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Big WSOPc Rincon Package Big WSOPc Rincon Package

12-29-2012 , 12:25 PM
Linking this thread in all of bustos packages from now on. Huge clown. What was the verdict?
Big WSOPc Rincon Package Quote
12-29-2012 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Neepohrl
Linking this thread in all of bustos packages from now on. Huge clown. What was the verdict?
You have 25 posts. Your attempt to be relevant will go unnoticed.
Big WSOPc Rincon Package Quote
12-29-2012 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by rrinker
You have 25 posts. Your attempt to be relevant will go unnoticed.
That's perfectly fine. I don't need to sell anything based off my name or post count. Anyone with 1/8th of a brain will see the thread and conclude that busto is an idiot child.

People really buy the it's the principle thing? Busto finds a loophole and tries to get out of it. Just sticking to my principles looool.
Big WSOPc Rincon Package Quote
12-29-2012 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by rrinker
You have 25 posts. Your attempt to be relevant will go unnoticed.
a lot of people in the MP who do a ton of business feel the same way though.

that might be relevant.
Big WSOPc Rincon Package Quote
12-29-2012 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421
a lot of people in the MP who do a ton of business feel the same way though.

that might be relevant.
I understand and agree with your point, but threads like this go on forever like the Tmay thread.
Big WSOPc Rincon Package Quote
12-29-2012 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by rrinker
I understand and agree with your point, but threads like this go on forever like the Tmay thread.
Your own thread seems to have been put to rest before you bumped it with your post linking your twitter looking to sell action. Good job repaying the $ you initially stole from investors though.
Big WSOPc Rincon Package Quote
12-30-2012 , 03:28 AM
Just saw this. Obvious lessons both sides can learn from and any future MP buyers/sellers.

Buyers: always make it clear whether you're booked for action before anything starts
Sellers: always make it clear what the criteria is for action to be booked

As a seller I've been in this scenario a few times and typically my response is to basically tell them if I don't receive it by x time the action's void, or if it's someone I trust I ask them to confirm that they want to book the action by x time (and then we figure payment out later w/e).

Obviously easy to say now just a good lesson for the future.

Anyway in terms of how it actually went down, I think it's pretty clear neither side was trying to freeroll the other, but one of the biggest signs that I think has kinda been ignored is that in the message after busting the first event, was OP only asking for him to send for the 9 events? By sending a message after the 1st event he clearly was leaving the avenue open for NoT to buy/send money for already bought action, so if he hadn't booked anything yet and was only buying the action after he busted the 1st event wouldn't he have been allowed to only pay for 9? If that was the case why was there no mention in the pm that the 1st event was not booked thus he didn't owe for the 1st event and that he now owed for the 9 events if he wanted action for those 9? I think that's the biggest reason I'd side with NoT here in this dispute.

Also I agree if it was just some random and not NoT it'd be way different, but there's a reason for that. If a random with 20 posts comes in and posts, there's a much bigger chance that if OP bricks he can just disappear or claim he didn't understand mp rules and won't be sending etc. There was absolutely no risk of that happening with NoT. He made it clear he wanted the action, and I think even if he hadn't sent until the package was over and OP had bricked them all, that NoT would have (and should have) paid for the 4%.
Big WSOPc Rincon Package Quote
12-31-2012 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by ruhockey12
Since when is any business transaction complete without the transfer of money? Whatever the reasons, when I buy a piece of the package, I know I need to send funds before the start. Bust should have sent a note before the package started, but once it's started and no money was transferred from 2 parties that do not know each other,the action should be dead no matter what happens unless before a specific tournament starts busto would have agreed to take a smaller payment for the tourneys left. I don't think there was any intentional gaming here, but bottom line, there is no credit on 2 plus 2. Money is king. Glad busto did donate but I don't think he had to. 6 days before transferring funds after a package started, I don't think it matters what words transpired.

If you have ever done a lottery pool like 20 people going in to buy tickets for let's say a mega drawing, if your money is not collected when the tickets are purchased, your out.
This. Unless there is some sort of personal relationship and understanding all I see are people who have very little practical, real world experience. No money, no action.
Big WSOPc Rincon Package Quote
12-31-2012 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
...I think even if he hadn't sent until the package was over and OP had bricked them all, that NoT would have (and should have) paid for the 4%.
You think, but you don't know. No one does. He just as easily could've said, "I didn't see my name on the reserved section, so I thought the action wasn't book" - and just like many are doing now by using his reputation to give him the benefit of the doubt, he would've gotten it in that circumstance as well.
Big WSOPc Rincon Package Quote
01-04-2013 , 03:23 AM
The reason he's getting the benefit of the doubt because of his reputation is because the right thing to do if he clearly made it known he wanted the action, then the package finished and he bricked them all, would be to ship. The reason people with no rep would not get the benefit of the doubt is there's no reason to believe they would ship in that instance and thus paying would be a freeroll. But in this case NoT has a good reputation as in general doing what's right. Because of that it is assumed he would do what's right if my scenario happened.
Big WSOPc Rincon Package Quote
01-04-2013 , 03:24 AM
I mean I still think the nail in the coffin is the fact that he asked for money to be sent AFTER one event and never even mentioned him only having to pay for 9 events rather than the full 10. He clearly would have accepted money for the full 10 after 1 event so he clearly thought it was booked.
Big WSOPc Rincon Package Quote
01-09-2013 , 03:54 AM
Are arbitration results going to be posted in here eventually?
Big WSOPc Rincon Package Quote
01-09-2013 , 08:03 PM
We haven't managed to find a common time when all three of us are online as of now. As soon as we are done we're going to post the result here, no worries.
Big WSOPc Rincon Package Quote
02-03-2013 , 03:25 PM
Dan and me reached an agreement in private: I will give him 2% of the action, gonna ship $375 - $120 = $255 through paypal.
Big WSOPc Rincon Package Quote
