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***** Beginner's Questions Thread ***** ***** Beginner's Questions Thread *****

08-15-2010 , 11:58 AM
Yeah, 220s are bigger than NL200, but not really by that much. Also, 12ptbb/100 is certainly doable, here's PT screenshot with 24.74ptbb/100 (or 49.48bb/100) at NL200 over 90k hands (not my stats, I suck).

220s, even turbos, are certainly smaller stakes than NL400, which is the lowest level considered midstakes in cash.
08-15-2010 , 01:21 PM
Hello, do u guys know what sites (besides UB) have HU cash smaller than 50NL?
08-15-2010 , 01:30 PM
If you can play on euro sites iPoker, Ongame and Entraction at least.
08-15-2010 , 01:30 PM
cake has 20nl, bodog has 5nl, 10nl, 25nl

I think there are a couple of others but those are the ones I know.
08-15-2010 , 01:33 PM
anyone have any tips or pointers to reference on getting better at hand reading? Even just describing your thought process on how you hand read might be helpful to me. Thanks-
08-15-2010 , 03:53 PM
how much longer before the green line meets the red line?

08-15-2010 , 04:15 PM
What makes you think they should meet at some point? If you are 35 buy-ins below EV now and you run neutral from now on, it means you'll stay at 35 bi under.

PS. 35bi under EV is nothing...
08-15-2010 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by chinz
What makes you think they should meet at some point? If you are 35 buy-ins below EV now and you run neutral from now on, it means you'll stay at 35 bi under.

PS. 35bi under EV is nothing...
its alot when its half ur profit

basicly what happens is... i run normal at small stakes move up, run rly bad, move back down, grind it back so i can move up... and again i get doomswitched.

So, I need advice on how many buyins i should keep for the next stake level before moving up, i usually keep 30, but that doesnt seem like its good enough. is 50 good? how bout 75 or even 100?
08-16-2010 , 05:55 PM
Full Tilt Poker $5 + $0.25 Heads Up No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t15/t30 Blinds - 2 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

BTN/SB: t1670 55.67 BBs
Hero (BB): t1330 44.33 BBs

Pre Flop: (t45) Hero is BB with 9 K
BTN/SB calls t15, Hero raises to t75, BTN/SB calls t45

Flop: (t150) 8 4 J (2 players)
Hero bets t95, BTN/SB raises to t1595 all in, Hero calls t1160 all in

Turn: (t2660) 5 (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t2660) 9 (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t2660
BTN/SB shows Js 6s (a pair of Jacks)
Hero shows 9c Kc (a pair of Nines)
BTN/SB wins t2660

Is this a bad call I made? I figured I had at least 12 outs (flush draw and 1 over), possibly 15 outs since it's kinda unlikely that he would shove top pair that early in the match.
08-16-2010 , 08:20 PM
12 outs is about 43% equity.
there is 1405 in pot and you need to add 1255 so you have 1405 to 1255 pot odds or 1255/(1405+1255)=47%.
Just not enough.

Btw if your opponent makes these kind of bets constantly; wait & you will have way better spots with equity alot more in your favor. Agrotards are not hard; they build pots for you.
08-17-2010 , 10:59 AM
sorry about the format.
6th hand v was passive until now.
he called a 4bb raise earlyer before and folded to a donk on a paired board where i got a overpair.

i maybee shoult bet out flop here? i dont know no reads yet and
iam totaly lost in the hand. dont know what to do here,
someone has a frew lines for me?
i set him on a Ax or PP with a spade. any spade hmmm????
QTJ? pls help whats the correct line here against unknown maybee tight.

FullTilt Poker Game 23136970227 / Tournament
Table 1 - 17:20:37 ET - 2010/08/16
Blinds : 10/20

2 players
[But]+[SB] cardswinin06 (1430)
[BB] newroot (1570)

newroot :Kh :Kc Initial Pot: 30

cardswinin06 raises to 40
newroot raises to 80
cardswinin06 calls 40
### FLOP ### :6s :Ts :As Pot: 160
newroot checks
cardswinin06 bets 80
newroot calls 80
### TURN ### :4c Pot: 320
newroot checks
cardswinin06 bets 100
newroot raises to 240
cardswinin06 calls 140
### RIVER ### :Ah Pot: 800
newroot checks
cardswinin06 checks
newroot shows :Kh :Kc
cardswinin06 shows :Qh :Ad
cardswinin06 wins 800 from the main pot with Three of a kind, aces
08-17-2010 , 11:04 AM
think the fist mistake was i didnt bet flop here.
how mutch to bet here?
08-17-2010 , 02:32 PM
Cant really read the hh hurting my eyes, looks like you min3b pre which is your biggest mistake, make it at least 3x the initial raise and bet the flop then look to get to sd.
08-17-2010 , 05:06 PM
Just a tip.

Click "Go advanced" when posting.

Then go completely to the right in the blue header stating
"The Two Plus Two Hand Converter: Powered by" and click on "Click to expand". And you have your tool to make HH readable.

For one or other reason people does not seem to see this feature when posting HH.
08-17-2010 , 05:15 PM
What is typical variance in HUNL?

Right now, my standard deviation of BB/100 (big bets) is 58.33. I've only played ~10k, so I have no idea what's typical.
08-17-2010 , 05:39 PM
Which software should I use to analyse my HUSNG's?
08-17-2010 , 06:47 PM
I'm thinking about purchasing Poker Copilot 2 for Mac, because I hate running HEM on Parallels.

So I was thinking about, is there something big I'm gonna be missing from HEM? What does HEM have that Copilot doesn't have?

Also, is this graph "okay" for the 10$ husngs?

08-17-2010 , 07:14 PM
^ Why don't you give the trial version of copilot a go and see if there's anything you'd miss? I haven't used HEM all that much, but it certainly has a lot more stats/filters available. Also, copilot doesn't have a tournament EV graph in $/BIs like the one you posted; it's EV graph are in tournament chips.
08-17-2010 , 08:13 PM
Hey guys.

So, the games I play are typically limited to BR/200 in MTT's and about BR/100 STSNG's, with an occasional shot in a higher buyin MTT, but I've been playing alot of HU lately and am really loving my winrate and ROI, and see a ton of value continuing to grind these games, but right now I'm playing them relative to my roll as if they are STT's.

I'm sure ROI and ability has alot to do with it, but generally, what % of my BR can I comfortably grind HUSNG's with?

Thanks in advance for the advice.
08-17-2010 , 09:52 PM
It mainly depends how comfortable you are with swings and if you're willing to move down if necessary.

If you don't mind moving down and you think you have a solid winrate then 20-30 buy ins (3-5 percent) should be fine.

If you're more risk adverse then maybe 50 buy ins (2 percent) is better for you
08-18-2010 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by wiltronic
anyone have any tips or pointers to reference on getting better at hand reading? Even just describing your thought process on how you hand read might be helpful to me. Thanks-
There's so many things you can do. A good way I think is to sometimes rail a match that's playing between two other people, follow the action of both the players and try to put them on ranges, ask yourself logically what hands correspond to the action their taking. Occasionally a hand will get to showdown and you get to see if you guessed right or wrong, then incorporate that information into the way you think about future hands.

and example might be, you see a player who has been opening a lot of buttons, betting big frequently on the flop, turn and river, winning a lot of pots w/o showdown against his opponent who has been folding a lot. Then along comes a hand where he opens preflop and gets called, the flop comes down A95r, he is checked to and cbets 2/3rds pot and is called, the turn is an offsuit 2 and he is again checked to and cbets 2/3rds pot and is called, then the river is a 5 (so the board reads A9525) he is checked to and he checks back AK. ----> what can you infer from that? He didn't make a pretty obvious river value bet so what kind of hands can he have all the times he been shovelling money in on 3 streets? You tell me
08-18-2010 , 04:23 AM
Is 13% ROI sustainable at the 6.25 turbos on stars(mainly 3 tabling,sometimes playing 2 tables).I just finished playing about 300 games with that ROI.I know that its not a big enough sample,and that probably i ran pretty good but i just wanted to know if i should expect a big decrease in my ROI after i'll put in much more games.Is a 13% ROI too much for 3 tabling?The HEM all in ev is close to the real amount won if that matters anyway.
08-18-2010 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by Emus
Just a tip.

Click "Go advanced" when posting.

Then go completely to the right in the blue header stating
"The Two Plus Two Hand Converter: Powered by" and click on "Click to expand". And you have your tool to make HH readable.

For one or other reason people does not seem to see this feature when posting HH.
got this hand from poopoop (universal replayer) without orginal HH.
dc cant parse it
08-18-2010 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by newroot
2 players
[But]+[SB] cardswinin06 (1430)
[BB] newroot (1570)

newroot :Kh :Kc Initial Pot: 30

cardswinin06 raises to 40
newroot raises to 80
cardswinin06 calls 40
### FLOP ### :6s :Ts :As Pot: 160
newroot checks
cardswinin06 bets 80
newroot calls 80
### TURN ### :4c Pot: 320
newroot checks
cardswinin06 bets 100
newroot raises to 240
cardswinin06 calls 140
### RIVER ### :Ah Pot: 800
newroot checks
cardswinin06 checks
newroot shows :Kh :Kc
cardswinin06 shows :Qh :Ad
cardswinin06 wins 800 from the main pot with Three of a kind, aces
that poop formatted HH is so damn ugly. I'd make it 120-160 pre. As played wtf are you doing on turn ?!
08-18-2010 , 12:39 PM
thanks punish!

so in this case, he has likely been betting bluffs or hands with very little showdown value because he knows the opponent is folding a lot. I will try this more although I find hard to do watching because the action is too fast. I have been trying when I look at posted hands but still find myself very wrong except in the most obv cases. Especially HU where people have such wide ranges it just seems like it can be anything.

any other good hand readers have any tips?
