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Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way

11-08-2011 , 08:42 PM
is that him?!/DeanLetham

it makes me too angry that he is able to go on with his life and behave as if nothing happened, impudent enough to keep playing poker under the same nickname and hence letting the world know that monetary problems don't keep him from paying back.

Last edited by ChicagoRy; 11-09-2011 at 01:30 AM. Reason: deleted violence type solicitation
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-08-2011 , 09:19 PM
yeah its him 100%, he has been studying stock market for a while now, scamming poker has run its course it seems
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-09-2011 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by Deepak
"Trading" should also help to confirm twitter account.

Need to add this to that site:

Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-09-2011 , 05:04 PM
Deepak, need to bump that web page up google search, doesn't hit page 1

also, mods should edit title to include Dean Letham so this thread might hit google page 1.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-09-2011 , 06:59 PM
Meh this sucks. Hope you get your money back.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-09-2011 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by TGSM89
Deepak, need to bump that web page up google search, doesn't hit page 1

also, mods should edit title to include Dean Letham so this thread might hit google page 1.
It will soon
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-09-2011 , 11:44 PM
also i think it was uship this way not ushipmyway fwiw
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-09-2011 , 11:49 PM
so what is the actual amount owed here before the whole 7.5% of profits shiz?
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-09-2011 , 11:59 PM
I think its like $200 w/o profit stuff tbh. Such a tiny amount, the more I think about it the less I think Dean was scamming here. More possible he was just walking on Deepak.

I just don't know what to think bc often a scam is calculated and IMO there is no way Dean cares that much about $200. Would love to have him come in here and explain what actually happened bc the more I think about this, the more it baffles me.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-10-2011 , 12:57 AM
^ Dean is just a short cut type of guy.

The kind of guy that hears of something profitable and just assumes "hey I can get in on this."

It's sad, but often this is the truth, but nobody tells them "hey, these shortcuts, they actually shortcut your learning and growth, you won't amount to **** if you scam and deceive people for long."

GL Dean, the hard thing is the right thing here, pay the man his money, take your lumps and whatever. Reputation or not in the community, it's a dirty thing to do and you shouldn't sleep well about it until you repay.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-10-2011 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by mjw006
I think its like $200 w/o profit stuff tbh. Such a tiny amount, the more I think about it the less I think Dean was scamming here. More possible he was just walking on Deepak.

I just don't know what to think bc often a scam is calculated and IMO there is no way Dean cares that much about $200. Would love to have him come in here and explain what actually happened bc the more I think about this, the more it baffles me.
yeh but all the suss things add up over time. there was the $2k I nearly lost, the thing with spamz, he scammed $1k or more from mdot/other backers as deepak pointed out in the negative feedback thread and now this. plus the fact that he has set up numerous account names both here and on poker sites, presumably to mislead people and receive further backing.

he was apparently close with deepak, was 'good' online buds with spamz i guess, and I certainly felt like I could trust him... He uses his friendships and trust to get money. Calculated or not, he doesn't have a problem doing it and at this point in time I don't really think his word would be worth anything.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-10-2011 , 03:40 AM
Oh yeah im not defending him or anything, or even trying to justify his actions... All im saying is that it seems like not really a 'scam' for $200, like wtf really?!?! I highly doubt this was some calculated scam or anything is all im saying, just curious as to the motivation behind it rly.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-10-2011 , 05:20 AM
he showed up yesterday on msn
he was pretty upset with site
he said he wasnt going to give $ back, and that he was going to retaliate putting pics of family (he mentioned sister, and father) to a website defaming them, he later changed it saying it was gonna be with my pics and create some kind of threads or w/e with fake history, so dunno

this were last words:
rafa said:
k w/e i fell like i gave the oportunity to solve things, even tho i fell like i do. this is just costing me time and tilting. if u want to solve things u can go to 2p2 or contact a mod u trust or w/e. u know i wont back off just cause u are threating me, so if u escalate things its your choise.
and i rlly dont understand the money issue, it should be shipped regardless, its not yours, its not something to trade, and your decision of comming and threatning to make a site full of lies and trying to somehow compare to what i did is nonsence, instead u should have said u were sry shipped my $ and close the issue
u say u are no scammer, but a scammer would say 'since we dont reach an agreement let me keep the $ anyway, its not like im gaining anything by sending it'
ok obv no getting anywhere, it can remain unresolved i guess. I'm 100% not shipping anything while that site is up. zero % chance. If the site was taking down and kept down for a while and i thought i could trust you while this whole thing blowed over, id ship back. but while its up, no xfer, and i will defend myself in building a site so its linked to your name everytime someone googles you.
t's not a threat, im just telling you exactly what im doing
and i dont have a choice, i feel its my only option while hat sites up. you are basically freerolling if u took site down, thats the ironic part, but w/e, do ur thing, ill do mine
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-10-2011 , 05:32 AM
ok obv no getting anywhere, it can remain unresolved i guess. I'm 100% not shipping anything while that site is up. zero % chance. If the site was taking down and kept down for a while and i thought i could trust you while this whole thing blowed over, id ship back. but while its up, no xfer, and i will defend myself in building a site so its linked to your name everytime someone googles you.
He is pretty stupid also I see. I won't say much more now...
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-10-2011 , 05:44 AM

Couldn't help but think of this...
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-10-2011 , 05:45 AM
What's AoN claiming deepak did? He's calling him a scammer now..?
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-10-2011 , 06:21 AM
he never implied i did anything wrong
he clearly said it was gonna be filled with lies
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-10-2011 , 08:16 AM
I'm so tilted reading his response there, what a piece of garbage.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-10-2011 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by mjw006
Slowrolling is not scummy... Its funny, when I used to play husng's I thought it was really nasty/bad but once you play MTT's it's totally std and funny to slowroll other regs.
This isn't remotely true
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-10-2011 , 11:37 AM
I don't ever slowroll but I think to equate it to scumminess of scamming is a bit silly. It's extremely rude and offensive, but it's not the same as cheating and lying, surely. I think you can argue it is scummy but that would define the word in a very very broad sense, like, if that's scummy then bullying in school probably even more scummy, and so are all racial slurs and death threats, which I mean, those are all bad things, but I'm not sure if scummy is the word for it.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-10-2011 , 11:46 AM
I slowrolled a bit the other day, because it took me several seconds to make sure I indeed had a straight flush when villain shoved the river. Am I a scammer now?
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-10-2011 , 11:57 AM
Ya didn't mean to derail, I'm just stating that slowrolling is neither standard nor funny (with some exceptions) in HUSNGs nor MTTs. On the other hand, when you and your buddies play a 1/2 game for fun, slowrolling should be encouraged, and if it isn't you, then you should find some new friends.

Obviously scamming is on a completely different level

Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-10-2011 , 12:18 PM
meh, slowrolling in mtt's (if guy is all-in) is ******ed.

slowrolling in husngs and cash is standard.

poker is a psychological game and if slow-rolling them gets them to spew off more $ to you, it's in your best interest to do so.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-10-2011 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by rumnchess
Ya didn't mean to derail, I'm just stating that slowrolling is neither standard nor funny (with some exceptions) in HUSNGs nor MTTs. On the other hand, when you and your buddies play a 1/2 game for fun, slowrolling should be encouraged, and if it isn't you, then you should find some new friends.

Obviously scamming is on a completely different level

Definitely true. I lied about NEVER slowrolling. I always slowroll my friend at low stakes. I even warn them about it, and make sure to balance my tank range with folds and slowrolls.

That said, slowrolling to tilt people is a bit of a grey area. In theory it's fine, but it's an ethics thing meaning that it's entirely dependent on what most people think. Some would argue that it's against the spirit of the game to make the game of poker about mental fortitude as opposed to psychology and maths (a thin line between the former two obv), and personally I don't think it's worth the EV to become a player who would say douchey things I don't mean just to piss someone off so they play bad. I would prefer poker being seen as more of battle of logic. For instance hustling someone into playing you when he obv wouldn't play you if he's not a) drunk b)depressed/tilted, c) think you are not a reg can be a bit more debatable depending on the circumstance.

I wouldn't quit a fish online if he was clearly drunk and shipping every hand, but I do think that it's not extremely clear cut if you KNOW your opponent is going to regret playing you/at certain stakes and is clearly not thinking with a clear head. It's obviously his responsibility to not do stupid ****, but whether intentionally exploiting that mistake is within the spirit of the game is debatable.

I think related to the issue with sitting NBI deep husngs with express intentions of timing down and playing players who had no intentions of playing such a long game.

Last edited by Sol Reader; 11-10-2011 at 12:38 PM.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-10-2011 , 12:55 PM
he already responded me today morning after i took site offline
i really dont think he is paying me back now

good, just seems weird you choose to do that now after your words yesterday were so strong and adamant that it was staying up. It leads me to tihnk though people told u to do this obv, and it concerns me a little, would have preferred u taking it down yesterday like i said. but w/e, as soon as it blows over ill send $, the more you add fuel to the situation on 2+2 thread, the longer it will take
to blow over, but guess your not that smart after you made that post on 2+2 etc, doesnt matter coz ur doing ur thing, as soon as i feel its blown over ul get $ back, and if site ever resurfaces or i find anyone using my pictures that you stole, i'll do what i had planned
anyway im off to grind
my response

The money still means a lot to me, maybe in a few days it might not, thats how poker is. I read your response as "good you ceded to my blackmail, let me make some more demands". This will never blow over, this is your name branded in something that really happend, im not inventing anything, and it happend more then once. You can either fix it, or act the way u are doing and still have the audacity to say u are no scammer.
Your anger towards me is misplaced, i did what i had to do and gave plenty of opportunities, u are only angry at the consequences of what you did, the end u should be angry at yourself. maybe if u realize this, u wont do it again
That said, if u do give me the money, dont think we are 'cool', we are not. Your are not doing any favor paying what u owe me.
This is my last peace offer, u should consider this your last chance to make things right.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
