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Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way

11-07-2011 , 02:26 PM
lol dhcg he was talking about a rail session we did, but tell me more

well it seams he's not gonna show up, he was talking on stars, i showed link etc, he ignored me and is grinding 60s now, mods can u change thread name pls to add his name?
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by rumnchess
Never liked the guy.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 03:28 PM
Need a sticky topic on top of the forum *Known scammers* with all screen names and any information that's been out-ed about them.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Deepak
lol dhcg he was talking about a rail session we did, but tell me more

well it seams he's not gonna show up, he was talking on stars, i showed link etc, he ignored me and is grinding 60s now, mods can u change thread name pls to add his name?
I could be wrong! So unless ohly speaks up, then I probably am =)
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 04:01 PM
lol u got mad at me making fun of penis talk on regs thread (issues?) then decided to try makes things worse once ohly said that
which is a pretty douche thing to do on this thread imo
unfortunately for u ohly was j/k

go back to googling random girls and posting them on regs thread, wont make u any less ugly thought
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 04:20 PM
Actually I was just saying what I thought I remembered. Nothing more/less.

But way to get defensive =)

And Im not sure what youre talking about regarding the regs thread =/
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 04:28 PM
u called me scammy on a thread im complaining about getting scammed, just that
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 04:37 PM
Actually I said if it was true, then that was scummy.

So if you feel scummy, then it was true, and if you dont feel scummy, then its not true
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 04:52 PM
i need bunza
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 06:09 PM
Slowrolling is not scummy... Its funny, when I used to play husng's I thought it was really nasty/bad but once you play MTT's it's totally std and funny to slowroll other regs.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 07:06 PM
i am sorry if this was only obvious to me, i was making a joke.
the only time i saw him slowrolling was in a funny railsession we had against a villain who offended him, from what i know deepak is a cool guy.

Last edited by ohly; 11-07-2011 at 07:08 PM. Reason: just wanted to bump his thread because **** this AoN guy
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 07:08 PM
oh yea, I know u were j/k. Just wanted to point out that slowrolling is not even scummy tho
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 07:36 PM
yah dont worry ohly, dhcg86 has issues
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 07:54 PM
All the posts below that might be semi related from the THOAC "I am French Kido" thread:

Originally Posted by All_or_Nothing
Yeah there was but it's a fact that i haven't scammed anyone of a $. I've made a lot of bad decisions related to poker under hard times but i've done my best to sort them and continue to do so with stuff away from 2+2 with people from here.

Maybe we should get back on topic to a scumbag who actually gave a false name, false number and fake address to his staker yet claims his intentions were not to scam?? Look super soliiiid to me...
Originally Posted by All_or_Nothing
It was over some hours, not a day. And i hope ChicagoRy can confirm he didn't talk me out of anything. I told him right from the beginning of the conversation that i was shipping straight back. We had a conversation about various other things on why i came to that point but he certainly didn't talk me out of it and i never threatened to keep it. So maybe you should get some facts before posting that. It doesn't make what i done right ofc, i ****ed up big time but it's not even close to someone who fakes names, address and numbers and then actually steals the money.

Maybe i should have made a new forum name, befriended you for a while and then get semi-defended from you on here eh? :P

Originally Posted by All_or_Nothing
I actually do give a **** Mers and i'm still angry at myself for doing that. I geniunely didn't know how long it was purely because my head was all over the place at that time and i just double checked the PMs. However, i did pay the money back and i'm happy i came to the right decision in the end. It was a moment of madness and i've never stole a $ in my life. I had 8k of spamz money in my account sometimes and i could have stole that at any point. I've had 4-5k of primos and could have done the same. That situation with Dake was in the heat of the moment at a very bad time in my life.

What i will say is this. I did not intentionally set-up a scamming plan like Greg has done. I have no intentions of hiding behind a new name. I'll defend myself under this name. I've made a lot of mistakes and i deserve a lot of 'scumbag' comments or w/e, but i'm not in the same bracket as the scumbag friend you are trying to semi-defend on this forum buddy. Nice to see how you judge these 2 situations though.

OK well tell ryan to go over the actual conversation. He can even send you it, if he has it which i'm sure theres a good chance of going back in history. I'll try it myself.

The facts were, i did have a long conversation with Ryan but it wasn't him convincing me to send back the money. The conversation was about why i had came to that situation and we were discussing my business i had at the time and what i could do. ALl the while we were chatting i was exchanging emails with FTP sorting out the xfer back to Dale. I told Ryan right from the start that i was shipping back, if he can get the history then that'll be proved.

That is the facts Mers.

Solid derail.
Originally Posted by All_or_Nothing
I agree that you have had plenty of times to do this. But my point is that when you won that MTT, you won a nice bit of $ for yourself too so you weren't under real financial pressure. And i believe that's the only time you would potentially scam like you done before. You were also doing ok with 2mans.

So my point is just if you were still under financial pressure like you were the first time, would you do what you did again under the new name.
Originally Posted by All_or_Nothing
Didn't JG scam 'Grow' on here as well? I seem to remember him asking me if i'd heard from JG as he was staking him but disappeared. Could be wrong but i'm fairly certain he was involved too and lost $.
Originally Posted by All_or_Nothing
Because you gave a false name right from the start bud. I know this 100%. You gave your correct first name but changed your surname and provided either a fake number, or a dead number that you no longer used. It just seems odd to me that you would provide fake details for a stake. Maybe you were just really private about your details etc, but the fact you did scam, makes it more likely you intended to do? IDK, just my thoughts.
Originally Posted by ChicagoRy
To clarify this little babble from you two.

Good job on the bolded.

I looked back through the PM exchange and chat logs surrounding this incident.

- On Jan 11th 2011, around 8pm (Chicago time) I was contacted by a poker friend who told me that his friend has been waiting 18 hours for AoN to send him a 2k transfer that was agreed on in the regs thread (AoN had posted wanting to trade 2k, the reg said sure, then AoN hadn't sent).

Side note: You guys see why I say all transfers should be posted in the official p2p transfer thread on 2p2? I'm not some forum nazi that gets off on building hurdles, it's for everybody's protection.

- Around 808PM I sent this private message to AoN:

- Shortly after I saw that he read it. At 930PM I sent him a more pointed PM, outlined below:

In reality I had no right to promise the last bit, since I couldn't control what the other party wanted to do (more on this later) and wouldn't try to control that anyways bc it's not appropriate here.

- Within 10 minutes AoN replies "we'll talk soon."

- I reply a bit after 10pm that we should talk very soon, tonight really, no later than early tomorrow and get this figured out.

- He IMs me shortly after, we talk for a bit. He explains the situation, it was a private conversation and unless AoN wants it republished or calls me a liar or something I don't see any reason to make it public, but it can be summed up as: He had some account issues on FTP, he had some cash flow issues with a business he was working on, he made a bad decision not to send the money back initially and about 10 or 12 lines into the conversation he said he would be sending back.

- At 1am I received a PM from the other party that the transfer had been made (and received a message from AoN of the same sometime as well). The other party thanked me and said without my help he doubts it would've happened, I said I can't take full credit here, often people make the decision on whether or not they will pay back money independent of what a third party says. He later bought me a cookie basket with Stars fpps (cookies were good, recommended).

- My exchange with AoN wasn't insincere. Getting the money back and helping AoN were never at odds here because there is almost no way in my mind that it wasn't in AoN's best interest to send the money back. If I were forced to choose one, say if AoN had given me his account password and I knew I could make an irreversible transfer to the victim's account, I certainly would've, but I still feel that would also be in AoN's best interest, even if he objected (sorry to get all theoretical there).

It appears this was a 25 hour ordeal, from when the trade was agreed to from when AoN sent the money.

This has never been made public before I believe, the other party chose not to do that (or mentioned it vaguely in the regs thread shortly after the incident?). And while in scamming situations, the victim doesn't have the right to protect the scammer's identity, I think this situation was closer to a lapse in judgement than a scam, since the money was returned in ~25 hours.

That said, I don't get why you even posted in here AoN? I mean, this could've easily been you, if the other party in your dispute had just taken to 2p2 right away and called you out publicly, even if you paid back, you'd of already had a public humiliation thread like this up and people calling for your head and calling you dirty things. He could've also done this after you sent the money back. So imo, while what you did was basically a momentary lapse in judgement, it could've easily spiraled into this type of thread, so no need to get all angry and up in arms about THOAC, even if his actions were obviously worse. I mean, I assume if the community knew what happened that night, rectified or not, you wouldn't have likely posted in this thread here.

On that note, the same thing goes for THOAC when he was calling out livb in the regs thread the other day. You know you're FK at the time, yet you call livb a big hypocrite and make a grandstanding big deal about it. Meh.

In any case, I think if people need to talk more about the AoN situation, they can do so privately, in the LC thread or if the community thinks there is a need, a separate dedicated thread.

The focus of this thread should be about THOAC, his actions, his motivations, his story (and if it adds up/can be verified as true) and his amends.
Originally Posted by ChicagoRy
Dhc brought it to my attention that he read it in the regs thread.

So apparently this was public, just nobody seemed to recall that part (myself included).

From 1-13-11 in regs thread

Here are all the relevant posts that I found, may have missed some:
the above quoted link would go here
Originally Posted by All_or_Nothing
That's great Ryan, thanks for the info/post. I knew 100% i never threatened anyone that i wasn't giving it back because i never talked to anyone besides you. And when we did i did say i was giving it back. I didn't have to be talked out of anything so i'll obviously defend myself when a mod tries to state things that is incorrect.

Anyway, your probably right in the fact that i shouldn't have got involved here Ryan but i did have some information as i did look into Adam when he scammed JG. And i knew 100% he gave a false name/number and i believe that's relevant info no? I also can confirm he was going through hard times as he was always complaining to me on MSN, so i can confirm that part of his story. So that's mainly why i posted.
Originally Posted by mersenneary
Correction appreciated on "threatened". We'll have our own interpretations about whether you ever intended to run with the money, but I think the fact that Dale thought there was a good chance it was gone and you refused to talk for a while says enough. In this thread it's been pointed out that the right way to go is the Gary Neville way of understanding that you're going to take your licks about bad behavior and that's something I'd suggest you take to heart as well. When you have a bad history about integrity issues and you comment on somebody's integrity issues, you have to know that it's going to come up, and you have to be ready for that and be prepared to take your lumps.
Originally Posted by All_or_Nothing
I think anyone would think that someone was going to run with the money if that happened, regardless of who it was or w/e. I find it hard for a victim to feel anything positive about that situation.

And yes i couldn't care less what people say tbh. I don't have a reputation here so why would it bother me? It bothers me when people state things that aren't the truth and i'll always defend myself on lies about me. So yes i do deserve bad posts about me, and names etc, but i don't deserve people to just make up stuff about me.

Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Deepak
i need bunza
I'm here for you buddy.

Dhcg, it's not cool implying scummy behaviour on a thread about how he was victimized. Your slander only victimizes him more. And fwiw, slowrolling is nothing compared to cheating, and it was a joke anyways.
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 09:29 PM
Is dhcg86 the kid from the US Army?
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 09:36 PM
dhcg IS the US army
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 09:46 PM
I wish I was still young enough to be a kid. And I WAS in the Army. not anymore. These days I dont do much of anything except spend money fixing my BMW
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 10:06 PM
I feel saddened by the fact that I didn't even know about the THOAC/F_K thing until this thread... I am ashamed w/myself for being so out of touch...
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-07-2011 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by mjw006
I feel saddened by the fact that I didn't even know about the THOAC/F_K thing until this thread... I am ashamed w/myself for being so out of touch...
IRL best-online-buddy name scams IT(that)T
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-08-2011 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by mdot20
DO NOT STAKE - Dean Letham aka Swedish Nightmare on 2+2, mi$$ $weden on Pokerstars, & dean.letham on Skype.

Started to back him for $57.50s on Pokerstars and has not responded to emails and PMs on 2+2 in over a week. Logged onto this site today, so he is definitely seeing my messages, but choosing to ignore them. He blocked me on Facebook and is clearly rolling the stake.

He has $1000 of our groups' funds and has shown a small profit on Sharkscope, so he owes 50% of that as well.
found on 2p2 NEGATIVE Feedback Thread
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-08-2011 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by mersenneary
Cornell Fiji scammed after making a huge reputation for himself going after cheaters/scammers. Very anti-gay politicians turn out to be homosexual all the time. It's a way of deflecting themselves on to others. What better way to suggest you're not something than to go hard after someone else who is?
ww 101
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-08-2011 , 07:25 PM
How recent is that from Deepak?

so sick Dean

edit: wow March this year
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
11-08-2011 , 07:29 PM
mid march, makes sence, was at the time he joined ftp under a new sn, asked me for the 300$ to play there just for a few days, then we started playing 4 mans
Yet Another Scam Story - Dean Letham, All_or_Nothing (AON), ushipmyway, Uship This Way Quote
