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**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** **** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)****

05-11-2013 , 05:23 AM
Clicked on it but have no facebook account

Getting curious now lol
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-11-2013 , 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by Irregular
WARNING!! Not for those WITH a heart, you just might take action...

It's got nothing on 3 guys 1 hammer.
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-11-2013 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by Irregular
WARNING!! Not for those WITH a heart, you just might take action...

It really made me very sad, not angry.

For anyone that has not yet clicked on the link...don't let curiosity get the better of you, u don't need to see this, it is going to ruin a big chunk of your day.
And there is nothing u can do about this kind of stuff.
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-11-2013 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by arlecchino76
It really made me very sad, not angry.

For anyone that has not yet clicked on the link...don't let curiosity get the better of you, u don't need to see this, it is going to ruin a big chunk of your day.
And there is nothing u can do about this kind of stuff.
haven't yet clicked... what is it?
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-11-2013 , 12:57 PM
People killing people in a very brutal way.
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-11-2013 , 05:04 PM
This is some ****ed up ****.....this is beyond cruel...

As some of you know, I lived in Nigeria (W. Africa) for a few years when I was a kid b/c my dad was a professor and taught at one of the universities there. I went to school there for grades 1-4, and some of my earliest recollections of life are W. African. Because we were foreigners, we were protected, and I had a wonderful time; Africa is simply magnificent. But we also knew that it was a very rough place. I myself saw a guy being beaten (to death I presume, didn't hang around to see) when I was 6, he had apparently raped a girl and the girl's brother and cousins and villagers took the law into their own hands b/c the police there is non-existent. I saw enough of it before my dad drove off to affect me to this day. He was bloody and just about dead, just swaying with his mouth open, one of his eyes was crushed.

This clip is on another level altogether, Irregular. Are these people criminals? It doesn't matter, there is no crime that deserves this severe a punishment. This is waaaaaaaaaaay too far. But you know, in the Middle East, you can be stoned to death, have your hand cut off, in Europe in the 19th century and before, there were public torture and stoning and stuff, China also has a history of brutal punishment, in India, public burnings were common in the past.......the bottom line is: humanity is ****ed up. We are evil. And since God made us, what does that tell you about our creator?

Someone wrote this, apparently this is the reason behind it:

Those responsible for the bashing and burning of these victims have been prosecuted.
The unbelievable part of this disgrace act is that those responsible were family members of the victims, simply because of two reasons; They wanted to inherit the land from the elders, and the elders were suspected of witchcraft (Reason for burning)
This is still happening till this day, and what are officials doing? Nada!

Last edited by bunzablood; 05-11-2013 at 05:12 PM.
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-11-2013 , 05:14 PM
They were just accused of withcraft
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-11-2013 , 05:20 PM
That's the saddest part...
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-11-2013 , 06:09 PM
I went through a phase of watching stuff like this a few months ago... After the first vid I saw I didn't eat or sleep properly for a day, and now I'm no longer seriously affected.

Not sure if facebook should allow vids like these but if you are interested (makes good drinking games)- go and watch the Banned in America series which are widely available online.

RE Africa- some parts of it are just ridiculous ****ed up. Look at this doc if you are interested on Liberia:

Cannibalism and rape is everyday occurrence there...

Also obv for those in the know proper gore is very easy to find and it's not on facebook.
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-15-2013 , 09:14 PM
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-15-2013 , 11:21 PM
beat level 2 in exactly 15
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-15-2013 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
^ this girl looks a lot like my ex...this girl has bigger boobs but my ex had a bigger ass, and I'm an assman so I think I'll take my ex over this girl, well actually not anymore tho cuz this is new pussy, so no I'll take this chick over my ex if given a chance. I like them exotic looking chicks. Oh and nice video!
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-15-2013 , 11:28 PM
If you had one day to spend in paris what would you do?
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-16-2013 , 12:13 AM
a French chick of course.
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-16-2013 , 02:02 AM
Man this !@$ is just so crazy, like unreal... obviously I'd love to try it / do it well, but just flirting soooooooo close to death with how close they fly to things, seems so not worth it, but man it's impressive

**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-16-2013 , 03:14 AM
Grizzzzzzzzzzzzz (flex) bring on SA or GS!

Vancouver grizz at heart!
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-16-2013 , 03:51 AM
haha I'm soooo tilted they are in Vancouver anymore, I would 10000% snap have season tickets. I really really wished I lived in a city that had an NBA team, and even tho I !@)$ing hate the dumb grizzlies, I'd be a huge fan if they were here :-p.

also SA is going to steamroll the !@_)$* out of them :-p
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-16-2013 , 04:03 AM
A friend of mine said I should check out a new show called Castle. Has anyone here seen it?
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-16-2013 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by ibavly
beat level 2 in exactly 15
you sir, could have won 25-1 betting wit ComptonMasta :-p

Originally Posted by Craggoo
A friend of mine said I should check out a new show called Castle. Has anyone here seen it?
Do you mean the old show Castle that has been around forever and is my wife's mom's favorite show? If so, probably not. But I haven't seen it so I can't be sure
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-16-2013 , 04:37 AM
Omg Ladders, I really laughed out loud seeing that Balloonhead with the headphones

Guess you are already better? If not get well soon!
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-16-2013 , 05:34 AM
Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
Do you mean the old show Castle that has been around forever and is my wife's mom's favorite show? If so, probably not. But I haven't seen it so I can't be sure
I guess it's only somewhat new. First season was 2009. Is that your wife's mom's show?
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-16-2013 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
Man this !@$ is just so crazy, like unreal... obviously I'd love to try it / do it well, but just flirting soooooooo close to death with how close they fly to things, seems so not worth it, but man it's impressive
You need a ****ton of experience (jumps) to start doing this. And still a lot of pros die in accidents.
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-16-2013 , 03:09 PM
lololololol, watching deadwood again cause I never finished it, and I have to say Al Sweringan has to be one of the greatest characters of all time... so many awesome quotes from him.

The whole village is getting RAVAGED by the plague, and the newspaper guy is writing about it in the paper.. with Al (the kinda of mini-boss of the time / running the inn/whores/gambling/etc.) overlooking... and at the end of him writing it up the headline is:

The Plague in Deadwood

And Al goes "Shouldn't there be a question mark here... 'The Plague... In Deadwood?'"

may not seem that funny here, but watching it I'm just LOL'ing, would def. recommend this show if you can deal w/a western theme (HBO show tho super well done)

**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-16-2013 , 04:15 PM
Sweringan is the man. Deadwood is a top show all time.

Wu is badass too.

I wish they followed through on doing two more two hour episodes to end it out. There was going to be an epic flood or some such event. Oh well. The director had to go do that John in Cincinnati garb.
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-16-2013 , 05:18 PM
unless you are a 50year old housewife, don't watch castle
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