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Detroit Detroit

11-27-2011 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
Village, Banana and Ollie, the only thing I am worried about at Cada's is that their great structures will only attract the good players. All the better tournament players in the area should be going to play there right now because of the structure. Not sure how the fish will like getting 3 bet and 4 bet all the time.
The smaller buy in tourneys still move quite fast, and if the room picks up steam, I think Patrick will have to take out some levels. There will always be fish.

Also, one thing I am learning is that everyone is bad. All these people ive seen 3 and 4 betting lately are simply a product of this years wsop ft, imo. Ollierye was honestly the first person I have seen who didnt get out of line(well, as mentioned, he leveled himself into a bad play.) and always seemed to have a plan. He is the only person I have played with in this thread, though.

Moral if the story: degens gonna degen, and all these lags are ticking timebombs and still fishy
Detroit Quote
11-27-2011 , 12:59 PM
Great TR and analysis P4. Made me forgive the total lack of spell check! (Yeah. I'm a nit.)

Seriously though, really enjoyed a post with some content.

A couple more nit observations...

Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
...I arrived at 10:30 PM... ...I finally got my name called at about 11:30PM. I got to the cage to buy into my first 2/5 game...
Why do people do this? And I don't just mean in a Casino. You'll be standing in line for 15 minutes at Starbucks and some babe in front of you gets to the register to order and has to spend 5 minutes more deliberating over what to drink as if it is some sort of career move. Then the cashier rings her up and she s off to rummage thru her purse to get her wallet to pay for her drink.

You know why you came. Use the down time to complete a few basic tasks. At the Starbucks decide on your order and get your $ ready. At the Casino get your chips prior to being called for a table.

Told you I was a nit.

Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
...UTG folds KK faceup... ...Lady agonizes and folds QQ faceup after him. I really think I get called by her if he doesnt show his hand. I think this played a large roll in her folding...
OK. That nit cost you $. He's going to show what a hero he was to fold and influence pending action. Doesn't sound like you really let it bother you much. Good job on the Tilt Control.
Detroit Quote
11-27-2011 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
Why do people do this? And I don't just mean in a Casino. You'll be standing in line for 15 minutes at Starbucks and some babe in front of you gets to the register to order and has to spend 5 minutes more deliberating over what to drink as if it is some sort of career move. Then the cashier rings her up and she s off to rummage thru her purse to get her wallet to pay for her drink.

You know why you came. Use the down time to complete a few basic tasks. At the Starbucks decide on your order and get your $ ready. At the Casino get your chips prior to being called for a table.
Haha im glad someone else thinks like this. If I go to the casino, I am always walking around with at least 1 bullet in my pockets. I wont do it at charity rooms, though, because I dont want to buy $200 then end up leaving before my seat comes.. which has happened a couple time due to long waits.
Detroit Quote
11-27-2011 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
He's going to show what a hero he was to fold...
General consensus in strat forums is don't show your big folds. Don't show! You gain nothing and you will get bluffed way more often. Better to let them think you were bluffing and just fold quietly. You will get the call when you have it.
Detroit Quote
11-27-2011 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by BananaJammers
The smaller buy in tourneys still move quite fast, and if the room picks up steam, I think Patrick will have to take out some levels. There will always be fish.

Also, one thing I am learning is that everyone is bad. All these people ive seen 3 and 4 betting lately are simply a product of this years wsop ft, imo. Ollierye was honestly the first person I have seen who didnt get out of line(well, as mentioned, he leveled himself into a bad play.) and always seemed to have a plan. He is the only person I have played with in this thread, though.

Moral if the story: degens gonna degen, and all these lags are ticking timebombs and still fishy
I think this whole post is grossly inaccurate. I've been frequenting the charity rooms for years and have noticed that the 3 and 4 betting has existed and prevailed in almost all of the deep stacked structures. The nittier players have absolutely no idea how to adjust to this and still are flat-call/folding 75% of their hands and arbitrarily pick a random spot to play back without a rhyme or reason. Perhaps I'm slightly bias because I'm a 24-year-old "young gun" that realizes that people hate calling re-raises and when they do, they are typically are out of position and have little idea on how to play post flop.

HOWEVER, I absolutely agree that aggression will deter fish from playing, but I also think that the buy-ins for these tourneys will, as well. The River attracts the absolute worst of the worst with the mean age approximately 65-70 years old. They're always $30 for the 2 p.m. and the retired guys don't even blink at the buy-in. They'll play 7 days a week and chalk up the $210 as a fixed expense. Totalling up the seven different 1 p.m. tournaments at Cada's equals $315 which is a signficant difference when justifying a casual yet recreational hobby. The few times I've been there for the 1 p.m. it's been a one table sit n' go and I believe this is the reason why.

Detroit Quote
11-27-2011 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
I think this whole post is grossly inaccurate. I've been frequenting the charity rooms for years and have noticed that the 3 and 4 betting has existed and prevailed in almost all of the deep stacked structures. The nittier players have absolutely no idea how to adjust to this and still are flat-call/folding 75% of their hands and arbitrarily pick a random spot to play back without a rhyme or reason. Perhaps I'm slightly bias because I'm a 24-year-old "young gun" that realizes that people hate calling re-raises and when they do, they are typically are out of position and have little idea on how to play post flop.

HOWEVER, I absolutely agree that aggression will deter fish from playing, but I also think that the buy-ins for these tourneys will, as well. The River attracts the absolute worst of the worst with the mean age approximately 65-70 years old. They're always $30 for the 2 p.m. and the retired guys don't even blink at the buy-in. They'll play 7 days a week and chalk up the $210 as a fixed expense. Totalling up the seven different 1 p.m. tournaments at Cada's equals $315 which is a signficant difference when justifying a casual yet recreational hobby. The few times I've been there for the 1 p.m. it's been a one table sit n' go and I believe this is the reason why.

Dont want to start a dick waving contest, but there has never been such a thing as a charity deepstack tourney, to my knowledge, until cadas structure. Sure, rooms start with 200-400 bb, but that doesnt mean **** when the blind structure gives a starting stack 20bb after 1 hour.

Maybe its different in my geographical location, but its almost always the older guys buying in for 50bb or more at cash, while most(not all, obv) younger internet types are buying in for the minimum at cash. I only think, in the long run, it will ring true for tournaments as well. Poker is variance, and most mid twenty year olds dont have the BR to deal with it.

I honestly welcome all the 3 and 4 betting. Most of it I have seen has been laughable. Several times last night in the 7pm a 3bet pot would get checked down. I have yet to see someone 3bet light and look comfortable post flop. Much like the internet, I assume everyone at the table is randomly throwing chips until they prove otherwise.. and so far, it has worked quite well for me.

Cadas has been open for one saturday and it got 22 runners. I guarantee once word spreads it will get 50+ every week. The old dudes you speak of dont have twitter, fb, etc. so they probably dont even know the room exists, let alone the tourney schedule.
Detroit Quote
11-27-2011 , 05:05 PM
Hmm any good tournys today?

Can't open umichpoker site so I dunno what room is offering what.., its 4 pm I got 1 hr to find a tourny with over 700 for first!!!
Detroit Quote
11-27-2011 , 05:30 PM
Anyone play the NVD's $30.00 rebuy on sundays?

Do players actually rebuy and add on or leave after one bullet?

They said they had 35 people last sunday,,,
Detroit Quote
11-27-2011 , 06:36 PM
We all know Cada's exists. We just prefer to play at Snooker"s where we are comfortable.
And like you said $210.00 compared to $315.00 is a lot of money if you play a lot of tournaments. Why wouldnt you want to play where there are 90 people and and the prize pool is $2500.00 compared to playing with 20 people and prize pool of $500.00. No brainer.
Detroit Quote
11-27-2011 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by BananaJammers
Dont want to start a dick waving contest, but there has never been such a thing as a charity deepstack tourney, to my knowledge, until cadas structure. Sure, rooms start with 200-400 bb, but that doesnt mean **** when the blind structure gives a starting stack 20bb after 1 hour.

Maybe its different in my geographical location, but its almost always the older guys buying in for 50bb or more at cash, while most(not all, obv) younger internet types are buying in for the minimum at cash. I only think, in the long run, it will ring true for tournaments as well. Poker is variance, and most mid twenty year olds dont have the BR to deal with it.

I honestly welcome all the 3 and 4 betting. Most of it I have seen has been laughable. Several times last night in the 7pm a 3bet pot would get checked down. I have yet to see someone 3bet light and look comfortable post flop. Much like the internet, I assume everyone at the table is randomly throwing chips until they prove otherwise.. and so far, it has worked quite well for me.

Cadas has been open for one saturday and it got 22 runners. I guarantee once word spreads it will get 50+ every week. The old dudes you speak of dont have twitter, fb, etc. so they probably dont even know the room exists, let alone the tourney schedule.

I guess I agree with most of this post but in general do not view 3 and 4 betting in these tournaments, especially in the first few orbits, as a leak. I think The River's structure is considered relatively deep-stacked in nature but does get shallow if you don't make moves in the first hour. Sunnybrook also has a 25-minute structure during the week but hardly gets very many runners. But tournaments like Greektown which start with 35bb and are much more difficult to play with aggression. Perhaps I'm speaking for myself, and thinking like most poker players in general that I'm probably better than I really am, but the structure at Cada's makes it profitable to 3-bet lighter with marginal hands. I agree that most younger players are not rolled to play 1-2 NL on a consistent basis, let alone the tournament schedule on a daily basis but I can't think that their loose cannon nature is worse than the older guys that raise once every 5 orbits.
Detroit Quote
11-27-2011 , 10:20 PM
Omaha8A2, I am hard to miss.

Played $1/2 NLHE at the Naples Fort Myers Dog track Friday night.

Some general comments since I am too old to remember as many hands as the youngsters.

They had at least 12 tables going and it appears to have PLO and NLHE to $5/10.

The 7 PM $115 tournament had 76 runners. I will play the $50 tomorrow.

$2 to enter the place when the dogs are running. They have runners taking track bets at the tables which slows down and distracts the play.

Room looks like it is inside a dog track.

$1.75 for water - WTF?

The guy next to me had an annoying French accent and continually swore at the LSU game which he said he had $5,000 on. Fortunately he sat to my right and was a degenerate gambler. Donked off $500+ with PF raises of $10/15 on 75% of hands and continuation betting with nothing. Doubled up thru him once with 3’s full and he seemed to slow down when his $5,000 bet was lost. When he left the game approx. Snookers’ passive play.

A lot of gamblers buying in multiple times. Limping and chasing with occasional lucky suck-outs. Some rocks that were easily identified. Many regulars were friendly with the dealers and each other but also tourist spending entertainment $. I thought the Seminole Hard Rock was tougher when I played there two years ago.

I thought the MPM article on bet sizing was very good and applicable – several callers for $12 PF with week hands. They just wanted to draw out and didn’t worry about the size of the call.

Few decent players until later in the evening. They tended stayed out of each other’s way.

High hand jackpot every 2 hours. The guy at my table won one for $100 with 4Qs. The jackpot is $2,000 some days at the $5/10 table. If you make a RF with AKdd $90,000.

My table had a guy 80+ try to slip chips to his idiot son at the table. Another said that he was playing for the 4th time and lost two buy-ins in 20 minutes.

Weather is great
Detroit Quote
11-27-2011 , 10:58 PM
Frank you and I should play 2/5 at MC soon. Leme know what you think! (weekend of course)
Detroit Quote
11-28-2011 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
Frank you and I should play 2/5 at MC soon. Leme know what you think! (weekend of course)
Sounds good. I will PM you.
Detroit Quote
11-28-2011 , 01:53 AM
To play every 7pm tournament at various rooms (the 6-7pm usually have bigger draws) + 100 dollar

Cadas = $345
Snookers = $315

(following doesn't offer 100 dollar tournaments)
The River = $200 (has 1 dollar rebuy wed so I just added the 2pm 30)
Sunnybrook = $160
Big Beaver = $210
Detroit Quote
11-28-2011 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by BananaJammers
Dont want to start a dick waving contest, but there has never been such a thing as a charity deepstack tourney, to my knowledge, until cadas structure. Sure, rooms start with 200-400 bb, but that doesnt mean **** when the blind structure gives a starting stack 20bb after 1 hour.

Cadas has been open for one saturday and it got 22 runners. I guarantee once word spreads it will get 50+ every week. The old dudes you speak of dont have twitter, fb, etc. so they probably dont even know the room exists, let alone the tourney schedule.
I agree with eveyrthing you and jamie wrote

To be fair the 22 runner one was the 100 dollar, which was being run the day after black friday on a saturday. I wonder if it would have been wiser to offer $40-50 until they build up a player pool. I think it will happen. I guess they're putting up an actual sign on the building with in the week and one for the side of the road. You could drive past it and not know where it is. The city has to be happy, that parking lot looked busy on a Friday compared to the barren desert its been for the last two years.

You would be a moron to expect +100 person player fields in the first week. Sunnybrook didn't start off that way, Snookers didn't, no place could. If it becomes player friendly, offers up decent incentives to play, and has a good atmosphere it should thrive.

Last edited by Atarirob; 11-28-2011 at 02:14 AM. Reason: giving props
Detroit Quote
11-28-2011 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by BananaJammers
there has never been such a thing as a charity deepstack tourney, to my knowledge, until cadas structure. Sure, rooms start with 200-400 bb, but that doesnt mean **** when the blind structure gives a starting stack 20bb after 1 hour.
I agree with Bananajammers 100% here.
Alot of the tournaments in the Detroit area offer "deepstack" but after 1 hour the blinds jump so ridiculous that you are down to 10-15 BB's and there is no more room to play good poker. After the first hour you basically have to commit your whole stack to to make any type of move (re raise, 3-bet, bluff) it takes away from higher level poker and forces you to choose between ABC poker or commiting your stack to make one play on one hand, do or die.
The $100 tournament at Cada's Room on Saturday was a great tournament and left alot of room to play good poker. We started with 20,000 chips and 30min levels but the best part was the additional blind levels added that other Charity Rooms skip (Snookers) which really makes such a huge difference. They even introduce a 25 chip anti on blind level 300/600 and it didn't slow the game down a bit like people assumed. I wasn't catching many hands and my stack never exceeded 30k but at 5:00 (4hrs into the tournament) I remember having 23k at 600/1200 blinds...that's almost 20BB's after 4hrs of play with only a 3k chip increase from starting stack!!! Cada's Room did their homework! players appreciate a good structured, well ran tournament, especially poker players with skill. People want to feel like they are getting their moneys worth and after 1hour in a Snookers tournament poker is gone and it turns to "Craps with cards" its only been 1 week but I'm sure when word gets out, Cada's Room will be running the show.

@Pay4mySchool...we get it dude! you played at a $2/5 game, we get it!!!
Detroit Quote
11-28-2011 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by Dharzhak
Trip Reports from the Pampa Lanes PLO8 game won't make much sense unless you've played in the game a few times. Mostly the same people week in and week out and Joker runs hotter then the sun
FYP...kidding just jealous you got Martys money which is worth 3x more then anyone else. Seriously I'm showing up late from here on out so I don't have to sit next to him and hear ever bitch and whine.

TR, I shouldn't have played. My mind was in other places and lost money in some pretty bone head spots. Luckily I ended up only 80 dollars in the hole. Could have been a lot worse if I didn't cooler a solid player. Not sure if I can make it this week, but maybe next. I need to play more poker, I had more money in my bank account when I was.
Detroit Quote
11-28-2011 , 02:41 AM
Could the players from the Pampas game switch the day and location of that game to suite my schedule lol....**** I hate that it is in the middle of the week and so far away... there I said it
Detroit Quote
11-28-2011 , 04:26 AM
Hmm how close to busto has anyone ever played?
Detroit Quote
11-28-2011 , 05:05 AM
Originally Posted by Atarirob
FYP...kidding just jealous you got Martys money which is worth 3x more then anyone else. Seriously I'm showing up late from here on out so I don't have to sit next to him and hear ever bitch and whine.
lol Marty.

I remember the first time I met him. Was playing at Motor City and the guy next to me spots him and begins pleading for him not to get seated at our table. I ask why, and basically it's because he won't ever shut up. I laugh and think nothing of it. Well, he does get seated at our table, directy to my right. Doesn't seem so bad, did talk a lot but nothing horrible. As we're making small talk, he mentions the O8 game at Pampa. Interested in playing something different I mistakenly ask him more about it. Big friggin mistake. As soon as I said it, I knew I fooked up. Guy goes on for the next hour or 2 about the game trying to get me to come on one point wanting to exchange phone numbers...which given him and his personality for those that know him...creeped me the **** out. I look at the guy to my left who mentioned not wanting him at the table and he damn near is about to fall out of his seat laughing after i look at him with the "what the hell did i just do?" look. For the rest of the night, all I hear about is how he's buddies with Darren McCarty and the damn O8 game with bitching and whining about the other players at the table sprinkled in between. It got to the point where I put my earbud on my right ear, turned on some music (i never listen to music when I play), rested my head on my hand and turned away from him ... but he still went on and on ... and on ... until he busted.

I did end up playing the O8 game the next week and dropped $500. It was the first time I had played O8 and was probably the worst player there ... even with Rick included. I probably shouldn't have played to begin with as my mind wasn't in the game (I had spent the days prior in a hospital as my mom was sick and felt the need to get away). I figure no biggie, I'll just go to MC and win it back. Problem is I never made it to the poker room and blew $6000 on slots lol yes ... slots.
Detroit Quote
11-28-2011 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by ollierye
Problem is I never made it to the poker room and blew $6000 on slots lol yes ... slots.
This is epic. That should be worth some run good, no?
Detroit Quote
11-28-2011 , 09:55 AM
busted larry murphy playing 2/5 at mcc
Detroit Quote
11-28-2011 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by Tumaterminator
busted larry murphy playing 2/5 at mcc
The attorney, Larry Murphy?
Detroit Quote
11-28-2011 , 10:30 AM
Awesome Marty story! Not only is Marty friends with Darren, he also has Eminem in his phone and my personal favorite long time weather man Chuck Gaidica.

Ive known who he was for about four years now. I was playing 1-2 at MCC at table one by the counter. A guy comes in yelling and complaining that hes been skipped over in the 2-5 game. They tell him that he has to go back on the list, but if he wants there is a seat open...directly to my right. Marty takes a seat and whines and bitches for a half hour "I can't believe they did this to me, I hate playing in such a small f'ing game, they play so bad here, I already made such and such at craps and this game is so small and terrible." Just on and about two years later I started taking shots at 2-5, first time playing and Marty sits next to me. I find out he always short buys into this 2-5 game and proceeds to show me every bad laydown and some of the most passive play you could imagine.

Playing in the O8 game regularly, I've learn to laugh at some of the Martyisms. Like when he is up 100 bucks or more he likes to get up and walk around the room for a half hour, sometimes just around the table. Or when hes in the middle of a hand he likes to show you if your sitting next to him so you can play along and be shocked as he is at how bad he runs.

Hes great to have at the table, its just better when hes across from you and not in your ear.
Detroit Quote
11-28-2011 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Omaha8A2
The attorney, Larry Murphy?
Probably the former Hockey Player.
Detroit Quote
