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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan Summer Grind | 1Mil VPPs in 111 days | 0k profit post rb Jdawg91/slayerv1fan Summer Grind | 1Mil VPPs in 111 days | 0k profit post rb

11-24-2014 , 06:18 PM
Sweet, guess I need to deposit some for next sunday **** bowl softwares
11-24-2014 , 06:21 PM
im guessing 18k euros up top

11-24-2014 , 06:49 PM
gg, not bad
11-24-2014 , 06:52 PM
Haha decently sick, 4th for 7.3k euros.

Jammed btn with iirc like 12bb as 3/4 with AK and bb wakes up KK, oh well. Wasn't much of anything I could do at that ft with the stack setup, think I did as much as I could; made a cpl sick laydowns on the way to laddering
11-24-2014 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
Haha decently sick, 4th for 8k euros.
11-24-2014 , 08:10 PM
damn, jdwag. you're going to be a super scary mtt player.
11-24-2014 , 08:20 PM
gl in big 55
11-24-2014 , 08:36 PM
@setup, that is super legit, like it a lot. I am very used to my setup and it doesn't bother me at all, I actually have trouble when I"m not using this setup as I've had it for so long now.

I doubt I'll be upgrading mine anytime soon, I just don't need it and I love what I have now and am quite used to it, so why make a change, especially when you have a negative net worth .

That being said, always love seeing what others are using and much <3 for that

Originally Posted by Gramps
Better grind hard/save up with that new setup. For only 13k pesos, you can get a season pass to the Torobar luxury suite in 2015...
Damn looks legit, I def want to go to some games, but you know I grind super hard all summer long and pass up on a lot of the fun, and that won't be changing in 2015. Def have to try to make it to at least half a dozen games though as that was wayyy too much fun.

Originally Posted by moremore
True datttt

Originally Posted by 0desmu1
damn, jdwag. you're going to be a super scary mtt player.
Haha I'm just clicking buttons (sun)

Originally Posted by Solidthought
gl in big 55
Thx mate, sorry if I was harsh on you and abarone the other day, was a bad day for me .

Also 12/16 in the ipoker €250 highroller as i type this, lescoo


Thanks for the sweat guys, that was quite a wild late morning/early afternoon. I started skipping some mtts knowing I'd have day 2 of the ipoker major starting but just started going deep in everything, was FT of the 109 benjamin on ftp, ft of 30^3, deep in 320 6m, had hella in the 530 6m plo, mounds earlyish ipoker €250 hrer etc, was quite hectic.

Lost a bunch of AIs in the 320 6m to ft bubble, chopped 30^3 as i said itt, then get it in with 70% eq otf with villain drawing dead after tons of turns and he gets there vs me to have me bust 18th 530 plo, at least i cashed i suppose . Also got 11th 265 KO earlier today after iirc A4s<QTs to double up a 12bb stack then lost a flip afterwards to bust.

Yea anyway, was nice to save my sunday + more after how **** it was (only cashed the mil and party 500 + had the ipoker major left). Gonna finish these tournaments then head to dinner with patman and then to get drinks/snacks for rest of the week as I will be going nuts with MTTs with Carnival week. Glgl all!

Edit: Oh yea, rungood continuing this afternoon, binking H44 ticket
11-24-2014 , 08:57 PM
no worries dawg!

my posts were silly anyways lol

glglgl now! GOGOGO
11-24-2014 , 09:56 PM
4/4 215 turbo, 8k up top, could be fun

25/29 in the big 55, cant get anything rolling

ft bubbled ipoker hrer , oh well, cant complain
11-24-2014 , 10:15 PM
QUADAMENTS 6666 gogogogo
11-24-2014 , 11:30 PM
7/9 big 55, 21.5k up top, lets climb the ladder!
11-24-2014 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
Damn looks legit, I def want to go to some games, but you know I grind super hard all summer long and pass up on a lot of the fun, and that won't be changing in 2015. Def have to try to make it to at least half a dozen games though as that was wayyy too much fun.
Yeah, <<< gonna get the 499 pesos GA season ticket and won't come close to the 17 games required to make it worth it $EV-wise. Just want the honor/life $EV value of being a Tijuana Toros season ticket holder.

Sounds like selective MTTs + mixing in other games here or there is the good grind.
11-24-2014 , 11:45 PM
gg man
11-24-2014 , 11:46 PM
boo woulda been nice! 6th for 4.7k

    Poker Stars, $50 Buy-in (15,000/30,000 blinds, 3,750 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 6 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #32912822

    MP: 2,110,784 (70.4 bb)
    Hero (CO): 275,240 (9.2 bb)
    BTN: 505,551 (16.9 bb)
    SB: 3,404,149 (113.5 bb)
    BB: 1,386,632 (46.2 bb)
    UTG: 477,644 (15.9 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is CO with A J
    UTG raises to 62,400, MP folds, Hero raises to 271,490 and is all-in, 3 folds, UTG calls 209,090

    Flop: (610,480) A 9 K (2 players, 1 is all-in)
    Turn: (610,480) 5 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
    River: (610,480) 9 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

    Results: 610,480 pot
    Final Board: A 9 K 5 9
    Hero showed A J and lost (-275,240 net)
    UTG showed 5 5 and won 610,480 (335,240 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
    11-25-2014 , 12:02 AM
    Hope you keep running deep, fun to open up stars and have something somewhat interesting to sweat. Nice scores today!
    11-25-2014 , 02:32 AM
    Originally Posted by dybboss
    sorry Jdawg for derailing your thread :P

    its easy, plug and play as long as you have graphics card that can support 3 screens (most older ones supported 2)
    30` monitor ~1k$ , used one ~650$?
    side monitors ~100$ each (used ones)
    if you are baller you can always go for 2x 30`
    so max like 1.5k for a good computer set up, does it support gaming and are 2 monitors really a big difference than 3?

    btw jdawg you killing it, hope you're new healthier lifestyle going well too
    11-25-2014 , 07:40 AM
    nice score pal! keep it up
    11-25-2014 , 09:01 AM
    teach me man!

    btw. how many tables u play when MTT'ing ?
    11-25-2014 , 11:53 AM
    Originally Posted by Gramps
    Yeah, <<< gonna get the 499 pesos GA season ticket and won't come close to the 17 games required to make it worth it $EV-wise. Just want the honor/life $EV value of being a Tijuana Toros season ticket holder.

    Sounds like selective MTTs + mixing in other games here or there is the good grind.
    Haha yea if I wasn't busto I'd probably do the same tbh, am into that sort of thing as well. I should always be in for any Tues night or Wed night game, so hopefully we can catch some on those days!

    I've been seeing you in some 82 hypers, stay away imo

    Originally Posted by dragoon0278
    gg man
    thx bro, forgot to pm you back and i likely will again again as I'm already grinding, gogo @ 18s/agree. think they are a much better choice than f50s based on what you used to play

    Originally Posted by TheTyman9
    Hope you keep running deep, fun to open up stars and have something somewhat interesting to sweat. Nice scores today!
    Haha yea for sure, I try to remember to post anytime I'm deep in something that has some $s up top or would be fun to sweat, hopefully I'm not coming off as obnoxious to some ppl itt, just trying to keep my US friends entertained!

    Originally Posted by Solidthought
    nice score pal! keep it up
    Thx boss , need to catch up on your pg&c, hopefully vpps are coming nicely for you!

    Originally Posted by OMGsuperstaR
    teach me man!

    btw. how many tables u play when MTT'ing ?
    Uhhh honestly it really depends on time of day and what I'm feeling like. There are some days when I start and don't add in sngs + don't bother to mix in any lower stakes and then will be not playing a lot of tables obv.

    But yea during peak time I'm pretty much just playing mid-hs's and then add in like the big 27 tko, big 25 6m hyper (usually dont reg the 16.50 turbo 20ks, or lower obv, unless I'm busting everything) and I usually have 18-25 tables up among all the sites.

    Sunday when the US sites all start up I pretty much always hit 25-30 tables for a short time, unless I happen to be deep in something early in which case I start late regging stuff and skipping turbos to keep my table count more manageable.

    That was one of the nice things about living a 1min walk from thelipofund and being around him quite often while he was TLB grinding last yr, I picked up a lot of tips and tricks on how to optimize schedule to where you get in a lot of mtts per day but table count is never out of hand.

    Originally Posted by Everest17
    so max like 1.5k for a good computer set up, does it support gaming and are 2 monitors really a big difference than 3?

    btw jdawg you killing it, hope you're new healthier lifestyle going well too
    Yea for monitors themselves, 1500 sounds right for about cheapest you could get a 30" plus another monitor. I got my 30" for $1k 1 month used (about 1500usd retail price) from D2themfi and then Boliver pretty much handed me his 2 28.5" monitors before he left (both were ~500usd retail iirc).

    To run 2 monitors, esp if one is a 30", have to have a decent computer/graphics card, I'm not good with prices on comps at all so hopefully someone else could chime in with more precise info but just for example my gaming laptop cost me about $2k usd and I still had to upgrade the graphics card to be able to run a dell 30" at full res + another monitor.

    Desktops, especially if you can build it yourself/have someone build for you are much cheaper in that regard, I would guess you could build something for about $800usd that would do the trick, but once again, I don't know much about computers and that's just sort of a semi educated guess.


    On the grind, Ipoker is down atm, if anyone grinds there and reads this and it happens to come back, would you post itt or pm me plz; as I will likely forget to check again.

    Gonna be first time I'm ever actually really grinding when my maid is here working, not sure how some guys are able to concentrate so well when there is some person zooming around, cleaning, making noise etc (and then asking dolty questions to you in another language ), luckily grind setup is in one of my other 2bedrooms so am kind of out of the way.

    Will post if I have any cool sweats, glgl
    11-25-2014 , 12:13 PM
    i payed like 100$ for my crappy video card 3 years ago and its fine for work and couple monitors (even 2 30`)

    Originally Posted by Everest17
    so max like 1.5k for a good computer set up, does it support gaming and are 2 monitors really a big difference than 3?
    depends on your needs, when i bought 30` and ditched 2*24 i started stacking the next one 11inch would do fine

    as to gaming, depends what you want to game i wouldnt recommend playing csgo or quake or whatever on these, as ex cs 'semi pro' i could clearly see latency/lag and it wasnt fun, but if you arent trying to play on very high level it will do ok. If you want to play dota2 or league or single player games it should be fine. There are gaming 27` monitors out there with 144hz and like 2ms response, you can get one of these if you are hardcore gamer

    Last edited by dybboss; 11-25-2014 at 12:19 PM.
    11-25-2014 , 12:34 PM
    OP straight crushing glgl
    11-25-2014 , 06:21 PM
    5/8 215 turbo, 10.5k up top. also 9/15 hot 75, 15k up top
    11-25-2014 , 06:27 PM
    gl with these two ft's and the h75

    Last edited by J10AllIn; 11-25-2014 at 06:28 PM. Reason: sick AK > 77 gogo
    11-25-2014 , 06:38 PM
    4th 215t for like 4.4k, now 5/12 hot 75

