womens Event in Vegas and Cashed and also played one of the 1k events. The sound of it her Husband is a better player then she is. And to be honest i respect her game. (she is Probably top ten % player at snookers)
Of course she is to my RIght. At this particular table. So blinds go up to 500/1,000 and fish limps utg for 1k. i have 10bb stack and i look down at Tc Ts. I shove all in And everyone folds. weeee.
About 30 minutes into the table i get some solid reads. Solid lady makes it 2500. And i have AsTc. She is definatly capable of stealing the blinds and KQ is posible, i have 10bb here and i have a Dilema. i started to fold but think she might call w worse hands KJ + maybe smaller pairs and weaker Aces. So i elect to shove. I don't hate my play, but i am not entirely happy about it. Small blind decided that he was going to call and i am like oh fml. i need help. Then The lady to my Right ships for like 18k more, lol small blinds folds And she Flips Over AA and i am like opps. I Apologize in Advance if i suck out and she says " no problem"
The Flop comes a Queen xx and i am like meh GG! i ask the Dealer for a King on the Turn as i need Runner Runner for a straight.
The Turn comes a King. I am like Oh my god i have life. I feel bad to ask for a jack as it just isn't right that i suck out here.
The River lol i a Facecard non King. i am like omg" i made the straight" She yells out "oh ****" Then i realize it was the Queen. opps i miss. Good luck everyone.
A part of me feels like i should of folded here. but to be honest i think it was somewhat results Orientated. I can see shoving here being profitable here. And i had a chance to triple up heads up. Not sure i hate the Play either.
Wondering what your guys thoughts are? Also since i am not to enthused i will extend the sweet Deal that Jose Gave to me to Jose himself on any $30 mtt he wants to play. Sorry Jose i was hoping to win you some money.
Afterwards i went and Played Cash. I will Give you Guys that Trip Report Later.
I feel Like i played very well today and i honestly made like 4 mistakes. But that will be told later.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 04:11 AM
Ok Trip report 2 Cash Game.
Pretty happy with my cash Game play. AT one point i had a total of $35 in my pocket with and additional $350 in chips in front of me with a buy in of $200. I did however make 4 mistakes. maybe 5 as i folded a winner but that happens.
i will try to keep this one shorter. So i don't get to many TL;DR s lol.
So i sit down and win the first hand. don't even remember what it was. A few hands go by and i am already getting some reads. I look down and see QsQh and i raise from Early middle position to $15 and get one caller. the Flop comes KTx and my opponent checks so i check. Turn is a blank and my opponent leads out for $15. I am not to enthused as i imagine he has a King here a decent % of the time. i decided to call. River is an Ace. My opponent doesn't look to happy. he looks like he doesn't like the Ace. I consider betting here but it is pretty Early and i think my opponent is competent. i decided i have show down value and check river. He shows K 7 or k5 offsuit. lol great call preflop sir. A few hands later i pick up QQ and Win a Nice pot. I think my opponent over played Top pair **** kicker. i am now sitting with $260ish.
a while goes by and Button Decided to straddle. we get 4limpers and i raise to $27 ish W KcKh. 2 players call. UTg calls (she is weak sitting with $50ish) and other weak player calls. Utg goes all in with openedstraight draw i think. i call and KK wins a decent pot.
I am in small blind And Everyone imps for $2. i look down w AhAs. i have like 6 players who limped. i raise it to $23 dollars. Everyone folds knowing i have a hand. LOL Station calls in position. The flop comes Kx 9dKd and i am heads up. i check the flop opponent ships instantly For $81 more I High five my invisible monitor and snap call. he shows Qd8d and AA holds. He Gets all pissy and says " how do you call there? LIke i could have a king there!" i lol and say you never have a king there lol. Aces hold and he goes on Tilt.
I am sitting close to $355. at this point. I consider leaving but am playing Great. As i am calling out everyones hands. I elect to keep playing hoping to Get some more money.
A few hands Later i am in the BB and i look down at KK. Same scenario. Everyone limps and i raise $27 ish. Station calls in position and he is still steaming from the AA hand.
Flop comes 9 8 6 and i lead out for $22 or $35. not sure i am leading toward $35. Opponent Again ships instantly for $65 more. i snap call and before i can count out my chips i hear him celebrate when the dealer flips over the turn card. Everyone lets out a OHhhhhhh . I look and he has 84 and hits a 8 on the turn. LOL well played buddy. He says well he (referring to me) Keeps Popping it up when everyone limps, i am tired of it. ( i Have played super solid at this point w no bluffs) The Whole table trys to console me and they laugh at his stupidity. I am not pissed just kind of disappointed at this time.
Hand #3 i have 7hTh on the button. everyone limps. the flop comes 8h xx and everyone checks. The River is 9h and i am now openended w a Flush draw at this point. i bet $8 after everyone checks and another weak player calls and checks in the Dark. I figure he doesn't have a strong hand here and am not entirely happy to see a heart here as he might have a bigger flush. I Hope for a Jack here or a 7. non heart.
River comes the Jack of clubs and i am like omg WEEEEE NUTs! Action is on me as my opponent checks. i think about what my opponent has and decided to bet $27.
Instantly my opponent check raises me to $50. I am like wtf ! i have a well disguised straight. I start to mumble "raise" but decided to take a second to actually think about it.
OK SO NOW here lets play a game. Put out your Action here. Both of us have $250+.
Honestly how many people raise here? and how many people fold here? and how many people just call here.
before you Answer. Opponent has played alot of hands. he is super spewy. but is incapable of RR here with a Bluff. So he has a hand. He is super Confident and looks very happy with his hand.He does nothing that to show that he is bluffing. ANd Knows i am very solid.
Go Ahead with your answer.

Hand #4 I Raise Preflop w 4 players limping here. i have the button and only Raised 3 or 4 times with Marginal hands. using the button with the Intention of playing Position. I have 78offsuit.
Flop comes 7d2s2x. i bet the flop and spewy player who plays **** cards calls, And is capable of floating with over pair out of position. Now i think he has small pairs or a two here and over cards
i plan on shutting down. turn comes a blank with a heart. And he leads out. I am like wtf. so i call. His bet is small. River comes a non heart and he leads out for $22. I think he does this with a 2 a large % of the time. I am like "oh you have a two"and i start to fold but decided to think about it. spewy villain shows Ten hearts. Now i am baffled as 78 is best hand unless he has 7h which i don't think he has.
Now i think about it he was showing me the ten of hearts hoping i call. i consider that he has TT here but start to over think the situation. Now i think he has a 2 here is unlikely. i figure he missed his flush draw and is trying towin the pot. My Initial Read is he has a 2 here. i make a mistake and call here and he shows the Doyle for 102. I lol in my head and say nice hand sir! Folding was the correct play.
Read >> so Spewy tilt station is Raising every hand. He is on Tilt and is down $400 or $500. I can tell he is Wanting to Get his Money back and has been on tilt ever since the AA>Qd8d hand. He keeps Raising big preflop w **** cards putting me into tough spots. Making me fold preflop. Last hand he Raised to $17 preflop and short stack shoves. he calls And the flop comes out QJ xxx. Opponent shows AK and he mucks facedown. i lol because wtf is he calling with? AT is unlikely so i think he has 910 suited or something. He buys in for another $50.
Another hand goes buy where he makes it $22 preflop i am small blind wanting to play QJo. would of won a huge hand and i am kind of pissed about loosing. Not being results Orientated i fold. And old Lady owns him lol . I am sort of pissed off and want to bust him for my KK against 84. I want my money back. But i am being Patient about it. he now has lost all my money he has won from me and keeps donating.
Mistake #2 utg limps and there are a few limpers. spewy tart makes it $20 to go. I look down at a Suited Ace Ten and decided to call for $20. I think this is a Horrid call but it was a revenge call hoping to take his stack. UTG RR to $40. Spew tard makes it $50. I ponder my options. I noticed UTG is looking pretty confident with his hand and notice he has $200+ behind him. I am out of position and know he is going to fire some more. I decided i am ahead of nothing and spew tard probably has one of my three outs and elect to fold. Utg Flips over KK and spewtard mucks hand. Everyone is like why didn't you call. I smile and say cause i was way behind. Happy with my fold.
I am Now not happy with my play and am not playing my A game. I think i am up about $20 or so and am pretty sure i am one of the 3 best players at the table.I decide to keep playing as i am sure my opponents with make a mistake before i do.
I look down at KK from utg and make it $15. Old lady who is a luck sack but in her own right is a solid player calls. I look at her and realize she has a big hand. I am thinking i am ahead of her and i put her on some Aces here. AK not being one of them, but never the les AQ is in her range, Also One of the three best Players flats as well. I am like ****. 3 of the 4 best players are in the hand.
FLop comes AdTd x. I am really not happy with the Ace on board.i decided to check and see what happens. Older lady (Sue) leads out for like $35. other guy folds.
I think for a little bit and Sue looks at me. She seems to be pretty comfortable. i am a little bit Tilty, not really mad but just not to happy with KK.
My Reads about Sue is that she Knows i am really solid. She is Capable of making plays But is pretty solid. I don't think she leads into 4 players unless she has an Ace. Or a very strong draw. Since Ak isn't really in her range i consider RR here, But also considering calling. I know if i call She will Barrel here and put alot of Pressure on my on the Turn and River. I don't Think she can call a shove, but i know she can make hero calls w one pair hands.I am not going to like to many turn and River calls and if a Diamond hits i am not too happy. For some Reason i think i am ahead but decided to just give up on the $15 raise. I fold. She shows JJ. i smile and say nice hand.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 04:19 AM
My First Charity Room (Drama at The Heidelberg):

I am back in MI for a yet to be determined time period while I figure out where to move abroad, and I had my first ever Charity Room experience on Tuesday night which proved to be quite memorable. Previously while in MI visiting family I have only played at MCC, but I decided to Venture over to The Heidelberg in Ann Arbor with a couple 2p2ers who aren't of casino age (completedonk and bestindabiz) to jump in to their weekly 2/5 game. Upon arrival we had to take seats in the 1/3 game, which was running short handed (extremely soft), as the 2/5 game was full... of players, action, and DRAMA.

There was a drunk Jackass in the Game who was evidently shipping stacks indiscriminately every other hand, and according to our dealer he had been there the week before and dropped 5k+ in the game. We were all very eager to get in to the game and as luck would have it I rolled the highest number on the virtual 20 sided die we used to flip for the first seat. While waiting, we were entertained by the barely intelligible outbursts coming from the other table as he taunted his competition and announced to the room "who was boss" and called his opponents a bunch of Pussies... but then things started heading in to a less tolerable direction.

After about 10 minutes, I hear him say "How you like that NI**as?!?!" after showing a bluff. Taken aback and not completely sure that I heard correctly, I looked towards the African American gentleman on my right to measure his response, and he just shrugged and shook his head. I look towards the dealer who tells us he has been warned, and has already been cut off from the bar after two drinks... although there was no telling how much he had to drink before arriving... it was rather clear that he was being given a huge amount of leeway at the request of the regulars who wanted to keep him in the game.

It takes about 15 minutes for me to get into the game, and by the time I sit down he is calling everyone a ****** (the R has hardened by this time) and ******s (homophobic epithet). At this point things had become very tense, and I wasn't even sure I wanted to be in the game. They send up a bouncer from the bar, who is black, and at the behest of his friend the drunk ass calms down slightly, but has the nerve to say to the bouncer, "Who the **** are you?!?! Im the HNIC"... and somehow he still doesn't kicked out?!?!

Shortly after this, two more black players show up, one of which who isn't going to stand for this **** and starts talking back at him. Things start to escalate and finally the dealer tells him he has to leave. The bouncer, who I have to applaud for handling the situation so calmly escorted him out with the help of his friend, and he narrowly escaped getting clocked by the black guy who had just arrived, who had to be restrained. In my opinion, it was rather unfortunate that the bouncer didn't toss him down the stairs face first.

Now, I am all for allowing huge donators to get away with being jackasses, but there is a line, and he had certainly crossed that line before we had even arrived. Not only was he being completely offensive and speaking in a manner that shouldn't be accepted in any public arena, but it was inevitable that the situation would get hostile, and the security of the game could have easily been compromised had a fight broken out at the table.

It's my understanding that they don't have any security at the game (the bouncer is for the bar and isn't usually upstairs I guess), and the owners weren't present, so it was just the two dealers, one who is not a big guy and the other is a woman... so, I get why they wanted to avoid confronting this guy and his friend, especially when the regulars wanted to keep him in the game to keep donating. Frankly, I think the onus was more on the players in the game, and I think it's kinda gross that they were willing to stand for that **** in the name of greed.

Anyways this is the guy:

I have to say after he left, the game ran smoothly and very professionally. The dealers were extremely competent and quick and the bartender was awesome. The competition was amicable and more importantly they played quickly and very poorly. Not much more you can ask for in a game, and we all cleaned up. I probably won't be going back, since Ann Arbor is really far from me, and it's better just to go play 5/10 downtown, but I would definitely recommend the game and the card room despite the drama.

Last edited by Halowax; 09-08-2011 at 04:32 AM.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 04:33 AM
For those who are TLR
cliffs for today.
#! I met Jose he is a super cool guy. seems to be a competent good thinking player w lots of potential. I think i can learn alot from him aswell.
#2 Jose Staked me today and i didn't make Jose money.(super Bummed about it) Hoping to win him some money so i can get staked for Hammond Indiana circut event

#3 I posted a Trip Report as requested. Sorry to some of the other players who don't want to read my Rambling. Was Hoping to Post it so some players can get a feel about my Thinking. I mentioned earlier (Caveman caught it) i had an ulterior motive. This was it.

A. build a relationship with people to discuss hands
B. Hopefully build a relationship to where i can get Backing for bigger events..
C. Find better people to inspire me to keep Grinding and point out leaks and point out some good spots to Bluff.
D. I want to build a positive relationship w 2+2 er so that i can get a + reputation. I am somewhat weary about it tho, As i already have people asking me to back them in $30 mtts. ( guy isn't that good and trys to run over a field of nonthinking players)

#4 first time playing since eye surgery pretty happy with eye even tho it isn't completely healed yet.
#5 can't wait to meet 2Black9s this week. Hopefully he doesn't hit me up for money at MCC (lol) as i am trying to build my bankroll.
#6 i listened to today. it is a Michigander who is trying to make something happen.
#7 Jose and i Agree the play at snookers is lol at best. I am really blown away that in the last 4 or 5 times in the tournament i have not taken one down since the last 5 that i played. I am a beast in these.
#8 i am down -$4 for the day. played good but made 4 mistakes (that really didn't cost me much)

also 7hTh hand if you guys where wondering i just called on the xx8h9hJC board. I thought about the hand and realized that my opponent could of had QT. and is incapable of making a Bluff w nothing. I figured i beat all of his sets which he didn't play it like a set went with my read. If i didn't have second nuts i imagine a fold is best here. Pretty happy he just mini Raised.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 04:43 AM
To Halowax
Yea i agree. i have been in that situation where i told Greektown that if they kicked out A drunk lady calling all of us Guys "Sausages" that i would never come back there again.
She was raising $200 preflop with out looking at her cards. Ended up loosing kK<A6 all in preflop for a $900 pot. was Disgusted after that hand.
Recently i was browsing the 2+2 thread and one of the Regular 2+2er that deals for a living made a great Point. If we Allow Players to act in such a Fashion they will Push the Players that are recreational (Fish) out of the Games. As You won't be playing there due to 2 reasons. I am sure some players will avoid that game.
Short term we think the abnoxious drunks are great for the game but the reality is the people who are there for a good time will only leave. Thus Killing the action for us Good/solid regs.
I think in the Long term it actually hurts us. Just my two cents. and Hopefully i meet you some time as i imagine someone that plays 5/10 will be able to help improve my cash game.
Good luck in the Future and don't let one player Ruin what could be a great spot to make money.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 07:24 AM
Originally Posted by the village idiot1
About 30 minutes into the table i get some solid reads. Solid lady makes it 2500. And i have AsTc. She is definatly capable of stealing the blinds and KQ is posible, i have 10bb here and i have a Dilema. i started to fold but think she might call w worse hands KJ + maybe smaller pairs and weaker Aces. So i elect to shove. I don't hate my play, but i am not entirely happy about it. Small blind decided that he was going to call and i am like oh fml. i need help. Then The lady to my Right ships for like 18k more, lol small blinds folds And she Flips Over AA and i am like opps. I Apologize in Advance if i suck out and she says " no problem"

The Flop comes a Queen xx and i am like meh GG! i ask the Dealer for a King on the Turn as i need Runner Runner for a straight.
The Turn comes a King. I am like Oh my god i have life. I feel bad to ask for a jack as it just isn't right that i suck out here.
The River lol i a Facecard non King. i am like omg" i made the straight" She yells out "oh ****" Then i realize it was the Queen. opps i miss. Good luck everyone.

Usually, when the blinds hit the 500/1000 area at Snookers, there are a lot of people at the table with <15bb. First shove in usually wins the blinds. ATo is a very weak hand IMO to shove into a raiser. And with 20 minute blinds, you can still wait for a better spot. (yes, this coming from the guy that shoved with 8h2h)
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by the village idiot1
For those who are TLR
cliffs for today.
#! I met Jose he is a super cool guy. seems to be a competent good thinking player w lots of potential. I think i can learn alot from him aswell.
No idea since he bailed before I got there Tuesday night.

Originally Posted by the village idiot1
#2 Jose Staked me today and i didn't make Jose money.(super Bummed about it) Hoping to win him some money so i can get staked for Hammond Indiana circut event
I don't plan anymore. If I have the money when the time comes, I'm just going to hop in the car or train and go. Every time I plan, something comes up and i have to pay bills out of my bankroll.

Originally Posted by the village idiot1
#3 I posted a Trip Report as requested. Sorry to some of the other players who don't want to read my Rambling. Was Hoping to Post it so some players can get a feel about my Thinking. I mentioned earlier (Caveman caught it) i had an ulterior motive. This was it.

A. build a relationship with people to discuss hands
I'm happy to discuss hands, plays, fish and donks anytime away from the tables. I usually just keep my mouth shut and let everyone think I'm a donkey.

Originally Posted by the village idiot1

B. Hopefully build a relationship to where i can get Backing for bigger events..
Good luck with that. I have a couple guys I'm trying to talk into backing me. 1 that plays, the other that doesn't.

Originally Posted by the village idiot1
C. Find better people to inspire me to keep Grinding and point out leaks and point out some good spots to Bluff.
Just remember that at Snookers, people will stack off with top/top and most will call you down thinking that EVERYONE bluffs ALL THE TIME. I'm more concerned with value betting that bluffing. You'll do better in the long run.

Originally Posted by the village idiot1

D. I want to build a positive relationship w 2+2 er so that i can get a + reputation. I am somewhat weary about it tho, As i already have people asking me to back them in $30 mtts. ( guy isn't that good and trys to run over a field of nonthinking players)
I really don't think you can make money by staking people in $30 charity tourneys.

Originally Posted by the village idiot1

#4 first time playing since eye surgery pretty happy with eye even tho it isn't completely healed yet.
Good to hear!

Originally Posted by the village idiot1
#5 can't wait to meet 2Black9s this week. Hopefully he doesn't hit me up for money at MCC (lol) as i am trying to build my bankroll.
Hope to meet him as well. Sounds like a fun guy.

Originally Posted by the village idiot1
#6 i listened to today. it is a Michigander who is trying to make something happen.
Need to listen to this today if I can stay awake.

Originally Posted by the village idiot1
#7 Jose and i Agree the play at snookers is lol at best. I am really blown away that in the last 4 or 5 times in the tournament i have not taken one down since the last 5 that i played. I am a beast in these.
#8 i am down -$4 for the day. played good but made 4 mistakes (that really didn't cost me much)
I run very well at Snookers. When I'm playing a lot, I usually go out there at 10am for the early game, then I'm home for dinner with the fiance and the kids. Then I'll go out to Card Sharks (mostly short stacks w/suck outs) or Sharks club (mostly big stacks w/suck outs) since they are close to home.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 07:54 AM
So, has anyone ever met someone on here and then realize, "Damn, that's the idiot that always sucks out on me!" or "He's the prick that always raises my straddle!"

If you've even played at my table, you would probably remember me. I'm the guy that looked like a Caveman with glasses from Sept till after the wings win the Cup or get knocked out of the playoffs. I usually start growing my playoff beard around now and just let it go for the winter so it's been somewhat short for the summer. Also, when someone whines about me taking money from their 4 kids mouths, I come back with "I have 7 kids, 2 ex wives and 3 baby mommas so they thank you."
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 09:24 AM
Here is a brief report from Northville Downs, from about a week and a half ago. It was one of those dream kind of sessions where every move I made I was right. Every time I needed to duck some outs, I was able to dodge them, and any time I needed a card to make my hand, I was able to make it.

In my first major hand, I was in the SB with T7o. Folded around to the bad player on the button who chop-blocked limped, I completed, and the BB (aggressive spewy regular - ASR for now) checked. The button was a bad player, who had a tendency to donk out into pots where he was out of position. After witnessing this a few times I was able to take a pot away from him earlier in the orbit after he called my pre-flop raise and donked the flop. Flop comes 773. Often I lead this flop, but I decided to check given who the other 2 players were in the hand. Surprisingly it gets checked around. Turn is a 4. I check, hoping somebody will stab at it, and it gets checked around again. The river is another 4, making the board 77344. Now I bet $10, ASR folds, and the button raises to $30 (with about $145 more behind, which I cover). After thinking about it for about 15-30 seconds, I shove, which is a slight overbet. My plan is to test the Zeebo theorem (if any of you guys around earlier in the days of online poker remember), that most players will not fold a full house. He debates for about a minute, looks like he is leaning towards a fold, and then calls. I show my hand, and he nods and shows T4 offsuit. Shocking that I was able to get $175 out of him on the river, when the pot started at $6.

After I have gotten my stack at about 400 or so, I really start attacking some of the passive limpers. I would say that I am able to pick up 10-15 pots uncontested after 1-2 limps in the next 2 hours or so, just by raising anywhere from $12-16, so I feel that I have very good control of the table.

A short while later, ASR limps UTG, there are a few more limpers and I check in the BB with QTo. Flop comes J9x. Check to ASR who bets 10, LP calls, and I call. Turn is a K (told you I was hitting good). ASR bets 25, LP calls, and I raise to 75. ASR shoves for 135 total, and LP folds and I call. He asks if I have a straight and the river blanks and my hand is good. He doesn't show but says he had JJ. Not so sure I believe him. He doesn't seem the type to limp JJ.

I win another $100 on another hand with an older regular when my overpair holds against a flush draw with one overcard.

Another hand with ASR. I am really starting to roll at this point. He has rebought in for 200, and may even be up to 250, which I easily cover. Straddled pot by UTG. Fold to me and I raise to 15 UTG+1 with JJ. ASR calls, and there is one other caller in position, so pot is about $50. Flop comes 776. I lead $25, and ASR immediately and confidently says "$50." I'm not inclined to believe he has a 7 here, as he isn't the loosest of players pre-flop, and I also think he would have re-raised QQ+. After the other caller folds, I decide to make it $150, and he quickly folds.

Like I said in the beginning, just one of those sessions where everything went right and you feel like you can do no wrong. There was definitely some good strong play thrown in as well, but often the two can run hand in hand. I've definitely been on the other side of things, so I know the feeling.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Caveman921
Also, when someone whines about me taking money from their 4 kids mouths, I come back with "I have 7 kids, 2 ex wives and 3 baby mommas so they thank you."
i remeber hearing this at the table before but i can picture who it was that said it. seems like i should be able to remeber
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 02:57 PM
Lots of good TRs. Thanks guys. Enjoyed them all.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Caveman921
So, has anyone ever met someone on here and then realize, "Damn, that's the idiot that always sucks out on me!" or "He's the prick that always raises my straddle!"

If you've even played at my table, you would probably remember me. I'm the guy that looked like a Caveman with glasses from Sept till after the wings win the Cup or get knocked out of the playoffs. I usually start growing my playoff beard around now and just let it go for the winter so it's been somewhat short for the summer. Also, when someone whines about me taking money from their 4 kids mouths, I come back with "I have 7 kids, 2 ex wives and 3 baby mommas so they thank you."
Hasn't happened to me yet, Caveman. But there is this Networth character that bluffed me out of a pot once.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 03:25 PM
As a recreational fish I leave any table with loudmouth, druken fools.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Caveman921
So, has anyone ever met someone on here and then realize, "Damn, that's the idiot that always sucks out on me!" or "He's the prick that always raises my straddle!"

If you've even played at my table, you would probably remember me. I'm the guy that looked like a Caveman with glasses from Sept till after the wings win the Cup or get knocked out of the playoffs. I usually start growing my playoff beard around now and just let it go for the winter so it's been somewhat short for the summer. Also, when someone whines about me taking money from their 4 kids mouths, I come back with "I have 7 kids, 2 ex wives and 3 baby mommas so they thank you."
jesus, dude, you're ****in old school, when you come in you COME IN. i'm sure this says something about your playing style but i don't know what.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
jesus, dude, you're ****in old school, when you come in you COME IN. i'm sure this says something about your playing style but i don't know what.
The first time I played a tournament at Card Sharks (which i hate because they are all $10 rebuys but a friend asked to support his charity), one of the reg cash game players asked me if I played tournaments like I do cash. I very calmly said, 'No, I'm more aggressive.' He had that same, "oh ****" look most people get when they're middle pair all-in gets snap called.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 05:28 PM
steeser very good to hear. Sounds like you played your last session better then i did lol. enjoyed reading the trip report.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by the village idiot1
For those who are TLR
cliffs for today.
#! I met Jose he is a super cool guy. seems to be a competent good thinking player w lots of potential. I think i can learn alot from him aswell
Yea, I guess I am pretty cool :-)
Thanks Greg, good to meet you too. Maybe you can lose some more of my money in the future Lol. Joking bro.
Detroit Quote
09-08-2011 , 06:59 PM
Looks like i might run up to Card Sharks tonight for a few. Hopefully my TR will be LONG!!!
Detroit Quote
