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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan Summer Grind | 1Mil VPPs in 111 days | 0k profit post rb Jdawg91/slayerv1fan Summer Grind | 1Mil VPPs in 111 days | 0k profit post rb

11-16-2014 , 09:10 PM
i really admire ur work ethic op. you seem to be a very consistent grinder, congrats on the recent scores! do you have any tips on how to improve your MTT game?
11-17-2014 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Sick work keep it up
Thx broski, do you play Merge/WPN at all or just playing live cash now and again still? Sorry if I've already asked same exact question, my memory is really bad these days when it comes to non personal grind related stuff .

Originally Posted by starting gun
damn Josh nice work!!!
Heyoo thanks man, hows FLA treating ya?

Originally Posted by StormBorn
Sick results lately.

You planning on sticking with MTT's or going back to hypers next year? Seems like your a lot happier playing MTT's anyway.
Yea as I've said numerous times over the past few years, my true passion is MTTs. SNGs really bore me, it's the same monotonous **** day in and day out. I love the fact that any day in any given MTT, I might have to make some crazy adjustments on the fly based on ____, ____, ____ or ____ (fill in the blanks with any of many reasons it could be obvs).

I still get a little adrenaline going anytime I'm at the FT of anything with 5figures up top. I think maybe my first like 10 1k hypers I played were interesting/fun to sweat, after that I was backed to being bored. It's pretty nice that I wake up and am just dying to play, hypers felt like a job (although a better job than anything else I could think of doing atm) and MTTs I'm just like a kid in a candy store.

Anyway yea, I will still have to play sngs as I couldn't fathom quitting/losing SNE, just seems silly. Probably will do something like play a few hyper sessions per week pre peak/post peak and then just do MTTs the rest of the time with some 9m/18m turbos mixed in.

Originally Posted by thegreatdonaa
Wow nice stuff sir!
(hifive) thx!

Originally Posted by 4GET2PWNED0
Been following ur threads occasionally for the past year anda half or so. Congrats on the recent mtt success, but even moreso congrats on making changes for the better for yourself off the felt, definitely a correlation between the two! I'm from chitown myself(went to Canada for 6mos now grinding live on west coast) so I'm def rooting for a fellow illinoisan but how the fk can ya be a fudgepacker fan lol? Atleast u got love for the hawks and hopefully the bulls. Keep crushing the rest of 2014 kid and gl in 15!
Heyo thanks man, and yea definitely agree with ya. I'm starting to feel a bit better and am getting a bit better sleep which is great, but still not completely back to normal.

Yea there's def some correlation, and I'm def running hot, but honestly a lot of it is the fact that I'm playing against both ******s and ****** regs now instead of playing in literally some of the toughest games with the smallest edges that have run all of online poker history.

Sick brags getting into Canada , **** those mfers imo. What part of chitown you from? Play any Rockford Charitable at all or nah? I went towards the city for a little bit right after BF, found a really sweet PLO game in iirc Downers Grove that I never posted about. Anyway tyty, same to you ofc!

Originally Posted by moremore
can i ask why 2pcs/mouse/kb?
Thx for the PM, I checked out the software and hated it heh. For me personally its more optimal to just do what I'm doing right now over that program. I am going to look into that 2nd link you sent me though, thanks for that!

Originally Posted by Sauron92
The real question is "why not 3?".

*Dem mtts*
(flex), u guys unbanned yet? Pretty ridic of PS

Originally Posted by Everest17
nice setup, looks like a lot of action haha
Haha indeed, it gets quite crazy for about 2 hours on Sunday afternoon when the 2nd monitor is completely filled up after the US site majors start as I usually have a few euro site games up still and that is my highest table count on PS usually as well. Think today I hit 25 tables at the craziest time (trying to think, ps tbl counter read 12 + 2 party + 3 ftp + 1 micro + 3 merge + 2 wpn + 2 ipoker + 1 ongame, 26 i guess) at 14:00 PST. But I don't ever miss hands and rarely dip into timebanks so seems it's quite fine

Originally Posted by neil02
i really admire ur work ethic op. you seem to be a very consistent grinder, congrats on the recent scores! do you have any tips on how to improve your MTT game?
Thanks yea I do work my tail off, especially now as I'm broke . Uhhh I don't really have any specific strat, would just suggest to think outside the box and get creative. There's very little 'sick' **** that I'm doing in game, some ppl think that the guys who crush are just playing and winning every hand and that's just not how it happens, in most cases heh (crownupguy comes to mind as someone who crushes and runs seemingly bat**** crazy #s ). Edges have become small enough now that I think the biggest edge you can have is playing a nonstandard style where you're putting villains in situations they aren't used to, specifically on turns and rivers. Oh man backer gonna be yelling at me, no more strat from me


Kinda **** Sunday, I did get 3rd in the party turbo major for nearly 2k, but had a lot of deepish runs that never developed fully, seems like a standard sunday heh. Think I maybe finished -6k on the day, although sold some action so wasn't anywhere near that much on my stake br.

FT bubbled the 162 Trex (18k up top) losing a 3way AI with AA, that kind of sucked. Lost another 3way AI my JJ vs 77 and AK for a TON of chips to ft bubble the microgaming major, that kind of sucked. JJ<99 for a boatload of chips with about 100 left in the bigger 109, etc etc. I'll stop there bc nobody cares, myself included.

I'm off to bed in a couple mins, trying to get PT4 setup in time to test out this new MTT hud tomorrow, but not sure it will happen. Hope all my sng friends bink lots of goldens! Other than $30 45s and $35-60 180s, don't really plan to load any sngs, although maybe I'll pop in and play a session of turbos or hypers for the sweat.

Glgl all!
11-17-2014 , 04:24 AM
Unbanned indeed (sun) I guess we were real (bandit) since it took like 135hrs vs. the 72hrs they told us they'd let us know within. Just means Party, Wina, etc. Has more customers now (woops) (cool)

... And a few days later Amaya then buys Party (not to much (flex))

#Skype'n on 2p2 #aintnothing #justwokeupandalreadywritingnonesense #ohmondays
11-18-2014 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
Heyoo thanks man, hows FLA treating ya?
so good!!! About 4 weeks since I've played a hand of poker & I have not missed it
11-19-2014 , 02:19 AM
Jdawg, why dont you try to be the first player that gets sne from playing only mtts? two birds with one haha
11-19-2014 , 10:02 AM
is it even possible to get sne playin mtt 24/7/365 ?
11-19-2014 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by dybboss
is it even possible to get sne playin mtt 24/7/365 ?
Think Dhilton12 did it but he played a TON
11-19-2014 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by ValuetownJL
Think Dhilton12 did it but he played a TON
He had to grind (and lose like >60k iirc) playing SNG's near the end for a (few?) month(s).
11-19-2014 , 02:07 PM
Will have a long post tonight when I'm winding down/done and will respond to stuff then. Quite certain sauron is right in this last post ^, same with that other TLB grinding ****** mtt reg from like 3-4 yrs back although he mighta dumped at cash (not sure he got SNE, and cant think of his sn; was guy who got DQ'd for trying to give ppl extra money to dump 1st place to him for the points).

But yea no chance I do that + I don't even want to support PS anymore, which I will get into in my post tonight

Gla grinding today
11-19-2014 , 05:09 PM
11-20-2014 , 05:59 PM
waiting for post
11-20-2014 , 06:09 PM
Haha it's in the works as I'm playing but am 3/9 in the 320 6m and getting kinda deep in the big 109 so mostly concentrating atm
11-20-2014 , 06:28 PM
QQ<AJs aipf for overall CL 8 left, showers. Time to keep writing
11-20-2014 , 06:34 PM
11-20-2014 , 09:05 PM
Sweet looking sunset (sun)

Also failing at writing this post, maybe like halfway done?

11-20-2014 , 09:19 PM
Bro Raider game at plan B, be there or B square. one time
11-20-2014 , 09:23 PM
from fb

wish i didnt literally just get in the merge 215, wpn 109 and ps 4pm 109 fo
id come watch

and i have inf in both us site fo's which have ridic good structures
11-21-2014 , 01:13 AM
11-21-2014 , 10:54 AM
Hahah I should have done a once over before hitting the submit button I suppose. Was snap pointed out by someone, and I lol'd at myself, but obviously me winning >$57,418.63 pre RB doesn't equate to PS losing money on me, $s won pre rb come from other players, ldo. My goal is all based around PS not making money off of me in 2015. But ya, I guess this is what you get for writing up a like 5-6 page essay while multisiting MTTs all day long and then refusing to read it over even once before posting .

Also I lol'd mr sandals, <3.

Okay time to start up for the day with the Big75, 4 long days of mtts here we come! Gla
11-21-2014 , 12:57 PM
good post, but id remove the schedule. that really really dumb of you to post
11-22-2014 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by Haarlem91
good post, but id remove the schedule. that really really dumb of you to post

11-22-2014 , 08:54 AM
Why? I thought he said he wanted short term profit loss in order to increase long term poker economy.
11-22-2014 , 12:17 PM
Yea maybe shouldn't have posted full sched but I just don't really care about my short term expectation, f stars.

This is too good, have to post this. So ran lololol bad hu in the ipoker €50^3 10k yday, kept chipping this euro site ****reg down and then he'd double back. There were a total of 445k chips in play and I won a shade over 800k chips in EV

Winning hand

    IPoker, $45.50 Buy-in (5,000/10,000 blinds, 1,000 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 2 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #32854632

    Hero (BB): 385,524 (38.6 bb)
    SB: 59,476 (5.9 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BB with A Q
    SB raises to 58,476 and is all-in, Hero calls 48,476

    Flop: (118,952) T 9 Q (2 players, 1 is all-in)
    Turn: (118,952) 3 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
    River: (118,952) 6 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

    Results: 118,952 pot
    Final Board: T 9 Q 3 6
    Hero mucked A Q and won 118,952 (59,476 net)
    SB showed K T and lost (-59,476 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    Hitting the grind decently hard today as well, gla!
    11-22-2014 , 12:50 PM
    Originally Posted by Kev1n
    hi goodluck!
    Why are you spam posting some form of 'gl' in every pg&c? Either nicest new acct ever or you're about to be up to no good.

    Either way, mod detective time (bandit)
    11-22-2014 , 01:23 PM
