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**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** **** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)****

05-26-2013 , 11:32 PM
Haha, go figure, us and our opinions.
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05-27-2013 , 02:09 AM
i watched it completely, and i had to warm up to it a bit at first. but it really escalated well haha
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05-27-2013 , 02:23 AM

Suits, ftw
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05-27-2013 , 07:24 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoRy
Saw the first two episodes of season 4 Arrested Development last night.

I'm a bit disappointed. I don't think it's on par with prior seasons, but I don't think it's a trainwreck either. Hoping it'll just take a bit to warm up and/or it'll appreciate with rewatching (happens sometimes), but not off to a hot start imo.

Anyone else watch? Thoughts?
We all have insane expectations and it will be hard to enjoy it on first viewin. I m sure season 3 would be considered a trainwreck if released now
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05-28-2013 , 05:05 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoRy
Saw the first two episodes of season 4 Arrested Development last night.

I'm a bit disappointed. I don't think it's on par with prior seasons, but I don't think it's a trainwreck either. Hoping it'll just take a bit to warm up and/or it'll appreciate with rewatching (happens sometimes), but not off to a hot start imo.

Anyone else watch? Thoughts?
absolutely hating it so far and no clue why im even continuing watching, only up to episode 3 yet tho
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05-28-2013 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by fastcolt
absolutely hating it so far and no clue why im even continuing watching, only up to episode 3 yet tho
Same here, but then for season 1.
I watched 5 episodes of season 1 6 months ago. Hated it. Stopped watching. For one or other reason continued with another 5 episodes.
Still did not enjoyed it , I am done now.
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05-28-2013 , 10:38 PM
Im warming up to it to be honest, at episode 9 now or so +- I cant remember for the life of me if they also had it in previous seasons that it was this one or two episodes about each character and what happened to him?

I really just dislike the entire style usually of shows where its shot like this one big scene and then we just see everyones day leading up to coming together with the other characters (or in this case everyones past few months/years leading up to the trial)
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05-28-2013 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
We all have insane expectations and it will be hard to enjoy it on first viewin. I m sure season 3 would be considered a trainwreck if released now
I just expect it to be like other seasons.

Granted, season 3 you're right was prolly worse than 1 and 2, but it wasn't so bad that I didn't enjoy it still. I'd give seasons 1 and 2 like a 9 or 9.5 and season 3 an 8 or so.

Why should 4 be different? At first glance, 7 years later, bringing back a show, seems like it could be way different. But iirc the writers have been writing stuff on it for years, since season 3 ended I believe. And they got the entire cast back as well.

I can't say much though bc I'm only 2 eps in, I just can't recall 2 eps as unfunny as those two in any of the first 3 seasons. Just so many things they did were not that funny.

Originally Posted by fastcolt
Im warming up to it to be honest, at episode 9 now or so +- I cant remember for the life of me if they also had it in previous seasons that it was this one or two episodes about each character and what happened to him?

I really just dislike the entire style usually of shows where its shot like this one big scene and then we just see everyones day leading up to coming together with the other characters (or in this case everyones past few months/years leading up to the trial)
They didn't do the shows like this in the past. I don't think it is that though, it's just what is going on is not that funny. We could've followed a character around in previous seasons and so much that was going on was pretty funny.

That's been my experience, but I'm 15% of the way through, pretty early still.
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05-29-2013 , 12:42 AM
I tend to agree with you ryan, I personally just have a very cringe-like feeling seeing scenes/shows shot with all those characters coming together (cfr. last episode of season 2 of house of lies) I just personally dislike it for whatever reason I cant point my finger on. I guess its just because it feels uneventfull, its just like hey look what this guy has been doing till we got here (now) and then 3 eps later its another characters turn to see what he has been up too, but id rather have it be focussed on the now and moving forward rather then trying to catch up catch up catch up, not sure what we are catching up too either, like yeah everyone got a bit older and they have to explain what they did in those years, but it feels to me like the entire season is dedicated to it and is just a big catchup from different points of view instead of an ongoing funny thing. Seems to be leading up to
lucilles 1 trial (if that wasnt clear yet)
but im honestly not even interested in it.

Meh dont know, overall Its been so long since Ive watched the other seasons, but definitely not superhappy with it, like you say its just not that funny imo as well and I hate just catching up. However I do hope after this they do another "normal" season where we can follow ongoing events instead of this catching up from different POV's, thats hopefully funnier. It just overall feels to slowpaced and too much coincidence + superrepetitive I guess its great for people who like the "ingenuity" of how they all end up together
but things like lindsey and her husband accidentally being on the same flight twice and not noticing each other etc, is just zzzz to me for example

** Really dont click spoiler UNLESS your up to like episode 9 or so +-, not like it are huge plottwists or so, but just dont want to talk about certain scenes and take the little bit of funny-ness out of it before youve even seen it once **
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05-29-2013 , 01:03 AM
afaik the fact that there is only ONE scene in the entire season where actually all the characters are in the same place is not due to writing, but it was kind of a compromise since it was hard to get all the actors together at the same time, due to them all doing other projects, too. (one of the reasons we will never see a new season of firefly)
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05-29-2013 , 04:43 AM
Saw another (bad) episode.

I don't mind the characters being in different places, and while the storyline doesn't excite me, I think it has more to do with the humor than anything. I just don't think this is nearly as funny as it used to be.

I'm hoping it changes, but if I had to put my finger on it, it is the writing. Maybe the actors were more involved with their lines in the first 3 seasons and they really had time to retool it and make it as funny as possible. Perhaps this season 4 is just what the writers could do. Given yay's info about it being hard to get people in the same place, it would not surprise me if some of the cast were quite talented writers in previous seasons and just did not have the proper time for input on this season.

I'm still only 3 in, but that's 1.5 hrs (30 min eps, pretty cool feature, if only it was funny!).

If my theory above is correct though, I could just be running bad. Given the subjects of the first 3 episodes, they are 3 of the more higher profile actors/actress in the series. Perhaps Buster and Tobias will kill it.

Flashback Lucile and George is very well done though. Maybe season 4 should've been a flashback with all new actors
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05-29-2013 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by yay
afaik the fact that there is only ONE scene in the entire season where actually all the characters are in the same place is not due to writing, but it was kind of a compromise since it was hard to get all the actors together at the same time, due to them all doing other projects, too. (one of the reasons we will never see a new season of firefly)
Yeah its not that I can't grasp that or something, but to me it just makes it overall feel like its rushed/cheap/... Like, it kind of comes off to me as it was this thing on the side that the actors did and not really like their main job if that makes sense? It just feels unfunny/sloppy/cheap overall to me. Also interesting to note maybe that on the credits michael cera is listed as a director or producer or something, would've thought he'd be most busy out of all the actors.

But thats what it really feels like to me, a compromise, where yes they got the original cast back together (at least in one scene :P), yes we got a new season, but its definitely not as good/witty as the previous ones imo.

That being said I really am warming up to it a little bit more and will finish it for sure, but I'm not as fist pump happy about it as i was about the previous seasons.
(read; Need to blaze to enjoy it )

^not a spoiler about the show.
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05-29-2013 , 12:18 PM
It gets much better after the first 3-4.. pretty sure it's mainly to do with the one character per ep thing.
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05-29-2013 , 04:44 PM
I have to say, I feel like Gob's episode is the turning point and it definitely gets better for me from there onwards (ep 7) but yeah, hate the character per ep thing
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05-29-2013 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by Xereles
It gets much better after the first 3-4.. pretty sure it's mainly to do with the one character per ep thing.
more that the characters featured in the first 4 episodes weren't very strong on their own* They did make it work somehow and I know why they had to do it etc.
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05-30-2013 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by bunzablood
Petroleum industry is definitely the place to be, I work with mining companies primarily, and that means petroleum, lots of money there for sure.
Originally Posted by Pirus82
My friend recently went to Australia and is on £500 a day over there with only a few years experience. There are jobs available for this all over the world and they pay very well as most jobs do in the petroleum industry.
I also feel commodities not only petroleum will be hot in the upcomming years.
Can you guys be more specific about which positions pays this big money you guys are referring to? Some kind of management function? And best wishes for you in the future Pirius
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05-30-2013 , 08:35 AM

Is this guy a professional 2+2 poster? About to hit 100k...
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05-30-2013 , 08:52 AM
curious what stakes he plays, must be super good by now, or a troll...
**** "Return of the LC" LC Thread  (Semi NSFW)**** Quote
05-30-2013 , 09:05 AM
just looked at his last posts
not 1 about poker all about sports
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05-30-2013 , 11:21 AM
Just post on pog you'll get to 100k in no time
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05-30-2013 , 01:43 PM
Im not sure on the title of his role, I would guess it has some sort of management involved. Another friend who works in the UK, he works offshore on the rigs, 2 weeks work he gets £5000, if he wants to work longer he can and he will get a lot of overtime for it. He is no manager but he has to inspect other peoples work to make sure its done right.
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05-30-2013 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Pirus82
The UK is great for some things but horrible for others. I would love to live in other parts of Europe also.... Portugal, Spain being the main 2, maybe France in the countryside would be another option and I would also love to learn another language.

I fell in love with the US when I first went there, every year for the last 8 years I would go and spend 3 months in Florida and enjoy life and a month or so in Vegas earlier in the year usually around WSOP time. I love the American way of life, its all geared towards enjoying it and having fun, the UK is all geared to working all your life to pay off things and then you retire old and you think what did I do with my life?

There will be a civil war in the UK, probably in my lifetime the way things are going, we are lucky it didn't rapidly escalate after those Muslims beheaded one of our soldiers in the streets of London in broad daylight. Riots have started over a lot less here in the past.

So do you juggle a full time job and also poker?
Really? I'm sure that England is 10 times better for life then US , if only u people would stop insisting on driving on the wrong side of the road , and the weather of course.

Spain and Portugal are a different story, would love to live there, Italy too. France not really.
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05-30-2013 , 03:00 PM
Yeah I am biased but I prefer UK to America too. There is something about being humble, self-deprecating humour, not taking yourself seriously etc.

Patriotism/nationalism/arrogance is a huge turnoff for me. Not that it's a major thing in America, but it's part of the culture for sure. I don't particularly like the fact that all school children have to pledge allegiance to a flag, and that you can't be a president if you aren't seen as a christian.
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05-30-2013 , 03:14 PM
US >>> UK lifewise imo (been in both few times, saw a lot) i just like the country better but also really depends on the specific state in the US

everyone opinions differs ofc, and since this is a poker forum, US sucks for poker obv
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05-30-2013 , 03:56 PM
^^ That's true. Life in US is deffo much better than UK in terms of material things. I'm just against most political agendas.

Also I'm not sure where Pirus got the idea that Americans in general work to live as opposed to people in UK- but the average American worker gets fewer holidays by far (but obv more pay, and are richer). The worst country for work/life balance is South Korea.
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