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Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way

11-12-2011 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Deepak
based on one of my pics on facebook, im pretty sure he's gonna build a site offering my sexual pleasures for money.

and based on the fact that im broke, im pretty sure that i'll actually use it
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-12-2011 , 06:34 PM
lol didnt meant like that, its cause i had a pic with an older woman on fb and he commented on it
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-12-2011 , 06:35 PM
this thread is nr 1 on google when you search for Dean Letham. Nice ^^
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-12-2011 , 06:47 PM
2nd for me
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-12-2011 , 06:58 PM
Is dean letham that no good piece of **** who scammed deepak and then refused to return the money?

Im pretty sure it is right?
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-13-2011 , 01:53 AM

Dean Letham. Blaow.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-13-2011 , 01:58 AM
What are your long-term goals? Dean Letham,Glasgow

I just want to win a WPT event. After that, I don’t care if I ever play. I think if I ever win a WPT event I might never do anything but play the WSOP once a year and enjoy my income, my investments the rest of my life. I want that badly. I’ve got two 2nds, a 3rd, a 4th and a 6th. I feel like I deserve one and I want one.

is this AoN? i didn't know he'd been successful in live tournies

edit: nvms

Last edited by yaqh; 11-13-2011 at 02:19 AM.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-13-2011 , 02:11 AM
Did you read it right? I mean, it looks like AoN might ahve asked the question to Mike... and Mike answered it ?
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-13-2011 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by Motown_RC
Did you read it right? I mean, it looks like AoN might ahve asked the question to Mike... and Mike answered it ?
pretty sure it's this
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-13-2011 , 02:19 AM
ahh makes more sense now
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-13-2011 , 08:03 AM
What a piece of ****. On his texts to you it sounds on him like he would do you a ****ing favout if he would ship money back. What a disgusting and heartless excuse of a human being.

Do you know any friends of his, how to contact his mother etc? This may sound silly and childish but whatever I would 100% tell everyone he knows what a pice of **** he is, you would be making them a big favour.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-13-2011 , 09:34 PM
09-11-2011 22:27:28 Dean Letham i have 3 ideas
09-11-2011 22:28:13 Dean Letham one is your involved in a paedo ring, and my friend can link it to a fake news link but make it look to the bbc, 2, scammer i guess, and 3, you some gay ******ed sex predator, what one u like best?
09-11-2011 22:28:31 Dean Letham i assume paedo right?
09-11-2011 22:28:44 Deepak i think i im to sexy for the 3rd
09-11-2011 22:28:48 Deepak def the 1st
09-11-2011 22:28:58 Dean Letham yeah true about the 3rd i guess...
09-11-2011 22:29:43 Dean Letham ok well not sure how long this will take as it obviously has o look very genuine etc, but im sure you'll look forward to finnished article, just thinking of other ideas as well for the rest
09-11-2011 22:30:04 Dean Letham good luck bud, hope u win money some day at poker
09-11-2011 22:30:30 Deepak and i hope i dont borow it to you
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-13-2011 , 09:59 PM
09-11-2011 22:45:30 Dean Letham also lol at tamas
09-11-2011 22:45:39 Dean Letham he wouldnt last 5 mins in my town
09-11-2011 22:45:44 Dean Letham altho funny nevertheless

plenty more... just saving the best ones for last
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-13-2011 , 10:06 PM
I love when people try to be passive aggressive and threaten others

dont make me call so and so

you wont last a second where I live

My friend would beat your ass

dont make me go home and get my xxx

Hey Dean, stop being a *** and pay deepak back.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-13-2011 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
I think it would be fun to follow the guy around on a friday night and cockblock him at all the bars he goes to
"Dean, aren't u legally obligated to tell them u got gonorrhea?" lol
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-13-2011 , 10:19 PM
Man oh man would this community rally if Dean tried to slander/libel Deepak publicly. I don't even think Dean's that dumb to think it's a good idea for him to go that route. There's no doubt he's scummy enough to do it if it were in his best interests, but he has to know somewhere in that idiot brain of his that it's just going to make this situation a bigger and bigger deal, when he really just wants this whole thing to go away.

Payment plan for the people you owe money to is by far the best way to go.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-13-2011 , 10:27 PM
Yeah really, how crazy do you have to be to want to make the situation a LOT bigger than it already is, when it's obvious the best thing for him to do is just take care of the money he owes. It's not like the money would make it all go away but it would be a lot closer to other scams where it's pretty much forgotten about after a few months.

Dean Letham I don't think you realise how bad you are screwing up here by acting like you are, you are going to 100% regret not just paying the money back. No doubt about that.

Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way is a scammer

By the way, his name is bolded because Google picks up on that a tiny bit more.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-14-2011 , 03:27 AM
all or nothing is mersennearys gimmick account. sorry you had to hear it from me.

also, why does every scottish person think theyre begby from trainspotting or something. jesus, nation full of brawlers huh?

actually, now that i think of it, begby is exactly who AoN tried to craft his image around.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-14-2011 , 06:24 PM
lol its cool that if u google Dean Letham pics on google, all of your avatars show up on results
ur clearly all scammers, mine doesnt, im obv the victim
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-14-2011 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
This has to be a convoluted level right?
Originally Posted by Joe Pulaski
all or nothing is mersennearys gimmick account. sorry you had to hear it from me.

also, why does every scottish person think theyre begby from trainspotting or something. jesus, nation full of brawlers huh?

actually, now that i think of it, begby is exactly who AoN tried to craft his image around.
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
I wouldn't put it past mers to concote a 2+2 social experiment like this. I now feel bad for AoN who clearly lost a prop bet and had to be their guinea pig.
I know everyone likes to have fun with levels and jokes in most threads, but just throwing this in there for any newer posters or doubters or non regs that visit this thread: Situation is definitely not a level.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-14-2011 , 08:34 PM
A little blunt but I'm going to delete posts that suggest (jokingly/levellingly) this is a joke/level, I don't want any confusion. Obviously no infractions or anything like that, just want to keep the thread clean.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-14-2011 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Joe Pulaski
all or nothing is mersennearys gimmick account. sorry you had to hear it from me.

also, why does every scottish person think theyre begby from trainspotting or something. jesus, nation full of brawlers huh?

actually, now that i think of it, begby is exactly who AoN tried to craft his image around.
Was AoN the guy who had the Ari Gold avatar and started emulating him for a while? I remember some HUSNG reg who started acting pretty douchey/arrogant once he had that avatar.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-14-2011 , 08:39 PM
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-14-2011 , 08:46 PM
Hey guys I heard Dean Letham is a scammer. I would not deal with this individual.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-14-2011 , 09:18 PM
09-11-2011 22:48:30 Dean Letham im not threatening you rafa
09-11-2011 22:48:59 Dean Letham im so mad at pic u chose too, so ****** ******ed in that one
09-11-2011 22:49:10 Dean Letham but w/e
09-11-2011 22:49:23 Dean Letham but yeah not threatening, as i said im left with no choice
09-11-2011 22:50:06 Deepak lol u want to send me a new one? ill forward it
09-11-2011 22:50:30 Deepak maybe a pic with 2 girls side by side, would look a classy scammer website
09-11-2011 22:50:48 Dean Letham true

09-11-2011 23:04:45 Deepak to bad i dont take ******ed pics
09-11-2011 23:04:56 Dean Letham rlly? saved plenty earlier
09-11-2011 23:05:05 Dean Letham quite fitting for online paedo ring actually :P
09-11-2011 23:05:16 Deepak they all good sexy pics, or it aint me
09-11-2011 23:05:23 Dean Letham maybe we can put your dad as the main guy in the ring eh? :P
09-11-2011 23:05:27 Deepak be carefull, when u post site online
09-11-2011 23:05:37 Deepak tons of girls will be asking for my adress
09-11-2011 23:05:46 Deepak esp when u said its gonna be pedo
09-11-2011 23:05:54 Deepak the 14 y/o will go crazy
09-11-2011 23:05:55 Dean Letham dont worry, i have your address, its goingon, so plenty of them coming your way hola!
i prob shoulda kept my mouth shut more and let him continue with random threats, but its kinda hard to take a guy like this seriously
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
